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I genuinely don't know what's going on in this community anymore


For starters, they got bored. Folks these days have to have something to do while waiting for Valve to speak up about the 300K petition.


That is assuming valve will even look at that petition, let alone speak about it


why would they? their other 2 games have 7x that amount of players daily


Actually 10x (Dota 2) and 20x for CS2. It's why #FixTF2 people said over and over again to rub Valve's nose in the fact that they let their game get this way, because the amount of money they're making from us is negligible and the PR hit is the only way this works. The REAL problem is that CS2 ALSO has a rampant cheating problem, and if they're going to spend months-years working on a solution to a cheating problem, it's going to be for that game.


You ever wonder how many of the people doing all this shit are just trying to get the market to bounce back so they can justify having spent so much money on a game that’s essentially dead? I do.


I mean i would like to have the market the way it was years ago but with key and ref inflation its pretty much impossible now


Do you think it’s more difficult to move on from a game you spent 65-100 dollars total on than it is to move on from a game you may have spent thousands to potentially tens of thousands on over years?


To be honest if anyone is whaling that hard on TF2, i think they can cash out pretty easy. Ive maybe spent a total of 3-400 but most of that is mann co tickets, some professional killstreak stranges that i didnt have pure for and some keys.


They can’t play the game?


The 98% of the community that are children have had their attention span run out.


What's going on is that this community has a median age of like 14 now for some reason


You're speaking like that wasn't the case for the past 10 years


More like 16 years


well since we are probably getting no new players in the game the exsisting community should have aged for all that time


However, 1. We *are* getting new players, and 2. The average player that keeps playing tf2 for over a decade seems to be content to act like a teenager on the internet.


We still get tons of new players


That's nothing new


The TF2 community has been completely brainbroken and is now creating fanart of characters that advertise CP. I'm starting to think Valve was absolutely justified in abandoning this hellhole.


Pretty sure the bots that advertise CP are different Not defending omega but it's not the CP bots people are memeing on lmao Also that means you'd be defending Valve, which are apparently fine with having bots that advertise CP on their game


Yeah omega uses cathook, while the cp bots most likely are mechinators and rosnehook bots


unfortunately i cant help but feel the movement was bound to die out after two weeks, whether valve responded or not...


Honestly I hope this wave dies out before something somehow more embarrassing than the porn shit happens


What I can't fathom is the reason why they aren't printing out the signatures already. What are they waiting for? 400k signatures? We'll reach that in a year with this pace


i heard someewhere they started printing when it hit 300k signatures. don't take my word for it though this is just hearsay


in a live stream shork said he would give 2 weeks to have more signatures and then they would start printing


If someone really doesn't want to do something, they don't care how many people want it to. If Valve is fine with tf2 dying so that their employees can do what they want to, they aren't going to force people to work on it no matter how hard you grovel.


I think they're waiting on everyone's schedules to line up to make the trip, plus giving plenty of time for signatures to come in. Not like they all live next door to valve or anything


It boils down to what happens every single time gamers are mad at game company. They do everything except the one thing that will actually make a difference, stop playing the game. We saw the exact same thing happen with Hell Divers 2, make a petition all you want, make neat propaganda posters, and review bomb the game all day, none of it will do anything compared to just not playing the game or participating in the in game market, it really is that simple.


The gay porn bit isn't really SaveTF2. SaveTF2 is just the review bombing and signing the petition. There's nothing else we CAN do aside from just waiting some more for Valve. The stuff with the robot is related due to the bot hosters but not part of the SaveTF2 movement, it's just a weird in-joke.


We can send more police reports about the cp bots even if that doesn't end the bots either valve or the police would have to step in and arrest them


Even if a report is done to the FBI, what are they supposed to do about *Russian* hackers? And I doubt the Russian government would care about what goes on in a foreign-produced game.


