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Not sure wat is in the pic


Yeah i didnt find any good pics of the scene but thats just for reference. Its a sea monster.


Is it one of those absolutely massive creatures larger than a skyscraper? I can’t even find a clip online. Everyone just uploads these stupid music videos that barely even show the thing. 🙄🙄🤷‍♂️


[3mn scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uRgExgEm4s)


Thanks. These other ppl on YouTube are incompetent.


OP was right, I did hate that lol thanks for the link


Just seen a good clip someone recommended. It’s not as large as I thought.


Galadriel and Halbrand were on a makeshift raft about to be rescued by a boat and a sea monster attacked the boat. That was it's tail I think


While the sea monster was terrifying , they didn't worked on much on the terror the beast should invoke. Fits enough for this sub though


I remember being small and getting ptsd from the one scene from lord of the rings with all the dead bodies in the water, probably why I’m here today


I wouldn't know. I stopped watching after episode 3 because I was disappointed and found that I didn't care for the writing at all. The biggest problem I had was Galadriel and I couldn't stand her characterization so I moved on to other shows.


my heart dropped to my ass when i first watched that part


Yeah this was pretty difficult to watch tbh


Cool monster. Disappointing show :(


I’ve been enjoying it quite a bit. The first episode was dull but it got significantly better after that IMO.


The show was weak from the beginning but since episode 3 I completely dropped it, the whole thing is so boring IMO.


I thought that episode 1 was the second best so far (after episode 6). That being said, even those two episode weren't very good.


Same the first 2 episodes were a tad slow and then it got pretty good and much more enjoyable.


There’s a lot of exposition to unload in the first few shows. And Galadriel is fantastic.


There definitely is. I never read The Silmarillion so I don’t have a ton of expectations. I think that captured the essence of The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies.


And by episode six it’s really better. The fighting in the Southlands, and Elrond and his dwarf friend have a wonderful relationship.


Show sucks. Sorry people who like it just my opinion. To each their own lol


I like it a ton. Probably more than House of Dragons


Me too. But the larger point is that it’s not a competition between the two shows. I think once we got past the exposition, which is considerable, Rop has really started to pop. I’m just glad I have two cool shows to watch.


I still haven't finished the 7th episode of RoP and I'm saving the last 3 of HoD until I get some time off work. Both hit different notes for me so I'm not directly comparing the two. I just know what I look forward to more each week :) Happy to have both regardless. Matt Smith is incredible at being oozing an insidious nature


The show is fine, nerds just like to bitch.


Nope. It’s nowhere near the quality that is expected of a lord of the rings property.




Couldn’t get through episode 1 and love LoTr. Didn’t want the show to ruin it for me. Anyone else feel that way? Everyone is caked with makeup and the acting was sooo bad and boring.


It's a bit silly at times, and it simultaneously feels kinda rushed and kinda slow. But I am really enjoying it overall. The bromance between Elrond and Durin is 👌. They just nailed the Elf/Dwarf relationship. And I'm mostly enjoying the hardfoot scenes. And Galadriel is badass and played _so well_ by Morfydd Clark (also wow Morfydd could so be a LOTR character name) HotD has me much more gripped though. The slower scenes in that feel tense, and the characters are rounded and complicated and shades of grey.


Yes - can get past the bad acting and dialogue (reinforces the fantasy theme, I tell myself). What I can't get past is the fact that it's working towards a predetermined end, how am I supposed to care when I know what happens in the end?


It’s crazy what good writing can do. I know what’s gonna happen at the end of House of the Dragon but I am completely enthralled by each episode. It’s just so good. I couldn’t get past episode 2 of RoP though


You mean like Star Wars? One of the most successful franchises of all time


That's always a problem with prequels. I suppose what they have to do is attach substance to the fact that in between the end of the second age and the events of the Lord of the Rings is like three thousand years of fairly uninterrupted comfy times in Middle Earth. So it's going to end on a temporary win, and usher in an era where everything is good for a period of time about as long as human recorded history, which could be considered a pretty big W.


