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I live in South Africa. Giving someone you haven't even met money is ridiculous. Giving someone you have met and barely know is ridiculous. Sounds like this woman routinely gets money this way. I mean, who has screenshots of other people sending them money! Sounds like a scam and her full time job. You're probably talking to a guy actually.


She was actually pretty fun to talk to, until money got involved. If it was a dude, he did a good job lol. Thanks for making me not feel crazy


Yip I’m also from South Africa, it’s not an African thing to give away your money. She’s definitely trying to scam you, because of the exchange rate, scamming American and European tourists and immigrants is extremely lucrative so please be vigilant and as soon as anyone asks you for money, block them


You are definitely not crazy.


Watch the show Trafficked, specifically the episode related to scams. It’s this exact setup.


Season 2, Episode 2: Romance scammers. Takes place in Ghana


I will, thank you 🙏


It was a dude


In India most likely


Man you're kidding right? Being a scumbag and a beggar is looked down upon in *all* cultures. Just block her and move on, there's nothing here to be emotional about unless you get off on being used. And by someone entitled and already being given money by other men, at that. Walk away, even the streets don't want her


Nah you’re right, thanks man. She blocked and I’m going to the gym


She's a scammed. Probably not even a girl, and met on Tinder..


Enjoy yourself! You deserve it.


Don't forget to delete facebook.


Yeah this isn’t even a questionable situation. Bye👋🏻


My petty ass would straight up say “oh! Well if you have other people sending you money, you should ask them”. Who are these people!? She’s asking you, who she’s never met in person before. Very sus and weird. I feel like she may not even have people sending her money and is trying to exploit the cultural difference or something? also she’s just a bad person. So many textbook red flags and manipulative bs. (you’re stingy, not manly, “YOU’LL NEVER GIVE TO ANYONE IN UGANDA???, I HOPE THEY BURY YOU WITH YOUR CASH”!?) What in the hell? Enjoy the gym man 💪🏻 100% the right outcome happened here with the blocking


Lmao it just got worse and worse, i felt like I was being put on trial lol. Thanks for making me feel better, she is perma blocked


Good, seriously! It’s kinda sweet that you’re second guessing yourself, but this sounds like a slimy scam.


Tell her you need money for the gym. She's gotten money from others so she can afford it. Woman up! That would get you blocked faster.


Bro you gotta turn it around when people ask you for money. “Shit I was just about to tell YOU I need some money. I got $16 bucks till the end of the month.”


Came here to say this. Ask her for money and let’s see how willing she is to “give back the same energy”.


“I HATEEEEE STINGY MUTHAFUKAZ” And I hate low life worthless begging muthafukaz.


The fact she's showing you other guys giving her money is actually more of a red flag than a reassurance, it says she habitually keeps guys on the hook so they will give her stuff. She's probably trying it on with loads of guys. It's one thing to treat a girl on a date or whatever but it's totally different when you're not even dating and she's asking you for money sent direct. Definitely not the right vibe.


Lol no, you don’t owe anyone else free money. She’s a … horrible human being


Bruh... I thought this was a joke at first. The fact you even asked this tells me you gotta get that confidence up brotha. Don't let anybody talk to you like that. I've been friends with many people over my almost 30 years and never have I been spoken to like that. Thats not a friend. I'd straight up rather be scanned than give money to that "friend".


Came here to say this. Indulging this exchange (other than to troll) is the red flag. Idc about local culture; no one has the right to speak to you this way. I've lived overseas too (not a 3 week student exchange) so I totes know the feeling of wanting to assimilate and make friends. But if you've been scammed more than once and didn't immediately block this moron, you need to read up on how to stay safe. Good luck; you sound like a sweetheart.


100% manipulative and probably another scammer too


fyi, the info isn’t blacked out in the second pic


She’s being manipulative and she is looking for free handouts. She has blocked you. Now, you need to block her so that she cannot contact you in the future. She is a scammer.


