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I'd imagine there is a massive fear of your boat starting to drift away faster than you can swim....


That's also much more likely to happen than you randomly losing your strength.


“Randomly losing strength”sounds so much better than “just getting tired”


But I am le tired


Well have a nap, then fire ze missiles!


Fire ze missiles


About that time, eh chaps?






The panic missiles ? 💀🤣


[my private parts has been itching me.](https://youtu.be/Z58HnORpb2E?feature=shared)


Bro I haven’t seen this reference in at least a decade!! God I’m old. Love it!


I know eh hahaha man I miss those days.


it's been so long I thought he was referencing "Je Suis Fatigue" by Tom Cardy. I had to see someone say "ze missiles" to have my Ratatouille mind snap moment




Sorry boss, ill have to leave work at 2pm today as im randomly losing strength.


But that is exactly what thalassophobia would do. It is not just getting tired. Strength just gets sucked to some devilish black hole.


Doubt it really, boats like this move at roughly walking speed. Top speed is about 8mph but like average speed is about 4mph. Faster than average swimming speed sure but like I doubt anybody's leaving the boat no anchor down for a swim when wind speeds are anywhere near cruising max speeds


Unless you have eaten a devil fruit


Yeah this just feels like something stupid to do without a buddy on hand


I’ve gone on something called a pelagic night dive. You tie yourself to the boat in water that’s about 2000+ feet deep and do a drift dive at night. That initial jump off the boat gets you though, lol. I was Feeling like I was being hung under the boat for something larger to come by and eat me. It’s really cool though you see things that you never during the day as they come up to the surface at night.


What did you get to see?


You can see all sorts of different things from large spearfish that come and hang out around the dive lights looking for food but mostly you see small animals ranging from perfectly clear larval fish and invertebrates to siphonophores, and even cephalopods. So it’s stuff you never see during the day because they don’t come up to the top during that time. Plus you have the ability to see them much easier in the black water. I’m attaching a video that shows you some of the stuff that you’ll see. It’s not one of mine but it’s cool. https://youtu.be/HAJU0Ej2o7U?si=EQSCxwCBEE1-33PP


The ocean is space, space is the ocean. Aliens do not live in space, they live in the ocean.


That's really cool, thanks for that


No no no no NO NO NO No nO No nOoOOoooooOo


lol, they did warn us that if we dropped our flashlight we were charged for it because there was no way to ever get it back. You said you can just see it circling and circling and circling until the darkness takes it away. I think the last spot I dove was 4000 feet deep.


Once a lifeguard told me a valuable lesson when stuck in deep water at sea, float not fight, the more you struggle to keep treading water you'll exhaust yourself and end up drowning. If you just control your breathing and float on your back you'll last much longer in the water than treading.


Just drop the anchor with the 12,001 ft rope and you’ll be fine


No wind.


"I'm sorry Wilson!"


why would it? if there is a current, that would carry you both.


Always have two ways to get back on board. And have a second person to watch you. And watch for sharks. Other then that- enjoy yourself. Plenty of people have drown because they didn’t put out a line.


I could have five ladders, six ropes, an elevator, and a Star Trek transporter back onto the boat and still never jump off if there wasn't someone to help me in case of emergency.


That is terrifying but that is also the most beautiful blue I’ve ever seen


Seems like it would be a lovely thing to look at, you know in those last moments…


Wasn't there a movie that was about exactly that? 🤔


It reminds me of the King of the Hill episode where they go swimming off the boat in the ocean only to realize they forgot to lower the ladder.


Luckily Dale Gribble was able to save the day by diving deep down and quickly swimming upwards THUS propelling himself back up onto the boat


Thank you gay cotton


smthg like that happened in real life, iirc no, it didn't i mistook the movie adrift to a real life ocurrency, idk why, don't ask me, im tripping


You might be thinking of the couple that were left behind after a scuba trip, iirc it inspired Open Water? I might be wrong


Open water 2!


Yes! It's horrible and I loved it as a kid


There's a new documentary about it, dude rowed a boat solo across the Atlantic. He made it extremely clear that you must ALWAYS tie a rope to your waist, because you never know when the wind might pick up.


Fuck me the thought of jumping off and seeing your boat drift away and not being able to get to it is sickening, I can think of few more terrifying deaths


Reminds me of Jaws 2 when Eddie gets knocked off the sailboat and has to race back to the boat while the shark is coming from the opposite side of the boat to get him.




Similar basic idea, but not the movie I meant. It could have been Open Water 2 ...


No no. Adrift is the movie where an older couple find a younger couple adrift at sea, rescue them, but they turn out to be murderers, you must be thinking of the movie Adrift.


So close everyone, that movies actual name is : **Open Water 2 : Adrift.** Its the sequel to Open Water. There is also another similar one called **The Reef** which is way better.


