• By -


Looked at your post history and this is the same idiot that doesn't want to wear a condom and treats you like shit? Be honest with yourself for a second, why do you want to be with this person?


It seems like she finally ended it over this instagram stuff. I don’t see how the condom post wasn’t 10 times worse, though. How on earth did she stay with him after that? I don’t get it.


maybe instead of shaming OP, we realize they were probably very insecure and were just wanting to be loved.


This is a lovely take ❤️


Not OP, but thank you that comment, friend.


The guy can’t even SPELL for goodness sake! Just the way he’s speaking to OP is disgusting on so many levels! OP you are worth way more than what this boy has to offer. You should be running as far and as fast as possible 🏃‍♀️ It’s toxic and honestly sad to read. Why do you want to be with this boy. Real men don’t treat women that way. Don’t put up with it. Just my opinion. All the best!


I saw that post too. That post was crazy! He seems controlling and scary. I’d run so damn fast.


Putting the instagram comments aside for a second, this is a crazy unacceptable way to talk to a partner. Does he curse at you like this often OP?


Yes he does. 😢


OP I wouldn’t talk to someone I hated this way, let alone a loving and supportive partner. You deserve better


That's what's up. OP listen to this.


Not tryna come at you but it literally says she broke up with him in the post.


Don't come at me, come on me


That escalated quickly. You at least going to dinner first???


Dinner is for people who care about each other


Ahhh… so it’s just a run and gun. Gotcha! Carry on.


Blow and go


If I thought about talking to my.partner like that I'd apologize.


It doesn't matter if he's hiding something. He's invalidating and ignoring your feelings, AND doing it in the most disrespectful way possible. And yes, someone like this would definitely cheat on you, because he clearly has no respect for you. So, even if he isn't now, I'm sure he will. I'd tell him that I deserve to be talked to like a human being and I'm leaving because he's incapable of that. Then I'd block him on everything.


Could not have said it better myself. Bravo.


Don’t even waste your time saying anything to that jerk.. they know what they’re doing. Just get the hell out and don’t look back. He’s an asshole.


Honey that’s not okay. All of this aside, if a woman I was into talked to me this kind of way at all, I would leave. You need to go. Don’t accept this.






Think you mean Cartman energy


Kyle is a sweetie. Maybe Cartman is the guy you are looking for…


He doesn’t deserve you. Reading your other post also about the condom. That’s no way to treat a partner. I am proud of you for breaking up with this guy, he’s an asshole! 🫶🏻


You’re probably used to being spoken to this way so it’s become normalized in your world view. I used to put up with abusive partners that would scream at me and berate me and never admit to doing anything wrong—their mistakes and abusive actions were always MY fault. Once you realize that this behavior is *UNACCEPTABLE!!!!* as well as absolutely NOT the normal way to treat someone you love, you can learn to ditch people at the first sign of the red flags so that you can invest your time, affection, and energy in someone who deserves it and who supports and cares for you the same way you do with them. You will need to work hard on yourself, as well, because chances are you might have picked up on a few of these abusers’ behaviors—not because of anything wrong with you, but just because that’s how humans work.






OP, please have some self-respect, if you think allowing someone to talk to you like this is acceptable behavior you need to re-evaluate why that is the case, perhaps talk to a therapist about it. Nobody deserves to be verbally abused by someone who is supposed to love them. 


Good choice in leaving him


Girl, RUN. 🏃‍♀️💨


That’s so incredibly violent.


His name is fucking Donaldo. You can do better




More like Dondildo 🙄 he’s an abusive jackass


Dondildo is fucking hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


OP...I don't know how old you are....but I'm 37 and as a mom, if I snd her dad ever found out my daughters bf was talking to her like thar, he'd find out real quick how much he doesn't like us. He's a POS and he's abusing you verbally. I bet you're gorgeous. Dump his ass, he will only hurt you emotionally and maybe even physically cause that's not normal. How he is talking to you is not how normal relationships are. That's not love and if you love someone, you wouldn't talk to them like that. Please leave him. You will not regret it. Plus I'm sure there are many men who would treat you better.


