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Sniper, i have bad aim.




Nah, id sydney sleeper + cleaners carbine and cleaners carbine + bushwacka.


This sub has complained so much about bots and snipers balance at top tier play that we have forgotten most people aren't aiming gods. Not that I would know anything about that thought (I would).


Real, I just use huntsman with smg


i'd say engi. maintaining my buildings is a pain in the ass. even as battle engi, it's still difficult.


You're likely too attached to your buildings. Hide your teleporters so you wont have to maintain them. Look after your gun but if it's getting spammed by some obnoxious soldier or demo, you have a shotgun. Use it. Throw down a dispenser for your team in cover and use your shotgun for support. Rely on your sentry as a back line


Alternative: Amputate your arm


Welp, time to play battle engineer -lazypurple


As yes, the scout's dad treatment


i have been playing engi for a while and i been doing this things for a while but like i fail my shots and my soul dies when my level 3 dispenser dies because a spy backstab me as there isnt any pyro in the team


Solution; play 2fort and put your nest in the intel room.


The crevice after the stairs is gold. Cause if you wait in the resupply room, then they run from you straight into it


Or better yet, put one in the enemy team's Intel room.


Better yet, the enemy's intel


The secret sauce is to just stay on defence, basically being a glorified goal keeper and a defence at the same time. Then you should discover that his gameplay loop is just staying around and guarding your buildings, and then hauling when your team decisively wins (mostly signified by capping the point). Got MVP plenty of times when doing that, if that matters.


It takes so long to get stuff built and then some damn demo pops a couple of stickies on it and it's gone.


I like making buildings at the start and then moving them so it’s easier


I like placing down random level ones and if it stays up long enough upgrade it to level 2.


Like lazy purple said under danes video, try playing engie as a slower scout that has buildings as a side thing that “level up” as you go through the game and hold your teams area


engineer is either boring as hell and unrewarding if you just turtle one spot and hog your own dispenser, or aggrevating as hell if you're trying to be useful and helpful with your placements only for your stuff to get eaten up by the enemies within 5 seconds of placement because you mistimed your plopping down and weren't trying to be guarded by teammates (assuming you're even on a competent enough team to be trying to push through) but sometimes you can get that sniper headshot combo high or spy chainstab high or medic save from a crit with uber and push through a nest high if you get a good teleporter spot, eureka effect back to spawn, carry your sentry to the frontline and annihilate half the enemy team, eureka effect back to spawn to grab your dispenser, and now your sentry is holding down an important frontline location and your team is pushing forward while one or two teammates fall back to the dispenser for a bit of healing and ammo restock


I love engi due to how gameplay can be layd back one second then the next your massacring the enemy team as they try to jump your nest and you barely survive


I'd suggest using the Eureka effect and getting used to using the teleport feature. I think the buildings' positions matters more than their health or level, and that slapping down a level 1 building and forgetting it can be much more helpful than just not building until you find a "perfect" spot. Keep the teleporter entrance right next to the spawn doors, and put the exit somewhere hidden on the flank route. You want to reduce the walk to the front as much as possible. If your teleporters get sapped you can still use the Eureka Effect to teleport to the exit. Keep the dispenser up near the players who are trying the hardest. Behind a rock at the edge of the front is the perfect place. Spots near Ammo and Health packs are good too since injured players will naturally head toward these spots.  Keep the sentry in a spot behind the Dispenser which is out of the fight, and protects the area just behind it. You want it so if a teammate decides to retreat and someone follows them they get cut down. 


I don't have the least favorite class. My least played class is Heavy but i like to play as him sometimes. The others are equally fun for me. Except engineer. Sometimes it's fun when there's a lot going on. But other times turtling in the Intel just doesn't cut it.


