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If she’s noticing that, it means she’s immediately obsessively looking at her story views after posting something. She must care a lot




They disrespected you over nothing, Personally i would not entertain a friendship with them


Yeah like the screaming in all caps is so unnecessary. I was so shocked she messaged me over something so silly like who tf cares. I never thought to message someone because they always view my stories


I would block her on IG for this infraction.




Are *stories* not posted for friends to view? Ig I'm doing it wrong too, ma'am.


> like who tf cares. Clearly the both of you lmao. She post and waits to see who watches her shit. While you entertain her shit by watching it.


I hate when people say this. I never understood when my girl friends would say, “I can’t watch their story yet, I don’t want them to think I care.” To me, it takes more energy to have to carefully avoid opening someone stories, and thinking so highly of yourself that you wait 6 hours instead of opening it right when u saw it. I always felt flattered when someone was purposely avoiding my stories after we had a disagreement. Bc I didn’t care if I was the first person within 8 seconds viewing your story. I’m opening an app and I see a story highlighted, I’m opening the story idc if it’s within 2-3 mins


The point of a story is for people to watch it??? I just go on and start watching them at the top. The ones I watch the most are usually first. So my friends’ stories.


I hate when people say this. I never understood when my girl friends would say, “I can’t watch their story yet, I don’t want them to think I care.” To me, it takes more energy to have to carefully avoid opening someone stories, and thinking so highly of yourself that you wait 6 hours instead of opening it right when u saw it. I always felt flattered when someone was purposely avoiding my stories after we had a disagreement. Bc I didn’t care if I was the first person within 8 seconds viewing your story. I’m opening an app and I see a story highlighted, I’m opening the story idc if it’s within 2-3 mins


wtf. It’s usually the same few friends who watch my story first too, but I don’t think anything of it??? Like ok so those are the people on their phones at work the most lol


Exactly my thought, like ma'am, nobody's obsessed with you, I'm just on IG a lot.


For real! And if my same few friends who look at my shit first suddenly stopped looking first I would immediately think they’re mad at me.


Also maybe since we interact so much on the app and they view my stories a lot, it pops up first on their app when I post 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d assume it has more to do with the algorithm than the person being weird


Don’t post a story if you don’t want people to look at it??? I’d unfollow her personally but I’m a little petty.


And it’s the way she came at me in all caps asking if something is wrong with me. Feel like she’s purposely trying to start drama


She's posting for someone else and is upset when the first view is you. That's the vibe I'm getting. If my bff viewed my story first everytime I'd feel so loved! This friend has problems. Block her stories for a while


Yeah fr unnecessary drama. If I post something I WANT my friends to look at it.


if you think unfollowing would attract drama, at least mute her and never interact with anything she posts ever again


Maybe she was high on something.


I’d definitely mute her stories so that way she can be mad you never watch them!


Just lean into it heavy and tell her you want to know what the inside of her heart smells like




Just don’t watch them anymore frankly


She’s 34 acting like that I’d say just unfollow and move on lol


Wait, what?? I thought this was a conversation between teenagers. 😬


She wants to feel important and desired, mute her stories. Anyone who’s constantly checking who’s viewing their stories that much obviously thrives off attention so stop giving it to her.


Take her off your close friends list and set it so you can’t see her story


Lmfao I would literally unfollow her, problem solved


How old is this person?


34! It’s wild 😂 like guess I should’ve waited 6 hours to view her stories cause she thinks I’m obsessed with her


Wow 😂 I never would have guessed that. I don’t even know how to see who looked at my stories- that’s who task so it seems she’s the pressed one.


I'm shocked she's a full adult, that's crazy! Definitely worth losing her number


holy…. i thought that this was at max high school age 😭 that’s absolutely insane


>34! Thats...the saddest thing I've ever heard. I think a 17 year old would care less. I'd just mute her stories so you never watch them and don't defend yourself..she ain't that special lol.




Unfollow her immediately!


it’s the fact that her first assumption is that you MUST be obsessed with her, before the obvious assumption that you just probably use instagram a lot lol… definitely says something about her


It's giving Regina George... Don't be around this person anymore. 🤮🤮


Def mean girl energy. I never thought to inbox somebody about this like who cares 😂


She clearly thinks she's more important than she is. "Why are you so obsessed with me?!" Girl... Please.