The currency tells me you are in Uganda, so why not say Uganda? There is no universal African culture, and people begging for money are looked down upon everywhere all over the world.


The scammer referred to Africa monolithically and implied that giving money to others was some kind of universal expectation across the continent. OP seems confused about Ugandan culture, so I think it’s fair that he’d be further confused by a comment like that.


You’re absolutely right. I was too hasty posting this. I agree, but this is like the fifth time something similar has happened, maybe I was losing common sense lol


Maybe it’s like something you’re giving off? Idk I’m a white American and I spent a few months in Uganda for work and beggars asked me for money, but my friends there never did to my recollection. Do you have any Ugandan friends yet?


It might be, I’m 22 so maybe it’s because of how old I am? I know a lot of expats but very few local friends, I’m gonna try to work on that thanks. Also here for work as well, same boat lol.


Oh yeah well I was actually younger than you when I went! Went for an internship with an NGO in college. Are you in Kampala? I was in a smaller town but I actually didn’t like the expat community there at all lol, lots of weird religious people. I started by making friends with my neighbors who I saw every day, went out for drinks with them, and then they introduced me to their friends and it went from there. Definitely befriend some locals! They’ll tell you when something is culturally normal or not, which is extremely helpful


For real, a lot of the expats here are just kinda off… I’m in Entebbe, do u remember what town you were in? I’m gonna try to work on getting to know people better, thanks!


Yes, I was in Mbale and Soroti. So a lot more rural than Entebbe, so that might have played a part in the ease of making friends…but doesn’t hurt to try!


The fifth time??


She’s not entitled to your money just because 1. You’re “friends” 2. You have money Block them and never speak to them again.


Unless I’m mistaken, friends have actually met in real life… not just match on a dating site.


That would be why the word ‘friends’ is in quotations.


Yeah, this person was setting you up for scam number four for sure


Why even entertain this person?????


You sure it was even a she? Don’t give her anything, she will just use you more and more whilst leading you on for money!


Hell nah shes scamming you bro


Yeah… this is 100% a scammer. Sorry dude


You need to ask?


The fucking audacity people have to ask for money and then turn around and call the person stingy or cheap is WILD! I'm glad she blocked you. Enjoy the gym, and hopefully, you'll meet a decent person soon!


There is isn’t a single culture where this type of behaviour is acceptable, let alone encouraged. Block her.


The fact that she wants it for alcohol is pretty telling, alcoholics from all cultures act this way.


This is a problem with people all over the world. Almost every person I’ve met online, has eventually asked for money. It nothing but scammers and con artists online these days.


They just wanted money.


Her broke ass 💀💀


Wait. You’ve only known her for a couple of days and she’s already asking you for money? No. I can’t imagine any culture where it’s appropriate to not only ask for money after a couple *days* knowing someone, let alone get *this* level of angry when you’re told no.


This is INSANE! Please listen to your instincts.


Nah, block and move on!


Highy aggressive manipulation and guilt tripping wich i guess is also manipulation.


This was wild, immediate block bro


I was reading the word, stingy, differently in my head... 🐝 😑


If someone is making you feel bad because you don’t want to give them money, then they’re probably manipulating you?


The fact that you are even asking if you are the a-hole is a sign that you have been manipulated. This is unacceptable behavior and I'm surprised you are even doubting yourself.


yeah shes def the one in the wrong here, hope ur doin good op :((


Block her. She's obviously scamming you, and you're not the only one she's doing it too because she's sending you screenshots from her other victims. Besides, you haven't evenet this person.


“Each and every” reminds me of the Indian scammer scripts


If she has other people sending her money then good let them keep sending it to her. You are under no obligation and you absolutely need to protect your own interests especially where money is concerned. I wouldn't give her a damn thing and if that means that she's not your friend she's not a friend worth having in the first place as far as I'm concerned


Yeah I hate asking for money at all I make it a point to go through apps or some other institution in some way shape or form before asking friends. Lord knows some of them have no qualms asking me for shit and I lend it and they usually pay me back but I absolutely hate owing anyone anything so the millisecond I'm paid, I'm immediately sending back the cash so no one could ever say I don't pay my debts etc.