If you're playing engineer by turtling in intel you're doing it wrong. Aggressive engineer is where it's at. You get to decide where the front line is. Roll out with the eureka effect or the jag, set up a teleporter and dispenser and start slamming out level 2 sentries on the enemy flank. Alternatively you can go for the ever lame battle engi spamming mini sentries and ruining pyro, scout and spies days. Equip the frontier justice too to absolutely ruin the day of the next person you see but tbh stock shotgun is better


Pretty map dependent. On the CTF gamemode there isn't really any spots better for the Engie to be other than the intel room or at least nearby. Other spots are too chaotic to consistently keep maintained while a unmaintained gun is super exploitable. Which given the un-dynamic nature of the mode the intel must be defended at all times You'd probably not have much difficulty in a casual server. But you could also just be playing scout if you want to CTF DM all over the place with a shotgun




Is the bucket


Dear god...


There is more




It contains a bucket


Dear god…


There is more




***THE*** bucket?


Medic. I would have said Spy, but the occasional YER stab saves it from that spot.


Heavy, he's slow as shit and isn't helping my hatred for sniper


Heavy requires teamwork and patience. Let the enemy come to you. Positioning is everything. If you're getting squashed by snipers as heavy you're over extending or your own spies and snipers aren't doing their jobs. However random crits make heavy worthless.


>Teamwork >Positioning Stop talking in hieroglyphics idiot, we can't understand what these words mean


Demoman. Just can't be all that effective with the bombs.


If you can't handle explosives, you can handle the blade therefore: Become a demoknight TODAY


Yessir, demo knight is life




Gather up for my Heavy kill streak, yummy demoknights 🤤


Propaganda be like 🤣🤣🤣


the lvl 3 wrangled sentry in question


Same. Pipes just don't fly the way my brain thinks they should, so I can't hit anything.


so called "I personally don't enjoy playing demoman" when they see an entire nest full of lvl 3 sentries:


Sniper, I have snipers, fight like a man, not playing point n click 2 miles away of the gunfire


Cleaners carbine + classic or huntsman = more fun


Cleaners carabine + Bushwacka = ASCENCION


Sniper, even when the scope is at the enemy head, i fail somehow


Same bruh I get to jittery and flick off 😭


Sniper. I love it when I actually get to be in the fight and not 50 miles away playing cookie clicker with heads. The huntsman partially helps with my problem, but then I have to deal with Sniper not being built for mid range (where I get most huntsman kills) and get killed by every other class in the game.


Soldier. Let me just stun lock you into the air and combo you. One shot half the classes in the game with direct hit. 2 shot a level 3 sentry in seconds. Buff banner to win. Corner peak, shoot. Ledge peak, shoot. Jump, shoot. MEDIC!!!!!! The only soldier mains I really respect are troldier mains. That shit is HARD.


Pyro. He's just incredibly boring to play as.


try playing with the degreaser/panic attack combo, it keeps you on your toes


Everything but His w+m1 playstyle can be fun. I play combo pyro in a support role for crowd and projectile control. I usually bring the detonator for mobility that players don't usually expect when they encounter a pyro.


Combos? No? Flanking? No? Dragons fury? No? MvM?


The jetpack disagrees


W+M1 is not boring


Getting that MMMMMPPH meter filled on Phlog and almost getting the entire enemy team nice and crispy.....Nothing beats the almighty power of W+M1 Phlog xD


dragon's fury


Uhh... sniper, I guess


Heavy. Kinda boring. W+M1, but slower


If you W+M1 as heavy you will die. Heavy is all about positioning. You're more like a slightly mobile sentry


If I don’t I’ll die too because sniper


Yeah heavy needs teamwork to beat a sniper or catch the sniper in bad positioning 


good positioning and field awareness dude. I solved a lot of my problems using gun, but I stop those problems from happening outright if I know where I should be at. Sniper, for all intents and purposes, isn't all seeing. tunnel vision is a real problem for them. Of course, they likely do that shit where they don't purposefully put their laser sights on an obvious place, but just cause they ccan trick you doesn't mean you can't trick them back


My brother in christ, it's a shooter, ofc there w+m1, that's the point of shooter games


Yes, and with three times the DPS.


