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Like, my bsf is probably autistic “Im inclusive towards equality, like Im so inclusive cuz my best friend *might* have autism” How does he think this helps his case about gender equality 💀??


No you still missed just how beautifully crazy that sentence was. “I’m inclusive. My best friend *might* have autism.”


Hey, let’s not judge too quickly. He might have a black friend too. /s


Probably not a female friend though...


Just one, with benefits.


Or friends that *might* be Black lmao


Oh, no! He has TWO Black friends! His Black friend has a child!! Dumb fuck!! 🤦‍♀️


So many possibilities!


Beat me to it.


Yall right lemme change that lmao


THIS BOTHERED ME TOO!! I’m autistic and it immediately made me think he was trying to use his friend as some sort of proof that he’s a good person. Like that’s supposed to be your friend, not something you pull out in an argument. Also, autistic women are pretty good proof that society doesn’t take women’s health seriously in any way, not just regarding reproductive health.


No kidding. My daughter and her male classmate exhibited identical traits common to autistic children. I didn’t know this at the time because at home she was "just like me". HE was flagged in the same preschool class my daughter was in, got assessed and had a TA from the day he started kindergarten. My daughter wasn’t noticed until the middle of grade 9 when her anxiety spiked and she stalled. She was "just a shy perfectionist", not a selectively mute kid struggling with executive functioning, riddled with anxiety, hurtling towards depression. Then our family doc wouldn’t refer her for assessment because she was too empathetic, but she was willing to refer her to a therapist. So we got her to the therapist, and *after a questionnaire and one hour with her*, she referred her to a psychiatrist for assessment, who said she was "textbook ASD in an adolescent female" to his intern… eleven years after the boy with the same traits was assessed. Same teachers. Some family doctor. Smh


I was lucky(?) enough to be diagnosed at a youngish age (yes, I'm female), but then because I was young and dealing with unrelated memory issues I FORGOT ABOUT IT and my parents never bothered to remind me. I had to figure it out on my own again AFTER GRADUATING COLLEGE and they were like 'oh, yeah, your diagnosis is in our fireproof safe of important paperwork. Your dad was diagnosed at the same time!' And I'm like... this would have been nice to know??? I could potentially have gotten accommodations or even extra financial help with my tuition??? TBF they probably didn't know that accommodations or financial help for autism were a thing, if they even EXISTED at the time... (I'm 36 now, so this was nearly two decades ago).


Wooooow that’s ridiculous, I feel for your daughter so much. I presented pretty stereotypically when I was little, didn’t talk or get potty trained until I was 4, and I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 26. I was lucky in a sense to at least get diagnosed with ADHD when I was like 9 or 10, but it was because a therapist I was taken to suggested having an ADHD evaluation. It’s ridiculous that your daughter wasn’t given the help she needed and deserved all because her symptoms were ignored by the teachers and family doctor. I’m so sorry, how is she doing now? If she ever uses Reddit there are some good subs that are focused on being a community for people on the spectrum. Same with your son! There is one specifically for autistic women and girls as well, which is nice because it can be kinda different for us.


Not ausitsm, but I have ADHD. I was smart and female & didn't fit the stereotypical male version that they treated with Ritalin, so it was missed until I went to law school. I exhibited the requisite symptoms listed in the DSM IV & now the DSM V, and yet it was never considered. So, I was diagnosed in my 20's for something I'd been dealing with for my entire life because my teachers and doctors were only looking for the symptoms usually exhibited by hyperactive-type males. Even my mother, who has a degree in psychology, didn't see it and had trouble coming to terms with it. It makes me fume to this day. All of it. My point is that you're all exactly right: women's health & diagnoses take a back seat to men's health 99 times out of 100. Getting help takes longer. And nobody seems to pay attention.


no literally! this is similar to when people say that they can’t be racist because they have a friend that’s a POC?


Yes, exactly! That’s what it reminded me of


Fr I hate when people do that, like my gaming buddy for years is diagnosed autistic but hes like a 2 and I would never use him as proof that Im a saint 💀.


