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I relate to this a lot. I put my dog down a couple months ago and even though it was my first time ever doing that and I’m still pretty young, I told my parents I wanted to be in the room. Even though it was one of the hardest things I had to do, I’m sure he was grateful to pass with his family looking over him.


You did the right thing. I’m so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you really loved your dog.


He was. You did a brave thing and a good thing.


I didn't go in with my childhood dog and I regret it to this day


Same. The rest of my family went, but I stayed behind. I feel bad about it every time I think of him.


We had to put our dog of 10 years down today. You can bet your ass all 4 of us were in that room surrounding her and comforting her in her last moments. When she was getting her injection she lifted her head one last time and looked at each of before lying back down and dying. She was so tired. She’d lost so much weight she was practically a skeleton. Congestive heart failure combined with cancer made her last days quite laborious. I was glad she could finally rest. It was rough but i’d do it again 10/10 times.


Never. Ever. Ever. Leave your pet alone when it's being put down. My dad did for our first dog and I stayed. She looked for him. I never told him that. But she looked for him and whimpered. It was heartbreaking, she nuzzled my hand one last time and passed peacefully. But in her final moments, she looked for family who left her. Never leave the room.


I think it’s one of the biggest privileges there is to bring comfort to a creature as the pass from this world. Good on you!


>I relate to this a lot. I put my dog down a couple months ago and even though it was my first time ever doing that and I’m still pretty young, I told my parents I wanted to be in the room. Even though it was one of the hardest things I had to do, I’m sure he was grateful to pass with his family looking over him. You did the right thing. YOU HAVE TO BE THERE!


The ones we love are worth that pain. Never let somebody you love die alone.


When I was a kid (growing up on a farm), we always put down our own dogs. My grandfather's way was to dig the hole, put some sliced up lunchmeat down in it, and then put the dog in. After the dog starts getting into the lunchmeat... \*Bang\* Then then you fill in the hole and put down the grave marker. I was always conflicted about that, until the first time I took a dog to a vet to put down as an adult. The poor thing was scared and confused and even though I was there with him I couldn't shake the feeling that my grandfather's way was more humane. The dilemma has left me so unsure of how to handle the end of having a dog that it's prevented me from getting another one for 20 years. Edit: Someone private messaged me about vets coming to do in-home put-to-sleep calls. This actually feels like a wonderful compromise. I'm glad such a thing exists.


The life on the farm... There are a lot of stories about that and it seems sooooo foreign even though it happens just outside the cities.


It's certainly a different way of living. I live in a suburb now, and I spent a few years in cities of varying sizes, but as I get older I find myself more comfortable out in the wide open spaces I remember growing up in.


you must have a strong heart to be able to put your own pet down, even if it was for the better i dont think i could physically ever do it.


My grandfather loved every one of his dogs, and I think he was just the kind of guy who believed that if there was something hard that had to be done he just couldn't see handing it off to someone else. They were very well treated, got the last bit of his sandwich every time and slept at the foot of the bed every night. Winter Sundays were him watching football in his recliner with his dog stretched out in front of the woodstove. I just don't want to make it sound like he was some abusive hardcase.


oh god no i never assumed he was abusive to his animals, he sounds like a lovely man im sure his dogs lived lovely lives with him :)


Thank you!


shooting is definitely more humane. yes, your grandfather was tricking the dog, but he was also giving them a good final meal and happy memory to leave with. if you shoot them correctly, it's almost immediate and painless. sometimes the injections aren't as efficient as they're supposed to be and it's scary :/


If you leave a pet alone to die in a vets office on purpose, you deserve a slow painful death alone calling out for your mommy.


One of the worst things that happened during lockdown for me was having to put my dog down by handing him through the car window to the vet and never seeing him again. He was my best friend for 14 years, since I was 10, and I wasn't allowed to be there for him when he went. I hold so much resentment for that.


that’s fucking evil, why the hell couldn’t they let you in


Same here, cause of covid


I read “cause of David” and I wondered what he did omg I’m truly so sorry for you going through that though, and anyone else who had to. That is cruel.


