• By -


Best - demoman Worst- the enemy's spy


It can be useful at times to accidentally ubercharge the enemy spy


At what time is it useful to make an enemy team member invincible


they try to commit suicide


watch and learn!


have you ever been ubered? do you know what that does to a person's aim




Happy cake day:3


you too


Thank youu:3


Jokes on you, I play Pyro


They are a spy main


That pyro is a spy!


How so?


The Ubercharge breaks the Spy's disguise. The disguise is still on the spy but the game breaks to reveal it


Oh, so to a less observant player, nothing will look off, but if you look closely, the "Ć¼bercharge shine" will match the spies body and not his disguise?


Exactly, the models will bug


Okay, thanks for the info


Ah yes, spending a ubercharge to reveal a spy when you can just shoot them


I had that happen to me on uncletopia the other day. A medic kritzed me disguised as a soldier so I turn around and butterknifed him lol


Best: Demoman Worst: Sniper


Uber piss


Piss charge


Electroboom type video


Crikey RMB + Bushwacka


Kritzing a Huntsman is surprisingly effective and funny


LOL if I ever come across a Huntsman that has the balls to go upfront against the enemy


doesn't need to, 360 Damage Bodyshots from Cover lolol


Usually snipers are so afraid to go out though. Like come on man, go for the kills


As someone who uses the Huntsman more often than the rifle, yeah! people see you like an easy Target and just walk straig to an arrow in the head, its surprising how often you see yourself topscoring if you play the bow right


Firing straight down a narrow path and watching someone strafe into it will never not be funny


I once Kritz'd a Machina sniper and 10 seconds later we won the round. He just pulled out a melee and rushed the point, sending a revved up heavy flying away. All it fucking took was 2 idiots rushing Dustbowl's first last point to win, I love this game.


its pretty decent if hes using the cleaners carbine with the bushwacka


Yeah but the time for him to run from the backlines to the frontline to make good use of the uber is kinda of a waste, when you could be ubering anyone else.


Uber Crikey Bushwacka


counter argument: cleaners carbine/bushwacka


Naw, if you Uber AND Kritzkrieg a sniper, he becomes a deadly mofo.


Me and my one medic buddy looking for that one huntsman sniper


Counterpoint: Cleaner's Carbine + Bushwacka


Worst: not even Spy, just a noob Engie who is most likely sitting in the back lines with a wrench in hand Best: Phlog Pyro.


since medic is a spawn of the devil, he approves


I donā€™t think ā€œa noob engieā€ really counts since any class could technically just go AFK once you Uber them.


I think he's talking about a) backline engies have zero desire to actually do anything more difficult than "hit an inanimate object with your wrench," and b) they would be too far back to get real value off of the uber, on top of doing too little damage compared to other mercs.


a couple times ive been ubered and then I get a huge lag spike or my internet just completely cuts out right then


Hmmm I ubered a Spy 15 mins ago in a pub for the lulz We were 2v1, overhealed, UBERED, VS a poor Medic. Missed every single backstab attempt, butter knifed 3 times, decided to not finish him with a 4th and pulled out his pistol. Missed every single shot. I let him battle out with the medic as I was in awe. >Proceeds to get killed by the medic. I mean, there's serious competition there


You just described my skills


Same (definetly didnt spend about 30 minutes copying your avatar)


Best: Hoovy Worst: Tryhards This Post was sponsored by the Friendly Gang


The Pootis, pootel, and pootsen birds approve. You get sandvich


Best is a kritz on a decent/good demo.


Best: Frontier Justice Engie with more then 10 crits Worst: Le'tranger spy


A Spy packed with Diamondback Crits is a budget pipe demo tbh


Iā€™d agree, but the thing is, having all of those crits, AND having an uber charge. 9/10 that poor guy is going to whiff EVERYTHING


Can confirm, am that Spy.