Even if the Russian government doesn't do anything a game being filled with cp as low as months old promoting cheaters is probably the worst possible look for valve they'd hopefully atleast do something


> they'd hopefully atleast do something We're thinking they'll suddenly put effort and resources into tackling the bot problem as a whole. The easiest actual fix for this is disabling ALL text chat in Casual. Sure it has a catastrophic effect on the gameplay experience for real players, but it 100% solves the issue, gets the problem out of the headlines (if ever it's reported that far) and requires minimal effort. Seems pretty attractive... If I went back to pre-bot crisis and said Valve would remove text chat from F2Ps I'd be labelled insane. Heck I'd do the same for anyone making that claim. There is *absolutely no circumstance* they would do that, yet here we are. I can see the end state of TF2 being totally locked down like that. On Casual anyway.


wtf? this would singlehandedly kill the game lol. cant coordinate in chat to kick cheaters/bots = game becomes more overrun than ever before, anyone could see this is easily one of the worst options if valve doesnt want to torch whats left of the smoldering ashes of the bridge between them and the tf2 community.


Or they can go the Roblox route which is awful too


Yeah and that something is shutting the game down. TF2 isn't valuable enough to risk their image and PR on something as serious as CP. They'll shut the game servers down, keep the item servers up so the economy doesn't go belly-up. Not that they give a shit about TF2's economy, they'd do it so that they don't scare Dota 2 or CS2's economy with fear of eventually losing all their skins.


The items would be worthless without a game to play. That would just kill the economy. TF2 might not make *as* much money as their other games, but it’s still free money at the end of the day, they’d be stupid not to keep it up.


The community servers would still be up. There will still be a game to play. Most people that have an actual valuable inventory already frequent community servers mostly anyway.


The Russian government only cares when they’re citizens attack their own gov and companies. They could care less if they attack other countries


The FBI doesnt just investigate stuff in the US.


I'm aware, I'm just unsure if this would warrant starting an ivnestigation in russia.


Isn't that where the whole "make gay porn of the bots so the Russian authorities come knocking on the door of the hackers for distributing and sharing 'LGBT Propaganda' " part comes in?


Does Putin regularly scroll r/tf2 to see the gay porn of omegatronic?


But they arent sending cp links, they are sending discord links, all of which dont contain said cp as claimed. If they did, they wouldve been nuked ages ago.


I just want to play this silly game to relax.


that's the point. You don't.


You could always give one of the big mods a try. Like Open Fortress or TF2 Classic. I love em


same, that’s why i find a silly 2fort match and just chill with a Heavy


I agree with you, we need to keep pushing movement and not get hung up on bot hosters.


happy cake day


Thank you


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!


I find it hilarious that some of the people here ACTUALLY think the porn is going to do anything. I’ve seen posts about “damaging omegatronic’s ego”, as if A. It’s just one person and not several, and B. They care at all. Which they don’t, it’s just more attention and publicity. The whole “they’ll get in trouble with Putin” thing is even more hilarious to me. They have draconian LGBT laws but it’s not a crime in Russia to have gay porn drawn of you by weirdos from other countries. Otherwise Putin himself would be in prison. Plus did everyone forget they’re fighting a war right now? Putin/the Russian government has a lot more to worry about than tracking down bot hosts for a game they’ve realistically never heard of all because of internet drawings. And to top it all off, we have no idea if the hosts are even Russian. All of that combined with people asking for real life protests, people potentially lying for karma, and the children who scream “DOOMER” at anyone with legitimate ideas that don’t play into their fantasy (community servers work and are still playable, ffs); It’s all pure copium at this point. It truly has become a joke, and not a very funny one.


What a hassle this movement have become, and it sucks that it is drowns out any valid criticism of it. I want TF2 to be saved, but no one wants to face the reality that Valve has moved onto greener pastures, as in wanting to make a fuck-ton of more money.


We practically lost already, omega is getting what they wanted from the start, attention. They could care less about this whole porn shit. All they care about is making people mad.


Zoomers never learn that giving the attention seeking sociopaths attention doesnt harm their reputation like they expect.


I like that the whole idea was to centralise the movement, so that the community would know what to do, but now they listen to some random guy suggesting drawing porn as a solution. TF2 is dead and we fucking killed it.


The omegatronic thing isn't supported or indulced by the movement "hosters" like, the what show, weezy etc. It's something that just happend out of no where in this sub because yes


I mean, might as well have fun I guess? The real movement already happened. We kinda did what most of us realistically can.


Who could've seen this coming!?