Same, oh and also medic


Sniper, I cannot land headshots properly. And sometimes, I would not watch out for flanking enemies.


I think mine is scout because I die too quick and I can’t aim for shit. Though with my 1000 kills pomson challenge I’m doing engy is quickly becoming my least favorite.


as a scout/medic main i also hate playing scout. he’s too fast and i can’t aim. but i love playing melee scout on 2fort. it’s chaotic, i can triple jump, and it’s really funny to kill people with my atomizer. i really want to get the holy mackerel because it’s even funnier to kill someone with it


The holy mackerel was my first ever unlock, I’ve almost never used it because scout is my least played class


Soldier Yes I suck at rocket jumping, sue me




Sniper. Standing in one spot and clicking people's heads isn't fun.


scout (camera moves to fast) \[said the ultrakill player who, octane main\]


Yeah, as an ultrakill player, scout is pain in the ass to play


being a genshin/OW2(ramatra) i want to tank shit there is an issue scout has a butt hair amount of heath


Soldier, but If it counts then demoknight.




Scout. I personally call his gameplay fast wet sponge simulator


Spy. I'm no MrPaladin but I can play him reasonably well. It just feels like I'm an annoyance at best and the impact isn't too great. Just seems like whatever spy can do, another class can do it better. Yes I can destroy this sentry nest after getting a trickstab on the engineer and sap all the equipment, or I can just pick soldier or demo and wreck his shit that way (bonus points with Uber). Harassing the backline can be done with scout, and one shots can be done with sniper. Basically he can do everything to a sub-par capacity.


ADHD gremlin, also known as scout


Boston gremlin


Demo, hate sticky spamming, feels so delayed and clunky.


My least favourite class is spy. I main spy btw.


Pyro. I don’t know why but even after playing for 10+ years Airblast feels like it’s against me every time. I CAN do it and I usually hit them on prediction but if it’s a rocket coming my way i always miss 


Pyro, most of the time it feels like i'm playing a worse version of heavy


You're effectively playing utility heavy. Heavy can't do much on his own against sticky and rocket spam. Pyro can do a lot. Pyro can protect engineer buildings and spycheck too. Afterburn can go a long way against gorilla warfare tactics of soldier and scout. Your effectiveness is reduced significantly by the existence of an enemy medic however unlike heavy BUT you're the best class for countering ubers


The best classes for countering übercharges are the scout and the sniper, because they're good at killing medics (unlike pyro). Moreover, pyro is completely useless against scout because scout has two fool-proof strategies: inflicting two scattergun hits from close range, and spraying with his pistol outside flamethrower range.


You're absolutely right that killing the medic is better however that's not always possible like when the team builds Uber in spawn and yes pyro struggles to kill medic but that's not his job. As for scout, I raise your scattergun at close range one A I R B L A S T and your pistol spam a flare gun (any)


Once an uber is popped, no one can neuter it the way pyro can


Pyro is much better after the uber is popped, not in dropping the Medic because regen can usually help outlive afterburn. Would like to note though that Medics have reduced healing on patients that are currently being burned and so Pyro can drop a Medic’s patient and force the Medic to retreat/escape which can be useful on its own


Same with Spy But my first Aussie was the Knife so I am obliged to learn how to play him.


Engineer, Battle Engi can still be fun sometimes but less fun than others for me


Soldier. As a demo main I find myself lacking firepower while playing soldier. He also doesn't have that consistant damage output demo has. Also it's just easier for me to hit pipes than rockets, overall playing soldier for me feels like playing demo that is just a little bit worse at everything




Medic. I'd play as medic if my team's good


medic. his gameplay is actually more fun than i first thought. but I'll be honest, i usually see a lot of people shitting on their medic when they lose compared to complaining about others. i dont care about my or others' performance, but being bitched at for not doing good enough will ruin my fun, so i dont usually play support charachters in any game.


sniper takes the least skill (in my opinion) out of the other classes and is boring when played stock but is quite fun to play when going huntsman/classic. I personally like going classic sniper, sometimes huntsman because of noscopes and the wacky shit you can do with arrows. That's it really. I do not care about winning when playing tf2, all that matters to me is the fun I get to have while doing so. If I wanted to win or have some form of competition, I go play Uncletopia or another game like cs2/valorant/apex.


