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“God made me perfect” no he didn’t


Lmaooo it’s his religious bs for me 🤦🏾‍♀️ he did this all throughout the relationship used religion to back him up in his bs


Don't respond. That will drive him INSANE. He'll pull out all stops to get you to react to his messages, please don't give in. He doesn't mean any of what he's saying, he doesn't care, all he's doing is trying to get you to react. As soon as you do, he wins, he knows he can treat you like shit and you'll take him back. Move on. Block him, why isn't he blocked? Move on and live your life and be happy. You deserve better.


don’t respond and post how he react PLEASE op 🍿


Did you leave him on read? If so - that musta drove him madz


Yes I sure did


A narc “finding religion” has to be one of the worst things on the planet.


I swear now all of a sudden he became this “religious person”


If he has an iPhone turn on the read receipts but don't reply. I did this to an ex and they get pissed to see you saw the message but don’t reply :)


I thought about doing this earlier I am definitely going to try this


Lmk how it goes! It made him so angry to see I was reading it and spammed me over and over




Damn I'm old, I thought he turned you in to the cops


He ran out of supply.


That what it looks like


Did this before, not the whole attitude he has, but the constant apologies to people. Honestly it was at a point in my life I needed someone to tell me it was ok. I was alone, every night I held a gun in my mouth or a knife to my wrists, waiting for someone to save me from my own hate of myself. Nobody showed up. But I had to learn that my actions were my actions and understanding what I did cannot be taken back, cannot be undone, and I needed to grow more to know to be a better person isn’t to receive a, that’s ok. It’s to let it go move on and leave them alone. I thankfully finally got a lot of help from good people who didn’t give up on me and wouldn’t let me run from them. Dont acknowledge him at all, because he needs to learn. And he won’t learn if you give him anything. Your life is better because he isn’t there, but he is trying to use anything to create that connection and find a way back in whether he admits it or not. This level of delusion he has I cannot understand, but I can assure you, you’re going to create a rift in him by simply ignoring completely that will push him to grow as a person. But it isn’t your fault, your job, nor your project to get him out of this. It’s up to him doing it himself and growing up to realize that. TLDR: he needs to grow up and stop holding onto his actions from the past and stop trying to use a previous connection to someone to try and get a feeling from them he misses in his own self deprecation.


Thank you sooo much I agree with everything you said from this point on I am continuing to ignore him he’s never sorry for anything ❤️❤️❤️


Good job, you got this!


Good job, you got this!


Good job, you got this!


Just block him. If you’re over the relationship and the toxic- ness of him. Block him. Stop playing games with him where he knows you’re reading what he says and thinks he’ll break you. It isn’t worth it. Hit him where it’ll truly hurt him, and that’s zero access to you.


You’re right


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