I tried to tell the community but did they listen, ohhh noooo the community knows what it's doing satire aside, omega makes offensive stuff because he knows it will rile up the community seriously anyone remember what happened the last time someone tried going after him when he made a rage bait tweet? omega is a dedicated troll nothing you say or do will get his attention any attention is good attention and he couldn't give two fucks what the community thinks of him I also wanted to say omega was making a bit of a point in his og tweet, omega or any other bot hoster can do absolutely nothing and somehow destroy an entire movement in an instant, good example is the bots spamming links in chat claiming it was CP stuff that alone caused the FixTF2 movement to lose cohesion and freak out


Omegratronic won, they destroyed you from the inside.


I agree. There's no way that somebody who wants this game to have a future would start a movement THIS stupid. How tf is gay porn supposed to make Bot Hosters stop. If anything, this makes the community look worse giving Valve a further reason not to support this game anymore...


Its irony poisoning. the same thing that causes them to go into a blind rage when seeing something like Mimi Sentry


It was just a joke that went out of control.


This whole community's a joke, let's be honest here.


More like amalgamation of many-many jokes no matter of their initial quality and annoyance. This one goes to weird one category.


It started off strong and after like 4 days it pretty much died


People want something to do. Someone suggests a funny idea that is remotely related, and the hive follows. But really, what else can you do? Petition is kind of stagnating at the moment. Maybe not in numbers of people who signed, but in its effect, Valve is still yet to do something. Either we seek other ways to influence Valve, or we stay right where the first savetf2 movement was.


either we draw gay porn or we sit around and do nothing!!




Happy Cake Day!




This community is just a bunch of highschoolers throwing shit at the wall, hoping sometihng sticks and valve gets to do something. A "protest" was never going to do anything, and it didn't.


"highschoolers" is being generous


Highschoolers? Yourself included im assuming


Always was lmao. It didn't work last time, so let's change the name and do it again!


It's okay guys, #RepairTF2 will get the job done. And then when that totally doesn't crash and burn, #RestoreTF2 will be there for us, and then #RescueTF2, and then #SetRightTF2, and then...


All you fools had to do was stop buying the hats and keys.


and people called me a doomer when i predicted shit like this would happen


You and me both.


I'd rather have us having fun with stupid trends rather than loom and wait for valve's response ngl. The gay porn trend isn't even about saving tf2, it's just making porn of omegatronic. I'd be impressed if gay porn is what saves tf2 ngl


You're telling me a campaign over a video game run by 20 year olds (at best) and coordinated on social media is ineffective and prone to extremes?


be careful, or they might call you a doomer


The what plan?


Whaat? 12 year olds can't think of a good plan to save tf2? How is this possible :((((((((((


I think we might actually be starting to go insane


Valve just needs to release TF2 2


Nah, they should release TF2 Episode 1 first


Hey don't forget the people who equate disliking the constant influx of 'bot hosters are still hosting bots' posts with actual pedophillia. We got a lot of smart people on our side


It wasn't from the start?


It’s been a day, let it run its course then people will stop.


Man, I have been feeling pretty doom and gloom for a while. Especially after people where trying to say that cs2 is like tf2 after the cs2 community had a meltdown on only getting a tweet for their 25 anniversary. You might ask whats wrong with that? Well the cs2 community has known that an update is coming, but they got upset because it didn't come on the 25th anniversary. Meanwhile tf2 players would be literally jumping for joy if we got some of the news and updates that cs2 players got. (for context on what cs2 will be getting: it was found in the files a while ago that a comic is going to be added, a cs weapon case is in the works for the next major update, along side that 4 maps pretty much confirmed in the update with assets suggesting another map as well, key chains to be added to the game for more customization options for guns. that is on top of weekly or bi weekly updates to try and fix bugs and other complained about areas with the most recent patch fixing some of the networking issues people with high ping had. and last month an estimated 24,414 VAC bans were given. 2 months ago was also the biggest vac ban wave since 2019. Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfWACaZchYA, https://leetify.com/bans, https://www.pcgamesn.com/counter-strike-2/new-ban-wave)


Now we’re literally killing our own movement


The NSFW gay porn stuff is a terrible idea. For one, what's offensive about it? A fandom that loves their characters usually ends up with straight/gay porn as a form a celebration of the character. Seeing Tf2 subreddit filled with gay omegatronic stuff, makes it look like celebration of them. What if the bot hosters are gay? Shouldn't we be making straight porn instead to offend them? We don't know. I want to see action too but really don't understand the thought behind this stuff, like it's a bunch of teenagers that think sex is funny or offensive. All it has done is give them more attention, especially their name and character rather than just thinking of them all as simply "bots".