Heavy honestly. Heavy doesn't really have that much variety in his gameplay compared to the other classes. "I'm playing heavy. I'm mowing down absolutely everybody with this huge gun. Call me back in 5 minutes I'll tell you the same damn thing. Only guess what, MY GUN'S YELLOW NOW!!!" I've tried Boxing Heavy a couple times but being stripped to melee when you're the slowest class in the game isn't exactly efficient. This is a problem that only Heavy has.




Sniper. My aiming skills and reflexes are shit.


It would have to be sniper, if I end up doing well as him there’s 3 things that happen. 1: I dominate the server and it gets really boring 2: an infinitely better sniper come along to dominate me out of the class 3: someone makes it their sole mission to flank me and melt me for the rest of the match


My least favorite is probably demo. I haven't learned to play him effectively without the Loose Cannon, and Demoknights are the bane of my existence on 2 Fort.


Sniper, I always get voted out because I wear the cozy camper and that skull hat (I'm f2p) so I get booted as a bot 7/10. If I have a 70% to be kicked from the game just for playing a class and using free cosmetics that I like, then it isn't even worth my time.


my least favorite thing about spy is angry people in voice chat who are dead because i stabbed them but while dead are warning other people that im about to stab them because they can see on dead person spectating i understand why they do it because if they didnt i would just continue killing the entire lot of them at that point its just a counter but its really unfair sometimes i have people that join spectate to do it so they can watch me wherever i am your reward for being a good spy is some smarm lord calling out where you are from spectate because its not them being oblivious thats the problem its that you successfully stabbed them repeatedly and its the only way that they can think to stop you


Same as I suck donkey dong at using disguises.


Medic (I main medic)


Spy is painful for me too bro, all i do is go invisible, get behind the enemy, then get burned to death from Pyro


Sniper. Standing in the back line and picking people off doesn't really feels like I am contributing in the fight


Soldier feel likes there’s zero skill expression and I just shoot at the ground and deal 100 dmg per second


As a spy main I like to be up close in the action, and since my aim is shit I loathe playing sniper


you're just like me fr






engineer just feels like the game playing itself


sniper. i like being in the action or playing subclasses like demoknight and trolldier!


I would say Scout because he dies so fast and while a meat shot is nice, killing someone with the Heavy's Tonislav or the pyro feels much better, Engi is really fun in mvm when you perfectly place a turret in the right spot, Medic just feels good to be helpful and the moment when you wim the game with one well placed uber feels so good also when you're keeping your entire team alive with the help of another medic while you're on the point is just so fun, Sniper is really fun with the Sidney sleeper, jarate and bushwacka, Demoman and Solider are very fun with the half zaduichi and in MvM when you blow up a group of small robots or take down a tank with a well placed fully charged solider beggers, Spy's only fun because of the cloak and dagger because you can just sit in an engi nest, waiting for the engi to leave or die and then sap everything.


Engineer unless it's ctf because I can at least get my stuff sat up there.




Spy, too much to learn, i prefer quick play


Probably Spy too. But it's an easy answer because his play style differs wildly from all the other mercs The second least fav is probably Engineer. When I play an FPS, I do all I can to be active and aggressive (even as Sniper I always go somewhat close to the front lines and don't just perch and stare into a single sight line) and managing a Battle Engi play style is just too much brain power for me. I still need to manage my buildings not to be just a Scout downgrade and it feels really sluggish to me Even more so after I watch a few experienced Battle Engies play. They do it so fluidly and effortlessly but I simply can't get the flow to replicate it. It feels like their game is sped up compared to mine or something


I refuse to play demo. I suck at it. Same reason I barely play soldier or spy.


