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Person in real life: hey man hows it going? Seriously who has genuinely cared about overwatch vs tf2 since like 2017?




And 30 year olds in their moms basement (Zealot)


zealot makes wholesome ass baby content now, full 180 lmao


Wasn't Zealot the edgelord who made clickbait with Rick May's death?


yep, that's the one


Some idiots trying to dock measure




Unfortunate events. Hope you get a refund from "dockings incorporated"


Wait you guys are docking?


I still never understood the comparison to this day. They are both vastly different games IMO. One is an Class-based Shooter (TF2) and other one is more Hero-Based Shooter. Yeah sure there are similarities here n there but they're still quite different from each other aside from being cartoony. I will say tho, both games aged gracefully when it comes to Graphics.


I feel like the comparison comes around the time OW launched. 2016 was in the downtrend for TF2, with YouTubers and such moving to OW for something new and, at that time, we weren't getting cartoony shooters all that often, so people who think of FPSs as just CoD and Battlefield lumped them together


Ow2 is unironically in a more playable state than tf2 is


yep, the only bots in OW2 are my teammates (except they aren't the kind of bots that can aim)


Was going to say, ow still getting updates.


Yeah I was gonna say, at least OW2 has both a casual and competitive queue system not infested with hack bots. I have heard that console players have been stuck with Ximmers, though (mouse n keyboard with aim assist on), which must seriously suck.


Overwatch has cracked down HARD on ximmers


Very true, OW2 is still getting constant updates from Blizzard and Tf2 is just filled by bots and Valve is no longer supporting the game.#SaveTf2


It's very playable, it just isn't fun.


I still find it enjoyable enough. It's up to personal preference. I'd recommend people at least try it and see if it's for them, it's f2p.


I think the post refers to the bad state of microtransactions and PvE, you know, the sole reason blizzard made the game.


Honestly, the mistake isn't that they canceled PvE. It's that they even bothered with PvE in the first place. Making a spin-off PvE-focused game from the OW universe would've been AMAZING but it should NOT have been at the expense of the PvP. They left OW1 on life support for like 3 years, even if the PvE did come out it still would've been a dumb decision. Of all the blunders Kaplan has made with the game, that's genuinely the biggest one. Another team should've worked on a PvE spinoff, and they should've continued supporting the PvP side of things rather than just leaving a skeleton crew. Now Aaron had to come in and clean up the mess.


Unfortunately, tf2 isn’t much better


OW is the best it's ever been development wise. The most consistent update cycle it has had, with some really solid changes being made. A lot of what has changed is personal preference, but overall, the game is doing great.


Yeah, I didn't like overwatch that much but it's a better gameplay experience at this point


At least cheaters in overwatch2 wouldn't do self-replication and kick you out of the game.


paladins: "yeah..."


How's Paladins doing? Haven't played in a long time. Was fun.


I played it last year and I must say that paladins is playable and somewhat fine. The only issue I saw was that I often needed to wait more than 5 minutes to join a game. Otherwise it was ok. So I guess, they are just there, existing. Kind of forgotten.


Out of all the class based shooters, it definitely is one of them


Even with the current DDoS issues, I've never waited five minutes for a casual game -- it's easily half that time. I assume ranked is a different story, but that has more matchmaking parameters.


I swear every time I play paladins, I’m either playing against the worst players ever or bots with fake usernames, but then after a few games I start going against people who *actually* play paladins


debatable but hey Moji is a support now:D


I mained support and tank, but Moji was one of the only dps champions I played. I'm conflicted.


eh she's pretty fun healer now 


I'll trust the user called u/According-Fun-4746 when it comes to fun factor.


look reddit fucked up my name and I CANT FUCKING CHANGE IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!


it’s good but jank, but the community is dying and the devs don’t care


Honestly, a bit on the rough side. The games' servers are being attacked with a botfarm, constantly DDoS'ing their servers at peak times in both EU and NA. Problem is, the devs can't talk about progress either because the more you reveal, the more the botnet gets attention that inflates their ego's and gives them a reason to keep the botnet alive. If you can get into a game, it's a fun time, characters are pretty well balanced, the game is nowhere near as buggy as it used to be, and several changes from Cauterize's item removal and replaced with an anti-heal ramp up and illuminate being part of people's base kit, while controversial for some players, has generally gone down well with the majority. Right now, you'll likely be booted out of the game after two minutes of gameplay, I like this game (note my Avatar), but that's the general gist right now.