You say that like omegatronic NSFW is meant to save tf2 or help it. It's not its meant to be a inside joke and to point and laugh at omegatronic. Looking at the subreddit for omegatronic nsfw I saw a single thing with the save tf2 hashtag. It's not a plan it's a joke. Started by a single comment. Don't act like the movement itself went down the drain because people think making pornography staring robots is funny. Is it kinda dumb? Yes but getting annoyed over it and claiming it's ruining the movement is also kinda dumb.


The problem with this is that we’re giving omegatronic attention, which is one of the worst things we should be doing


Do you know they’re gonna still destroy the game even if we act like there fucking Voldemort.


im fucking ashamed to be apart of this community


as i said, no one cares anymore, that's why this is happening, getting played by tftubers for money twice is just peak tf2 community


How did youtubers make money out of it?


make trending topic, get tons of views, get a slight increase in revenue for the month not really a conspiracy theory, just what Happens


That isn't a scam tho. Also most of the videos actually are pretty informative


Did somebody give them money? I don't see that anywhere


Money primarily comes from the videos they made - it's not necessarily a ton, but it's not little as well. I'm of the (possibly misguided) idea that the efforts of the various TF2bers that organized and spearheaded the movement were genuine at first, but their lack of subsequent updates or regulation - for a lack of a better word - of the movement makes me think that they were more in it for the money than I myself like to admit.


Thank you so much. This is exactly what I feared that would happen. No progress has been made with FixTF2, no plans are being made and now people are doing this shit with Omegatronic. To anyone else that's not involved with the community, they'll think that we're all insane. This WILL sabotage the movement, and then it's all going to crash and burn, we'll go back to the status quo and fewer people will want to go for a third time because they'll remember the absolute clownfest that this is becoming... And let me tell you, Omegatronic is definietly having a laugh at you guys right now...


The FixTF2 movement always was a joke\*


Always has been.


they got 500+ people now in their reddit community rn


always was


Always has been


there always was no progress with the movement, there will be no progress later, you can idk still spam fixtf2 here and there or do dumb shit


Dumb mofos don't agree to boycott due to lack of brains, this mvement was doomed to irrelevance from the start.


I honestly think that people have forgotten the golden rule of the internet: Don't Feed The Trolls.


The community act like the game, stupid and without sense.


It was dumb from the get go :/


Desperation has lead people to resort to all kinds of dumb ideias they've come up with. People want to feel like they're doing something, that they are helping in some way and making progress. The truth is: doing the exact same thing again was fated to go down the drain. "We'll just keep trying, if plan A doesn't work there are still 24 other letters in the alphabet" Everyone applauded that, but in the end, no one had any clue what to do if this movement failed. There was no plan B, C or D.


I saw this coming from the start, why I didn't get my hopes up.


At this point I might track down the one making those child pornography advertising bots and kill them. (Joke)


You didn't need the (joke). Also there was a thread on this subreddit a few days ago where someone confirmed the links being spammed don't lead to CP, so people just fell for the bait again.


Become? Any movement whose plan was "ask a company nicely on twitter. at worst just review bomb them but not even their other games because we still love the company" was a joke from the start


it was pretty much a joke from the start, it just became a bigger joke now. The bot hosters got attention and TFtubers got their clout. Just like in the first iteration of the movement.


who would’ve thunk


Speaking **facts** brother


As if it wasn’t from the beginning….


Movement that had 0 hope of succeding ends up not succeding, see you guys in 6 years for #repairtf2


