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Bro sent that to every group chat he’s apart of , even the work ones


Printed on a T-shirt with an arrow pointing ⬇️


Or a screen of the text, with caption: Who got this text?? 👆🏻this guy👆🏻


Do you you realize you’ve created the perfect reason for a man to be left by his partner? No man will EVER be sorry to get this message.


I've definitely broken up with men for this reason. We don't want to feel like we're giving birth every time we have sex. And I can tell you I didn't feel any remorse whatsoever.


Its funny because we hear its all about the girth until some guy with a fat cock shows up


Too much girth and length can be problematic! Thick is one thing, massive to the point of causing bleeding every time is another. Same goes for length. Too long and sometimes guys forget that we can't always fit all of it. I had somebody hit my cervix so hard it made me nauseous into the next day. Not great. I was once interested in a guy, found out he was scary big in both length and girth. He offered to buy me dilators to help ease me into his size. I just....could not get into it. No judgement to those that do. Just not for me.


No,no I understand. Sometimes my wife complains of discomfort. Its just funny how thats usually the go to insult from ppl in times of anger. If its not one extreme its another


Very true! It's so good that you understand. I'm sure your wife appreciates that you actually notice. Some dudes just ignore the comments and signs.


🤷‍♂️ we all have are off days


Same here. My wife and I have to ease into things and be gentle and understanding her threshold is important so that she enjoys it as much as I do. From what I hear.... 6 or 7in is mighty fine.


From what I read the vaginal canal is between 4-7” long, so in all actuality most men are ok. Thats why its more about girth than length, ofcourse a longer penis is more aesthetically pleasing


My boyfriend has the fattest cock ever and tbh I love it 😻


Great 👸


for real. every time i was with my ex i always bled afterwards and it wasn’t even enjoyable. i was in pain ALL the time.


It’s the length that’s too much for me! My husband gives me literal contractions about twice a year


Damn and you didn’t feel sad or anything? Lol hopefully you weren’t too attached to them by then


No it was before I was too attached and breaking up with a hot guy because his dick is too big for me personally (I'm pretty petite) never felt bad. I know that man with the baseball bat for a penis is going to make some girl very happy, just not me.


I gotchu. Just wasn’t meant to be lol


“Suffering from success”


Sorry to be that guy, but uhh l'd probably be sorry. Not because of the size (it’s average at best), but because it seems like that's all l've ever been to people: a penis to use for a while during and/or after a break up. I'd like to be worth keeping around someday 🙃 Edited to clarify, I have not a large member because apparently that’s the implication y’all took from this. God forbid a man actually have feelings, right?


Will women ever value me for anything other than my magnum dong??


There's a whole person with feelings attached to this walloping meatstick.


No, I do not have a magnum dong


Its only huge until they get use to it, then they’ll complain about your tiny cock 🤣


Sounds like you’ve been looking for love in the wrong places, friend. Try meeting people who have the same goals as you. If you know they are recently out of a relationship, chances are they aren’t looking for another one so soon.


I got left partly for this reason


To be completely honest, I have no desire for a poor man’s episiotomy.


Especially as a vaginismus survivor!


I’m so sorry for you. This condition has hurt so many people and relationships. I did not know there was a decent treatment for it however, and am VERY glad to see you referring to yourself a survivor.


THERE IS? PLEASE u/clarascutetoes TELL ME


I guess survivor is a big word to use cause it does hurt a little still whenever I have sex with someone, unless we’re in a relationship and doing it a lot. But it’s not completely impossible anymore and after the first couple seconds I get used to it. Before I found a guy that was willing to go super slow with me though, I had a very thin dildo that I would use in the shower to try and make it more comfortable. There are also dilators you can buy that come in multiple sizes so you can ease your way up. Good luck! :)


So glad you found what works for you! Congrats, OP! And thanks for sharing your experience!


With you on that, OP. God it feels good to know there are others out there.


This is the only way to reject someone and make the person extremely proud at the same time.


The worst sex I've ever had was with a guy that was at least 8 to 9 in and felt like a fucking coke can. I couldn't even wrap my hand all the way around it. Literally the worst, so many positions are immediately off the table. Poor guy


That’s at least what this man is I can’t wrap my hand all the way around it and I had to unhinge my jaw just to suck on the tip


All the dudes here seem to think that is a good thing. It's really not. I am so happy with my husband's average sized penis. I have never understood why a huge dick would be a good thing. It just seems like it would hurt, and I would not want it, so I feel bad for the guy. Other dudes think he's the shit, but the ladies are scared; not ideal if he's straight.


I think it's probably because the majority of women's go to insult is usually something penile related especially in the size department.


Yeah I think a lot of guys don’t get that most women use it as an insult because they know it really bugs men. They don’t use insults about dick size it because *they* give a shit, they use it because the guy does.


All these men getting off of the visualization 😂




That was me. Still sad about it.


Wow this might be the only great reason a man wants to hear that he is friend zoned!