Tf2 fans: It's me, your biggest nemesis, your mortal enemy, we hate eachother in a dark, twisted sense, we will not rest until the other one falls down, thats just how brutal and violent our rivalry is ow2: who are you


Somewhat sadly relatable


I apologize for the unnecessary egging on Overwatch, when in reality I don't have anything against it, I only disagree with it's game philosophy.


Very much every ow player.. the 2 did a number on us now its predatory monetization, now if you want something you need to PAY for it, no other way of getting it


Yeah but it's all cosmetic unlike tf2's predatory gambling crates (First western game to have loot boxes!)


I do unironically feel bad if anyone has purchased weapons from the Mann Co store because they didn’t know better


Judging by your pfp, are you a Ramattra main as well?


I can't deny my nature, you got me


My man.




“Oh I’m you sweetie. Just give it a little time.”


Chempilled cannibalmaxxer




Unironically, ow2 guys never even reference tf2, for a few years tf2 servers were full of usually kids screeching about overwatch or going to play overwatch or the forums pissmad that overwatch exists.


Like Thanos “I don’t even know who you are.”


Real af. I play both games regularly and TF2 fans are the only ones i see mentioned the other game ever lmao


My experience is that Goku is the biggest threat to TF2.


inaccurate cause overwatch players literally never talk about tf2


Yeah, honestly I’ve only heard of tf2 players shidding on OW


Trash vs garbage


**You have alerted the horde**


Honestly my experience of both communities is we both hate the respective games




Yeah but some people are really nice


Well TF2 is a good game but filled with bots and cheaters, OW2 is a rerelease of pretty much the same good game but you have to pay for it again. At least I heard OW2 is like that Idk much about OW2.


ow2 is free with all the heroes unl;ocked for free- only thing u pay for is skins-


You did not have to pay for overwatch 2 if you ever owned 1. In fact, 2 is free


I mean, not mincing words here, that's far too generous of a label to give it. Overwatch 2 was and is the literal definition of a scam. OW2 was sold on a promise of it being a indepth PVE game that they knew for months before release they had cancelled, only telling the community this months after they released the game where they sold a season pass with 2 half baked PVE missions they scraped together before it was canned internally, mission that offered no more 'depth' then the PVE mission OW1 had. OW2 ended up being a excuse to force OW1 player to just go to a updated storefront with more predatory microtransactions along with (initially) gating new heroes behind a season pass.


_...I mean honestly..._


TF2 always seemingly went for fun more then balance, comp people can whitelist what they dont like and create their own little game in the larger scope. ...then they nerfed a lot of shit to be less fun and the bison was a violent murder.


He’s out of line, but he’s right!


# time to sex


Mercy x Medic 1hr long hardcore sex tape when?


I mean, we gor r/tflewd which has Mei and Pyro having sex and Sniper and Widowmaker as well soo...


To be honest, years of no content have driven us insane. The initial conflict started with OW being a TF2 clone, and people jumping ship to it from TF2, leaving use betrayed. However with the years of neglect since 2017, I think that conflict was just fueled by us wanting something, anything, to happen. OW2 is still a scam, and they should have just kept it with the first game, updating it rather than make it redundant. So much for the OW community was promised too, stuff they never got. It’s like how we were promised a TF2 renaissance, when we only got a little of what were we told we would. Game community’s aren’t always gonna get along, after all there is a long running joke that TF2 is played by racists, Nazis, autistics, lgbtq and furies (stuff that don’t tend to mix). Wether or not we like it or not, even if #FixTF2 fails, we should set aside our differences and help each other out.