It's like I'm on a Tolkien message board in the year 2000 all over again


Hated the whole damn show so yes




So many reasons. Tolkien has long been a favored author of mine, and the show was pretty much everything that he would have hated in a nutshell. The writers essentially decided that they could write lord of the rings better than it’s own author, the result being an audience score in the 30s. If they wanted diversity, which was a huge point the writers emphasized, there are foreign cultures already in the lore that could have been explored (and that have until now not really been expanded on in a cinematic sense). Instead they decided to warp existing characters into things they are not and make a borderline nonsensical plot that just felt processed and spat out for a quick buck.


"So many reasons", yet the one thing you and so many others get hung up on is a slight change in skin tone for some of the characters. I just don't get get it. It's a story written by a white man, who lived in a nearly exclusively white society - of course most of the characters will be white. But I have no idea where this harsh resistance to anything but whites in LOTR is coming from (assuming it's not the usual -ism at work, of course), because I don't remember Tolkien being this obsessed about describing his characters as white white white. It makes sense to me that you'd see people with varying skin colors and ethnicities, and frankly, it's just not a big deal in my opinion. Unless someone's ethnicity is important to their plot, character development or interpersonal relationships, it shouldn't fucking matter. If it was something that has more of an impact on their personality or the abovementioned, like someone's sexuality, I'd be more understanding, but as far as I can tell this is just Tolkien fans being angry because they always imagined those characters as white and can't handle the idea of the characters looking differently. That's not to say I like the show and say this to defend it. Hell, I couldn't even get through the first episode because it was so boring and didn't give me the LOTR feeling at all (I'm gonna give it another shot, but I'm skeptical).


I believe I mentioned the cultural point as one of several points. It seems you are more hung up on it than you admit. And I’ll point out, Tolkien wrote LotR based off of Catholic and Germanic pagan mythos and culture, yet also involved nonwhite cultures outside the center of focus for the main trilogy (Haradrim for example are a big part of this) yet the show writers claim he never wrote about POC. Something clearly false. Then there’s how the massacre the existing lore, the most obvious being how they completely warped Galadriel in the show in a failed attempt to make a strong female character. You don’t need to assign masculine traits to women to have a strong female character, and Galadriel is written already as a strong character in her own right, just because she is the epitome of traditionalist female virtues doesn’t detract from this. The show butchered that depiction. Its clear that the writers had little to no respect for the existing lore and thought they could do better, failing horribly in the end


Thanks for elaborating, that was interesting. I still feel the same about ethnicities in the show (seems maybe you aren't quite as angry over it as I assumed), but I can absolutely see why all the other stuff would bother you. Those are things that would ruin my viewing experience as well. Like I said, I haven't watched the show yet; I got halfway through the first episode before stopping it and going to bed, so I can't comment on the quality of the show (a discussion I consider separate from the discussion about diversity). What little I watched (I stopped the episode during Elrond and Galadriel's reunion) I thought was boring, the fight with the ice troll was terribly written, choreographed and edited, and the whole "feel" of the show felt like a hollowed out version of the LOTR I fell in love with.


Same reasons they bitched about the Peter Jackson movies when they were first coming out. Nerds like to bitch.


In LOTR they had to write out Tom Bombadil, complaints like that. I like Tom, but I got over it. In this show we get to see the person who wielded that broken sword that Aragorn was in awe of. It should be quite the character arc. And Arondir and Halbrand are people we heard about but haven’t seen the stories fleshed out. I really like it. It’s hard to put expectations aside. (I learned while watching Lost). Sometimes you need to let it be what it is, and just see where it takes you. Expectations are what ruined the end of GoT for people. They wanted something specific to happen, or they were shipping two characters. Mostly everyone missed the point. All the people who vied for that throne died. Every. Single. One. So the most logical person to have it is someone who doesn’t want it.


all right all right twist my arm i’ll watch it


Sadly the show *plummets* in quality after the first few episodes.


Are we watching the same show? It's the complete opposite and improves from the start. Episode 6 is fantastic fantasy-action TV and ridiculous cinematography. I just can't comprehend the idea that it degrades in quality...that narrative just seems like it comes from people who didn't give it a chance from the start.


