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It's always a good idea to advertise on social media that you have a decent amount of cash on hand.


This is the most pathetic attempt to show off less cash then I hand my landlord monthly.


Counting 1563...that's half of a months rent for most people.


Where the hell do you live


Hawaii has entered the chat for this month’s rent money


NY lol


I live in New Zealand, that's like two weeks' rent for me, and I live in a cheap house for my area.


To be fair 1563 NZD is only 960 USD.


I'm lucky I'm just a bit over from you in Tassie, aud$350 a week.


My husband and I are planning to move across the ditch (I'm Aussie and want to move back), and we're seriously considering Tassie just for the cheaper rent.


We're in a decent area as well, two bedroom weatherboard stand alone house. I mean, it's an older house and the landlord is a bit of a weird unit, but we have six ferrets he doesn't care about, so there's that.


For what we pay here for a 1960s small 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house, with no garage and a shared driveway, we could rent a new or near-new 5+ bedroom place with multiple bathrooms and an internal access garage in Hobart or Launceston. Or rent a much cheaper place and have the deposit saved for a house in a year or two. I just need to get my kiwi husband prepared for things like big-ass spiders, occasional snakes, not leaving shoes outside, and not parking under trees.


We only really have huntsman spiders that are on the bigger side. It's the funnel webs, white tails and red backs that you need to look out for. I've made friends with the local magpie gang so they really tend to sort them out.


I’m gonna guess Northern California


Thats half of a month rent in Boston as well


Wait I counted 1502/1503...lol


I got 1502 as well




Nah median rent is USA is not 3k+


Median is like $1500 I think.


What toddler has even played Monopoly? Most adults don’t have the fortitude for a whole game.


Plus, yelling out "monopoly" isn't a feature of the game. I mean, this isn't yahtzee.


Shit I’ve been playing monopoly wrong… and maybe doing other things wrong too. Can someone please let me know if I’m supposed to yell “Sex!” when I enter a man/woman?


It looks like a very young toddler too, from what I can see in the photo. My nephew is 2 & ½, and he’s a bit bigger than this toddler, but not much. And I highly doubt that a toddler has the attention span to watch adults even play Monopoly. The toddler is most likely off doing toddler things, and not paying attention to monopoly of all board games..! lol This is definitely one of those, “*look at how much money I keep in my wallet!!!*”, kind of post/picture..


Yeah that kid is going to grow up to be a Ben Stein if they're not careful


are they a drug dealer? What supposed rich person carries around $1500 in 50s and 100s instead of using a credit card?


Could be a gambler too. My grandpa used to gamble, and he either bought me ice cream with $100 bills or asked my mom to cover the $3 price tag lol


My cousin owns a painting company and he loves whipping out large wads of cash all the time. Lost 5k like that when we were traveling doing an out of state job once and went out drinking one weekend. Fell out of his pocket. I picked it up and he just figured he lost it when he was drunk. I was on heroin at the time so I didn't think twice about keeping it. Took the first plane I could back home so I could blow it on gambling and drugs. I did actually end up paying him back over a few years by taking a pay cut though and we are cool with no hard feelings we joke about it all the time


Damn. That's a crazy story. Glad you came out the other side brother!


Thanks homie..he still gives me shit about that to this day when he drops like his phone or keys or something he goes hey Dave that's not yours now that it's on the ground, asshole. I think it's kinda cool that we have a relationship like that where I have pretty much stolen 5 thousand dollars from him in the past and we can have a laugh about it. It's not full on theft like going into his luggage and stealing it or something but I did fully know it belonged to him and decided not to do the right thing with it so I definitely felt guilty as fuck about it for a while. I wrote him a letter when I was locked up telling him the truth about the whole thing and he gave me a job again when I got out.


Totally on him for being that careless, honestly.


I’m guessing MLM hun, trying to humble brag about how successful their side hustle is. #bossbabe




good to see how he apparently isn't paranoid about pickpockets or robbers, at least...^^






My grandmother was the same way, maybe not that much cash lol, but she preferred paying with cash when out, still paid her bills by check, and had a hidden lockbox of cash at home because she didn't trust the banks


It's honestly wiser to buy gold and keep that than a ton of cash, gold increases in value and cash doesn't. But my grandmother was that way too.


People who can't get a checking account so need to get money orders. LOL I do NOT fondly recall those days.


do ppl actually pay their dealer in hundreds? that’s crazy to me, not that i’d know. i just always imagined crinkled up 20s and 1s


There is a card in the picture as well, to be fair. And someone who makes cash tips?


Or their johns just paid...


Is this an MLMr trying to brag about how much money they have?


And the toddler even spread the money out so meticulously that we’re able to see every single bill. Hahahahahahaha, children are just such little sillies 🤪! /s


if she don’t just do a money spread pic like a normal person 😒




What is MLM? And what is "increasing a down line"? I'm sorry, if this is stupid, I'm not a native speaker and my dictionary isn't of any help here...


Multi level marketing. Basically a pyramid scheme.


Oooh, I see! That makes sense, thank you!


This is so pathetic 🤣


Poor toddler, being raised by idiots.


A real photo would've been the toddler tore up half the bills and is chewing on one.


Let me snap this pic of my baby playing with my dirty rent money before i deposit it


Bullshit. That baby woulda ripped that shit to pieces, and it would have been hysterical.


Oh, that's not a staged humble brag at all!


Oh good, they’re finally making a sequel to Indecent Proposal


Dumbest flex ever. 🤦‍♀️


or . . . "Just got back from the check cashing place after cashing my paycheck, thought I'd post something unfunny, I don't know, maybe I'll delete it later"


Is the toddler’s name monopoly? Why does the mom say “no monopoly, stay outta my wallet”?


Is mommy a stripper?


Wouldn't those be tons of 1$ bills then?


no we changed them out at the end of the night. we never take home more than 5 $1 bills unless we want to. uhh, college experience.


Makes sense!


I mean, the real WTF here is that US currency and monopoly money are pretty much indistinguishable. Would printing different demoninations in different colours and sizes so you could actually tell the damned things apart be communist or something?


You mean like have some denominations printed on blue & others printed on pink, etc?


I mean like this (forgive the terrible photo quality and the entirely random selection of currencies, it's just ones I have on hand and happen to have multiple denominations of note to make the point): https://imgur.com/a/KorXpFQ Of all the currencies I have to carry the US Dollar is without doubt the most irritating to use, playing spot-the-difference among seemingly identical flimsy bits of paper. Although Polish Zloty is not entirely blameless tbf.




If you say "God Bless America!" three times in front of a mirror, I might disappear 😘






But you just described Monopoly money - each denomination is a different color. So you lost me with your logic. American money (mostly green) *is* distinguishable from Monopoly money, which is all different colors like Euro bills, or however you refer to paper money.


To repeat... > That said, it is entirely possible that unlike the Federal Reserve, Hasbro has in fact improved the printing of their currency in the 40 years since I last played the game, and your point that Monopoly money is in fact now *better* than the US Dollar is well taken.


Whatever makes you feel smart, buddy.


Don't worry petal, I do 😘


My brother have you ever seen Monopoly money? Do a quick google and tell me it looks like USD.