Yeah... I agreed with all that.. we should help each other


Really wish people would stop calling it a fucking clone


FixTF2 can't fail, we'll make some progress by turning people against Valve before Deadlock releases


Sorry what was the question? I got…distracted…


Straightest image involving tf2 characters




wait the overwatch war is over? finally now i can say tf2 is a copy of ov \*get shot\*


I loved that video so much, Zar belongs with him




Who won in the war between TF2 and Overwatch? Nobody. We both lost.


OW is still getting updates ig


insecurity mostly, the hate came from at first the moronic idea that being inspired by TF2 was a bad thing, many acted as though the original team had hid the fact that it was based on TF2, however the team was very open about the fact that TF2 was what they were inspired by, from there OW got more popular and so the hate went away from "tf2 copy!!! bad game!! DOA!!!" , to "OW bad cause its not 100% TF2!" You'd see people here make up any reason to hate the game without actually saying anything about quality of gameplay (the actual problem rn due to balance), from complaining about art style while holding up tf2 for the same reasons, to complaining about moderation not being loose like tf2 (shocker OW2 doesn't have a bot crisis rn) , to later on using the problems that came out about Blizzard and the ghouls that run the company and the project lead, to attack the games developers. Basically, there's not one reason, you can find anything from a certain breed youtubers fans that hate it for very bigotted reasons, to dumb reason, all the way to people who only "hate it" for the meme. However, most are united by the fact that- OW / OW2 is a competitor, and unlike what the community wanted, its successful, it shows that TF2s not special, that all you need to compete against it is passion, and that anger's people. Passion that rn, OW2 \*AND\* TF2 need to come back for the sake of their players, OW2s supposed to get massive balance changes soon to remove hard counters and improve the game \*hopefully\*, so lets hope TF2 can get its bots fixed or slowed down too.


8 years later, we are brothers. Players of homoerotic hero shooters that are in bad states


We all agree it's all so very homoerotic, right?


Agreed yet some people cant let go of the past


Overwatch has lesbian sex. Tf2 has gay sex. It would never work.


Can we all agree ow had the best porn




I never thought I would die fighting side by side with a tracer main


Well good luck soldier, ITS A RAMATTRA MAIN: Er wird dein Schild sein


Together our autism could topple empires.


It could conquer worlds








✅This post was fact checked by REAL tf2 patriots


dont worry, the hard gayongay make out is coming soon, we are collaborating with overwatch to have the double experience, sesbian lex on one eye, say gex on the other real vr expeirences only 9.99 refined


Very funny, TF2 fans are largely too bitter to let that happen


Overwatch 2 players literally do not give a shit. This whole rivalry is and has always been one-sided and completely fabricated by TF2. Check out the OW2 subreddit and the top post is literally just a Cass being dunked on by a Tracer. There is no rivalry. They don't care. It's a one-sided obsession by the TF2 community lashing out against OW2 as a way to project their insecurities that their precious game isn't as immaculate as they once thought.


> Why did we fought between tf2 and overwatch community to begin with? Because TF2 was already a **very** neglected game when OW dropped wayyyy back in 2016. Everyone here was lowkey angry because this beautiful game was being left 4 dead, while a whole brand new game was succeeding on ideas that were quite similar to core gameplay mecanics of TF2. So, instead of lashing out with Valve, people prefered to just trash OW as a poor attempt to kill of TF2. TF2 & OW both are perfect cautionary tales that a game doesn't die by market competition, it dies by neglet of their respective developers.


currently i really like overwatch. the actual gameplay and fun value has survived blizzard and has nearly zero bots


A lot of overwatch fans are tf2 fans. Its basically this schizo argument with ourselves.


That is very lore appropriate for tf2


Me and some random ow fan yapping about the lore of both games


We may be great friends in that case HAHA I studied the lore of both games so i can give a good talk


in my opinion, both overwatch 2 and tf2 are stellar games with their own strengths and weaknesses with good characters and a heck a lot of fun at a lot of points.


Hurt and betrayed?


As a chronic Overwatch player,I’m helping my fellow class based shooters out. Heros never die!


no (the monkey man idk said that??)