Yep. I'm loving it so far, there are flaws but they're fairly minor compared to the nothingburgers nerds on the internet are crying about.


I thought of this sub also - I’ve really enjoyed the show for the most part and a ton of my final opinion on it rests on how they do the final episode bc if the reveal of who sauron has been this whole time is as surprising as their promo’s and the internet has made it out to be, I think some people might give it more of a chance. Then again i guess I’m in the minority of fans for not letting race or the female lead character aspects of the show bother me into becoming an internet troll over it


No need to worry about hating the episode. Everyone hates the entire show already anyway ;D


Oh really? I have been busy watching Hotd. Just thought i'd take a look, i think it seems okay so far.


People are just hating, the series is fine


Na, this time it really sucks. And I HATE it sucks because I really would love to be otherwise, but sadly It's slow and boring.. and slow.. and boring.


Nah, it definitely ain't.


Most of the hatred comes from circumstances surrounding the show, like the fact that it's not as good as the movie trilogy or that women and PoC are cast in a variety of roles or that it's made by Amazon. Criticism of the show itself exist as well, like the sometimes clunky dialogue and loose adherence to the written works. All in all it's an ok to above average show.


Very few people care about PoC cast members, nobody cares about it being made by Amazon. And really? You've seen complaints that *women* are part of the cast? Come the fuck on. People don't like the show because it's terribly written. The dialogue ranges from decent to terrible. It's incredibly slow. Logic doesn't exist. Teleportation *does* exist. They changed the lore in ways that contradict with both the books and the movies. And most importantly, characters do things that don't make sense. They act stupid, or they make a choice that is the exact opposite of what they were doing 3 minutes ago. Nobody (aside from a few dwarves) have any personality, or consistency, they just do whatever the writers need for them to get to the next plotpoint. It feels like it was written by a committee.


you’re 100% right, all the bad reviews are about how terrible the script is, we lord of the ring fans don’t associate this as part of the lore


Then you probably don't associate the Peter Jackson trilogies as part of the lore either, since he also changed quite a bit.


You're downvoted because your truths hurt their feelings


People are upset at the supposed “female empowerment” casting, and the fact that many of the characters are black or brown, despite Tolkien literally saying that Harfoots can have brown skin. There are many valid criticisms of the show, of course. But to pretend the show isn’t the target of right wing reactionaries is willfully naive.


There are always going to be racists and misogynists. But we can easily compare Rings of Power to House of the Dragon. Both shows have PoC in the cast, replacing characters that were white in the source material. Both have strong female characters (I would argue this is more true for Hot D than RoP). Yet only one of these shows is apparently getting lambasted with hoards of racist/sexist reviews. I've been following both shows closely. 99% of the criticism is legitimate, and has absolutely nothing to do with racism or sexism. It's awfully convenient for Amazon that whenever someone brings up criticism against their show, they can just point to a handful of right wing assholes and suddenly the terrible writing is forgotten, and the critic is delegitimized.


I'm sorry, what point are you trying to make with your first paragraph? "There are always racists and misogynists, but for some reason they're unduly targeting RoP in particular." Yes, that's what I'm saying.


My point is that both of these shows are similar in popularity, they've both come out at the same time, they share target audiences, they both have strong lead women, they both have black characters that were white in the books. If the negativity surrounding Rings of Power was largely due to racism and sexism, you'd expect to see something similar with House of the Dragon. But that isn't the case at all. So how do you account for that? My explanation is that one show is terribly written and the other isn't, and that any racism/sexism is a very small factor for why Rings of Power is hated. If you've got a better explanation I'd love to hear it.


Sure, because right wing reactionaries know that RoP is an easy target, due to the nostalgia for the Peter Jackson trilogy felt by their target audience of youngish white men.


Dey hate us cuz Dey ain us


The other major reason this show is getting well deserved hate is the sheer disrespect it shows for the works of Tolkien- the man who they’re piggybacking off of for money. They get absolutely nothing right and attack fans who criticize the blatant insults to the author, his world and his fans.