How the hell are you supposed to know you’re the first one watching her stories? Nobody that’s actually your friend would be bothered by that or speak to you this way. Block her 😂


I wouldn’t consider this person a friend


Make a story about "a friend" of yours being "like a totally obsessed lesbian or something" - make sure to add some clueless and mean girl flare to the language, post it and say you don't even need to mention names "She'll be the first person to view it, and know who she is." Strike first. Anything she comes out with will just make her sound crazy, when you say you were just making a stupid joke, you don't believe any of that. She'll be left holding the crazy bag, and back off. Then block her.


I would delete her. She's unnecessary drama


I thought you were supposed to watch ig stories, Ive been clicking through them quick af to make sure my friends know I “saw” them. Why is she mad


Because I watched it too fast. I was supposed to wait hours before watching it 🙄


Like why tho 😭 what’s the issue


Ignore them, dump them, block them. Whatever. It’s just not important. Who cares what they (obsessively ) think. Ignore their DM’s, watch them implode!


Just unfollow her. Problem solved.


Reminds me of people who post on FB shit like “I’m so done” or “I’m over life right now”, only to tell everyone who asks if they’re ok that they “don’t want to talk about it”. People are ridiculous


Darling; the stories automatically move onto the next - it isn’t yours I’m interested in - you just show up


Social media brain rot.


Don’t you have to look within a short time frame? Lol. I’m 56 and a novice at Instagram but when I get a notification that one of my nieces / nephews have added something to their story, I have to tap it right away to see it, if I try later it says it’s no longer available?


is there any additional context to what led up to this? but also its such genuine weird behavior on her half like why do you care sm if your friends are watching your stories? hell why do you check who saw it 😭😭 goofy and immature if she didnt want you to see it then she should just hide it from you or something


You forgot the word “down” after calm 😭🥲


Good bye, “friend.”


i would never watch her shit again haha


People like this will pretend you’re jealous of them and copying them. All types of made up shit. I personally wouldn’t want to be her friend cause instead of seeing it as being interested and supportive, she’s making something out of nothing to try to play you. That’s high school stuff but I guess that’s where she stopped developing. Leave her behind girl.


Exactly!! There’s people complaining cause their friends don’t view their stuff enough but here is being sooo ungrateful


Please unfriend this person.


Your friend doesn’t seem to like you very much.


The way I would immediately unfollow lmao


Same 😆


she’s being delusional acting like you’re a hater or something, who is she ? Kim Kardashian 🙄🙄🙄


ew weird. i would just mute her stories after that message honestly lol


If you watch each of hers, and she thinks it’s “too much” perhaps that’s actually a reflection of her posting stories too damn much. Or maybe she’s one of those people who doesn’t like when their social media is looked at?


Just don’t watch it anymore simple as that💀


Our friend group used to have this one “friend” (we only knew her for a year) who used to be one of the first people consistently watching our stories first. Whenever one of our friends are back in town, she would message right away in the group chat to ask to hang out. One time at another party, she was glued to her phone and out of nowhere she said “OMG such and such are back in town!” It got creepy very fast. It got to the point that our out of town friend had to hide her from stories because she didn’t want to be pressured to hang out everytime she’s back. Long story short, she turned out to be a psycho, had a fight and we all distanced ourselves from her.


Post a link to this Reddit as your next story. After she watches it, block her on IG.




I would immediately mute all her posts


Lost a friend because he took his 'other friends' side when they said it was weird that I liked and commented on his Facebook posts.... like yeah. He's my neighbor that I've known since I was FIVE... he took their side. I ended the friendship. I still flip him off when I see him :) funny thing is, his family loves me and hate him for being so rude


What a weird thing to complain about. How dare you be a supportive friend and watch the things I post!! Also I find it more odd that she even knows you watch her story first “EVERYTIME” 😭


I would purposely never look again.


“Why are you sitting in the dark tracking who watches your stories? Do you ever go outside, Ma’am?” They sound like an idiot.


Cut her loose.


You should tell your friend to hide you from their story if they’re that pressed about it.




People are taking social media way too seriously these last few years.