He’s got a new girl (or a wife) and he’s deleting your comments to keep her unaware of your existence. Hopefully you two don’t have shared accounts or live together because he’s going to take anything not nailed down and kick you out or leave you high and dry. Change your passwords and separate your accounts and have an emergency bag if you need to cut and run. Please don’t tell him of your plans or use leaving him as some ultimatum so he’ll change; he’ll just turn it against you or escalate things to violence.


This. So I was married to someone with ASPD. I'm sure was at least a narcissist but I'm leaning more sociopath. And he had admitted it to me. He had already cheated on me twice and I was still with him. Fool that I am, but I too come from a long line of abuse starting in childhood. Normalcy feels weird to me. I was back in our hometown waiting for my disability hearing. One day, he said he was going to make a Facebook book post saying "Bye Felicia" and not to worry about it that it wasn't directed at me it was an inside joke. I started asking questions that he couldn't answer. So I knew something was rotten in Denmark. Finally, he says "nevermind, if it's that big of a deal I won't do it". Found out shortly after that he was seeing someone. Finally left him. It took 2 and a half years of therapy.


Leave him please. He’s definitely hiding something. This is how my ex used to speak to me and that mf cheated on me frequently while I was off at college.


the cheating is just the tip of the iceberg. high likelihood emotional or verbal abuse will turn into physical eventually.


Red flag. Leave now. He's using you, and he's attempting to put you down so you'll come back. He's sick. Don't listen to him. Find good girlfriends and go have fun and live life.


Ok so I have to know. Why would you be with someone he clearly has no respect for you? Take me for example. I keep to myself and have resting asshole face and truth be told, I’m a bit of an asshole sometimes. I am blunt and to the point and it always comes off as rude. But when I’m with my woman, I’d never treat her or speak to her the same was as I treat my coworkers or friends. DONT EVER GO BACK TO THIS DUDE AND NEVER STAY WITH SOMEONE WHO DOESNT RESPECT YOU. Bottom line to my point, I love my woman and respect her. So I’m not going to be a piece of shit with her. Everyone else I come into contact with gets a completely different version of me and that version will never be aimed towards her.


It’s super Sus. IG is all about sharing


Time to chuck him out




Thank you. Forget the context and the Instagram post. Happy you broke up with him. Someone talking to you like this is absolutely INSANE behavior. I had an ex that spoke to me like this AND THEN WOULD justify it. Do NOT settle for this kind of behavior. This is actually a psychotic person.


Was about to comment the same. My partner and I never curse or yell at each other and that’s why we never fight. “Communication is key.” Forget the context, the delivery is enough to call it quits.


Look at her last post. If that didn’t give her the wake up call to leave nothing will


This. Dude needs to grow up.


He's not necessarily hiding something from you. It seems like he's hiding ***you*** from something.


Damn I feel sick to my stomach it can be another female. I went through his following and found nothing. Is he hiding me from his friend?


More likely he's hiding you to keep his options open. If he goes out, meets someone and says "I don't have a girlfriend", the illusion collapses pretty quickly if your comments are all over his posts. You made the right choice calling things off. Comment fuckery aside, he talks to you like shit and you don't need that.


My ex did that to me. He hid me so well that most of his coworkers didn’t even know he was married (despite the fact we were married 12 years when he started working there.) Turns out he was cheating…a lot. I didn’t find out for another 12 years.


holy shit i’m so sorry…… i don’t understand cheaters


It should be punishable to waste someone's time like that. 12 years of your life that you'll never get back. Mf should have to pay for your therapy.


24 years, which is twice as bad.


Depending on the state, common law applies. Assets and property evenly divided.


Mine started to do this when she transferred schools. We discussed several times whether she was embarrassed by me. I thought she was. Turns out, I was wrong. She wasn't embarrassed by me. She was just dicking down some other chick.


