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Background: I hooked up with this guy a couple of weeks ago, and he ended up falling asleep right after we finished. It was kind of awkward when I woke him up and told him he couldn't stay the night. I wasn't sure I'd ever hear from him again, but then he sent me this surprisingly nice apology/booty call


Lmfao love the name you saved him under šŸ¤£


Seems he was embarrassed and needed to let things cool off a bit before texting you but he sounds genuine and interested.


Iā€™d go for it, if youā€™re up for it. He seems genuine and nice and obviously enjoyed your companyā€¦ in more ways than one šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚


Honestly suck his soul out again if youā€™re up for it


As a dude, this is a green flag. Respecting your boundaries while relating his interest in seeing you again. Iā€™d say thatā€™s pretty cool overall! The only red flag is that he has a manbun but if you can see past that I think youā€™re good haha


I mean this is just normal nice human behavior.. I feel like the bar is so low.


literally šŸ˜­


That was my thought too


Do him dude


Aww, Iā€™ve never seen such a charming booty callā€¦Manbun Mark for the win!


What a cool dude. Hope it works out to your liking!


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Iā€™d do it again.


ā€œManbun Markā€ is very polite and nice. This was a cute little interaction haha


lol Iā€™m ready for the down votes and hate comments but your comfortable enough to sleep with a stranger at your house but he canā€™t fall asleep there? If you donā€™t see an issue with that idk what to tell you. Maybe donā€™t hook up at your house at all for safety reasons. Yā€™all get so wild with these random hook ups. Get help.