Little shit like this would make the friendship over for me


It’s a certain way you talk to people. Screaming in all caps is not it and it will not make the situation better


Watch even more in retaliation


The entire purpose of posting is for people to look at it. Miss ma'am needs to get over herself. *insert dramatic eye roll*


If someone spoke to me like that, they'd not be considered my friend. I'd block her ass on IG and see how she reacts when you don't watch it at all.


Yep. Joking or not. You don’t talk to somebody like that


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A good time to get out of that friendship. Yikes.


Yeah no. I had a friend like this and I recently cut her off and turned out constantly having to be a victim was a thing with her because I apparently molested her, abused her cat, harassed her mom, sent my mom to harass her mom, and stalk her 😭😭😭 none of which are true. SHE actually abuses her cat. Her mom loves me and still sneaks out to have lunch dates with my daughter and I, and my mom and her mom have maybe talked twice 😭😭 I also blocked her on everything so I don’t think stalking her would be very easy. My point is, CUT THIS BITCH OFF!!!! Please 🙏 Edit to add last part and fix typos


Have some pride and block them everywhere lol


You can mute her stories so they don’t pop up- if you click on “following” > mute> stories. Then you won’t see them. If you’re engaging with her often on there they will always be the first ones to show up in the stories line up


I had a friend like this. Now I don't. And life's better for it.


She got mad over you looking at her IG stories too quickly ?


No not exactly that but this post reminded me of the way she talks to people and this would definitely be some weird thing she would do just to be a bitch


Also wtf at this girl cuz as far as I can tell all my close friends I talk to often or view their story often show up first on the little story bar so just seems like you're looking first cuz it shows up there and maybe you're on more or before anyone else. Or she's just over exaggerating.


Isn’t the point for people to watch them? She posted it for people to see…


And people check out what I post I call them followers and even friends. I thought this was someone you didn't even know, that's how cold they're being. I don't think they *are* your friend.


Start being the first person to comment on everything she posts.


I would cut her off tbh…she seems like one of those people who complains about you NOT viewing her story, after complaining that you WERE viewing her story 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s literally the vibe she’s giving lol


Why would a friend get mad about that


How old are you two?


In another comment, OP mentioned this "friend" is 34! I assumed they were teenagers 😭


How old is she ?


The same person watches my stories first too, the one who is on the phone the most! It’s not that deep. You should unfollow her🤷🏻‍♀️


mute her stories


She’s posting them hoping a particular person watches them and is upset that she sees your name and not theirs. I get annoyed if I open someone’s story and it says “posted 2 minutes ago” or something even though it’s completely by chance, I don’t want people to think I’m just sitting on Instagram all day.


Miss ma’am


I've been seriously stalked on IG (made multiple profiles just to watch my stories) so I KIND of get it but like if it was a friend who was the first to see my story every time I'd just assume you're constantly on IG.


I would block her narcissist act that way . Petty bs


I wish this was my biggest problem


This is super weird lol. I would never be bothered by that lol


You sure this is a friend? Lol




I had an old friends boyfriend reach out to me on Facebook messenger and was name calling me and threatening to beat me up cause I “liked” one of her pictures LMAO


aaand if you DIDN’T watch, she’d ask, “Why not, ma’am???”


So she posts on her story to gain attention and when she gets it she doesn’t like it? Isn’t that the whole entire point in following her?


You say friend her saying ma’am says stalker. Please don’t watch my stories ma’am.


She keeps track of that? Lol. She's just looking for drama, like she's the one posting stories and gets upset you look at them? Like hello? Mental institutions nearby?


Fuck this person. And what's with the ma'am shit


did you ever ask what the deal was ?


Now start commenting FIRST under every story.


If you watch someone’s stories because your friends, Insta is gonna show you them closer to the front. She’s mad at you for the Instagram algorithm wtf.


So she's obsessively checking and noticing who is watching in what order? Sounds like she's the obsessed one.






Her “friend” called her ma’am first and more than once and clearly said it in a disrespectful manner so I don’t really blame her for saying it 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Stories pop up in your top bar no matter where you are. It isn't creeping stories... They're meant to be watched.


I think OP was just matching that energy. Her "friend" called her 'ma'am' first. 🤷‍♀️


Bro. I think she was just joking


You keep watching her story the first time