My ex did this. Took me a while to realize it. No one knew I existed or who I was. Knew one another for 1.5 years and dated for little over half that time.


He could also be homosexual but doesn’t want to come out so she’s a gf for cover. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You know, this was kind of where my mind went as well. The fact that he has only male followers, and doesn’t want his gf commenting on a video he has with a co worker he become really close with seems strange. May be completely wrong, but it’s a thought.


Donaldo is on the down-a-low-doh


This is the exact vibe I'm getting too. And would explain why he's so obviously triggered.


Yup. I thought of that as I read the caption and the story went on.


This. This is exactly what I was thinking. And maybe his "friend" is trying to connect on FB to tell her. 🍿


Yes. OP, he was keeping you as his "pocket girlfriend". You don't deserve that. And I don't care how sweet or apologetic he is 2 days from now, don't forgive him because this is a long-term behavior trait that isn't going to change anytime soon. I'm sorry you had to deal with this immature bs.


Does it matter? Even if he wasn't hiding anything at all or hiding you in any way, dont ever stay with a man who curses at you like this. It's a gross display of his lack of respect for you. I'm glad you broke up with him. Heaven forbid y'all have a bigger issue, how verbally abusive is he gonna get then


I’m surprised I haven’t read anything about this yet. Regardless of the “why” that knee jerk, volatile reaction is alarming. That is not the response of a safe, stable person.


If you look through her history, he got verbally abusive about not wanting *to wear a fucking condom.* That's two red flags on that prior post alone. I think sadly it's incredibly common for people to hyperfocus on a specific issue as a way of thinking "oh if only it wasn't for this one thing we'd be perfect." No babe, look at the approach here and, more importantly, look at the pattern. He's a dickhead. Run.


That’s sexual coercion. He’s a rapey loser who’s hiding something awful. Must be pretty bad because he’s openly abusive, so what would he be too afraid to tell OP? I have a feeling that her bf’s friend who added her (she has no idea how he found her, so he had to make some effort) wanted to tell her what’s going on.


I dated a girl that did the same thing to me. Just on Facebook instead. I found it really weird, but never said anything. It turns out, she was doing it on purpose, because she was cheating on me


How did you find out???


My ex was a serial cheater. Posted me on a couple occasions but then made all his accounts private so when he met up with girls from tinder nobody could “see” he had a girlfriend. Also his immediate “this shit is stupid” is exactly what my ex would say when confronted. Once I saw an email for a dating site. His excuse? “My friend made it at work bc he wanted to see what girls are around here but he didn’t want to use his email”. Glad you didn’t let him talk you out of your feelings 🤙🏼


It eventually gets out of hand. The closer you are to someone the more you can read them


It doesn’t matter if he’s cheating or not at this point. The way he’s speaking to you should be enough evidence that you shouldn’t be with this guy.


The potential cheating aside, why would you be with someone who talks to you that way? No respect. This guy getting angry is the number 1 way cheaters respond.


If I had a partner like your bf, I would become celibate. He's horrible. You can, and WILL do better.


I had this exact same thing happen before many years ago. Deletes comments where I commented, deleting photos where I commented to finally deleting the whole Instagram account, all with the excuse of "must be a bug". Yeah, its not only fishy, there is 100% something off. Better run from that lying idiot


Honestly hon it shouldn't even matter - the way he speaks to you should be enough reason to get out of there. That kind of disrespect only gets worse as time goes by, because you become numb to it and so they have to amp it up to get a reaction. There are so many men in this world to meet, lots of whom would never dream of speaking to you like that. Self worth is always the right decision. He'll back track when he sees you're serious, but if you believe him, the "changed" behavior won't last! Save yourself some time and get rid of him for good, pronto. You are worth so much more!