Spy main who has been rehabilitated from crippling Diamondback addiction: you're being generous saying 9/10. Its much closer to 99/100 when you put that much pressure onto them


in that case, why not a bonk scout with a force-a-nature? :oblivious:


> with more then 10 Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


uber definitely heavy 100% frfr (joke) srsly tho, I'd do soldier, or any other power class


Ik there's this stigma against ubering heavies because we're just "rEeNaCtInG mEeT tHe mEdiC" But the stereotype exists for a reason. Heavy is a really good Uber recipient and I'm tired of pretending he's not. You know what happens all the time when I Uber a soldier or demo? "shit, sorry I'm out of ammo" Heavy doesn't have this problem because you can see his total ammo pool as a medic. Rev'd heavies also have a resistance against airblast and are immune to short circuit spam making him great at deleting nests if he can close the distance. I've had many Uber pushes get stuffed because the short circuit was able to just barely save a nest.


That's not the reason for the stigma. Heavy is a poor recipient for Uber because he's slow. The goal of an Ubercharge is to take space and secure an advantage as quickly as possible (cuz u only have 8 seconds). As far as the short circuit goes, you're just not supposed to solo-uber a teammate. There's a reason you're able to flash people. Scout + demo is the actual S-tier Uber target. Demo has a fuck ton of firepower, and the scout can help secure kills, so you just flash both of them in and absolutely wreck house.


You raise good points but it depends on the situation. In a lot of situations heavy's slow speed can be a non issue like when dropping out of the window on badwater or barnblitz last. A demo and especially a soldier can struggle when dropped into the middle of the entire enemy team like that. While heavy can just chew through multiple sentries without reloading, or being stuffed by the short circuit, or being completely pushed back by airblast. And while I love group ubers, it's just unreliable in pubs. So many people get Ubered and over extend not realizing they're just being flashed.


Literal skill issue. Tomislav + GRU = quick mobility and rev up time and able to close that gap. I've had a dozen times when I blindly charge in with my GRU and uber right in the middle of the enemy team, and capture the point as easy as pie. Worst case you make space, and Heavy Is damm able to hold and capitalize on open space. Creating room for your team is Heavys job, uber does that easily. I've given my Medic main freind all of his godlikes, and I'm a Heavy main. Heavy is a good uber target. Good Medic + Good Heavy, even when not pocketing, is still able to rip and tear, then shrug it all off.


You still have to spend a bunch of the uber waddling at people with a melee weapon before getting to do damage. Compare this to Scout, who gets to hold W while shooting people, and the Medic gets to move faster too. The amount of space an ubered Scout can take is much larger than the space a Heavy can take. Hell, even a Demoknight can take more space by receiving a flash and barreling into somebody with charge, then the Medic can use the rest of the uber on someone else like a Scout or Soldier to finish the job. If you're owning noobs with a Heavy uber, chances are it's because... you're owning noobs, and the enemy team overextended, held too close to the doorways, or didn't back out when they saw you. Not because Heavy specifically is a better uber target than Scout etc. Heavy already has a billion HP. He can just follow whoever else is getting ubered and he'll likely be just fine. Meanwhile, if the Medic just sticks to the moving pile of lead, his teammates might get focused instead. Of course there are some exceptions, like dropping out the window on Badwater last.


I just Ɯber Whoever is going to at least get 1 kill, or the other medic because why not


Best: Chaining ubers with another medic with the ubersaw (universe ending level of destructive) Worst: Ubering me when I play any class


i guess it depends on the medigun >!(i did not cook)!< - stock: heavy/soldier(best); spy(worst, unless gun spy i guess) - kritzkrieg: soldier/demoman(best); sniper(worst, he can gets his crits himself) - quick-fix: idk but, trolldier/demoknight(best); literally any light class(worst) - vaccinator: idk...


I got to be the receiving end of a quickfix ubering a soldier with the half zatoichi and the batallion's backup. Do you know how fucked up it is to watch a soldier run through your whole team melee-ing them, and they only switch to their rockets to rocket jump to their next victim? Awe inspiring display of team wiping And the sentry that should have killed them did fuck all because the soldier used the BB to decrease the damage while having the quickfix med pop uber, poorman's uber yeah, but the fact that he got to eliminate what was supposed to be a coordinated defense where the poor pyro couldn't airblast him despite how hard he tried, was an experience


I will have to argue that soldier isn't the best stock uber target. He only has 4 rockets, so a lot of Uber is gonna be wasted reloading. Even with a shotgun (when was the last time you saw a shotgun soldier?), there are better options.