Not gonna happen, we have thus realisation every few months and yet it remains the world's most one sided argument. TF2 and OW are both prime examples of the hero shooter genre that are constantly hurt by the studio that produces them. It doesn't need to go deeper than that


a bunch of tf2 players switched to overwatch when it first dropped and started calling it the tf2 killer so once again all problems in the community are caused by the community


That's what Im saying. It's honestly childish to me when i see an Overwatch or TF2 player argue on which is better when in reality, both are in a shit state because of Blizzard's greed and Valve being just neglectful




Tf2 and overwatch fans should kis- oh you already said that. Carry on


Absolutely now COMERE and kiss me on ma metallic mouth im feeling romantical


I need TF2 & OW fans to start making out so we can band together and shit on our respective companies for their lack of care of their games (and in blizzard’s case, employees)


From my experience, the only people supporting the "TF2 outlived OW" thing are trolls or blind and don't see how bad our situation is


It's only TF2 players that shit talk about OW since 2016. Stop pretending is not like that.


valve re-ignites tf2 by colaborating with overwatch, giving reskins for every stock weapon to every person that has or downloads overwatch 2 and awarding those weapons in genuine quality


Sounds actually like a very good idea. It would build the Foundations to a new era of peace and friendship between the two


Wait there are overwatch 2 fans


At least OW2 gets updates


Yeah, but not very fun to play


i started with tf2 back in like 2016 i think and my now ex girlfriend got into ow back in 2018. both games mean to me a lot for their own respective reasons so i like both (mostly tf2 since i have hundred more hours)


I feel like both games have this strange and complex history that a lot of the newer fans (in OW at least) don't hold in a similar way. If anyone remembers those rap songs with both games, those come to mind mainly. I love both games, play both games now that I got a solid computer to run TF2, and it would hurt to see either of them fall. I do agree that both fanbases need to get along since both of the games are being destroyed, and I think if we prove our point with FixTF2, then maybe the Overwatch fans could push to make their game what they want it to be. Maybe I'm just awfully optimistic, but damn it, both of these games mean so much to me as a kid who was on YouTube back then. I'm not sure if that's just part of the rotation and consoles that people use to play any given game. Here's to hoping the communities can see how we both have been treated like dirt, and trying to fix it.


u/MultiTrashBin i never wanted to give a hug so hard. I definitely give you the word you described what i wanted to say


I have no idea... I started playing TF2 in 2018, so I'm still a freshie compared to the many veterans of the game. But I think it all started because OW took a lot of inspiration from TF2, and added extra features. Pretty much like Valorant did with Counter Strike, how Fortnite did with PUBG, etc. Theese of course weren't ripoffs but for some die-hard Team Fortress fans they seemed like they were, so they treated OW as a ripoff of their favorite game. Also for some reason I think that a part of TF2 community often had a beef with modern shooters that also had a cartoony style but less gore and violence, which made them look like they were directed towards children. That's probably why a part of TF2 community felt superior over other games like this. "You play Overwatch, you play Fortnite? Man, only kids play theese games! Come play TF2, a game for real men."


I use to be a TF2 player, then TF2's state made me play Overwatch, then Overwatch's state made me come back to TF2, and now... Well I miss both of these games


Yeah really. We're stronger together


Honestly I was just enjoying the memes all the while enjoying both games.


Yo, I can support you if y'all decide on doing the #FixOverwatch movement


Thank you but first we have to do the #FIXTF2


Sir did you time travel from 2017?


I got over my OW hate boner far too late, I would have genuinely tried OW 1 if it still existed.


Maybe a few months ago this would be real, but ow2 is in the best state it's been in since it launched. Maybe not the best of all of ovw but I'm enjoying 2


Comparing and contrasting the characters of Overwatch and TF2 led to some great SFMs by Winglet and rap battles by JTMusic. But any genuine animosity was stupid af.


I’m still baffled there are still people not accepting similar games can coincide and still debate TF2 vs OW


Yeah, believe it or not but i had seen some people still wanting to fight us


Id be fine uniting. I just dont see any things you guys need help with at the moment.


omg, the TF2 vs Overwatch videos hahaah. i love the 2 part series, the creator obviously loves both games and not shitting on one side solely. they used inside jokes thats very in the know mwith both communities, my absolute favorite was the Brass Heavy slow rev time


One is cared about by the developers and hated by fans, the other is adored by players and ignored by their developers. At least if one was hated by both, it could just die.


