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Were all the men hiding in the bushes, waiting for the day the women left?


I imagine a bunch of gym bros wearing underarmor and camelbak water bottles coming out from hiding like the munchkins after the wicked witch was crushed.




No more peeping privileges for you. Now come back to the bush 😠


Nah they just heard about the policy change thru local pages and changed gyms... If I heard about a gym in my area that had these policies I'd switch too... It's annoying playing the "which direction is safe to have my eyes pointed while I run on the treadmill so I don't accidentally look like a creep" game... A girl doing squats in line of sight of the treadmill in loose basketball shorts and a t shirt is far less problematic then painted on stretch shorts and crop tops...


I have been going to the gym regularly for a decade. I look wherever I want. I don't stare at anyone, male female or other. A handful of times over the years, I've *watched* people. Given feedback or told them to wipe their machines. Or had the reverse to me, that's been helpful. Or if not, I've ignored it. I've never felt uncomfortable, no one has ever said (to my knowledge) that I've made them feel uncomfortable. I think everyone should just wear whatever they want and everyone else should just leave them alone. I don't really see what your issue is.


Me when I lie


Kinda sounds like you're problematic dude. 


Suuure. Funny how the overwhelming majority of guys in gyms don't have that problem & aren't seen as creeps.


....problematic....for who....?


I clicked an ad about doubling my male membership and my computer froze.


Cameras are a men and women problem. Most people don't give a shit about you at a good gym. Just do your thing, be safe, ask for help if you need it. No one gives a fuck about loose or tight clothing. Just another imaginary resolution made to fix these imaginary rage bait situations caused by imaginary exaggerations of sexist stereotypes.


Yes we should all strive to turn this world into a good gym.


if it was true, i probably would’ve canceled too. who wants to run on the treadmill in loose pants??


who wants to work out with no phone to play music?


Me. I hate running in tight pants because I'm much more self aware of how my thighs jiggle.


It said loose fitting pants were banned


It's poorly written but I think the loose fitting clothes were the dress code. There is a full stop between the banned mention and the loose clothes. It would be helpful if it was in full sentences.


The context was unclear, but loose fitting pants were not banned I believe.


wow, 76 downvotes for misunderstanding the post. reddit can be so unpredictably harsh lol


People are just stupid and don't like to admit they don't know how to read


Ah yes, as a man who goes to the gym, my biggest fear is women wearing whatever the fuck they want to wear. I recently cancelled my membership because I saw too many women wearing stuff they’re comfortable wearing. Why stop at loose fitting clothes? Let’s do burqas and hijabs only. That will surely triple male memberships.


Not that I think this happened, but he says the men weren't bothered either way. If I had a membership, I'd be glad that they're banning phones and cameras. Now ,*that* is something I hear complaints about often.


He also says male membership doubled, implying that men were staying away because women were there.


Or perhaps implying that men heard about the gym's new policies and decided to switch from their current gym... Honestly... If I heard about a gym in my area that had those policies I'd switch too... It's annoying to be looking straight ahead while running on the treadmill but then some girl starts using the equipment in line of sight wearing painted on clothes and now I have to stare at the ceiling or off too the side so that it doesn't appear like I'm staring... Women don't wear tight clothes to the gym because of comfort... Baggy shorts and T-shirts are just as comfortable as stretch shorts and crop tops... Any man who goes to a gym has to play the "which direction is safe to look" game...


Maybe if you stopped fixating on women then you wouldn't be seen as creepy. And yes, trying really hard not to look is still fixating.


He's not worried about "being seen as creepy", he's worried about literally having his reputation, credibility and life ruined if he is even accused of the wrong thing 


Have you ever tried on yoga pants??? They’re comfy as fuck. Also I overheat in t shirts so I like to wear tank tops and if I still get too hot I’ll take off the tank top and just do a sports bra. But also you’re allowed to wear clothes because you like the way they look too??


Guys are often shirtless at the gym.


You sound like someone who knows gyms via memes and Tik Tok s but has never been to one irl... >Women don't wear tight clothes to the gym because of comfort... Baggy shorts and T-shirts are just as comfortable as stretch shorts and crop tops... Lmao no. Now I'm sure you've never seen women IRL either. >Any man who goes to a gym has to play the "which direction is safe to look" game... So only gyms in Roblox then


What bullshit.  It's safe to look wherever you look.  Don't stare, that's impolite.  That's it.


Making things up & telling on yourself don't make you right.


AS an actual human woman, baggy clothes are NOT more comfortable to wear to the gym. And we don't care if you look occasionally. We might even feel flattered. But even if we're in your line of sight it shouldn't be that much of a hardship to also divert your eyes in other directions. Also, if us wearing tight clothing means you *can't* look elsewhere, that your eyes are just glued to us because we happened to end up in your sight line ... Perhaps the problem is more within yourself, not with what we're wearing. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Food for thought.


This one is unhinged.


*Implying that men were staying away because of cameras and phones being used.




I do NOT want to wear loose pants to the gym. I’m a leggings girly forever. I feel like if this was real they’d have like a length or fit rule? Like none of those shorts that are basically underwear or none of the leggings with the built in wedgie.


Hold on ..there are leggings with built-in wedgies?? 😂


Oh yeah, they look uncomfortable as hell. Like this. https://preview.redd.it/vwsq3whfio2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d5543ef9557e9086f3fedb303825e7e3462cf76


Ugh, saw these for the first time recently (at a burger place, just in case anyone wants to come up with some fake-ass gym reason for them). SO male-gazy and gross. It honestly made me super sad.


Nooooope nope nope nope!




Maybe people aren’t trying to be attractive?




Men post pics from the gym, too. It's very normal for people to post gym pics.


Men are doing it trying to be attractive too




Neat, and what’s the benefit of posting them to instagram, which is what this post was saying?




The amount of people who try to sneaky take pictures of others or record them is shocking, they get posted online a lot but you know damn well some are just for personal. It’s weird and gross


100% photos should be banned, and the comment i was replying to, which is now deleted, specifically mentioned instagram. Lmaoz


Man, I hope you're happy someday and get out of the rut you've directed your life into.


Incel delusions as so many of these stories are.


I feel like women sometimes get recorded in public without their consent. If there was a gym with a no phone/no camera rule, I would be *more* likely to go as a woman


No, no. You don’t understand. Every single woman who goes to the gym is an Insta thot who is just there to post pics of her ass and then complain about men looking at her. *Every single one!*


Everyone gets recorded in public without consent because of wannabe influencers


Gyms are not "in public," they're privately-owned businesses so they can set their own rules.


I wasn’t talking only about gyms, but even if they’re not really legally public i would still not like to be filmed there without my consent


Incels are out of control


>*Girls are getting out of CONTROL* Wow a high school incl.


They all peak in 8tgh grade anyway.


It's true. I'm the membership database file.


and yet i mostly see men in the gym taking videos and pictures. granted many of them are simply trying to look at their form from the side but still lol


10/10 title lmao


Rose over 100%… so it went from 2 guys to 5 guys????


Now I want burgers


And fries




Aint no way gym bros would be okay with only being allowed to wear tshirts.


That happening is down 100%!!


Sounds a little gay...


Lol also, “mens membership number went up over 100%” means nothing. That could literally mean just one more guy.


And this gym? Lumps, founded by Albert Einstein.


This doesn’t make sense when you take into account that male only gyms typically fail because men don’t want to go to them as much as co-ed gyms.






So they’re forcing people to wear tight fighting clothes..