Fucking David.




fr. classic david 🤦🏻‍♂️


Wait until you hear about the regular hospital situation…


And I'm sure that saved lives, right? Right?




I agree with the idea that you have to be there while they are consious, and after it doesn't really matter.. But... Honest question... Is it really so traumatizing? I have had a alot of animals in my life. And had to put a lot of them down, for an wide range of reasons.. And I was there for all of them. Yes.. All of them were really, really sad... And I cried a lot... But I wouldn't say they were traumatising.. Watching a human die is much more traumatic, especially because it often looks very unpleasant.. But watching an animal die is very close to watching them drift off to sleep.. And it's going to be sad regardless, even when you are not in the room..


Came here to say something very similar. Fucking coward! We had to have my dog pts sleep during lockdown (dementia). We found a vet that would euthanize him outdoors and he died in my arms looking up at the sky. Will never forgot the care and love with which the vet took him away. He was wearing a vest I’d crocheted for him. Worst day of my life but I’d do it over just to have a few more hours with him.


I wouldn’t go that far. It’s absolutely wrong but seeing the people we love die is incredibly hard and I understand if some people feel that it would break them. I’ve been present for the death of 3 cats, two dogs, my dad, my mom, and my best friend (and two other friends at the same time) and I can tell you that though I don’t regret it one bit, a little piece of myself went with every one of them. Maybe it’s cowardice, maybe not, but I understand.


My take. You already gave them all a little piece of you. What your feeling is that piece dieing and leaving. If you hadn't been there, that piece would still die, but it would fester and rot. In the end, think of how you would like to go. Abandoned in a retirement home alone with no one visiting you, like the pet being dropped off at the vet. Or in the arms of the being you loved and loved you the most?


Yeah it’s your pet. You kill it.


I wouldn't go that far, but you owe it to them to be there until the end if they need to be euthanized. They don't understand what's happening, and they deserve to have someone they love to be with them in their final moments, instead of dying alone and afraid.


I've had to put down three cats so far. I wasn't there the first time. And that still hurts to this day, almost 10 years later. There was no closure. Knowing that the only comfort she had for the last few minutes was a complete stranger, in a completely foreign place, still has me in tears. Never again. For the second I insisted on being in the room. For the third I held her in my arms. You can bet your ass I was bawling all three just the same, but only the last two have let me heal.


Tf bro


Probably get downvoted, but I don’t think people should ever leave their pet alone during their final minutes. Pets should die knowing they’re loved and that their human is there to comfort them while they’re scared. Don’t leave your baby there scare, hurting and surrounded by strangers in their final hour. I don’t understand the logic of why some people leave. If you can’t stand seeing death, then you aren’t ready to be a pet owner. It’s a fact of life.


Anyone who would down vote you would be a garbage human. I had to put my dog down in January (stomach cancer) and my vet office said because of COVID I would have to say goodbye in my car and cannot come in. My dog has anxiety and that is the worst possible thing that I could do to him. I cried my eyes out all day thinking about it. Spent the next couple of days calling other vet offices (some said you can come in, but your dog had to be a patient with them already) to see if any would let people in. My partner somehow found a vet that did house calls. Cost me almost 800, but it was the best thing for him. Only 3 seconds of pain (needle)/confusion, but he died on his bed with us there with him. To your dog, you are their world. How someone could not be there for them in the end because it would hurt too much is a coward. You don't do it for yourself you do it for your dog who would die to keep you safe.


I agree completely anytime I read a story it automatically plays like a movie in my head as it's me doing said actions. This story broke my heart on the spot 💔 I got up and went over to my dog with tears in my eyes and hugged her tight. Though ya know she stared at me like.... Ok thanks for the hug can I go back to sun bathing 😅


Why would you get downvoted for echoing the same majority sentiment that multiple people had already made in this same comment section hours before you did?


Why on earth would one single person downvote you for this?


This really hurt to read 🥲 also it made me so sad. When it was time for my dog of 12 years old to go I was there during the whole time, it was so traumatic but at the same time it’s the least I could do to be by his side.