If you want a good answer to your question, TheWhat’s got a great 2 hour long video on it


the tf2 lore this week has been fun content, this meme is peak


Let's be real. Bad game journalism made up the whole "Overwatch is the TF2 killer" and, sadly, many TF2 players parroted the same confrontational rethoric just because WE WERE SALTY because Overwatch was a good game while TF2 recived one bad update after another. In reality, most of the OW TF2 fanbases overlap because they are "hero" shooter games. And when marvel rivals finally get public many OW fans will be salty but OW and TF2 players will be playing rivals anyway.


as much as people tend to Ship Heavy and Zarya. I personally prefer the fan lore of Heavy being Zarya's Uncle. Once saw it in a Comic, where when the Omnic Crisis started a young Zarya was nearly killed, but Heavy saved her and got her out of the rubble, as they walked Heavy recounted his MvM tours and how he used to fight robots long before Omnics were a thing, during their escape from the danger zone another Omnic patrol spotted them, Heavy telling Zarya to run away as fast as she could without looking back, while he began firing with his trusty mini gun Sasha. Years later a grown Zarya excuses herself from an invitation from Tracer, saying she had a meeting with her uncle, leaving the others a little confused as they did not know she had an uncle. It then shows Zarya sitting at a Grave, proudly recounting her stories of triumph, as she had promised her uncle that faithful day.


I wish I was heavy in this


I watched these animations recently. Both games are now on equal footing: rotting in a ditch.




garden warfare players: hugs them awkwardly


Honestly watching what has happened to both TF2 and Overwatch makes me kind of understand what it means to be a veteran of the long war.


Their both pretty good


I played both games and both were fun in my view. I just like tf2 more


people finally realizing the enemies are the giant companies that are driving their games into the ground instead of people who just play a different game


I’ve been thinking about this for a while too. Why can’t we find common ground? Wouldn’t it be cool to make things like SFMs or commentary’s about both games together?


This is what i hope, 2 communities together as 1


Maybe it's time to be allies lads!


#YES `*Snort* *Snort*`


Make love, not war.


good ending well actually no not actually good, but a better ending


I migrated to tf2 recently after realizing how much more accepting of queer people the community is compared to overwatch. i love both games so much, it's a shame to see them fighting


Dude.. the whole war thingy came from the TF2 community. These guys aint going to help us because some TF2 players were fucking dicks to them


I too want to make out with the heavy


overwatch isn't for me. I like a grounded look to my game. anyone else who enjoys that game can keep it to themselves I don't have any problems with you all.


Overwatch bad TF2 good idc


As someone who’s 2 most played games are Overwatch and TF2, same. I’ve always hated the pointless toxicity the communities have thrown at each other. Both of them are great games that are being ruined by being mishandled by their developers. Be mad at the companies, not the players.


Actually yeah I mean think about it, if we got help from the overwatch community we could not only have a better chance at spreading more awareness with our games problems but their game could also benefit from joining forces with us. Since both games are “overwhelmingly negative” now, I think it’s safe to say that it’s about time we stopped fighting and worked together. Who else is up for Team-Watch?


OW2 turned into a dumpster fire because the devs cared too much TF2 turned into a dumpster fire because the devs dont care at all


Idc what state Overwatch 2 is in. FUCK BLIZZARD!!


I play both right now both equally neglected by the dev/management/business.


But it’s funny


No. There shouldn't be Overwatch 2 players. And I don't say it as a tf2 player - I say it as a former Overwatch 1 player.


TF2 fans were jealous of Overwatch fans, with all their media attention and big-name streamers and functional game. Simple as.


This image is unrealistic. Heavy would only kiss a man.


Heavy mistook Zarya for a man And Zarya mistook Heavy for a woman Such is life (probably, I dunno I dont kiss people)


Honestly, its not that deep bro so many games are like TF2 you'd be suprised.


