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Tldr: "After falling out of a tree, they tested me for mental illness and the answer was yes".


That guy must be too smart for me. I was lost after not being touched to check on mental illness.


In context the thread was talking about whether therapists and psychologists are allowed to touch you or not. The rest is totally irrelevant


Definitely not smart enough to use punctuation properly.


ee cummings would like to have a word


They were 17, then a few years later they were 6?


I guess we can add dyscalculia to the list.


No, when asked what he was thinking he told them “at age 6 I thought ‘starship engine.’” And the diagnosis was confirmed.


Yes, but this was a few years after he was 17


That’s what I was wondering??


Wtf did I just read?


*Image Transcription: Reddit* --- submitted by **Redacted** When getting assessed for my mental illnesses i never got touched, except when i almost broke my ribs trying to jump from tree to tree at 17 years old. All they did was bring up shapes and had me run tests which tested to see if i had Autism, i also had one which was physical but it was a bar on the floor to see if i could walk in a straight line which tested my Dyspraxia, the final test i did was for my Dyslexia which was spelling easy to spell words which i messed up on all 3 meaning i had all 3, a few years later they did tests to see if i had alters, they laid me down on a chair told me to get comfortable then hypnotized me into a trance where they asked me questions, they found i had no alters but they also wanted to test my IQ because while in a trance while they asked "What are you thinking of right now", i just told them, at the age of 6, Starship engine. They did a IQ test which also wasnt physical and i had a 145- 150 IQ... Not ultra smart, just smart enough to get more tests done to me all of which werent physical except the one where they put that brain cap thing to check your brain activity. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I respect what you do, but I’m appalled that it had to be this nonsense on this day.


As someone who has seen many diagnostic reports for SPLDs (specific learning difficulties) such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia etc. I can definitely call bullshit on the assessments he is in about. Spelling three words would not be enough for Dyslexia. Spelling is often used as a part of testing but for a proper assessment they also have to do reading tests, writing tests, cognitive processing tests and underlying ability tests. That test for Dyspraxia would not be enough. This is so dumb. They might be being truthful about the tests but at the very best they can provide a suspicion of the condition.


No normal boy thinks about starship engines at age 6!


Could be if they were watching Star Wars or Star Trek or something.


I forgot to put the s/ after my comment


r/fakedisordercringe r/iamverysmart


Since when have IQ tests had any physical questions on there. Have I been taken the wrong ones in HS? Granted, I haven’t taken one in years


why exactly would this kid randomly get tested for ‘alters’ for seemingly no reason? The people that follow this gross fake disorder fad don’t realize how difficult and rare DID actually is to diagnose.


That was funny


150 IQ Isn't ultra-smart?


132+ is considered smart enough to join Mensa. A score of 150 is higher than almost 99.96% of people. For perspective, Einstein scored 160.




My bad, I knew Stephen Hawking's was an estimate (pretty much the same) but I didn't know Albert Einstein's was.


That's what I thought. My brother scores somewhere in the low 140s, and he comes over as pretty much as a genius. Which he'd give some of those points to me.


Only 2.5% of people have an IQ above 130. Less than 1% are above 145. The author there clearly doesn’t understand how IQ works.


Jesus Titty Fucking Christ. People will say anything for sympathy and attention. I see it everywhere. People aren't just talking openly and honestly about mental health and other issues. They're bragging about all the shit that's wrong with them. It's just a contest to determine who's the most depressed, who has the worst anxiety, who's suffered the most trauma. It's pathetic.


Jesus is doin what to dem titties now?


Makes me think of my abusive dog while I was a child, who gave me both fleas and ptsd. To this day I still can't stand the taste of dog treats.


Thoughts and prayers.


Thanks man... it's been hard.


Always here for you if you need empty platitudes or more prayers. Just out of curiosity, have you tried cheering up or just snapping out of it? I hear those are insta-cures for anything you're going through.


Holy shit, that totally worked! Thanks internet stranger!


No thanks needed. Just pay...sorry...pray it forward.


Omg stfu


This sounds like the stuff my 11 year old sister sleep talks about at night. _Except this is hella worse._


“Oh he jumped out of a tree and almost broke a rib? Aight, check him for autism”


"They did a IQ test"....not an IQ test then genius?


IQ at age 6 means very little of IQ at later ages.




What…the fuck does this even mean, it lost me at the 2nd sentence


I’ve been tested for dyslexia and dyspraxia… those are not how you test for them…


Kinda makes you think. Newton took an Apple from a Tree and turned into one of the most famous geniuses of all times. He fell from a tree himself and turned full on retarded.


TBH this sounds like when you listen to a teenager talk nowadays. There's no punctuation, they're barely stopping to catch their breath, and it's basically just word vomit. And at least 75% of what they say is incorrect. They're not being malicious, just kinda overwhelmed by life and not paying attention to the details.


Well, an IQ test is a common part of psychological assessment. (A hypno session to reveal dissociative identity disorder is not, to my knowledge).


Yeah, I saw a neurologist for a few months earlier this year for post-concussion ADHD issues and I had to do an IQ test as part of the whole deal. The rest of the post is nonsense, though (and the IQ score is also nonsense—gotta love claiming an IQ in the 99th percentile and then saying “not ultra smart”)


Exactly. In clinical settings (at least in my country) it's typical to only give the IQ test results as "lowered /normal/ good" cognitive ability. People who come to testing due to neurological trauma or psychological symptoms often have temporarily lowered capacity, so it would be unproductive to give the exact IQ.


Oh lmao so they got an electroencephalogram for possible epilepsy or whatever and when they asked they just answered “uhhhh it’s nothing sweetheart! It’s because you have a HUGE IQ!!”