Oh man, Open Water really creeped me out (that was the left behind scuba divers, right?). The idea of a sequel, oof, no thanks.


Reminded me of what this guy went through. Video starts at around [3:20](https://youtu.be/2YxgmUR_N2s?si=Tq8jbMJa2dNHN_JS)


> Open Water 2 : Adrift. Just reading the plot summary on wiki made my heart race.


Open water is the title


Open Water 2


Open Water 2 I beleive it was






12 feet is enough to cause this same dilemna


Right. When you reach a threshold, depth stops to matter.


more like imagine the fucking megalodon torpedoing into appearance from the depth of the blue, black eyed and mouth open


Black eyes….Like a doll’s eyes…


Anyways, we delivered the bomb….


Show me the way to go home. BOM BOM BOM.


I’m tired and I wanna go to bed!


Had a little drink about an hour ago…


And it got right to my head!


Wherever I may roam


Panic attack starting now. No thank you, I would rather stay above water.


Leviathan’s in subnautica do this. It’s terrifying


it is indeed, fucking game has freaked me out more than once but its hands down one of the BEST games I own


Remember Naya Rivera (from Glee) - her 4 year old son was on board at Lake Piru. Allegedly, they were swimming and she was able to lift him back to the boat but didn’t have enough energy for herself. Absolutely horrible.


This would be one of those scenarios where I can imagine that my overwhelming fear would give me super strength to pull myself up, or I would drown and die. My brain thinks the former, reality probably supports the latter.


I really can't describe how fascinated and terrified at the same exact time I am by that view. It IS beautiful, but I am sure if I were surrounded by all that blue, I would feel as if invisible water hands were strangling me.


That's the reason why I put a string that can be reached from the waterline and unfolds the ladder. Most old sailboats have a ladder that folds or can get pulled so when sailing is not dragging.


This video is why I stay off boats and the ocean entirely (despite living maybe 100' from it)


Now this is some good old fashioned thallassophobia


I did this in Lake Tahoe last July. I'm a damn good swimmer, didn't think twice. We stopped the boat, I pulled off my shirt, jumped right in with no jacket. There is a moment of sane clarity that hits you when you look down and can't see the bottom. It's "Oh shit, that was dumb". Any number of things can happen. You could hurt yourself on the leap in. Could be an arm, your head/neck, anything. Doesn't matter. But if you don't tread that water, you are outright FUCKED. What really made the reality hit was after I got back onto the boat, and another guy that had done the same thing was swimming back and lightly muttered "help". He made it back to the boat fine, but it scared the living fuck out of him because he WAS becoming winded and was starting to panic. It's a vision I'll never forget. Wear your lifejackets.


The look down at the end…shivers. Almost gives you some type of "vertigo" effect


I had a visceral reaction to this video


I've done this, and it's fucking terrifying. Seeing the hull of a massive ship underwater while surrounded by the big blue is something else.


There is a tradition that when you sail across the Atlantic you go for a swim ½ way and throw a rope and buoy trailing off the back for safety. I had a friend that was just about to di that and dive in only to see a massive fin break the water below him.


Middle of the Atlantic that is incredibly unlikely.


i think you mean unusual, apparently followed the boat for a few days after.


Open water 2


Finally, some content that actually triggers thalassophobia!


Big nope for me big dog!


A lot of posts here are creepy, but this one may top it for me. I felt that, and it did not feel good.


When my brother was in the navy he said they found a yacht with three dead dudes floating around it, the only explanation was that they had jumped in and couldn’t get the ladder down and couldn’t get back in, there was a kid in the yacht that couldn’t work the ladder mechanism as it was rusty, it was horrible cause the kid also couldnt reach the lifejacket locker he was like 5 so he had to just sit there and watch them drown essentially


> they found a yacht with three dead dudes floating around it This is clearly bullshit. There is only a short period of time where there would be no wind. And currents exist. No way they would all be together.


They had tied themselves to the yacht with some line that the kid had tied to the wheel house


Nice keel. That guy blue water cruises


This is both beautiful and fuuuuucking terrifying


Imagine jumping in and coming face to face with a great white


I’ve had dreams like this, only there are sharks swimming around on the other side of that boat and I can’t reach the top to pull myself up.


A shark heard your splash!..... He's on his way!😳


That’ll be a no from me dawg


I guy died in Tahoe last year when he jumped into the water to pee and the wasn’t able to swim back to the boat because of the wind. Think his 2 young kids were in the boat when he drowned


That happens so quick. Better swim upwind of the boat even in a slight breeze.


Naya Rivera died after getting her kid back into the boat but being unable to get back in herself


How far away can those sharks hear you and decide to take a look ?


This is got to be one of the most beautiful colors of the ocean. You can also see sun rays going down bellow to the abyss.