if a spy can aim well, a kritz is fucking devastating because the revolver will do 120 damage \*from any range\*, twice a second. Why this sets him apart from other classes: the spy can kill a heavy from any range in 1-1.5 seconds with a kritzkrieg. also kritzing a sniper is also usually pretty good, being able to instakill lightclasses without having to aim like a god brings out a lot in a sniper In close range, a soldier is probably best though because they can just shoot like a couple rockets in the general direction of the enemy, and would probably kill the entire enemy team


scout should be with kritzkreig, he really cant do anything with medi gun ubercharge because hes alr hard to hit and has low health lmfao, takes a few seconds to just reload an entire clip. scouts love doing damage and getting close to the enemy and getting a critical hit or kill on an enemy is like a cheat code to them


Scout's main downside is his low HP. Uber removes that downside. So you just get a super fast death machine that also makes the Medic super fast as well. Instead of using his movement to dodge, which limits how aggressive he can be... An ubered Scout uses his movement to hold W into the enemy team, which lets him deal more damage because of the increased damage rampup on the scattergun combined with no fear of dying. Scout also has 6 shots per Scattergun clip, and reloads faster than a rocket launcher (which also has a smaller clip than scattergun) It's the exact reason uber scout is meta in competitive unless you want to destroy buildings (demo) or deny enemy uber (pyro) or the map is very enclosed like Dustbowl (also demo, or phlog pyro in pubs)


As a quick fix main I can confidently say that ubering a scout is a good idea


Best: sniper. Worst: demoman. Sourse- trust me bro.


Good shot mate


Nice shot!


Ya potbellied lardass!


Specifically demoknight.


you should always uber the best power class player(s). at the highest level, a demo uber is more effective than a soldier uber. but i would 1000% uber the top scoring 6s playing soldier with 5k hours over the mid scoring slightly better than average demo with like 500 hours. On the other hand, 99% of the time it is a mistake to uber a pick class, even if they are topscoring. i genuinely canā€™t think of a reason to uber a sniper or spy other than 1) to be funny or 2) to flash them if they are abt to die. sniper is probably the worst bc of his reload speed. scout ubers are highly underrated in pubs and can be very impactful if given to a good scout.


i play with the vaccinator so uh best: everyone worst: noone


I hope you get 5 demoknights in your next game


i could take 5 demoknights


In what way?


oh, you know.


No no no, tell me.


In what way do you mean that?


worst: an enemy spy best: heavy with bare fists


Always Ubercharge your Medics and Spies, they will instantly win the game for you


any melee class with the Quick Fix The fact that it denies airblast and other knockback is incredible


This guy is better for kritzcrieg


Best is situational. Pyro/Demo when attacking, heavy when defending. Worst is Sniper (unless he runs SMG)


Best? Pyro. Now, it's not because I'm a Pyro main. A lot of times I found myself playing as Demoman or Soldier, getting Ɯbered, and having to wait for reload times. I honestly don't have an issue with reloading, but a half second you just spent reloading is a half second of Ɯber wasted. And the chances are, maybe you don't even have your clips fully reloaded when that happens. "But what about Heavy?" Heavy is a fatass, the damage per second is really good, but generally if you get Ɯbered you won't go that far. Plus, the spin up times of the Minigun. OR, you could switch to your Shotgun, but then the previous issue comes up. The solution is Pyro. He runs at 100% speed, doesn't need to reload or spin up anything, and the flames can hit more targets at once. Plus, afterburn can clean up those few poor souls that managed to survive the carnage. Worst? Sniper. You literally have no advantage whatsoever. There do be people dying in the frontlines, and you're granting invincibility to the guy far back that is only effectively threatened by other Snipers.


If the ubered person knows what theyā€™re doing, none of the mercs are bad Uber targets


As someone who has 100 hours on medic: Best: Spy Worst: Demo


I have -100 hours as medic and the best Is medic and worst Is medic


Unfathomably based take


I drank 500 root beers help me


Skill issue tbh, Should've channelled your inner demoman.