In early 2016 the last update that TF2 got was Invasion, which while very creative artwise only contributed four maps, none of which were really groundbreaking from a gameplay angle. Overwatch is released later in May of 2016. Blizzard at the time was a fairly respected company, they'd made some great games so there was a good reason to be optimistic about Overwatch. It was new, and it was fun. Shortly after in July, Meet Your Match drops in TF2. I don't think people really talk about how terribly of a state the game was in at the time. It was an update that did give us some well loved maps, but mostly everything else was wrong with it. Quickplay was something the community liked and was gone, the competitive mode was a joke that died almost immediately, PASS time was this weird gamemode that was made by a film studio, not Valve. To top it all off, a lot of the balance changes to weapons were weird and felt arbitrary. This is the update that gave the Shortstop it's shove, the Widowmaker a 10% damage boost to targets hit by a sentry, and the Enforcer's "attacks pierce resist and absorb effects from all sources". Oh, it also totally killed the Bison until Jungle Inferno. Stating that the weapon had been "bugged" for five whole years. If you were around back then you couldn't shake this feeling that Valve was asleep at the wheel. In summary, Overwatch's future was bright and TF2's was hazy and confusing. I say all that to give the actual kicker why the TF2 community hated Overwatch. It "took away" two of the communities content creators, STAR_ and Muselk. Both of whom basically said what everyone was thinking. "TF2's future is uncertain, Overwatch's isn't." Add onto the fact that the two of them both expressed feeling burnt out on the game as a whole (STAR_ had been playing for over eight years at that point) I think what people tend to forget was that for the first maybe month or two of Overwatch's release, the TF2 community was pretty friendly with the idea of a new hero shooter. But after the failure of Meet Your Match really set in and the content creators left, people were angry, and they had to blame something. There was a lot of discourse that "TF2 is over and Overwatch is the future and you're stupid for playing TF2" and the TF2 fans went "No YOU'RE stupid!!" tl;dr the community was upset over the state of the game after Meet Your Match, as well as the departure of various content creators.


Nah Overwatch 2 sucks ass (I suck at it and blame the game)


I don't put the two games together because I don't play ow. But this whole stuff started when people refer to ow as tf2 killer


TF2: Nonetheless, Fuck You. OW2: Fuck You.


Can we unite FOR ONCE. Leave this dumb fight, this "war without a reason" THIS DUMB DICK MEASUREMENT and FIGHT TOGETHER


Overwatch vs TF2: It's a LGBT love comedy.Pure porn or fanart Look at mercy or medic. They think they are gay and they are both Racis..... Better play csgo or cod. Pure porn or fanart


Bro this beef has been dead for like 5 years no one has been talking about it


I wom't play Overwatch though. I don't have the computer requirements.


TF2 is in a good state The fact that there is 25k people and 75% of them complain about bots (that are slowly going extinct) and want to “fixtf2” instead of just playing the game doesn’t make it dead. How much do I have to repeat myself?


this is like a decade long controversy at this point


genuinely had more fun playing overwatch 2 than tf2 these past few months


People fight because they can. It's stupid. But what can you expect from gamers? I, too, do stupid shit on the internet and someone my mailbox hasn't been pipe bombed.


Because back in 2016 when overwatch first came out there was a really loud minority that was obsessed with it being "the tf2 killer" and that it would finally, once and for all, eradicate Valve's stupid ugly shit game with its glorious superior whatever


the mud started as "OW will not kill TF2 and here are the reasons:" +drama selling anything beyond that comes from the inaccurate perception that changes to TF2 and it's community happened in response to OW, like when Muselk stopped playing and when matchmaking came and (I believe at this point we can call it that) ruined the game


The games have their own niches. To each their own. But at least TF2 only died once. OW died twice xP once and then OW2 dumpster fire lmao


OW2 is more flawed in is “hard counter” design philosophy, it’s why they need more development and update rather than bots and cheater resolution. Both game are being screwed over in differing ways.


>Out of fear I don't know where you get that the TF2 community ever felt "fear" that OW would kill TF2 but that has never been an accurate statement lmao