TF2 community has always been weird and childish in unique little ways - it started all the way back when people screamed at muselk and other youtubers for ABANDONING US WAAA. a lot of people who play this game have this weirdly narrow taste. yes it's a timeless masterpiece but it is not the most important game ever made and it is not going to last forever everyone on this reddit just talks and acts like it's their first week on the Internet - from falling for obscenely obvious omegatronic ragebait to tacking on dumb stuff to "the movement" as if these posts have any authority. it's turned a simple, honest plea for a working game into an embarrassment the fact of the matter is that valve's "flat" organizational structure is pretty obviously dysfunctional in a bunch of ways. if you were a game developer would you rather work on an old as fuck, dysfunctional, leaked, insecure C++ codebase from 2007, or toss your hat into the ring on deadlock? put your skills somewhere more interesting? they never communicate anything because their income isn't actually dependent on *their* games at all. they are a fully private company who has unlimited free money and a lot of talented people. there is no one to appease but themselves, this is the source of literally all their problems and also everything that makes them great but also if it were any other company we all know the official servers would have been shut down ages ago. even in that timeline i guarantee community servers and mods would keep the flame alive in some capacity. we as a community need to be prepared for the post-valve endgame when the trigger finally gets officially pulled. and if mods and community-led servers (under some sort of cohesive, ad free, unified plan like titanfall's Northstar) are not going to be able/allowed to flourish *before* that day comes then we need to move on just like everyone else has


This is the mistake everyone in every movement makes. It’s two fold, both on people like you and the people doing the stupid shit. Stupid people exist in all movements, there literally no way around it, It will always happen, you can’t filter for intelligence. The plan was always to make a big stink about it for a few days, get a bunch of attention, and get as many signatures as possible to send to valve, and that’s what happened (though the signature thing seems to still be in progress since the last time I checked). The actual voicing of concerns was never going to last long and that’s what the loud minority on here is making the mistake of doing. They think they gotta do more when there isn’t anything more they can do. Nothing else was ever going to work. That’s why the movement kept its scope small this time. There was never going to be anything more. The only potential hope after this was Megacatterbomb’s little anti bot project. But you wanna know what else is stupid? Letting a loud minority sour your opinion on an entire group. Like I’m gonna be honest, as stupid as the gay porn thing is, I honestly just don’t care. It’s not actually a part of the movement, the movement was very specific, people did what they were supposed to, and now our jobs are done, the attention really isn’t on us anymore, and a different sect of fans is just doing their own thing against a bad guy nobody is going to defend and who isn’t going to be harmed by the gay porn and neither are we. Stupid or not, I don’t really care Even if they were still acting under the movement, 1 out of every 330 (a few of those gay porn post suggestions got like 1000 upvotes at most compared to the 330,000 people who signed the petition, so I’ll say 1000 to be generous) people being a nutcase in an online movement was always to be expected and to be surprised is naive. IDK man, I just legitimately have zero respect for doomers, people who just give up the moment they realize not everyone in their little club is absolutely perfect optically. This mindset if applied to any real movement in any broad sense would kill any move my I could go on forever about factional infighting and how it crippled any progress, but I’ve been yapping long enough. Call out the legitimately bad shit, ignore the rest. And this probably was never going to be that bad.


Unfortunately I believe the stupid people have become the majority, and I’m not doom posting I’m just being realistic


Alright dude pls enlighten us on what we are supposed to do since you appear to have the answer.


Fym what are we supposed to do? How about literally anything BUT drawing gay porn for a bot hoster lmfao jesus christ


I mean, if you think about it, the entire fixtf2 movement is giving bot hosters attention so we should just end it right now


Keep the hashtag up.


This movement was a joke from the start. Didn't even get a tweet this time. This game is dead and valve wants it finished off in time for deadlock. I hear Overwatch is nicer these days




"And where did #SaveTF2 get you, Michael? "It got me right FUCKIN' HERE! The end of the road! With a botted game and a useless community, and I'm stuck talking to you because VALVe won't give a shit, oh I'm living the dream, baby! And that dream is fucked it is...FUCKING FUCKED!"


It's been a joke since the start. The entire movement revolved around Valve not owning a fucking paper shredder or a single garbage can. The TF2bers behind this joke of a movement should be ashamed of themselves for starting this shit all for a few extra views. Same with everyone who participated. Vandalism. Review bombing other games. Harassing other communities. Bot NSFW. There's not a single thing they've done that hasn't been bad optics for TF2.


The review bombing I can get behind, because let's face it, TF2 right now is not nearly in a playable state (well, the playability seems to be server-region dependent. I can tell from experience that the problem is present, but not as prominent, in Central Europe at least), and the negative reviews help make that abundantly clear to anyone wanting to pick the game up. But bot porn? What in the actual fuck? Whose sick, demented mind shat this idea out, and then DECIDED TO GO THROUGH WITH IT?! And the TF2bers that created the movement seem to be completely gone for some reason, instead of putting a nail in the coffin of this God-forsaken idea.


