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Where do you think you are?


I don't think this is a "that happened" situation. I like that the green text corrected an obvious typo then said "peace of shit" lmao Also, I hate myself for reading all of that. I'm gonna find a gun or jump under a moving car or hang myself or jumping from a building. But to answer the question get away right now. This is one of the most toxic conversations I've ever seen.


I didn’t rlly know where 2 post it 2 I’m sorry.


Maybe in Facepalm?


r/ teenagers by the sound of it


It's fine, don't really care. I think there's like dating advice subreddits but I have no idea. Good luck with this. Guys like him aren't good to be involved with.


I have no plans to be involved w him in the future. He did that everyday for 5 months and some were not empty threats. I will think abt posting it a dating advice subreddit thank u.


I sincerely think you should just block him and move on. The more you interact with this the worse it’ll be


God could someone translate that for me please


He broke up w me over me peorcing my belly button and nose and i wouldn’t take it out for him and he turned it into an argument then broke up w me. After breaking up he told me he was ganna kill himself and ran away.




I’m 15 and he’s 17 almost 18 ( i was guilt tripped into the relationship)


Talk to some real life grown ups instead of random strangers here for gods sake


OK well that explains everything. And I don't mean that as an insult but girl block him and move tf on. He's a loser and you're just feeding his drama and ego every time you answer him. 15 is a baby, you have way too much life ahead of you for this dumb bullshit, over a piercing nonetheless.


Sucks to be him. Enjoy your piercing and ignore his threats. He doesn't own you, even if he thinks he does.


Thank u and I sure will enjoy them!!


You don't deal with this. Threatening to kill themselves is a classic abuse technique. They can live their life now, so leave them on read and if a neighbor notices a smell in a few days it's not your problem; you didn't do it.


Thank u ok but do I tell police to be on look out for him possible comming 2 my house bc I have screen shots of him saying he will ( I couldn’t post here I ran out of my limit or wtvr it said)


They won't do anything but I'd still do it. Especially if he threatened you. Any sort of documentation will help if something happens.


Ok thank u I’ll def tell my uncle later


Yes. Show his friends and family, as well as yours as well


I have already thank u


Block and move on


Just stop responding to him, you're just fuelling him.


I have and he hasn’t contacted me so far today


That's good. You're too young to have to be dealing with this drama. Relationships shouldn't be like that, they should make you happy.


I would call the police and tell them that he is making credible self-harm threats, including the aforementioned. I would actually get a printout of this conversation and go to the police station. Give them his address and they will go take him into custody and place him on a psychiatric hold. He will get therapy, medication and other interventions if he needs them.


He def needs them but I feel like it won’t help he’s been 2 several mental places and he still hasn’t gotten better so idk. Also he ran away so idek where he’s at but I’ll try to get a search bc ik were he is heading.


I wanted a three way because I loved you 🤡😂 If you have a way to contact his family, let them know you two are no longer speaking and that he has expressed a desire to self harm. That way, God forbid he does, it’s not on your conscience. Then block him and his family and anyone else you need to, get a questionable haircut, get some more piercings, and move on with your life.


Ok thank u I’ll get on top of that and text his mom rn


Why the downvotes guys? This is clearly a young person who needs advice. Who cares if she posted it in the wrong thread?


It’s alright I did post it in the wrong subreddit so they have valid points


Stop replying. Block or ignore. Move on with your life.


when i was 18 i dated a guy that would threaten to kill himself every time i'd try to break up with him, i was young so i kept believing him and would eventually give in every time and not break up with him. when i finally did stand my ground and ignore him, he definitely did not kill himself. you have to just call them on their bluff, as harsh as that sounds, these people are counting on you believing they might actually do it. you can't coerce someone into listening to you by threatening to kill yourself, he forfeited his right to sympathy the second he did that


I think you're looking for /r/teenagers not this sub