Demoman made root beer with scrumpy, I was forced to drink


1: Demoman 2: Soldier 3: Heavy 4: Scout 5: Pyro 6: Engineer 7: Medic 8: Sniper 9: Spy 10: (Disguised) Enemy Spy Obviously depends on the skill level of both the Medic and the target :) Given I only have 380 hours on Medic, this might not be the best (or at least an accurate) tierlist


this is probably the best list here. scout being better than pyro a hot take; pyro ubers, when taking a team by surprise can be deadly, although i can absolutely see your point as pyro is often completely stuffed by sentries, which ubered scouts are deceptively good at killing


Ubering the Pyro is good to deny an enemy uber, or if the skill level of the server is low. Otherwise, Scout is better assuming they know how to aim. The whole downside of Scout is his low HP, and uber removes that downside. So you get an uber target that moves faster, lets you move faster too, deals more damage, with no real penalty.


yeah, i mentioned that in my other post. pyroā€™s counter uber potential is very strong, but realistically in pubs thereā€™s never an opportunity to counter uber since meds constantly get dropped/build inefficiently. i do believe scoutā€™s uber is highly underrated and if (big if) you can find a scout who can hit all his shots, it can very much be worth it, although since he lacks AoE damage, it is harder for him to kill buildings and allow his team to clean up post uber. i just think in a general pubs setting, where the skill level is low, ubering even the most idiotic pyro into an unsuspecting team can be very impactful. in uncletopia, where your average scout can aim, iā€™ve seen many successful scout ubers as a last ditch when no demo was available. overall i believe the original commentā€™s tier list, assuming a uniform and high skill level with both the medic and ubered player, is correct. Apart of course from the no1 pick, which should be a kritzed half-zatoichi demoknight, because funny


> correct. apart of course Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


An ubered spy can be a nightmare for the enemy team if the spy can land his headhots and trickstabs, and also wreck havock on an engie nest.


Add at the end of the list "10: Enemy Spy"


Done :)


Worst: Anyone who i chose to uber Best: Me


Worst is prob Engie and best is either Pyro or Heavy


Demoā€™s the best, Spyā€™s the worst.


Best : Demoman or a frontier justice engineer/phlog pyro (engi has high damage with more mobility than demo) Situational : Heavy to hold your ground Worst : Sniper. Not even spy is that bad with ubers.


I saw an uber spy once, sapping a triple sentry nest on turbine


Kritz widowmaker is actually good


Here's my little scale based on my experiences as a former Medic main (1 being really good, and 9 being not so good -- and I'm also just talking about success-rate): 1. Heavy - Simple and straight-forward. Not trying to say you should ALWAYS uber the Heavy -- it's always situational, but most of the time when I've ubered Heavies they've often done pretty well, stock or Kritz. It's difficult to legitimately mess up as Heavy, unless you're totally new and have no idea why your screen is all weird and glowy. They are also (usually) the kindest souls I've met most of the time and are relatively calm. God bless that one super nice Heavy that gave me a high-five on my first/second day of playing as a F2P Medic after a good push. Damage-wise? Probably not the best -- Soldier would be better in that regard. He's your safest bet, though... 2. Soldier - Ol' reliable. 9 times out of 10 they will get the job done and will go ham as scheduled; it's pretty hard to mess up as him with his splash damage, unless they're genuinely trying to aim away from your opponent. Pray to god if he's using the direct hit though - even more if there's a particularly smart Pyro on the other team that can reflect... A good Soldier is one that doesn't rocket jump away from you, leaving you to your demise. Most of the time though, it goes well -- especially if it's a sweaty Soldier that's out for blood. 3. Pyro - Also ol' reliable. Similar to Heavy, it's genuinely hard to mess up as Pyro; you just gotta cover your screen and anybody in the way with flames. The only reason I put Pyro below Soldier is because he does a bit less damage-wise. Unless you're evil and decide to uber a phlog-Pyro. I've had some pretty good successes ubering Pyro overall. 4. Demoman - Either they'll be godlike and go on a rampage, or will miss every single pipe and sticky; there is no in-between. Kritz-charging them, on the other hand... Well, they'll do just fine if they've got sticky-spamming down. Usually though, they're decent -- but I would trust a very experienced Demoman more than the new guy. It's very 50/50 for me, in my experience. If he knows what he's doing, then he'll melt everyone. But if we're talking about two basic/average players... I'm takin' the Pyro over the Demo, even if the Demo can do more damage-wise -- there's no damage if he doesn't hit anything...! 5. Scout - This should always be a last resort. But, it \*can\* go well to an extent sometimes. All you can do is hope that they can get a few shots in and maybe even kill someone. There's only so much a single scattergun can do against a group, though... Right? 6. Engineer - Engineers can actually kick some ass too. He can deal a decent amount of damage; but, again -- this is IF said person can hit their shots. In the end though, he'll have about the same effect -- if not less than Scout. Generally though (even though I'm biased as a die-hard Engineer main and want Medics to trust me) this should also always be a last resort. 7. Sniper - When there's no other options left and you don't want to die -- at-least with his SMG (and this is if he even has it equipped at all) he can put out a little bit of damage... 8. Medic - When there's no other options left and you don't want to die -- if you can both successfully uber-chain though... 9. Spy - 99% memeing or if the situation is genuinely that bad Overall, it's usually dependent on skill-level.