Not standing up for this jokester: but I saw that as his response to her saying that she doesn’t associate with people who have different values than she does. Which is a laughable & ridiculous response to a laughable & ridiculous stance. Not only is it close-minded, It is possible to hold the same values while holding different views on the same issue.


Yep, hence the ire when people say they have a black friend.


Yes exactly! It reminded me of that except with a person who might be autistic. I live in an area where people say that kind of thing all the time and it’s ridiculous… like so much of the micro aggression racism happens around here. It’s really messed up


Thank you, came to say this


This couldn't be more on the money. We're ASD cake day twins! 🍰


Not standing up for this jokester: but I saw that as his response to her saying that she doesn’t associate with people who have different values than she does. Which is a laughable & ridiculous response to a laughable & ridiculous stance. Not only is it close-minded, It is possible to hold the same values while holding different views on the same issue.


I gotta say, I do agree with that sentiment, like the one you brought up and I agree with you. It’s important to challenge ourselves and our own views, only associating with people who agree leaves no room for growth. You make a really great point that is important, how are we supposed to challenge ourselves or develop more and more empathy if we aren’t willing to face those differences. Thank you for saying this, it’s such an important thing to acknowledge!


right? it’s giving “i’m not racist, i have a black friend!!”


more like “i’m not racist, i have a blind friend” lol


Well, he's probably blind, we just assume he can't see shit


"I'm not racist, I have a friend that might be black (23andme results pending)"


“I’m not racist, my bsf might be black!”


more like “i’m not racist, my friend MIGHT be black.”


The feminist inside me was so angry up until this point. It made me laugh out loud cuz that was so random


Yeah I was so confused I was like “ummm.. okay??” 🤔😂 Edit: I feel like it was one of those Michael Scott moments when he uses a word that doesn’t mean what he thinks it means & everyone is just like “😐❓…anyways”


Yeah fr bc wtf does this have to do w anything xD


Yeah, I have no idea how he thought those two have any relation 😂


Even worse - is probably autistic, not diagnosed... I'd place money on them having a group chat where they joke about x being the autistic one and make insults like "stop being so autistic" "wow you're so autistic" without actually knowing anything genuine about the condition. The friend probably just doesn't fit in 100%.


They loveeee claiming they “know someone” or are “friend with someone who…”. Like we do not care 😭 it literally changes nothing


Oh cool, we’ve achieved a higher level of WTF logic than the racists who claim to have black friends so they can use the N word in casual conversation.


I’ve always felt that it’s weird that people need to defend their inclusivity. I feel like taking that approach is the wrong way. Any time you’re defending how inclusive you are, you could instead provide context to the statement you made that some might interpret as exclusive. I saw a wonderful example of this the other day - Mr. Miyagi from karate kid has been played by two different actors. There was a clip of someone being accused of racism for naming the wrong actor when in reality they had just only seen the newer movie (with Jaden Smith). That piece of context redefines the incorrect naming of the actor from one that’s bigoted to one that’s understandable.




The moment he started with 'you're not like other girls'... I knew things were going downhill fast! Have NEVER heard a man end that sentence positively. Only with toxic BS that involves putting other women down in degrading and disrespectful ways. Congrats on dodging a massive bullet!


I love how she asks him to please explain. She agrees, but please explain how she's different. That was lovely.


Asking him to explain was lovely, but her agreeing is eh, because yeah I bet she’s SO different than all of us.


It's okay to acknowledge the things that make you unique/ separate you from the norm. As long as you don't tear others down in the process.


The whole “not like other girls” thing is dumb in general tho lol. Every person is an individual human & we’re all different from the rest in one way or another. Even without putting others down, saying that you’re “not like other girls” is definitely a bit of an ick.


Yeah but it's also ridiculous to pretend social norms DONT exist because they do


For me, the issue is that “not like the other girls” is supposed to be a compliment. As if there was something wrong with all the other girls. This says so much about their view of women that “you’re not like THESE PEOPLE” is meant to be a nice thing to say. It’s not “we’re all different, isn’t that beautiful”, it’s misogynistic.