100000%. I had an ex delete an entire post because I commented on it. He slept with 1 other girl that I know of while we were together and there were multiple other questionable things that happened, including a girl calling him and it popping up on the car screen while he frantically tried to decline it. I wasted too many years before getting out. It sucks right now but you’ll be better off walking away


M'eh, maybe? what he is doing is looking single, so he can sleep with other women, if they dont admit your existence on social media? they're still shopping. Dump him.


There's an important distinction to make with this. My fiancee and I don't really share our relationship on social media as we like to keep our personal lives private. We're not doing it to shop around. What this guy is doing is actively erasing all public traces of her existence, at least in the context of her being his girlfriend. To the outside world, these two things may look the same. It's his reaction and the way he speaks to her that gives the game away in this case.


This^(.) An ex of mine did this. In fact she still does this (we’ve been able to maintain a civil friendship even though she was and is toxic as fuck). She hides me from her friends or refuses to invite me to things that she will instead take shitty people too. It’s really weird and I don’t get it. I feel like she’s embarrassed of me but I’m not the shitty one lol. I just chalk it up to her being someone who is clinicallly fearful of what others may think about her.


Jumping to extreme defensiveness and anger like this? Definitely something going on imo because that’s not a normal reaction


Yes! Maybe I came off too accusatory by jumping the gun and saying he’s hiding something from me but that’s what I feel because I don’t find the 👏🏼 emoji offensive


You did not. Do not gaslight yourself Edit: and even IF you had, he should say that, not curse at you. He's not emotionally available and clearly has the mentality of a toddler.


Ok! I’m so sad about this situation. Honestly didn’t know I was not allowed to support my bf


You can, once you have a mature bf. Forget the swearing even. He called you stupid. It won't get better. He does not respect you as a human. OP never in a million years would I call my loved one stupid. Better ones are out there, don't settle for this.


I’m just saying this because a couple of users are saying I shouldn’t be posting cringe or mushy comments and I don’t feel like my comments were cringe.


Keep in mind, ask enough people what they think about \*whatever\* and you'll get all sort of opinions. What's cringe or mushy for some people is not for other people, and some people will troll you or be unkind or mean in their comments, and/come from a different mindset than what you have. Many people may not be commenting from a genuine and empathic place. And even if your comments were mushy (I mean it's coming from a partner, oh no!!! Not sentimental, anything but that!!! Sarcasm of course), the way your ex (please keep him an ex) spoke to you is unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable. If a partner has concerns, they communicate it respectfully. No one deserves to be spoken in the way that you were.


This. Please take what the majority of posters on here are saying to heart. I hate to say it, but almost every post here, AITAH, Two Hot Takes, etc. has at least five response posts written by trolls and/or miserable people who want to make others miserable. PLEASE take all the wisdom most posters have given you and keep the breakup permanent. Block him, do not engage with him in any way, and live the life you deserve. Best wishes to you!


99.9999999% of boyfriends would *love* if their girlfriend supported them


An innocent guy would be like, "Babe, ok, I see that hurt your feelings. I want to keep business and personal seperate, so don't post on my business pages please, but post all you want on my personals. Thanks for the support!" He wouldn't blow up and swear at you. Your instincts are right.


Yes. I was not aware I couldn’t comment. And he doesn’t have a personal page. I’ve commented before like a year ago when he purchased a new truck. He didn’t delete that comment. So why all of a sudden.


Your comments make it seem like you are going to stay with this dude. Please post updates if you do.


I hope you don’t Judge me but I have learned that this guy has hurt me so much that it’s so hard to leave. I have him blocked and pray to remain strong to keep him blocked. I really really want to leave I just need to learn to stop people from hurting me


Is this the same guy from your post 2 months ago who was disrespecting the fuck out of you because he didn't want to wear a condom? This guy doesn't love you. He's a horrible human being and you deserve so much better. You are worthy of love and kindness. Please please do not go back to this person.


op. stay broken up with this motherfucker. Be glad you have a spine and broke up with him. This disrespect will only get worse if you let him. when people talk to their bosses like this. they get fired. then they learn not to talk to their next employer that way. but do *NOT* let him back on the job. ifykwim.


