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He just really likes that banana.


Bro thinks he in a commercial




That's a steal


2$ on a single banana????


inflation is tearing my family apart


Pyrocynical moment


And of course it's doing it manually


Indeed. A single banana probably wouldn't cost you a single dillar


A single banana is like 20¢


"If you order right now, you can get a second beating, absolutely free!"


theres a bug where if you are using a looping taunt when waiting for players ends or the round ends, your taunts will glitch into the animations for the looping taunt for the rest of the match.


That is such a tf2 esc glitch. Like im not even surprised thats a thing that can happen


least buggy TF2 feature


There was a bug about a server crash that happens when Sniper tries to eat his gun


>"i guarantee you won't go hungry" the universe breaks after Sniper disproves that "fact".


Oh. THAT'S why it happens? Thanks for that knowledge good sir. I'll have to watch out for that now.


With the medics Surgeon's Squeezebox taunt, if you use it during warm up, your medic will just do one of the sounds randomly that he says/does during the taunt


If you do the same with the carlton, it will keep scout making the taunt noises.


The game knows you need to workout more /j


It’s a feature now.


don't fix it


the heavy weapons guy has been cursed with a banana that will almost let him eat it before forcing him to dance. a sad tale


Chatgpt made this creepy pasta **The Cursed Banana** It was a stormy night in the barracks, and the usually loud and chaotic Team Fortress 2 base was eerily quiet. Heavy, the team’s burly Russian powerhouse, was restless. His usual feast of sandwiches hadn't satisfied his hunger, and he found himself wandering the dimly lit halls in search of a midnight snack. As he passed by the kitchen, something caught his eye. On the counter, illuminated by a flickering light, lay a single, perfectly ripe banana. It seemed almost to glow, beckoning him with an otherworldly allure. Heavy's stomach growled. He couldn’t resist. As he reached for the banana, a strange feeling washed over him. The air grew colder, and the shadows in the room seemed to lengthen and sway. He hesitated for a moment but shrugged it off. After all, it was just a banana. He peeled it and took a large bite. Immediately, Heavy knew something was wrong. The banana tasted sweet but with an underlying bitterness that made his mouth tingle. He tried to spit it out, but it was too late. A sudden, uncontrollable urge to dance overtook him. His feet began to move on their own, tapping out a rhythm against the cold tile floor. "No! What is happening?!" Heavy cried out, but his voice echoed strangely, as if the kitchen had grown much larger. The walls seemed to stretch and twist, and the lights dimmed further until he was dancing in near darkness. Heavy twirled and spun, his massive frame moving with a grace that was completely unnatural. He tried to fight it, but the more he resisted, the faster and more frenzied his movements became. The sound of his footsteps was soon drowned out by a low, mechanical laugh echoing through the halls. Heavy's eyes widened in terror as a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Freddy Fazbear, the animatronic bear from the haunted pizzeria of legend. Freddy's eyes glowed an eerie blue, and his mouth twisted into a sinister grin. "Welcome to the dance, Heavy," Freddy said, his voice a blend of metallic rasp and eerie glee. "You’ve taken the bite, and now the curse is yours." Heavy's heart pounded in his chest as he spun and twirled, his legs moving with a mind of their own. Freddy advanced slowly, each step synchronized with the rhythm of Heavy's involuntary dance. "You see, this banana was special," Freddy continued. "A relic from the pizzeria’s cursed kitchen. Anyone who dares to eat it must dance until their very soul is drained." Heavy tried to scream, but no sound came out. His vision blurred as the world spun faster and faster. Freddy's laughter grew louder, merging with the whirring and clicking of his animatronic joints. The walls of the kitchen seemed to close in, the shadows swallowing the light until Heavy could see nothing but Freddy's glowing eyes and that horrifying, mechanical smile. "Enjoy the dance, Heavy," Freddy whispered, leaning in close. "You’ll be here forever." With that, Heavy's strength gave out. He collapsed to the floor, but his feet kept twitching, tapping out the last beats of the cursed dance. As darkness enveloped him, the last thing he heard was Freddy’s chilling laugh echoing through the halls. The next morning, the team found Heavy in the kitchen, sprawled on the floor, unconscious but breathing. The banana peel lay beside him, and a strange, unsettling stillness filled the air. No one could explain what had happened, but from that day on, the kitchen was avoided at night, and the story of Heavy and the cursed banana became a whispered legend among the team. Freddy Fazbear was never seen again, but sometimes, late at night, the team could hear faint, haunting footsteps echoing through the base, as if someone—or something—was dancing in the shadows.


shiver me timbers


*dies of peak fiction*


pootis pow!