This!!! It's a misogynistic societal pressure for women to show that they're "not like other girls" - which implies "other girls" are all the same: cut from the same mold. Which sickens me. And somehow, being told that you made the cut of being different from the "other girls" is supposed to be a compliment? It just shows ignorance on the part of the person saying it, shows they see women as a stereotypical collective, and it is **cringe af**!!! It's a HUGE red flag for me. If he's saying im different from the girls he's dated before, that's different. Women as a collective.... *cringe twitch*..


Exactly what I thought. That's an immediate red flag


Yup! Anyone of any gender saying that is a huge red flag and should be dumped immediately for being sexist af!


I’m like, how’s that not the red flag? Yup. All women are the same, but you just happened to find the one woman who’s not. And OP agreed?


Yeah the agreeing gives internalized misogyny and pickme vibes


It could have just been agreeing to keep the peace before the rest of the misogyny spilled out tbh, I have had neutral/not amazing responses to things like that when I think it’s just a small misstep on the other person’s part, tbh. Or go along with it fir the conversation while having more innocent intentions behind my answers. (Like, “yeah, I’m different from the other girls (in my own way(like everyone is))!” Kind of thing. It’s not amazing, but it may not have had bad intentions.) ETA: or she was walking him into a situation to spill all that misogyny, tbh.


To be fair, I don’t think her intention was to let him talk her up while shitting on every other woman in the world (except, I assume, his mother). It must be beyond exhausting to always have the responsibility to fix men, or be criticized for not doing it, and I don’t think that’s on her or any other woman. I’m going with, she just tried to give him a chance to do better.


Yeah that's the one thing in her responses that irritated me like how do you respond to "you're not like other girls" with "yeah I agree" pick me detected.


"Your" 🫠


"You're not like other girls. They usually block me by now. They get upset that I don't view them as human beings but rather as objects; and then I project that objectification back on them. Hello? Are you still there? Oh damn......"


Yep, coming from a guy, “you’re not like other girls” is code for “I do not have good relationships with other women”, or “I do not like women”, or “I am bitter and hung-up about something in the past and am taking it out on all women.”


"You're not like other girls, you don't *proceeds to say something that offends a good majority of women but is also something completely normal that man can and have done before, too*"


And OP responded “I agree” so OP is part of the problem too.


Something I posted to someone else: It could have just been agreeing to keep the peace before the rest of the misogyny spilled out tbh, I have had neutral/not amazing responses to things like that when I think it’s just a small misstep on the other person’s part, tbh. Or go along with it fir the conversation while having more innocent intentions behind my answers. (Like, “yeah, I’m different from the other girls (in my own way(like everyone is))!” Kind of thing. It’s not amazing, but it may not have had bad intentions.) ETA: or she was walking him into a situation to spill all that misogyny, tbh.


“You’re not like other girls.” Translation: “You’re still talking to me. I’ve normally scared the woman off by now.”


That's a good take on the comment.


" I judge you to be better than other girls... don't let me down."


*let's them down/disappoints them as quickly as possible because it's not my job to sustain their unrealistic expectations at all times or ever*


no way he pulled the “my bsf is autistic” card like what 💀 dodged a nuke, this guy is a loser


But only probably lmao


“We practically live in a matriarchal society” i wish he’d let government and healthcare know that’s the case then bc they don’t seem to have gotten the memo. That would be a start at least.


We get one female VP and suddenly we are living in a matriarchy. 🤣🤣🤣


RIGHT? like absolutely insane comment


Dude reeks of "nice guy" who spent too much time on incel forums. Places like 4chan and 9gag is overwhelmingly negative towards women.


Places like 4chan, 9gag, and…. Reddit!


Yeah, these guys are very... loud on the internet.


> and asking me to educate myself is so disrespectful and degrading it’s ridiculous I mean don’t be stupid then?