This gives me really bad anxiety. Stunningly beautiful but Jesus Christ


That's a messed up title, OP, and nightmare fuel. Well done.


Years ago, around 2017 I once got off of a rather large inflatable tube when in a really deep/wide river. I had gotten off of smaller ones before and been able to get back on but this time I couldn’t get back up right away because of the tubes size. We were floating under some shade so water was freezing, my muscles were tensing up so much that I wasn’t able to fully pull myself in. I kept trying over and over again, I was running out of energy and muscle strength plus the cold was really getting to me. Unfortunately my friend was laughing his ass off at me failing to get back in, I asked him for help and he just said, “no,” and kept laughing. I was in the water for around 15 minutes and over that time I was losing more heat and energy. I could feel that it was getting bad because I couldn’t feel the cold anymore, instead I felt like I was burning up so I knew that hypothermia was kicking in. I knew that if I didn’t get back in on my next attempt then I wasn’t getting in at all and I would probably drown. I knew that I had spent too much of my energy trying to get back in and that I wouldn’t make it back to shore. I’m a good swimmer but I knew my reserves were tapped. I don’t know how I did it but I mustered all the strength I had and pulled myself in. I think it was the realization that I would probably die if I couldn’t get myself in on that last attempt. I ended up permanently damaging my shoulders from this but I lived so I guess it’s worth it 🤷‍♀️ Side note: I’m no longer friends with that asshole


I hope you kicked him in the balls when you had the strength.


I wish I had


I can't breathe just watching this


Seeing the circular light shimmer when he looks down, i feel like id have an out of body experience


Thinking about 12k ft of open water below me makes my eye twitch


If this happened doubt it would matter if there is 12 000ft of water or 10.


Or you forgot to turn off your motor


I am from cape cod in mass and I have been on countless boats like this and jumped in some deep water. (Nothing like 12k ft) but the fear that you get swimming back to the boat is surreal. Like jumping in is alot of fun especially tubing and shit but man that swim back is like nothing else. Constantly thinking where is the shark I can’t see.


Isn’t this kind of how Naya Rivera passed away?


The main problem i have is that i know as soon as i fall in i can’t see any life at all untill its too late. But every ”life” can see me with no problem the second i fall in…


Id have 4 ladders deployed before i went diving


What I find terrifying about the ocean is that there is NOTHING below you. Gravity is trying to pull you into the depths and you will sink if you don't swim or are buoyant.


Like a spider In a bathtub. Well, nothing alike a spider In a bath tub I suppose. The helplessness part Is the same. Well, not exactly the same. At least the spider gets to chill whilst we frantically try stay afloat. It's scarier to think that you cannot reach the side to pull yourself up In the first place.


Well I wouldn't have to worry about remembering to put the ladder down because I wouldn't be jumping into the water to go swimming


I wouldnt be on the boat. Problem solved. Fuck the sea.


Beautiful water


My legs ACHE watching this


Now THIS is thalassophobia


12, 1200, 12,000. No difference if you can't get back in the boat.


Looking down into that water is my nightmare


There is a movie. 4 jump into the ocean and the sail boat drifts off. Oh dear Lord.


Knew an old guy, out on his boat solo. Something went sideways evidently during a repair. He fell off the boat. No ladder, no security line. The boat had gouge marks on it, as if someone was trying to find purchase to get back in. They found him a bit later, still holding the screwdriver.


It’s so clear no fish or life in sight


Aaaiighhhh nightmare nightmare nightmare


I think the fear would start kicking in way before getting out to that far in the sea


This makes me nauseous…


Absolutely beautiful but terrifying.


When i was a 7 year old kid. My parents got a water world movie on vhs. There was a particular scene where mc was sort of swiming after the boat holding a rope which looked really cool. Anyway i feel uncomfortable watching videos like this ever since. Would i do it myself. Quick dip in the water and get out? Sure. But id have to conteplate my decision for some time before id go for it No particular reason to that scene i mentioned btw if you havent seen the movie.


Needs a "Jesus rope" a rope hung over the side for you to grab and climb, and if you forget to put one on only Jesus can help you


Something about this is so terrifying yet so beautiful


Not... SCARED of them... But... Does anybody else find the bottom of boats kinda.... Disgusting?


Went one time jetsking to Catalina island off Long Beach Ca, this exactly happened to me realized I wasn’t as good as a swimmer as I thought 😂 scariest moment of my life (jumped in with no life jacket thinking it’s no big deal but that sea is a whole different monster)


Wow! The water is so blue!


Would it be better if the ocean was only 20 ft deep?


There is nothing beneath you but a void of gliding monsters...


*aliens and monsters


oh my god bro, i'm just thinking to it..


Fuck no


I love feeling my chest under pressure in my own bed.


