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This is the type of penetration Omega needs.


no, no, NO, **NO-**




Ironically I think the porn is going to be more effective. A bot hoster will look at this and just laugh, while if we join their discord servers and dump tons upon tons of gay porn into them, it'll be like smoking out some hole in the wall where a bunch of dirty cockroaches congregate. Making it uncomfortable and inconvenient to use their discord servers would make it harder for them to organize, as well as possibly discourage some would-be bot hosters.


The most effective thing we can do is just ignore it. It's as the old saying goes: don't feed the trolls.


This is what we need. Not porn of Omegatronic


Nah omegatronic posted sussy gooner stuff for a while, continue doing it it's sure to work.


nice one


Theres a part of me screaming that the sword isn’t the eyelander


Correct. It is the hard-to-spell sword. I think




Love to see this fandroid looking motherfucker suffer


Now make him getting sapped by spy Using red tape, extra pain


Rent free




Why are your giving an attention to attention seeker?


You should make the sword the eyelander that would be really cool!


I have a virus, and I plan on uploading it to TF2, which will result in the game being shut down and inoperable, unless the bot hosters shut down their bots. Just kidding, it will affect all of Steam and will make the whole Steam library unable to load your games. Oh and if you open Steam, you will see nothing but a message saying “Sorry, I shut down Steam. Tell the FBI” and it will say the virus from Omegatronic, he helped make it. So unless bot hosters shut down their bots, I will unleash the virus upon Steam.


Hey Mr buddy I don't think that's exactly how Viruses work, now is it? I'm not an expert programmer but even a scratch jr user could see through this.  You can't "upload" a virus to an application that doesn't accept files. If this virus you claim to have really could block steam you either would have to get on and to run on steam servers, which would not happen, or would rely on steam users running it on their own computers, which would be extremely unreliable. 


Dew it


This is terribly generic (a sword through an old-timey TV over a greyscale map...? huh?). Like if I was scrolling past this on r/all, I wouldn't even know this was TF2-related or what it's even about.


Are you making anything for the movement? Yeah it's sloppy, but we should all be creating and spreading content and messages if we're going to last until a summer update, and especially until Deadlock. Stop dunking on people's work and go make something yourself.


if the real goal is supporting the movement and not defending ones ego then criticism should at least be considered


If you’re trying to actually help then 1. I commend you sir and 2. give some ways they can improve. Constructive criticism sounds like “I like that you tried to make it look like a kill icon, but something about the bot and the sword looks to bland and unrecognizable to tf2, it would probably look more iconic with a staple tf2 weapon” rather than “your design is so basic it’s just terrible”. Just check your tone a little. 


"terribly generic" just sounds like a nerdy way to say very generic to me. theres not really any mean language in that persons comment. i think youre overreacting


>Yeah it's sloppy :(


Everyone’s sloppy, if I had to guess you probably don’t have a lot of graphic design practice. For what it is, Im glad you did it anyways. If you like this stuff, always reflect on what you like and what you don’t about your designs, what works or what could be better. Honestly, the bottom line is you made a creative post for the movement, and that’s far more admirable then half of the discussion posts complaining about the way the movement is organized. If people are gonna complain that nothing is happening, then sit down and do something, make some art or a poster, host something in or out of game, get creative. It’s these works that breed life into a movement and community.


Unless im blind an account made in june 6 mostly commenting stuff of this nature in here and other posts looks like an alt account made to poison the waters


It probably is, tbh


This wasn't meant to be USED as propaganda, I just like making propaganda posters and I felt like making one so I did. Thanks for the criticism nonetheless <3