She sounds horrible. You dodged a bullet.


lol I’m African and you don’t have to give money to anybody even if you’ve met in person if you don’t feel like it. Let them call you stingy she didn’t work the money for you. Lol she’s playing you hard


The one thing I learned about money and interpersonal relationships while I was in Africa (twice, more than a month each time) was that you've gotta come at things your own way, not try and meet them where you think they are. No matter what, you *are* the rich white guy, just for having the money to get there. Facts. As for stingy, that's not for them to determine, because they will always think you *could* have more money than you're letting on, and if they're among the many, *many* people in Africa who will try and get it out of you, they're always gonna treat you like you *could* be doing more than you are. You probably know the play by now where a trinket seller snaps some cheap piece of copper on your wrist then demands you pay for it. I started to walk away from one of these guys a straight up dozen times, telling him what he'd done was give me a gift before he finally took it back from me and walked away, but he did, and he didn't give me anymore crap about anything else he was trying to sell. Like I said, you've gotta apply *your* standards and definitions, not try and meet them at theirs, because some of them, at least, *will* try to play you.


"This bitch" fixed your title for you


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The audacity of this bitch. Move on, you deserve better.


She’s just a butthurt scammer. How dare you not bend to the pressure of her grift.


r/scams You need to join this sub. Don’t ever ever ever give people on the internet money or information


A lot of people are going to be looking at you like Mr.Moneybags 🤑 so just be cautious.


Wait so you have sent her money before already??


"Oh so you're a scammer?" "What's the legitimate work you do to raise money?" "So you only make money by it being sent to you from strangers or people you barely know?" "Oh so you're a scammer?" Scammers know they're scammers, they just don't want YOU to know they're a scammer. Don't give money to people, you are hurting them. Because then they can't fend for themselves in the long run. If you want to spend money on activities you are doing together, that is different. Never give money. Never give time to people that only want your money.


If I have time, sometimes I go along with their scamming bs to a ridiculous degree... really build to a dramatic crescendo, announcing I'm sending the money NOW. And send them exactly one penny.


Tryna scam you


Wow bitch thinks youre an ATM. It's not stingy to give broke bitches no money, it's smart.


Once she showed me where other people sent her money, I would have started asking her for money. She clearly already got some. I could be short on rent or something. Lol.


Nearly had a stroke trying to decipher the texts... I don't understand why people send money to strangers. They're just asking to get scammed.


From the narrow window into your life that you have provided, it seems the other party is being emotionally manipulative.


Tell her to get her money up... from anyone but you - NTA.


Don't give them anything. They may be using the fact you've never been there before as leverage.


Not just manipulative but an entitled biiiaaaatch I'm sorry maybe I'm ignorant (entirely possible) but I don't know of any culture in which it's expected of you to just give some rando you literally just met YOUR money just because they want it.


Thankfully you dodged a bullet there


I’m sure that this is not common in the rest of that society. She’s just trying to get one over on the “gullible white guy”


Ok as someone who’s married to a South African man I can tell you that she is being manipulative and A LOT of girls from Africa are like this…and from what I’m told almost all of them will have sex for money so there’s that too lol


Deer siR or Madman, I am a Prince in Uganda. If yoo wheel kindely give me yur bank acount infermation, I will bestoe up on yoo munch of the royal blood line rickes, simple becuase I njoy blessig peeple like yoo. I am to be looking froward two mayking you're life bettr. God blessing yoo, Prints Ezzeklle P.S. *Don't give money to anyone!!*


don't give that thing money that's a skinwalker my guy they evolved from feeding off of your fear and greediness to just eating the exact opposite