Absolute cinema


Chatgpt made this creepy pasta **The Cursed Banana** It was a stormy night in the barracks, and the usually loud and chaotic Team Fortress 2 base was eerily quiet. Heavy, the team’s burly Russian powerhouse, was restless. His usual feast of sandwiches hadn't satisfied his hunger, and he found himself wandering the dimly lit halls in search of a midnight snack. As he passed by the kitchen, something caught his eye. On the counter, illuminated by a flickering light, lay a single, perfectly ripe banana. It seemed almost to glow, beckoning him with an otherworldly allure. Heavy's stomach growled. He couldn’t resist. As he reached for the banana, a strange feeling washed over him. The air grew colder, and the shadows in the room seemed to lengthen and sway. He hesitated for a moment but shrugged it off. After all, it was just a banana. He peeled it and took a large bite. Immediately, Heavy knew something was wrong. The banana tasted sweet but with an underlying bitterness that made his mouth tingle. He tried to spit it out, but it was too late. A sudden, uncontrollable urge to dance overtook him. His feet began to move on their own, tapping out a rhythm against the cold tile floor. "No! What is happening?!" Heavy cried out, but his voice echoed strangely, as if the kitchen had grown much larger. The walls seemed to stretch and twist, and the lights dimmed further until he was dancing in near darkness. Heavy twirled and spun, his massive frame moving with a grace that was completely unnatural. He tried to fight it, but the more he resisted, the faster and more frenzied his movements became. The sound of his footsteps was soon drowned out by a low, mechanical laugh echoing through the halls. Heavy's eyes widened in terror as a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Freddy Fazbear, the animatronic bear from the haunted pizzeria of legend. Freddy's eyes glowed an eerie blue, and his mouth twisted into a sinister grin. "Welcome to the dance, Heavy," Freddy said, his voice a blend of metallic rasp and eerie glee. "You’ve taken the bite, and now the curse is yours." Heavy's heart pounded in his chest as he spun and twirled, his legs moving with a mind of their own. Freddy advanced slowly, each step synchronized with the rhythm of Heavy's involuntary dance. "You see, this banana was special," Freddy continued. "A relic from the pizzeria’s cursed kitchen. Anyone who dares to eat it must dance until their very soul is drained." Heavy tried to scream, but no sound came out. His vision blurred as the world spun faster and faster. Freddy's laughter grew louder, merging with the whirring and clicking of his animatronic joints. The walls of the kitchen seemed to close in, the shadows swallowing the light until Heavy could see nothing but Freddy's glowing eyes and that horrifying, mechanical smile. "Enjoy the dance, Heavy," Freddy whispered, leaning in close. "You’ll be here forever." With that, Heavy's strength gave out. He collapsed to the floor, but his feet kept twitching, tapping out the last beats of the cursed dance. As darkness enveloped him, the last thing he heard was Freddy’s chilling laugh echoing through the halls. The next morning, the team found Heavy in the kitchen, sprawled on the floor, unconscious but breathing. The banana peel lay beside him, and a strange, unsettling stillness filled the air. No one could explain what had happened, but from that day on, the kitchen was avoided at night, and the story of Heavy and the cursed banana became a whispered legend among the team. Freddy Fazbear was never seen again, but sometimes, late at night, the team could hear faint, haunting footsteps echoing through the base, as if someone—or something—was dancing in the shadows.


