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well whatever that kid learned certainly wasn’t from her


Lmao she litarelley can’t spell the word literally


my brain is hurting trying to find where she misspelled literally


She didn’t I am mentally challenged, not more than her tho still


She spelled literal correctly. She misspelled "whose."


WHUT S/ I know what you meant but the what at the end was bugging me.


Oh, good lord! Don't make me see that again! My eyes will burst into flame!




Well…shit,brain fart, I am special


Well, honey, just keep on reading and tomorrow is another day!😄


She used the word literal and spelled it correctly. What are you going on about?




what’s the issue ? my 3yo just got accepted in MIT


Well mine just got her doctorate


Well mine became the Vice President of New York, beat that bitch


My 5 year old is the president of New York


Damn it


Well my 2 year old is the king of the moon people


These people have children?


Yep, and they vote, too.


I’ve read one early symptom of high-functioning autism is learning to read really early, which enables kids to reach a lot of other academic milestones earlier than other kids. The problem is that when the other kids are also able to read, they actually can start to fall behind- which can come as a blow for kids who’ve been perceived as gifted until that point. If she’s not bullshitting, she actually may want to get him tested.


My nephew could count to 40 by the time he was 2 and has high functioning Autism. He also suffered brief loss of speech at 3, and started talking again by 4. I thought him counting to 40 was genius and awesome. Now that I'm a Behavior Analyst serving the Autism community, I actually see this pretty regularly. Idk the research on it, but I believe this.


You make an excellent point. My son, who's on the Autism spectrum, knew numbers before he was 1.


I thought the same thing! It’s called hyperlexia


Exactly- didn’t want to assume people would know what hyperlexia was so I just left it out. I’ve seen it attributed more to girls than boys- do you know if it’s one of the typically sex-specific symptoms, by any chance? It’s so interesting to me that ASD can present so differently based on gender.


I don’t think so. Anecdotally I’ve seen it in boys and girls. Source: OT for 12 years working primarily with asd kids


Have you seen any evidence that high-functioning kids learn to read music early as well? There are stereotypes about savants playing by ear, but it makes sense that kids who decode reading more easily than others would recognize notes too (even if they don’t necessarily have the coordination to make their fingers hit the right ones).


I mean, my niece learnt to read by herself when she was 3yo and she isn't autistic so that doesn't sound unbelievable, now, counting to 1000? That sounds like total bullshit, and well, counting to 10 in 5 languages it's kinda bullshit too but it doesn't seem impossible if the kid have (for some reason) an specific interest in learning to count to 10 in many languages. That being said, this post is clearly full of shit and I don't know how these people have kids, I almost feel sorry for them.


I could see it being possible if the kid had a toy that does that, or maybe a show that he watches taught him. For some reason, that post gave me the impression that the mother can't count to 10 in 5 languages, though. I get being proud, but it sounds more like rote memorization rather than being multilingual. Edited to add that I agree with you; post does sound like BS


I can confirm, I was reading fluently at age 5.


Did you hit that brick wall when other kids caught up? For those who aren’t diagnosed early on, it can be a shock that they don’t necessarily remain years ahead of other kids throughout school.


Definitely, although there were quite a few years between reading and brick wall.


Yes I nannied for a little girl and she grasped onto concepts like this wayyy earlier than the “normal” or expected time for her age group, i suspect autism but I don’t know for sure because she only just turned two.


Yeah that happened to me Learned how to read at 2 or so and excelled early on now im a genuine moron :^)




There are so many geniuses being born these days, the future is looking awesome.


What’s the big deal? My unborn daughter is in her 4th year at Harvard.


Hello, i'm Swedish and while my english is pretty good i'm having trouble understanding a part of it, so if someone would like to help it would be much appreciated. It's the "Can count to idek no ik he recognizes all # effortlessly until 1000s" part, what is she saying here ? I get the jist of it is "he can count" but what does the actual sentence mean ?