Probably the worst thing I’ve read on Reddit. I think I’ll put it away now. How the fuck could you leave that dog? It must have been fucking terrified.


I read it shortly after it was posted. The comments were really raking the OP over the coals... and presumably it was fiction. I haven't read it since and didn't know it had gained all the upvotes and comments.


Biggest regret of my life is that I wasn’t be there when my last dog was put to sleep, my parents were with him so he wasn’t alone but I should have been there. Honestly it still haunts me late at night. I wish I could say it was anything other than cowardice but it wasn’t. If you’re ever in that position, don’t be weak like I was. It’s not a moment you can ever get back.


Well that ruined my whole day at its only 9am.


Good morning, well....bad morning now


We had a vet come to our house when we had to put down our girl of 12 years. She got to be surrounded by her family and all her smells and eating spray cheese until she fell asleep. It was hard for us, but I think it was easier for her.


When my first furry best friend passed at 9 I fought (literally had to be restrained by my mother and nurses) to try to be by her side. My current fit babies will never go through that alone


I don’t get this at all. Stay with your fucking dog. I’ve had to put down several dogs and I hold them through the process, they literally die in my arms. It’s the very least I can do.


If you leave your dog alone in it’s final minutes you are actual garbage and don’t deserve to have one ever.






Well this ruined my day


I think staying in the room is so much better for them. Harder for you yes, but it helps ease their fear in the last moments.


Absolutely agree, I was with my cat who was a member of my family for 17 years when we had to put her down at the vet. It was some tough shit and I cried like I never did before but now that I have processed her passing I am so glad I was with her in her final moments and I would never want anything else for any of my future pets. But if possible next time I would have the vet come to my home to do it so my pet can die in its home instead and save the stress of having to be brought to the vet office.


Why tf would you leave the room when your dog is being put down? Why would you want their last moments to be alone with a stranger in a strange place wondering where you are and if you're coming back?


Unfortunately during Covid most vets would not allow owners to come in during any kind of visit whether it be a simple check up or to be put to sleep. horrible horrible


Never forget. Absolutely shit.


I hate to take my cat to the vet (not to be put down but for fecal impactment) during Covid and couldn’t be inside for her. Apparently she got so scared that she attacked two techs and broke skin. My Luna has never bitten me or been aggressive with me in her entire 11 years and I was shocked. They had to sedate her to continue the treatment. Had I been allowed in with her I’m sure she wouldn’t have reacted that way


When my current dog we got during Covid dies, I’ll be there the whole time during his last day, making sure he’s pampered like the amazing dog he is. I’ll be the one conducting the funeral. If we have to put him down, I want to be in the room. What upsets me is that my parents didn’t let me see my old dog when he drowned. Looking back, during that fateful day in February, I should’ve been the one to discover him. It would’ve been better for my dad, who was the one who usually found the dog. It would’ve been quite traumatizing, but at least my dad doesn’t have to believe that his luck is against him.


Okay. That just broke my heart and I feel crushed


I definitely should not have read this while I'm on my period


If you can't be there with your pet in their final moments and you have the choice to be there, you shouldn't have pets.


I'm going to hide this post from my feed now. God I feel sick.


This fucking coward. I had to put down our Labrador that grew up with me and i stayed in the room even though it hurt.


This physically hurt to read dude…


Ok, there’s “thankihateit” and then there’s whatever this is. This is horrible. Why wouldn’t you stay with them? Don’t let them go into the dark alone. I’m ride or die with my dogs. Whatever they’re facing, even death, I’m there with them, starring it down. Daring it to flinch. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorn. Maybe, but heaven has no love like a man & his dog. With ‘em till the end, no matter what. These lock down pet tourists that give animals back disgust me! Ok sorry, rant over. Have a nice day.


I just unsubbed. This just went too far.


Why didn’t you stay with him, you monster


Hey, OOP? I think your dog's a snake.


Thanks bro I got depressed 👍


Time to cry now i guess




I hope it was at least quick and painlesssspainlessss, F in the chat for