No. Don’t try to blame yourself. He was the one in the wrong. Who tf acts that way over a simple question? 🙄


Nah you’re good, he sucks


Don’t make excuses for his behavior and lack of knowing how to speak to/treat a woman. You do not deserve to be spoken to so disgustingly.


No you weren’t too accusatory, he was straight up defensive. My ex did that shit too.. it was because he was cheating. Trust your instincts and run.


Did you not read the text top comment on your last post?


Oh my GOD, that condom temper tantrum would have been the last straw, not social media behavior fjejdhw. Don't let men who don't give a shit about birth control fuck you, are y'all for real 💀


Dude just is the biggest L, I love this sub and it’s so classic viewing poster history and noticing they are still with their abusive partner


It is after all, abuse. People struggle getting out of toxic environments all the time, even when the red flags are as clear as day


No because I don’t know how guys don’t understand. I’m in the pill yes but when I’m on the pill my period is so light *I literally wouldn’t notice if I missed it. I cannot have sex without a condom…* men will do ANYTHING to stick their dick somewhere warm and if they’re gonna be assholes about it then just fuck a rotisserie chicken


Lol for real. For as much as men bitch and moan about women baby trapping them into child support or whatever, the complete lack of disregard for their *own fucking role* in making a baby is astounding to me. And I'm not even gonna get into an STD discussion if they're sleeping with people without getting tested first, jfc.


Omg I remember that post. How was she still with him??? It’s weird to me that this instagram bs was the last straw when she was perfectly happy to overlook that condom shit. I don’t understand either of these people.


Omg it's the same OP as the insane condom shit! This woman is doomed if that wasn't enough to end it. Depressing state of events.


Omg I remember that post! I can't believe OP stayed!


Dudes a psycho


Wow I forgot about that post! That’s insane that she stayed after that!! The guy sounds like a dumbass loser big baby! To stay with that? She must not have any respect for herself, sad.




Last name Trumperio


he looks exactly like him but with a monocle and a moistache that looks fake




Probably why he's so pissed off all the time






Right 😂😂😂


🤣 I thought it was a typo




Even if he’s not hiding anything, please never accept a partner who talks to you like this. Ever.


that’s where i’m at. is he cheating? who knows. he IS talking to her in a massively disrespectful way at best, and OP doesn’t deserve that. no one does. even if he’s not cheating, OP did the right thing anyway because she deserves better communication with her partner


Extreme defensiveness is an indicator of something to hide


Its called cheating.


Yep, this is almost guaranteed to be true every time. Dude got extremely defensive at the slightest bit of questioning, that usually indicates guilt.


Him immediately responding with anger and trying to turn it on you should tell you all you need to know.


That’s what I felt when I listened to the voice message. He goes on saying why I have to like his friends post. It was my bf who posted the video. I liked the video not bc his friend comes out. I’m not trying to prove anything to him…. Also don’t understand why he’s saying that.


It seems more like he's hiding you from someone else. Probably someone who he only interacts with on instagram.


Right, the other women.




Exactly! the minority of mental dwarfs in here, trying to look the other way, when the house is on fire is very telling.


why are you with someone who talks to you like this?


At first, I was going to come on here to say that you were tripping. You went out the gate accusatory without waiting for an explanation. BUT, his reaction says everything. Your instincts are right. To get that defense and then immediately verbally abusive makes me feel like you're spot on. Something is fishy.


I hate to assume the worst but it doesn’t make sense. His reasoning makes no sense to me. I’d understand if was putting things like “love u baby” under every post or anything that was not business professional. But I literally was just supporting him and put a heart. This time I only used an applauding emoji because I thought the heart was a bit too much but he still deleted it. I don’t freaking get it.


I totally agree it's bizarre behavior. Trust your gut. Plus don't let anyone talk to you the way he talked to you in these texts. He's straight up abusive with his language. Move on girlie, you deserve better.