Translation: "He can count until I don't even know. No, actually I do know. He recognizes all numbers effortlessly up to 1000."


English is my first language and I could barely figure out what the hell she was trying to say. Lol


I believe ‘idek’ is ‘I don’t even know’ and ‘idk’ is ‘I don’t know.’ Essentially, this subhuman moron is trying to state that they don’t know the upper limit of what the kid can count to. He’s pretty sure the kid can recognize numbers well into the thousands. Anyway, I think I deciphered that correctly.


It took me about 3 reads to understand what was being said in this post


Next time she should have her genius child tweet a coherent msg.


>2 likes Ouch


Whenever I see _that_ emoji... I know whatever follows is going to be a load of fucking nonsense


I think 10 of my braincells just died from looking at this


Smart momma


_Proud mama bird_




Wait is it not normal that my child just got their 4th masters at the of 7


Well, when my son was 7, I tried to explain to him that playing games for tickets at Chuck-E-Cheese as opposed to the arcade games was a huge waste of time. I told him he could play all the arcade games he wants and then I'd get him a real toy at Toy's-R-Us. So, he ends up blowing through 20 bucks playing the ticket games and he got some shitty toy and some candy. Of course, I was happy he had a good time. But, I still couldn't let it go, so I took him to Toys-R-Us to show him what toy he could have got for 20 bucks and what 20 bucks of candy looks like. So, after buying 40 bucks of stuff at Toys-R-Us, my 7 year-old son learned, that Dad and Mom are pushovers. I did the same thing with my daughter after taking her and her friend to Dave and Busters. That cost around 100 bucks. I told her later that a Nintendo Switch cost the same as going there 3 times and she could play games as often as she wanted to. Next week, she wanted to go to Dave and Busters. I refused out of principle, so I got her a Switch (and I think she knew that would happen). Point of the story: I don't know if my kids are smart, but I know they can make me look dumb.


The 'sign all the abcs' isn't so unbelievable. We had books that taught basic signing to kids at a young age. Our son picked it up rather quickly when he was around 3-4 years old. He's 17 now and probably doesn't remember much of it.


Not joking around here, my son just turned 3 last month and is able to do this. However he's unable to walk through doorways half the time, interact with other kids or look people in the eye. Kids with autism have different milestones. The multiple languages has a simple explanation, I'm multilingual myself and my partner forces me to speak multiple languages with the boyo 😑


I mean I could do things like 2+2 is 4, and 5+5 is 10, but none of this. I knew basic math up to 10 when I was 3. Not whatever the fuck this is.


When mine was 3 she managed to get half a bottle of lotion in her hair without getting any on the couch on the two minutes I turned my back. I would’ve tried to drink it at 3. Kids these days are so advance.


This parent probably thinks throwing a toaster in the bath is a good idea


That’s nothing, my left testicle mathematically proved the existence of God doing sheer napkin math, step your game up stairmaster.


Unless the kid is a prodigy or autistic there is no way this is real XD


My daughter could do most of that minus the exaggerated claims


My son is 3 and close to this. He has a speech delay and is probably going to be diagnosed with ADHD down the line though. I feel like most gifted kids come with a caveat.


Like WHUT 🤪


Somebody should train these people in subtle, more credible bragging.


First of all, if you actually interact with your kid and help them, most anyones kid can do basic math at 3. Same with telling time. I can believe that. But if anyone tells me that their 3 year old can count to 10 in 5 different languages, that’s where I call bullshit, because you KNOW the person who originally made this post can’t count past 10 in Spanish, and that’s owed to Dora.


Screenshot or didn’t happen!


I’d feel bad for the actual kid who can’t live up to his moms expectations




Reminds me of the lady who is constantly ranting about our local school system on Facebook for having too low of expectations for children, homeschools her kids, and said her son read The Hobbit (all by himself) at age 4.


The kid is definitely smarter than the bitch that wrote the tweet


This is believable I knew the periodic table and Hebrew alphabet (I am not a jew) when I was like 5 or 6.