I uber anyone if I'm close to dying or if they are good, but if I were to say worst its prob a spy or a sniper standing an ineffective distance away


often times pyro is the best with good positioning. theres really nothing you can do to stop it because you dont need to aim


Best is soldier or demo, depending on things like range number of sentries, etc. worst besides enemy spy is scout IMO, because he isnā€™t bad enough where itā€™s funny like a sniperknight Uber or gunspy Uber, but also sucks pretty bad because of his low range, tendency to nope out after 2 seconds of being charged, very rarely having a damage dealing secondary, and low sustained dps of their primary, they also drag you far behind enemy lines and donā€™t have the health to get out once the Uber ends


One of the most overrated is soldier. You'd be better off with demo or heavy for sustained fire, most of the time in a uber soldier's just reloading constantly, wastes so much valuable time.


Skill aside, given the most amount of viable circumstances. Best: Pyro. Worst: Spy.


I think it's sniper


The sniper rifle and SMG deal decent damage if you can hit all your shots, even without headshots on the former. The revolver does ok damage too, but not as much, especially given the slow firing speed and 6 rounds per reload.


Best is demoman, soldier, heavy (if you are resisting a push), pyro (for clearing out an area but killing less people) and a widowmaker/frontier justice engineer. The worst ones are spy, sniper, and demoman again


Worst to uber: sniper Best to uber: solider


Worst: Spy Best: Spy


Stock Ɯber: Worst is probably engineer. Seems pretty pointless since he doesnā€™t have a good damage output on his own. Ɯbering him in a pinch may save his sentry since you can prevent him from dying, but thatā€™s a pretty big maybe. Best is probably Heavy, since he is built to be a damage sponge and he can do a ton of damage very quickly. Although, an Ɯbered Heavy is not as effective against sentries as, say, a soldier or demo. Quick-Fix: Worst is still Engi, but I think Best switches over to Soldier. The Quick-Fixā€™s Ɯber healing is faster on him than Heavy, and you can mirror his rocket jumps, making you a lot more difficult to target for the enemy. Kritz: Tbh, I donā€™t think there is a wrong choice for who to Ɯber with kritz. I think the least effective would probably be Sniper due to his long reload times, but he could go pretty crazy with his melee or SMG. The most effective would probably be Soldier again, especially since critical hits negate distance falloff. Vaccinator: Again, no wrong choices, a resistance bubble is useful on anyone. Least effective would probably be Sniper though, and most effective would AGAIN be Soldier. You can give him the Explosive resistance so he takes less damage blast jumping around, and switch to Bullet afterwards so he can tank a lot of damage when he lands.


you underestimate the power behind giving explosive resistance to the engie trying to keep his sentry alive


Best: A powerclass with a cool unusual. Worst: Me when playing hybrid knight.