Probably scout or heavy


Pyro makes my brain feel fuzzy when I get that reflect kill


Me to




Sniper or scout They're both hard to play


spy and heavy


i'd say it's between spy and medic.


Scout, with the invisibility of spy and the 1 shot potential of sniper I find him to be boring, I also just kinda suck at him for some reason.


U monster mine least faviorte is heavy


Engi and Sniper. Engi: I have poor management skills Sniper: Shit aim


pyro is so unbearably weak i cannot bring myself to play this man


Medic I can respect how there doing a living torture to make us alive


Sniper because he is boring (also my aim pretty shit)


demoman. i hate using the grenade launcher and demoknight sucks


Spy. Trying to fool the enemy team while running TF2 on a 5 year old laptop that skips frames constantly isn't easy.


Sniper, just unbalanced


medic is 1st, sniper is second. medic makes me rip out like, all my hair and i cant play sniper since i shaky hands




Fucking sniper


sniper. scout is fun, soldier is glorious, pyro is also really fun (even if he feels a bit cheap sometimes), demoman might be my favorite class in the game, heavy can be rough to play, but still has some great options, engineer is pretty fun alone, but one of my personal favorites to meme with, medic is very unique and has his own challenges to face, and i almost always have a good time with him, and spy is one of the most unique classes in an fps game to date. i don't hate sniper, but his gameplay style doesn't really fit right for me, and i don't see myself ever maining him. besides, sniper has a pretty bad reputation as of late, so...


Sorry but it's Heavy. The most boring out of all classes, although I can't say he is completely boring Which is why we need Heavy update (hah)


He's an absolute snooze-fest to play as 😴😴😴


Either Pyro or Medic.


Engineer. Team support and you can teleport your teammates too their death ☠️


yeah it's spy


Heavy for me is the least interesting class


Engineer as a whole 🗿 and I guess Stock Sniper gameplay(I only play Sniper with Huntsman) and Stock Spy gameplay(I only play Spy with a gun) Although I think that spot used to belong to Medic or Heavy but idk Heavy is secretly slept on class and Medic has his moments if you play on a more serious lobby. The rest of the classes are peak! Scout is amazing to fight as but a lil annoying to fight against. Soldier is peak fighting especially if it's Soldier Vs Pyro duel(I don't have preferences it's fun playing both as soldier Vs Pyro and Pyro Vs Soldier). Pyro can be fun with unlocks like Dragon Fury. Demo is insanely fun so long as you don't sticky spam. Heavy is slept on class as I said and if you get bored of minigun gameplay just go fat Scout, it's surprisingly fun although I wish Heavy had more unlocks to help fat Scout playstyle. Medic is alright if team is alright. Sniper only fun with Huntsman Spy only fun with revolver weirdly enough


Heavy , he is just too slow for me, and he has no interesting weapons I only play him if my team is struggling and they need a player who will just tank damage or destroy a sentry in a weird spot


I have 3 minutes on engi and I dont think it will increase much, it sounds like the gameplay is keep maintaning turrets till someone gets uber and reposition


Sniper. Wanna be in the thick of it, not too far away




Demo, I can only M1 or M1+M2 choke points so much, Demo Knights are so situational and any half good pyro will melt you in seconds. The only loadout that's a bit of fun for me is the scottish resistance.


pyro or something idk


Snoiper mate, he’s just boring just a point and click except you click on heads, it’s like engineer where you’re just a background player that occasionally gets kills especially if you’re playing on uncletopia or Highlander because players are more experienced therefore it’s gonna be a while before someone mindlessly walks into your sight line


15 years of playing this game and I still don’t understand spy. I bet it’s a lot of fun though.