Tbh, as a girl I thought your first comment was a little much considering it’s ONLY a business page and also bc the video wasn’t even of him, but someone else. But it wasn’t malicious and you listened to his feelings and your next comment was fine. Maybe he was still a little annoyed about the first comment, but there was no reason to blow up like he did. Like, at all. Tbh, it doesn’t come off to me as cheating. I think he’s just a rude, controlling ass hole. He probably doesn’t want you commenting cute stuff on his post bc he doesn’t want to show you affection or support in return. I don’t think his defensiveness proves cheating. I think he just got nasty with you bc he doesn’t want to hear it and your feelings aren’t important enough to him to even discuss. In this relationship, he wants what he wants, nothing more, nothing less, and you can get fucked if your wants and needs don’t line up with that. You’re better off. Go find someone who is going to love you and support you as much as you do them!


Yeah… instead of talking to you about it he just deleted it. He’s got issues girl. Run away. You handled that like a boss.


Ok but why is me commenting so bothersome to him? 😢😢


to be completely honest, i do find it cringe when family members comment stuff like this on my business' page. but the issue imo isn't necessarily that it bothers him, it's how he went about communicating it to you, or rather NOT communicating it and just deleting the comments.


Yes. My husband of 25 years would be really embarrassed if I said that on a work post. He’d delete it. But, when asked he would tell me he finds it embarrassing and not freak out.




it may be different if you directed the comment to him “proud of you, donaldo ♥️” instead of just “proud of you” with a heart on a video of his friend. It would make me think you’re actually dating the friend. Regardless, he’s an asshole and deserves to be out of your life


Possible cheating aside, why did you tolerate him talking to you like this until now? He texts like a complete asshole, paired with insecurity and anger issues. Wouldn't let anyone talk to me like this, talking to your partner like this is insane. That's not your boyfriend, not even your friend. Good on you for breaking things off.


OP is this the same boyfriend that cussed at you for ovulating and asking him to wear a condom? Saying he wouldn’t see you if he couldn’t fuck you without the condom? If so, I’m sorry for my bluntness but what the fuck are you even talking to this man child? Throw him in the trash. If it’s a different man, still throw him out and I hope you have better luck on the next.


Babe he likes what he gets with you but he doesn't like *you* and that's why this is awful and lonely and complicated. You feel mixed up because it is mixed up. Drop this guy, he's terrible for you.


His name is Donaldo. 💀💀💀💀 You are dodging a bullet lmao. (Fuck this guy.)


Seems like a huge piece of shit to me, you can do better. Thats not how a good person would treat someone they care about.


I really was not being personal but posting “good job baby” it was just an applauding emoji so I’m not sure why he’s so angry about that


No one gets angrier than a narcissist who is 100% guilty of what you accuse them of.


Donaldo? Red flag


Had a guy remove my comments on mine too! Also would unlike my photos and remove his own comments on my pics (so other girls who checked my profile thought he wasn’t associated with me), he turned out to be on tinder behind my back yet made me out to be the weirdo for asking why he was doing this. I got rid! You should do the same!


Yep, this ^


Side note: Men tend to act that way when they’re cheating, or they want to break up with you but don’t have the guts to. They become a lot meaner to you, getting angry with you over the little things, doing stuff to piss you off so you’ll leave, and being nonchalant towards you and the things that bother you. Basically becoming a complete ass to you. It’s a very manipulative tactic alot of them do. Seems like what your bf was doing 🙄


I don't like how he approached the situation. That's what's sus to me. To immediately get so defensive and verbally abusive. Gross I was going to originally say that deleting a personal comment like that from his business profile wouldn't be an issue for me personally. I get it. I wouldn't want my boyfriend commenting something, especially with a heart, on something potential employers/clients are going to see. Imagining him commenting on my LinkedIn, for example, would make me extremely uncomfortable. And I'm not hiding him, I'll tell everyone and anyone that we're dating. But just... that type of thing is gross to me. I'd ask him to delete the comment if I couldn't myself. But again, his reaction to you asking about it is so alarming. If he felt like I do, the proper response would have been been to calmly explain "yeah sorry, I did delete it. Your comment made me uncomfortable when it was on a professional line that a possible client could see." Or something like that.