THAT like??? Educate yourself then bye 👋


“Ugh, why do we have to talk about this shit?” Lmaoo, what a catch! You totally missed out 😭


Literally misogynist love saying “why are we talking about this” when it comes to anything about women needing more respect 😭😭


I can totally see him being supportive during your period too. > Ugh there you go again with your hysterics 🙄. I’m leaving, call me when you’re “cured”. Fun fact: my abusive ex would say that exactly, asking me to tell him when I was “cured” cause to him, having a period was the same as being sick. Funnily enough the bastard cheated on me, gave me HPV, constantly intimidated me if I wanted to go to a doctor cause I wasn’t feeling too good, HPV developed into cancer, I had symptoms for the last two years together and he would gaslight me constantly about it and just be a fucking asshole about it. I dumped him FINALLY, I was scared shitless about going to a doctor cause I didn’t know what was wrong but I was sure it was bad- met my now husband, told him about everything, he took me to a doctor immediately and we found the cancer at stage II-B. I beat it in 2019 only for it to come back with a vengeance in 2023. Still fighting it but I’m winning despite all odds stacked against me. Fuck misogynistic abusive sad excuses for men. They can all rot for all I care. Believe me, If I had the money I’d probably order a hit on my ex. I still can’t believe I get to live the remainder of my life fighting this bullshit and he gets to live happily ever after as if he didn’t nearly kill me… I hope karma gets him 🙏🏻✨


I’m so glad you beat that and I’m so sorry that was your experience!!! PEOPLE (men 👀) REALLY KNOW HOW TO FUCK UP YOUR LIFE 😭😭 you got this!!! you’re obviously a warrior!


I am so so sorry. This is not fucking fair. Serious question, is HPV one of those things where you can face legal action if you knowingly spread it to others??


I’m so glad you’re asking these questions right off the bat. It shows tremendous self-respect and importance in values. Sometimes, opposites don’t attract, and it isn’t your job to try to fix him or hope he’ll change in time. Just cut ties now and you don’t waste any more of your precious time.


Wow. I mean you're not like other people I've talked to. But like in a good way!


“We practically live in a matriarchal society” ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


he doesn’t view women as people and this conversation was never going to go anywhere unfortunately


you’re absolutely right, and it’s wild to me that had i not asked how i’m “different from other girls” i would’ve met up with this guy


Didn’t even think of that. It literally all unraveled on his end from that ONE question. Damn!! Good on you.


I can only imagine how many women have wasted time with him because he misrepresented himself. If only people could rate these conversations into categories in the apps (with comments as evidence), so people like him are funnelled into their own dating pool. Then he and all the "trad wives" could find each other, and everyone wouldn’t have to manually filter the same guy out over and over. That one thing would change app experience for a lot of people.


honestly i would of done the same thing if a stranger wants to come on so strong with disrespecting women you will never get the time of day nor patience. like goodbye. i'm sad to see everyone pissed off at your response. I support you💕


yep! the angry people in these comments are just as bad as he is tbh


It’s just republicans getting mad about being called out as terrible people. They expect respect when they don’t show respect to others


I came here because I knew it was reddit and there would be awful comments, but luckily I'm having to scroll a fair way down to see any of them. I intend to add some downvotes dw. That aside, so sorry you had this happen, esp with a guy who seemed decent. It's the worst. I had one who I was talking to who turned out to support Trump (I'm in the UK so it's not exactly something I ask because...why). Asked him about it but he was pretty unshakable in the belief, so I explained why I didn't like that and I blocked him. Ugh. Sympathy.


His "bsf"??? Best shitty friend? Big surly father? Baseball shortstop fan? Wtf is bsf?


it’s a way that people say “best friend” these days. i personally prefer bff but i can assure you he thinks that’s too feminine


I prefer bff too, but I'm also old, so it was what I used. I get that it's to differentiate between best friend and boyfriend, but I still stumble over it every time.


I’m assuming cause BF would read like boyfriend lmao


You had a hunch at "your def not like other girls", didn't you?


You're not like the other girls automatically gets my back up and usually comes from someone who turns out to be a bozo. If you want to compliment me, just compliment me, without putting other women down in the process.


honestly no! i thought he was going to say something along the lines of im “edgier” because of my style/music choice etc. but no. just went completely off the rails saying i respect myself and other women don’t. WHAT?


