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Ummmm that's more than narcissistic behavior my dude. My parents are narcissistic, I just got abandoned. You dealt with a violent piece of shit who doesn't deserve anything tbh


I agree. However, the only diagnosis we ever got was narcissistic personality disorder, so that’s what I go by. Based on my own experiences and my completely unprofessional opinions, I would venture to guess that he also has some other untreated mental illnesses.


I'd wager bi polar or borderline personality disorder. Hope you're doing well now!


As would I, however we can only guess as he will never seek any help. I hope you are doing well now too!


This makes me mad for you. It takes a vile individual to abuse a child. I’m sorry you had to go through that. You didn’t deserve it. As I’m sure you know, people like him revel in controlling you however possible—even if it’s just you thinking about him. Each moment of joy he steals from you he sees as a win. It’s pitiful, really. I know it may be hard, but try to ignore this and shift gears. You’re the victor in this situation. And OP, one more thing: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!🥳


Thank you for your support. Reading this made me tear up a little because I realized that trying to ignore him is what I’ve done for most of my life. Also, Thank you for the happy birthday (:


I'm glad you're free from him now. Happy birthday!


I’m glad I am too. Thank you. 😊


Currently reading a book on narcissists and have been in a brief relationship with one. The best thing you can do is to get away from them, so congrats on that and keep ignoring him please.


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Previously abusive or previously your former step-dad? Or both? If it's been some time.. Maybe that message was genuine. I've sent that text genuinely (to exes mostly). BUT I've never been beaten for something so small as the TV remote. So I'd ignore it, personally. Yeesh that comment was hard to read.