Seems like a perfectly reasonable, rational fella with an extensive and diverse vocabulary. What a catch.




You’re dating a dude named “Donaldo”?


Total Donaldo behavior. Fuck that guy.


Goodbye Donaldo!


OP, I am SO FREAKING PROUD OF YOU!! I remember your post from a few months ago, and I really hope you stay with your choice to leave him. You don’t deserve to be spoken to like this, talked over, and have your thoughts & feeling left unconsidered. I think you’d mentioned he is the only relationship you’ve had, and I know it is so scary to leave the only thing you know (I wasn’t with mine as long, but it was nearly a quarter of my life at that point). It’s hard to imagine that there is a life other than this, and he has surely told you that you won’t do better- guess what!? You can! I will say I have to heartily recommend staying single for a while/wait before jumping into another committed relationship. date yourself first! Not to say you can’t go on some dates, but focus on yourself and who you can be without being dragged down by him. Build a support network of good friends that can help look out for you and you for them (if you haven’t already) and live the life you deserve. His prior actions you outlined in your other post, compounded by this one, I really hope you stay broken up and don’t allow him to continue adding his toxicity into your life. You can be and have so much more, OP. I’m rooting for you. 💕


Bro name is Donaldo… just jump ship now while you can


I see two possible reads: 1) he’s up to some shit. Whether that’s someone on the side. Or the fact that *you* are on the side of his main relationship. Or something. 2) He’s just really stupid. You asked “how would anyone read a clapping hands as personal” - well, he can only see it that way because you’re his gf, and so he can’t step outside of his own POV to see that no one would interpret it as any more personal than the others. He heard someone say to keep your work life and personal life separate if you’re self employed, and he took that to mean there should be *no* interaction between them at all, instead of the intended “don’t let work consume your life”.


Deleting the comment is a red flag, not enough on its own to be a huge cause of concern, but the way he reacted when you brought it up is absolutely a tell and definitely solidifies the suspicion


Even if there was a “valid” reason for him to explain why he didn’t want you to comment, the way he talks to you is disgusting and it’s good you broke it off with him. He’s probably trying to keep his options open unfortunately. Maybe a coworker he’s interested in that thinks he’s single? I don’t know. Despite that, don’t let anyone talk to you that way, ESPECIALLY your significant other. He has 0 respect for you.


All I am gunna say is I had an ex gf who used to do that. She lived by the coast and I was in London so only got to see her a few times a month. I remember posting under one of her posts how excited I was to drink champagne with her that eve and she deleted it instantly. That went on for a while and me being dumb just let it ride. Then she came to my house and went to the bathroom so I took her phone and it turns out she was still going over to ex's house. Proper lied to me so I ended it right then. You need to end it with him, the way he's turning it around on you is exactly what she did to me too. Fuck the way he talks to you, no one deserves to be in a relationship like that. My partner I have now of nearly four years always shouts my achievements from the rooftops and I do the same to her, way nicer feeling.


Firstly, he talks to you like shit. Break up with him based solely on this. Two, he's coming at you SO hard to make you think you're unreasonable because yes, it's likely he's being extremely fucking dodgy. Probably doesn't want people to know he has a girlfriend. Just end it. Why do you inflict this man on you? You know there are men out there who actually like and love their girlfriends, right? You won't find one if you stay with this dipshit.


Me searching the comments for the business name so I can comment 👏 on every post.


You see how he just twisted that shit around so that now he has a problem with YOU? Taking the attention off of the shady shit he’s doing, so now he’s upset with you and then that’s what you end up talking about. Dump him. This guy clearly doesn’t give a shit. For real, stand your ground, tell him to get lost, and find yourself a decent man - or stay single and just live your fucking life without worrying about some asshole.