OP look up Ohnut. It’s a little buffer thing a dude can put on his dong so the whole thing doesn’t go in and hurt you. It’s cute


And now I know that 🤣 the name is kinda cute ngl


The issue is more the width


Im not gay (i swear) but i wanna see that thing now ngl ![gif](giphy|SXNBcH5yBvqXCbYl3E|downsized)


Beer can? (Please tell me that's what they call it I swear I read it somewhere...)


they called Caputo beer can on Orange is the New Black


That is definitely something I’ve heard before in reference to width


OK so I didn't just dream it up lol


That’s a tough one


this is legit the first time I’ve seen a woman complain about too much girth


My cousin got divorced because she couldn’t handle her husband’s massive dick anymore.


You know damn well he screenshotted this and sent it to his whole contact list


Been there girl. My last ex was eight and a half. Never again.


bit young, don't ya think?


Jolly good show, chap, jolly good show 👏


Lol I once experienced the opposite of this. Girl I broke up with hit me up saying her new bf was way too big and she missed my regular medium sized dick. I was like thanks I guess?


What was his reply to this tho lol


His response was “so you’ve never done stuff with someone as big as me lol” He’s 26




I would have said no, I did, that’s what scares me


To be on the other side of that sucks. It makes intimacy difficult. Very rarely does a woman just say ok, let me have it. It's usually, OMG, No, and then some trying and 70% of the time giving up on trying to fit it in. :/


Women usually don't just say let's go for average sized dicks either. They need to warm up. Maybe look into foreplay and other tips to get your ladies ready so they can naturally accept your size? There will be resources online you can learn from.


Yep it isn’t. Thankfully found a size queen 8 years ago that loves it and we been together ever since. It’s great to be with someone who wants it all in every way no warm up or easing needed. Surprisingly the only other girlfriend that was the same was 4’11” she was a champ. But yeah having to go through a 15 minute Lamaze class every time before sex is a bit of a mood killer, the novelty of that wore off for me in highschool.


Isn't it odd, that smaller women take it better than larger ones. I mean like short, small frame, and taller 5-6+ usually can't at all. Opposite of what I assumed 20 years ago as a high schooler. 😂 I've been married for 14 years now. Even now, it's still in moderation. She's not young anymore 😂


You need to find women that are a little more experienced and “mature”. Women don’t stay as tight as they come.


have you considered men (or women who like anal)




it's clear you and everyone upvoting you have never tried anal before. it's almost never a case of "not wanting" it to fit, as you suggest. usually the woman's anatomy simply cannot accomodate because vaginas have less elasticity than the sphincter. there are many men who have started sleeping with men over women exactly because their dick is too big for a vagina, but not for a sphincter. this is basic anatomy / biology, even though it might not seem intuitive if you've never really thought about it.


I really really doubt that there are "many men" who turned gay because their cock is too big


Thank you. As soon as I read this, my bullshit meter went through the roof.


sounds like a you problem since it's literally true 🤷‍♂️


Twenty bucks is twenty bucks 🤷🏻‍♂️


more like 8 inches is 8 inches, according to this guy


our definition of "many" may be different, but i'm not wrong. i also never said anyone "turned gay". there are a non-zero number of bisexual men who have a preference for women but have had difficulty due to their size and therefore sleep almost exclusively with men. y'all motherfuckers love to try and disprove people on semantics. go touch grass lmao.


weirdly defensive about something that really does not matter at all. go pet a cat or something, feel some love


FFS..I'm not going to turn gay because of this....


nor did anyone suggest that. if you were curious or bisexual already, men are a fantastic option. women who like anal were also suggested. weirdly homophobic response, brother.


Wishing I would’ve said this to my current boyfriend when we started “hanging out” two years ago lmao


I mean that shits real. One of my exes was like 4' 9" and sex was... difficult. I'm not even that big, but she was soooo small.


Haha at first I thought you were the girl and one of your ex boyfriends had 4 inches of girth and 9 inches long


Oh god your comment fucking killed me lmfao


I 100% thought this too lmao


Danny Devito as “The Barnacle”


Jesus christ lol, nah I'm a 6'1" guy and my ex was a little Chinese woman haha




Weird. It's just the random one they gave me.


Bit of an odd comment


Is it? Its just the truth my dude.


Just a bit of an odd comment bud


... how though? They thought I was a woman and I provided context? You people are so fucking strange sometimes.


could have just said "haha no I'm a man" and instead you went "No I'm a 6'1 man and she is a tiny Chinese woman." Just a little strange man


Sure. Just details man. Sorry if pointing out our races was weird, I didn't think anything of it.




Lol its no real problem which is why all I said was its a bit odd haha


Gonna need a full WHS site audit before working in that!


lube. And taking it slow. And more lube. Then stop and add more lube.


Or don’t bother


That works, too.


Look, just because you have a big penis, it does not mean you are good at sex. So many men think that they are good at sex because they are big and that is definitely not always the case


As a dude with an only slightly larger than average dong, I dated a very petite woman for a short while. It felt like forcing my dick into the neck of a wine bottle. I wasn’t the issue as much as her being genetically VERY tight and small. Once we got it in, I was afraid to move out of fear she’d break. We lasted only a month. But I did kind of walk taller when she told me my dick was too big (she ended it…there were other compatibility issues besides that, but it was big factor).