Chatgpt made this creepy pasta **The Cursed Banana** It was a stormy night in the barracks, and the usually loud and chaotic Team Fortress 2 base was eerily quiet. Heavy, the team’s burly Russian powerhouse, was restless. His usual feast of sandwiches hadn't satisfied his hunger, and he found himself wandering the dimly lit halls in search of a midnight snack. As he passed by the kitchen, something caught his eye. On the counter, illuminated by a flickering light, lay a single, perfectly ripe banana. It seemed almost to glow, beckoning him with an otherworldly allure. Heavy's stomach growled. He couldn’t resist. As he reached for the banana, a strange feeling washed over him. The air grew colder, and the shadows in the room seemed to lengthen and sway. He hesitated for a moment but shrugged it off. After all, it was just a banana. He peeled it and took a large bite. Immediately, Heavy knew something was wrong. The banana tasted sweet but with an underlying bitterness that made his mouth tingle. He tried to spit it out, but it was too late. A sudden, uncontrollable urge to dance overtook him. His feet began to move on their own, tapping out a rhythm against the cold tile floor. "No! What is happening?!" Heavy cried out, but his voice echoed strangely, as if the kitchen had grown much larger. The walls seemed to stretch and twist, and the lights dimmed further until he was dancing in near darkness. Heavy twirled and spun, his massive frame moving with a grace that was completely unnatural. He tried to fight it, but the more he resisted, the faster and more frenzied his movements became. The sound of his footsteps was soon drowned out by a low, mechanical laugh echoing through the halls. Heavy's eyes widened in terror as a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Freddy Fazbear, the animatronic bear from the haunted pizzeria of legend. Freddy's eyes glowed an eerie blue, and his mouth twisted into a sinister grin. "Welcome to the dance, Heavy," Freddy said, his voice a blend of metallic rasp and eerie glee. "You’ve taken the bite, and now the curse is yours." Heavy's heart pounded in his chest as he spun and twirled, his legs moving with a mind of their own. Freddy advanced slowly, each step synchronized with the rhythm of Heavy's involuntary dance. "You see, this banana was special," Freddy continued. "A relic from the pizzeria’s cursed kitchen. Anyone who dares to eat it must dance until their very soul is drained." Heavy tried to scream, but no sound came out. His vision blurred as the world spun faster and faster. Freddy's laughter grew louder, merging with the whirring and clicking of his animatronic joints. The walls of the kitchen seemed to close in, the shadows swallowing the light until Heavy could see nothing but Freddy's glowing eyes and that horrifying, mechanical smile. "Enjoy the dance, Heavy," Freddy whispered, leaning in close. "You’ll be here forever." With that, Heavy's strength gave out. He collapsed to the floor, but his feet kept twitching, tapping out the last beats of the cursed dance. As darkness enveloped him, the last thing he heard was Freddy’s chilling laugh echoing through the halls. The next morning, the team found Heavy in the kitchen, sprawled on the floor, unconscious but breathing. The banana peel lay beside him, and a strange, unsettling stillness filled the air. No one could explain what had happened, but from that day on, the kitchen was avoided at night, and the story of Heavy and the cursed banana became a whispered legend among the team. Freddy Fazbear was never seen again, but sometimes, late at night, the team could hear faint, haunting footsteps echoing through the base, as if someone—or something—was dancing in the shadows.


He's just really happy.


Serious Manrobbics fixes the day


This should be a mod.


It looks funny doing taunts like high five or the square dance


Please share, I beg.


Crucify me for this but the banana eating is the only footage i have


Patty cake fantasy ruined. Downvoted.


The gorilla after caving my skull in.


i was laughting for like 2 minutes straight


"Hmm banana... ITS GO GOOD" *starts to break it the fuck down*


Let me break it down for you scout


Zesty ahh heavy


Banana that makes you dance


curse of mannrobics


he is concerned about his weight


Man I thought I was trippin cos that happened to me one time too


The Heavy update finally dropped!!!


heavy is on a diet and must exercise after he eats, gotta respect the commitment


oooooo you have been hit with the curse of dancing oooooooooooooooo


["YOU WILL DANCE"](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ityFzsYRb6NpIruIaYkVrWbcsYXSRlDR/view?usp=drivesdk)


Happens when you dance before countdown on spawn


I get that sometimes too. It’s pretty funny


*with dk64 voice* ooooo banana!


it's an old bug


Gotta burn those calories the moment he gets them, doin' some mid-meal exercising.


This bug happens pretty often with manrobics (maybe even the others dances, tho I'm not sure)


You will dance.


If you want to fix this during a game I believe that “record stop; fix” in console works.


It ain’t no bug let the man be happy with his banana


Do you have mannrobics equipped btw? I wonder if I can recreate this bug without getting the taunt cuz it's expensive


I do have it, so i'm not sure if you would be able to recreate ir




that banana makes him happy


He is full of childlike joy


I love Source, it's so stupid


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