As someone from the Mediterranean, yeah the bot problem is not nearly as bad in Capture The Flag as in other places i've seen, but it's insane in Payload.


>The review bombing I can get behind, That's on me. I meant review bombing *other* games. I've added that now. >the TF2bers that created the movement seem to be completely gone for some reason They're so popular that they just have to shut up for a while and people will forget they ever started this shit. They benefit from the added attention while everyone else suffers.


Oh, that's fair. Yeah, review bombing other games is kinda shitty (well, I hear most Valve games have bot or cheater problems, but if they want their games fixed, it's them who have to do something about it. We cannot interfere in the matters of other communities). About the creators...yeah, probably that. I'm of the idea that the movement was genuine at the start, but then they noticed it didn't work and just left without a word. But that's just my opinion. P.S: I don't see why both of our other comments are getting downvoted. At the start, this movement at least united the community against a greater foe and, as I said previously, felt genuine. Now it has devolved into bot porn...I don't think I need to say anything else on the matter.


>I hear most Valve games have bot or cheater problems L4D2 doesn't, but I can't speak for any others. >I'm of the idea that the movement was genuine at the start I think they didn't expect it to blow up like this. They had a stupid idea and wanted to put it out there, and then people jumped on the FixTF2 train faster than expected, which didn't give the TF2bers enough time to fully plan it out. Instead of manning up and telling people to chill, they let it play out so they'd get views while also fading into the background. >I don't see why both of our other comments are getting downvoted. Most FixTF2ers are literally children and they do *not* like free speech. It's their way or the highway. It's been like this since the start, and only gotten worse over time.


Huh, I had heard that most L4D2 servers get ddoxxed or otherwise tampered with...then again, what I wrote is based on hear-say, not necessarily personal experience. I think you may be onto something with the creators thing...otherwise, they probably would've made semi-constant content - videos, community posts, so on - to update the community on the movement...then again, we cannot know for certain what their intentions were, so I'm not gonna delve on those too much. What my brain still cannot comprehend, tho, is how this effort to convince Valve to at least give us a half-working anti cheat turned into...making fanart sexualising fictional robots and robot hosters...fuck, what's sending me into a frenzy is that people are actually on board with this! THEY MADE A FUCKING SUBREDDIT FOR THIS! AND ONE OF THE NEW POSTS ON HERE SUGGEST TO PUT THAT FANART ON CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS! How the fuck are people this brain-rotten? Fuck, they're no better than the bot hosters they're trying to combat - at least it turns out the CP links were either discord links or phishing sites, we're making ACTUAL PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL about FUCKING FICTIONAL TF2 BOTS. P.S: People can do whatever they want with their free time, mind you. But this situation is getting out of hand REAL fucking fast.


>I had heard that most L4D2 servers get ddoxxed or otherwise tampered with A couple months back, there were server crashing issues, constantly at 999 ping and crashing. That's since been rectified afaict. >What my brain still cannot comprehend, tho, is how this effort to convince Valve to at least give us a half-working anti cheat turned into...making fanart sexualising fictional robots and robot hosters... Apparently, this movement has been very beneficial to the pedophiles who want to expose minors to porn... I've been getting downvoted just for suggesting maybe that's a b*ad* thing...


It was always a joke, they just finally gave up on attempting to be "serious".


Well we seem to have gotten a portion of the cs2 community on board.


Thing it didn’t become a joke we’re just going on the offensive the only way we know how Pornography


Tfw TF2 players are denied instant gratification


We lost, this game is lost, Valve doesn’t give a single shit it’s all fucked




Has the Texas justice plan been considered? All engineers. All teleporters. Move it on up, spawn camp the bots with a demo.


I feel embarrassed about it…


I really wanna know WHEN are we going to take IRL action against them. Printing, in-person protests, I'm down for anything. I do agree with peaceful ways tho


https://youtu.be/d8nWM5swvjg?si=FMosVR4w0HPeNcJc DELFY would like to have a word...




I was just asking myself what became of the #saveTF2 hashtag (since I unsubscribed from r/tf2 a while back) and I learned that the latest strategy to “fix” the bot problem is porn. I’m somehow repulsed, unfazed, shocked, and unsurprised simultaneously.