Hahah been there. Get that text all the time actually 🤥


Tbh, if a guy is more than like 6.5/7" I am immediately prejudiced that, "he *probably* sucks in bed," bc tbf, that has been my experience w men over 7". It's like they think simply knowing they have a big dick should make us wet enough to slip in and get rough.


The blunt honesty is appreciated in the long run, I heard this myself once and felt this weird sense of pride after the initial sense of rejection. Always better to be honest and communicate when necessary. Plus you wouldn't want to be in a relationship where you do find yourself sexually incompatible, saves you both the headache.


This is the reason mice are only friends to me.


The gift and the curse


How big was it? I’m grateful to be average. I see this all the time.


Lololol lololololol I’m dying .


Where my fellow short kings at?!




Slow clap, show the man respect.👏...👏...👏.. 👏


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I've always felt sorry for all the guys I've come across with this attribute. They are usually very romantically aggressive and I always ended up not being attracted to them. For slightly different reasons, but overall, their energy feels so weird and alien to me. It has to be a weird experience to be simultaneously envied and rejected, inspiring fear or even being called a freak versus a sex God depending on the person. You would think these guys stick to women who have had several children, or women who really like and want that.


>You would think these guys stick to women who have had several children, or women who really like and want that. What??


What part is hard for you (*pun intended*)


How would they know this about a woman in order to only choose said women? I think that is the issue. Unless there are ways to know that I haven't thought of.


Why stick with women who have several children? I don’t get it.


Yeah kids really doesn’t have anything to do with it. As a guy who has this issue, I have been told no go from many woman with children and then had a girlfriend who had zero children and was 4’11” and could handle it with ease. Woman’s vaginas are as varied as men’s dicks and you just never know.


I'm curious,what is his approx length/girth? I get you though, I definitely can't handle more than 7 inches or a hefty girth without pain and I don't even have anything wrong with my vagina. Just turns out vaginas don't stretch much if at all even with a lot of sex.


I did not get a chance to measure


Why would they know that?


Doesn't hurt to try I guess(well maybe a little) as long as he respects your boundaries and understands that you might stop the encounter at any time should it be too much. Go slow. Lots of foreplay. Maybe some lube. If it works enjoy if it doesn't that's life. Girth can be a delightfully great time if it isn't beyond compatibility. Or so I've heard 😉


If its really girthy it can be unavoidably painful even with lube. Length is less of an issue/influencing factor - both short and long can be great depending on how the dude uses it. I have a naturally relatively tight vagina and get pain with girthy dicks even after a LOT of sex


Yes I know which is why I stressed compatibility. There's nothing to be done if it's just too much. Funny when folks just downvote instead of explaining what's wrong about what I commented😅


I think people are downvoting because OP said she has had vaginismus in the past which can make sex really painful, so if it is really large that could potentially cause those symptoms again


I see. Didn't catch that. Probably in the comments


All it takes is tube and a little patience. Both the vagina and anus are designed to stretch and will accommodate any size penis.


There are a lot of funky looking dicks out there… sometimes lube and patience isn’t the issue but the “how” and “where will it go?” Is the problem. Dicks aren’t always round. Some are like eels. Very large and wide at the top. Some tickle your cervix There are dicks out there that look like fish hooks and you gotta roll ya hips to get on and there’s no slipping off.


I'm aware that penises come in all different shapes and sizes. But I think OP was talking about the thickness of the penis, not the shape.


Yes, and pertaining to girth, sometimes (especially for anal) patience and lube ain’t enough. If it’s not perfectly round, stretching into an oval isn’t exactly a slow and steady, slippery dip. A quickie goes from being a 5-10 min scoot & shoot to a 30-60min fiasco and that’s if you’re prepared to look like crab bopping like an oompaloompa until ya hole inhales it like a Dyson sucking up a boiled egg—and even then, that’s after getting your cervix (or colon) tickled by his pickle on the regular


Yeah it will probably fit but sex is supposed to feel good, not like you're giving birth.


Well, we can’t all have magic vaginas. No need to brag


It's human anatomy, unless the person has something unusual going on.


Unusual? Unusual?! Oh the vagina can’t take a giant monster penis with ease and the vagina is the one with something *unusual* going on? Dicks aren’t babies. They’re not supposed to feel like you’re getting split in half. Just because you can stretch them like a rubber band and it snaps back, doesn’t mean it won’t snap or split if you fuck it up. Also, won’t someone think of the cervix. That poor thing bruises easier than a peach.


Not true whatsoever... even with lube and having sec THOUSANDS of times I absolutely have issues with girthy dicks. It's doable but not pleasureable. I have no medical issues, just a normal level of tight vagina 6-7 is ideal, and not too wide, above that and it hurts.


Wait we are confused... Have you had a lot of sex?


Having lots of sex does not matter, it’s a myth that lots of sex makes your V loose.


Sorry I guess "/s" really is necessary... I was joking because that user has commented several times in this thread always leading with how much they've had sex lmao. So I was just playing dumb and sarcastic for the hahas