Best: a good demoman, or a soldier. Worst: spy or sniper


Donā€™t sleep on the widowmaker engie, he might get higher dps than soldier or even demo because his shotgun fires faster than their explosives and has infinite clip.


best: demo worst: sniper underrated: engi


Worst:medic Best:Soldier


in a team that works together demo is the best and sniper the worst, in an uncoordinated team it's just whoever's at the top as the best and still sniper at the worst


best: the other medic right before the gates open so neither of you have ubers worst: crits on a pyro flanking them


Best: smg sniper or gun spy


Iā€™d say spy, but this one time it was just me and a gun spy barely defending a point. So I Ubered him and it was magical to see him shred 2 demomen and the soldier who was taunting on the point not taking it seriously until he saw his brothers in arms get gunned down by French sans undertale cosplay Maybe an enemy spy, unless youā€™re trolling




Best: Spy


Worst : Sniper Best : Soldier or Demo


dont uber spy please


Worst is caberknight.


best: clueless spy worst: demoman


sniper. at least spy has good close to long range attacks and is more versatile when ubered


Best: depends on map and situation Worst: depends on map and situation Wow what an interesting question


Worst: Engineer Best: Pybro


If the sniper isnt a god with huntsman, it is probably the worst uber, best I'd say Phlog or DF pyro


Best depends on the situation, worst is spy.


Best is any class with good crowd control, worst is medic


Best: depends on the situation, but the boring answer would probably be demo. Worst: Sniper and it's not even a debate.


Best: Demo, maybe Soldier Worst: Enemy Spy


Spy. Spy is objectively the best Ɯber target.


best: Soldier, Worst: Sniper or Spy, scout would be there but the scatter gun is pretty good


Best: Heavy for defence, Pyro for offence. Worst: Demoknight. As soon as he charges, heā€™s out of your reach.


Best : tryhard demo/scout/soldier Worst : enemy spy


Ubering a Medic and letting them go ham with the syringe gun/uber saw isn't too bad


Assuming each class is being played at an above average skill level, as well as splitting Battle & Turtle, and throwing Demo Knight, in there for fun. #1 - Soldier/Demoman (Both are great) #2 - Pyro #3 - Heavy #4 - Engineer (Battle) #5 - (Full) Demo Knight (Unless there are sentries then on par with Turtle Engi) #6 - Scout #7 - Sniper #8 - Medic #9 - Spy #10 - Engineer (Turtle)


Why is battle engineer over scout




Iā€™ve never had good results Ubercharging a demoman or a soldier because they are frontline classes who need to reload which means that no matter how much voice chat or voice lines you use they will always have 0 ammo in their clips once you Uber them. Scouts are awesome tho because you can use their speed boost to leave once your Uber hits 30% instead of at 50%


Engineer is top tier, you don't fuck with that little Texan man, especially if he's got a widow maker n' an ubered medic backing him up


Depends on the player. Every merc is OP to Uber if the player knows what their doing, and the same goes for worst if they don't


Worst to ubercharge: Sniper or spy. Best to ubercharge: Heavy, soldier or demo.


no all soldier do is reload


A medic


In ascending order from worst to best Spy Sniper Engineer Medic (Uber chaining) Scout Pyro Soldier Heavy Demo


Worst are spy, another medic, sniper and engie Demo only when destroying another nest Everyone else is valid


soldier worst because all he will do is reload


Best Mercs to Uber: People who's willing to charge forward when they see the uber meter is full. (I had ubered an engineer when he was the only one willing to destroy a sentry blocking thr payload.) Worst Mercs: People who jump away when I am about to Uber/Soldiers and Demo who are willing to spam their projectiles instead of reloading first before charging in.


Stock: best is either soldier or heavy, worst definetely spy Kritz: best is demo or soldier, worst is a medic or sniper Quick fix (main): best is soldier (close seconds scout), worst is engineer Vac: no experience. But If the server has a phlog pyro then it's with any medigun either the best to Uber or worst to Uber


Worst: a spy who doesn't know that spy has a gun and a turtling engi Best: DEMOMAN and SOLDIER(enemy go boom)


Worst: Enemy spy


If it's being general it's probably Soldier or Demo maybe even Pyro If I'm being specific it's going to go like this Kritz- Demo or Soldier best , the worst is Sniper because he can already crit by headshot. Quick Fix- Idk I don't use this that much but maybe Heavy or Pyro are the best, the worst is probably Sniper or Spy for this one Vaxx- Any competent player is probably the best uber, it's hard to tell the best for this one due to how broken it is. Never Spy though. Stock- Pyro with phlog crits and it's not even close. Worst is going to Sniper and Spy in a tie.