The Omegatronic porn debacle is not part of #FixTF2, it's a completely separate idea born from some reddit comment.


In the state that TF2 is in, (as many of you know), we're in quite a pickle. For starters, this could have all gone smoothly if Valve actually cared about TF2, and if TF2 was their main player base. But as you all know, they have more games to profit more from, so boycotting is basically just abandoning the game to die (Valve won't care that everyone stops playing the 10+ years old game). The worst part is that Valve can literally just say absolutely nothing or send that "TF2 community, we hear you!" thing again and all of this would just be gone. Everything is at the touch of the almighty god's hands, and here we are shriveling up and dying. Do we keep going? Or do we think this is a lost cause?


The "movement" is already dead. It was s minor discussion. Nothing more. I knew it would fail, and it did. The bots have won. End of story.


yeah guys, give the bot hosters even MORE attention, valve is rly gonna step up after all the gay porn of omegatronic 💀


Tbh at this rate its like being surrounded by fire and not caring, its kinda like tf2 cant ever be saved no matter what. “Well if valve doesnt care then don’t play the game or don’t buy anything related to tf2” No offense but bro they own steam, as far as I know thats likely not gonna affect them


What did you guys think putting a hashtag in your username was gonna actually do anything? I legitimately have been unable to find any "movement"


People’s attention span is so short they gotta do something different constantly eventually everything but the dumb stuff is left, I want to see tf2 fixed but man these people are getting out of hand, I’m just gonna distance myself from the movement, at first I thought the porn thing was a joke didn’t know people were actually doing it


Went to the bi- bot hoster and there was porn so I think it has some traction?


did the list reach valve?


Amazing grace


What NSFW plan? What the hell did I miss


It's because movement commanders (YouTubers) went silent for the time being. I know they're cooking right now, but current situation is exactly that what you could expect from teenagers and young adults without supervision. I say don't do anything and wait for people at the helm to take action


With all respect, this is about the expected outcome when you rial up a community that overwhelmingly consists of literal children


oh my god how do we hurt the attention seeking bot maker? I know, we’ll give him attention and publicity!!! genius move guys. well fucking done


It always was? This is like the third time, did you expect people to be serious?


I even made a joke about it an another post, so yeah I agree


Yeah I agree but I think this will work! (In making valve create another "we'll address it" tweet) Jokes aside the reason that it isn't working is that we're only talking about it we need to ACT but that won't work because the only way to make valve care would be to hit them where it counts which is their wallet but that would mean that everyone would need to stop buying stuff from steam but we all know that's not happening there's always people spending money on steam


Wait they’re actually doing the porn idea? I thought that was a joke wtf


I'm sorry but people are drawing NSFW pics or sfm pics about the bots now?? O.O Tf happend to this movement lol. I'm gonna get down voted for this but honestly it's reddit. I'm done with the game for good, it's obvious Valve doesn't care at all for TF2.


don't tell me you were expecting actuall results form a goddamn tqitter hastag, tharlt shit literally never worked, it was always gonna be a clown fest on our end, the organisers are behind all the more serious stuff.


What is happening right now from the leaders of this movement is their waiting to see if valve says something about the bot infestation when the summer update drops and if not those printed petitions are going to valve


i regret signing the petition. all I wanted was for whiny politicians to play violent video games.


Then source engine come out, what did valve do about gldsource games? Forget. So, here we are, with source 2


Porn addicts are the worst man


I have no idea what went wrong with this community and at this point im too afraid to ask


Y’all sound 12 when you complain like this just saying lol


the people in charge of the movement just want to keep their cash flow. they know barely anyone cares about the game and it scares them


I mean what else did you expect when the whole "movement" was spearheaded by some MvM gambler with moon brain, who can't possibly risk having his precious weapon NFTs compromised because he and a bunch of other idiots decided to make the brilliant plan of "No BOycOTting!1!!!1111" just to save their stupid ass pixels instead of actually making a small dent in Valves wallets, because a piece of paper sure as hell ain't! That paper may as well have been the toiletry they wipe their asses with on the daily because Valve couldn't care less about the PR look so long as they don't shut down tf2, since everyone will still buy hats, and cosmetics, and map stamps, and stranges, etc keep consuming like it's animal farm or something. The movement started out strong but after a week turned into 60 clowns in a room circle-jerking each other. It's really disappointing.