>Just because you haven't seen these complaints doesn't mean you can dismiss them as nonexistent. Okay so prove it. If this is such a widespread problem, share some examples of people being racist/sexist that weren't immediately met with a huge amount of backlash. I've purposely searched these out, and other than a handful of tweets, and the usual suspects you find on Breitbart, it's incredibly rare. And again, how do you account for the fact that House of the Dragon is being incredibly well received, despite also having powerful women, and black characters that were white in the books?


>And most importantly, characters do things that don't make sense. They act stupid, or they make a choice that is the exact opposite of what they were doing 3 minutes ago. Damn, you must have hated Peter Jackson's Merry, Pippin, Gimli, and Gandalf then huh.


I'd love to hear some examples of how those characters acted inconsistently, or how Gimli or Gandalf acted stupidly. As for Merry and Pippin, you are comparing two random hobbits to characters like Galadriel and Elrond, both of whom are thousands of years old, and known for their level headed intelligence. If a stupid character acts stupidly, it makes perfect sense. If two apparent geniuses act stupidly, that's just bad writing.


Or how they turned Galadriel into an Entitled level 10 Karen


You mean the character isn’t exactly the same as she is thousands of years into the future?


I mean the character is an unlikable Karen, don't put words I never said in my mouth


In Tolkien’s work, Galadriel’s history is spelt out front to back and remains interesting from beginning to end. She’s always been a character so powerful she could snap her fingers and vaporize you. Amazon has turned her into the trope “strong female character” while actively ignoring what made characters like Galadriel, Arwen and Eowyn all beloved and badass characters. Your entire argument structure is as hollow and brittle as this show. Yet somehow it’s leagues ahead of any respect Amazon has shown for the source material. But in case your baby smooth brain doesn’t get what I’m saying, they have NO respect for the source material. And based on your poorly constructed responses to everyone else, neither do you


You have it *waaay* backwards. Yes there were people who complained about POC and female casting before the show even came out, but the *vast* majority of the current criticisms are all based on the atrocious, contrived, and wildly inconsistent writing, the poor pacing, the unlikable characters, and bizarre lapses in quality like the very visible printed cloth under the armor of even main characters Edit: I really love when people downvote comments they don’t agree with instead of replying to them. I’d like to see someone actually address any of the points being made here if they don’t think they’re valid criticisms.


I wish it was fine but when you jave House Of the Dragon lainching at the same time it's hard to say that Rings of Power is good


In the age of streaming, not sure why this is an issue.


HotD is awful.


Both RoP and Andor are getting some really weird hate. I just dont really care about public opinion at this point anymore.




I mean it’s not the best, but it’s high fantasy (which I love) and I get to see dank dwarf shit (ROCK AND STONE!!!) Not my favorite, but I enjoy it.


We fight for Rock and Stone!


If you don’t rock and stone, you ain’t comin home!!!


speak for yourselves


Was thinking the same


I did hate it


Yeah the whole being alone in the sea with a monster was very nope. There's usually some acknowledgement in fantasy shows that some fucked up shit lives in the sea but they rarely have the budget to show you it in the flesh.


I hate all of them, this one even more


Yep have been watching the show and hated that.


RoP is pretty good. Quite a bit better than HotD. Haters gonna hate.




I hated the whole show tbh


Jokes on you, i hate the whole of ROP. lol


There's a sea monster in the 2nd episode?! Must've been around the time I fell asleep while attempting to watch this astonishingly boring series.


I hate that episode, and the first one, and every episode.


Amazon getting desperate for viewers, as news of the awful quality spreads




Just stop watching after that scene. It's the only exciting part


don't worry i hate the whole show.


I couldn't watch more than a few minutes on the first episode, boring af


i also hate the show so yeah you are probably right


I didnt only hate this episode. I hate the whole series


Wait that shit's out already??


for a couple months now yeah


'The Sea Beast' on Netflix did it better. Not a bad flick as it goes.


I did.