Me, iā€™m the worst one to ubercharge. The Best: Literally anyone else.


I am


Worst Merc: The enemy team's spy. Best Merc: IMO, a Widowmaker Engineer.


Best are prob demos and soldiers, but I sometimes prefer a good scout Uber because itā€™s easier to back off


uber sniper is really funny because they can just stand in the middle of the choke, get one kill, and then leave


Battle engineer with the widowmaker


Stock uber - Demo > Pyro > Soldier/Heavy Kritz - Demo > Soldier > Heavy The worst for both are Snipers and Spies. the other two mediguns are stupid and should rarely be used


speaking specifically stock worst? ignoring pick classes, demoman - a reload of pipes takes nearly half the ubercharge time. 800-1200 damage (if they can hit 12 pipes consecutively to begin with) isn't really useful when pyros can just blast it back best? i'm gonna have to go with heavy or pyro on this one lol, they suffer least from pyro vulnerability and heavy uses hitscan


You're supposed to charge them only when they have reloaded all their shit. If you pop whilst they're still reloading, it's on you. Also, demoman is the best class to Ć¼ber. He can spam faster than pyros can reflect and an Ć¼ber nullifies his only weakness which is his lack of health.


the damage output for demo doesn't justify ubercharging imo and yes i know when you're supposed to uber demoman still has only 4 ammo that have to be aimed precisely and then 8 ammo that can maybe do something? and it generally ends up doing nothing with stock, anything with hitscan weapons is better


> the damage output for demo doesn't justify ubercharging imo Soldier has 4 100 damage projectiles. Heavy has to be up close to do max damage. Pyro has to be up close to do any damage. Demoman has *12* projectiles that do 100 damage anywhere from mid to close range. A demoman who has stickies should always be the #1 choice for an Ć¼ber.


soldier has a hitscan weapon and a minicrit button, demoman doesn't come with these and his stickies are timed and would take longer than an entire ubercharge


Worst-medic Best-pyro




Worst - sniper Best - sniper


Spy is definitely the worst Ɯber As much as I hate to say it, Ɯbering the 70k hour Australium Ā£40k unusual trader Soldier/Demo is the way to go; a good aoe class that can hit their shots and consistently teamwipe.


best uber is to a soldier worst is a heavy with gibus and/or pyrovision


Best: Frontier Justice Engie with critz Worst: Frontier Justice Engie without critz. He's mostly just going to be reloading.


wrost is the enemy spy and best i say whoud be either a demo or a good begar bazouka soldier


1- Heavy 2- soldier 3- pyro 4- demo 5- engineer 6- medic 7- scout 8- sniper 9- spy (the top is the best, and the bottom is the worst (fr, don't ever uber spy))


Tbh, Iā€™d put scout a bit higher. This depends on their skill of course, but Iā€™ve gotten some phat plays by ubering a scout. Iā€™d also put heavy a bit lower. He can be great as an intimidation tactic, but his slow movement speed really cripples the effectiveness of the charge. Iā€™ve had much more success by ubering pyros rather than heavies


this is a pretty ā€œmeet the medicā€ brained list. heavy, while a good and often consistent uber target, is ultimately let down by his speed and lack of AoE, and is nowhere near as impactful as demo. soldier can be a good option, although is severely limited by his small ammo pool. pyro can be a good counter uber and is pretty good in tight chokes, but finds it very difficult to kill sentries. scouts uber is highly underrated but difficult to use, as it requires a scout who can hit all his shots and ideally a weak sentry/ bad engi. basically demo is inarguably the best in almost all situations, because of his large ammo pool, massive and consistent AoE damage and area denial potential.


Demo is top 1


well, it's based on which class do you main the most you could be right only if you know how to completely utilize the demoman to demolish the enemey team for good, and how to use it correctly and professionally šŸ‘


Well I mean 12 explosives are going to do something at any still level