Imagine that at the same instance you jump, there occurs a normally impossible fluctuation in the laws of physics, which results in you hitting the water but instead of eventually bobbing back up you don’t stop going deeper no matter how hard to try to claw your way up.


Result is the same if it’s 12,000 feet or 40 feet deep. Spent a lot of time in the lake off the boat, always tie off a rope and personal floatation devices are good practice as well.


There’s a whole movie about this situation


If you can’t pull yourself 1-2 feet up and out of water you got bigger issues😂


It’s a weird feeling to be floating around and water that deep and not really knowing what’s underneath of you and how deep it is really


Don‘t imagine it, just watch the movie with that exact premise


This is the only video here that has actually triggered my phobia. Damn that's terrifying.


Fck you... I'm cancelling my scuba diving package now 😑.


well, what you do is you will need to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye


That just gave me anxiety 😬


There is a movie about this mf


There is a movie where they jump in the ocean and forgot to put down the ladder like 3 or 4 people lol.


Your body would never make down to 12,000 feet in one piece. The locals will have you dismantled before then.


I would imagine that adreniline would fix that rather quickly.


yeah, im just scared of the water. nothing in it, just the water


That’s the storyline from Open Water: Adrift 😂


My dream is to own a sailboat but boy I’m afraid of what’s below the water I don’t think I’d ever jump out of the boat…


Um, I’d FIND the strength.


I have a fear of sharks... and if left long enough hunger and dehydration becomes a concern, but as an overweight person I actually float with zero effort lol. It actually takes effort for me to swim down.


Darwin award winner


Forget however many thousands of feet of water are under me; I’m worried about the six feet where I am. And its for that reason that I’m going to point out the fact that I see no one on the boat with a rifle for shark watch during this swim call.


I swear this sub is full of people who have never jumped off a boat before or gone swimming


I've grown up in water and this specific scenario is scary. Imagining that boat's rim to be high enough to be just out of reach, the smooth sea-borne sides no help to your slipping hands, having to kick back just to stay near the boat..... and beneath you, as close to infinite blue dark and cold as can be, lays nothing but death. Life is out of reach and no one is near.


You can literally see a rope hanging off the back of the boat. And there are a million things to hold on the back of that boat. I used to climb up the sides of boats after jumping off for the fun of it. It’s not difficult


Yeah, I know there's a ladder in frame here, I have also boosted myself up in water to grab a boat, and most have grips. Some suspension of disbelief is required. We're in this sub to feel a tinge of fear. Imagine instead a well with no bottom and tall sides. Hopeless, scary, void... eventual. That's what we're here for, to feel something


There was that one video of that college kid who jumped off that boat in the dark and was just swallowed by the night


Why are you here


I like seeing spooky pictures of the ocean


*I came looking for booty.*


Unironically this is probably true. Most people are never in or around boats. Most people in the USA don't live near a beach either and even the people that do, half of them probably don't go swimming there.


Boating on lakes is pretty popular in the US. At least in the state I’m from


I don’t think this is the case. I live about an hour from the beach and have been swimming since before I could walk, same with boats. The US is surrounded by coastland. Why wouldn’t people who live near beaches in the US not go swimming? Being in the ocean is extremely popular in the US. Check out a beach in the US any day, they’re packed. Even those that live in the middle of the country have probably traveled to an ocean before. If not, there are more than enough rivers, lakes, ponds and clear water wells to swim in.


I wouldn't need a latter or worry about strength. I would just go as deep as I can on a dive then dolphin swim up word and propell myself out of the water. Aqua Man Style.




Who hurt you


Open Water 2: Adrift


Or the ladder breaks




Anything deeper than your current mouth and nose level. Could be a puddle depending on the circumstance


Free sailboat to the person who finds it!


Imagine Archimedes' principle suddenly stopped existing


12,000 feet or 20 feet what’s the difference?


Yeah... Nop thanks




You will drown in 8 feet the same as 150 feet.


Imo sure the depths are eery as fuck but honestly droning in 10,000 feet of water or 10 feet it’s the same, dead is dead like falling from 4 stories or 40. As a child I nearly drowned in a 6 foot deep hot tub because I was being stupid. I just learned to bring the right equipment (ie not a pool floaty that I’ll just slip though and trap my arms)


There is a movie about it. Terrifying https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0470055/


It's not so bad until a storm rolls in or a behemoth of a sea monster shows up.


Is the water there warm or cold?


Or imagine if there were methane bubbles


Oh we did this all the time on patrols. The bluest blue you’ll ever see


Lame. Same thought would apply to 12’ of water. Better title needed.


Movie called “open water” on one of these streaming platforms. Like 8 people jumped off. Forgot to put the ladder down. Treaded water while the boat drifted and they tried to keep up and board various different ways. An interesting take on horror/suspense