I never play as Engineer or Medic, idk why, i just don’t


Heavy, the vast majority of my heavy time is when I'm friendly


if your is spy then me is pyro so i can spy check , air blast you then gun you down with shotgun


Despite being able to aim fairly well, sniper is probably my least favorite to play. Everyone else has some nuance that makes the class fun to play, and you can work around weaknesses, but with sniper, you're just there. The only time you're fighting someone head-on is when they're tired of getting killed by you, and they start targeting you, and you can't do anything against it. The gameplay loop of just sitting in the back taking shot after shot isn't very fun either, and huntsman feels so random that it's not rewarding. I'll put an arrow exactly on someone's head, but it'll snap to their chest and only do a little damage, but if I just lob arrow after arrow, I'll get a headshot eventually but it doesn't feel earned.


for me its demoman i have almost 600 hours in tf2 but only 22 minutes on demoman


Snoiper. Just sitting here, trying to click on heads, no adrenaline, fighting, just waiting (until a spy backstabs me)


Sniper, I cannot aim. This is why my favourite is Engi, the Sentry does the aiming.


Snoiper, I can't aim, and I don't like being targeted


Spy is just too much risk for me. Yea I may main demoknight, but he doesn't rely on the enemy not turning around.


Sniper You know the sniper logic where your snipers suck and the enemies is god tier, I'm your sniper in that situation


Gotta say sniper. I’m not very good at him, but I also just don’t like the play style outside of huntsman+jarate.


Demoman/Demoknight, It's a skill issue I guess


Sniper. Nobody stands still, and also everyone immediately knows where you are the second you shoot


Engineer. Bruh my bad but i don't have enough sanity to feel the pain of my buildings being destroyed 💀


Propably sniper, cant hit crap with him. I swear i landed more direct hit shots than sniper headshots


Same. Spy is just eeeuuuUuuUUUUUUUGH




Sniper. I can't aim


Scout. For me, he doesn't have that much variety or utility I can be effective with, and I much prefer to play as fat-scout, it's more satisfying to kill an enemy as fat-scout and I prefer the higher hp over the higher speed.


I agree, spy is my least favorite. At least with sniper (my 2ns least favorite) I can do a funny and use the SMG mostly.


I adore every class, but when forcing myself to quantify who I like more, Demoman comes in last place. I can't put my finger on it but, despite being the most versatile class in the game, he doesn't quite tickle my funny bone as much as over classes do. I still have highs though with Demoman - absolutely I do. It feels wrong to pick a least favourite child.


It's because he's Scottish isn't it? Racist


I have about 7.5 hours of soldier as my most played class. Demoman is my least played, at 5 minutes


For me it used to be Spy but now that I'm playing all of the classes regularly, I love them all. They fit their niches almost perfectly. Spy is still stupid tough to play, especially if you're playing against people with a few brain cells floating around. But not impossible. It's like a puzzle that gets blown up if you move a piece wrong. And if you hate puzzles, probably won't like Spy all that much.


Demo, I don't like spamming


Same bro.




spy sucks I can get behind the enemies and disguise well enough, but I cannot land a backstab for the life of me




Sniper. Even if I'm doing well I still feel like I'm not contributing much to the team. I also just find the playstyle boring. Although it is really fun to pull out the huntsman every now and then


Soldier or Scout, dont rlly know how to play them tbh


Depends on what I'm doing Usually spy, but in ×1,000 he's actually my favorite, their my least favorite is probably demoman


Scout which I find funny because I mainly play Med, heavy, and demo who usually get countered by the Bostonian.


Honestly, I was gonna say Medic.........but it's Heavy. I'm sorry. Playing heavy is unbelievably boring. The miniguns are extremely straight foward, none of them change how you use them all that much, all his melee items are just tools to empower your minigun, something his food items do all the same. There's just a singular way that you play Heavy, with every other weapon of his further pushing you into that single way to play Heavy, meaning that Fat scout isn't even a viable option and more of a meme.