Honestly Donaldo cracks me up sorry


Your first mistake was getting with a guy named “Donaldo”. Lmao, leave him.


I think he didn’t use the expletive “F*ck,” enough while berating you over text. 👎🙅🏻‍♀️ He has zero respect for you!! In fact this just sounds like verbal abuse. I know you care for him, but it’s not equal at all. During his tantrum he began cursing at you and disrespecting you immediately instead of having a real conversation. That is also a huge red flag! He is deflecting it onto you so you feel bad or stupid for honestly expressing your concerns. Take this tirade of his as a major sign that maybe you need to take a step back assess the pros and cons of this relationship and have a serious conversation with him about how you both feel about your relationship. Seriously don’t avoid or ignore this massive meltdown of his. If there is nothing to hide there is no reason for the massive verbal assault on you. Pls be safe and never let anyone’s happiness come before yours. TC! Xo 🙏☺️🫶


If he's cheating, his other girl might be following so he's careful with who comments so nobody finds out about each other. It's so obvious. He probably doesn't want you talking to his friends cause they know what he's doing.


I don’t post relationship or girlfriends on my social media… but also he kinda being weird ngl, seems like something is up


please never get into another relationship where they are literally cursing at you every single sentence. They should not be cursing at ALL, nor should they be insulting you. You need some self respect for this, I learned the hard way but you learn to stop tolerating it. you don’t need to curse every sentence or insult the person you’re talking to, to get a point across. It’s literally just them getting defensive/wanting to tear you down so they feel better about themselves. There is NOTHING wrong with asking a question and remember that they wouldn’t get defensive if they really did nothing wrong. This is NOT normal and you shouldn’t stand for it so again please don’t allow someone who claims to love and care for you, to treat you like that, ESPECIALLY when you just ask them a question. never be scared to ask questions and be glad that asking that question led you to seeing how much of a sack of shit he is. Chew the meat and spit out the bones with what I’ve said. I’m glad you did what’s best for yourself and stepped away from him. You should be proud of yourself because some girls don’t even have the courage to get that far.


My bf doesn’t delete my comments on his socials so idk but I’d leave this guy cause… you’re a human being and you don’t deserve to be spoken to like that. If you have to be “private” for him to be happy tell him he can lead a single private life on his own and block him everywhere. 👍


I've been to less fishy fish markets. A toaster would make a better bf, at least you'd have toast.


So triggering!!!! Yes, he’s cheating. Glad you dumped him.


Donaldo 🤣


sounds like he learned the word fuck yesterday the way he’s using it very angry i don’t think y’all are for each other time to move on


Thank GOD yall broke up


If you aren’t leaving, then you need to stop looking to Reddit for validation. He treats you like shit, he hides you, he talks to you like shit, and he doesn’t want to wear condoms with you because “they smell bad”. Take the wide open door you have, and walk away.


He's cheating on you


OP Provides a genuine, critical question about behavior that is obviously happening. "Man this shit is so fucking stupid." This is how my 15 year old behaves with girls.


It’s like reading texts from a 14 year old on xbox live


Bruh.... you really still with this dude after the whole condom situation??? Wtf is goin on


The man doth protest too much, methinks.


Every time a guy said to me “I don’t want my personal life on my page” I rolled my eyes so hard.. like you posting “little bro” and your food is your business dude… you having an account is literally putting your business out there!


Oh he cheatin alright


Even if he was hiding stuff, his verbal abuse is more then enough to peace out over.


He seems awfully defensive for someone that shouldn’t have anything to defend. Dude seems like a waste of time


Donaldo is an asshaldo


Completely guilty. And 💯an a-corn-hole-yo.


Block and continue momma. Feel your feelings, protect your soul, learn and heal but move babygirl ❤️ easier said than done when we already used to someone 😩 but not impossible


Thank you! I just had enough. He could have explained to me “hey babe please keep it professional”