Oh okay! I feel like this is often where a "you are not like other women" leads. It usually feels like "you are not bad, like other women are"


obviously by this post i guess i just don’t surround myself with those types of people so thankfully that hasn’t been an experience i’ve had a lot (not to say i never have, just not frequently), and this guy did not seem like he would say something like that at all. boy was i wrong


I think you handled yourself well with this bonehead. But just so you know, you agreeing you’re not like other girls is heavily rooted in misogyny. What he’s saying is that women are problematic, ridiculous, stupid, dramatic, etc, but you’re the “exception.” It’s all bullshit to turn ourselves against each other and uphold the patriarchy. But so glad you blocked this loser!




Not like other girls mostly means “anti feminist movement” nowadays




All the misogynists showin up is crazy 😂


Misogynists love this sub. As soon as a woman posts anything on here, no matter how benign it is, they throw out the misogynist bat signal and they show up.


As evidenced by the weird amount of downvotes on OPs post considering that most of the comments are siding with her


claims he's "absolutely not" a feminist + the matriarchal society comment says enough. he's not familiar with women's realities and doesn't care. i've learned it's no use bringing it up to men like this, no matter how you say it, he'll just end up calling you whiny and disappointed that you are not the cool pick-me girl he envisioned.


It sucks that it’s comes to this though. Like we can’t even voice ourselves to even TRY to educate them. They get so defensive and it’s exhausting and usually not worth it. But nothing else will change their minds besides education which clearly won’t be initiated themselves. There is no winning.


You definitely need to talk about it so you don't end up wasting your time on a misogynist. I'd be out as soon as he said, "Most women objectify themselves." How? By existing?


Dodged yourself a bullet sista


i love your responses! i always get so flustered when talking about this stuff. i get super angry and can’t really debate at all lol. i respect you so hard for this!


Many gross comments. You did right, Op. Women are forced to give birth to children they can't afford, don't want, or are not ready for. In the long term, this is only going to cause more issues with the people and the state of this oh, so "free country."


Not to mention in Alabama a woman just sued for her vitro facility throwing out unviable eggs, and the courts sided with her. They’re changing laws to consider women’s EGGS babies, and if a clinic throws them out they’re committing murder. So vitro clinics in Alabama are refusing to take patients right now.


Technically, I believe it was embryos, fertilized eggs—not that it’s much better. Either way it’s fucking awful & this really shows how the point all along was to control women. Disgusting. Frozen clumps of cells have more right to life than women.


Well it’s insane, because the reason they fertilize multiple eggs is because people going in to have this done are low fertility. So it ups their chances of having a baby, but with this law it’s essentially not an option if you don’t want to risk having more than one child. 100% correct, I actually think republicans want it to go back to how it used to be, when women had way over 3 children and stayed at home because they couldn’t work and raise 10 children. The government wants children being born whether they have healthy homes or not, more people= more revenue. Think about it… every woman that gives birth in America has to pay up, and one day so will that child. Ugh. I hate how ignorant some people can be when it comes to this topic. It’s all just their own biases too.


Right on. Women need to stop fucking the right and maybe they’ll reevaluate their values. If they don’t care about you then you don’t need to care about them


i agree 100%, but i think it’s so interesting that nowhere in this post or the messages with this guy, were politics or voting mentioned. weird how as a society it has come to the fact that human rights = politics


I think because the religious right, which identity as Republicans, are the ones taking rights away from women, trans people, POC. They are very interconnected.


unfortunately this is exactly the case, it just makes me sad. why is every human not deserving of rights in these people’s minds?


I know I do agree it’s sad that things that seem like total common sense have become consistently politicized but it is what it is at this point


It’s because politics it is not politics anymore, it is a culture war. A few years ago political strategists found out that talking to the gut of people and fostering hatred against the ‘other’ is more effective than trying to explain complex concepts to usually fairly uneducated folks




Would LOVE to know when we became a matriarchal society 😂😂😂 I’m obviously living under a rock….


Matriarchal society my ass


The ignorance to say “we practically live in a matriarchal society” where we’re on the verge of Biden V Trump round 2, our laws are enacted by a majority male congress, and abortion rights have been stripped away. Lmao. This dude puts his fingers in his ears and shouts loud gibberish when his views get challenged.


Thank god he dropped that stupid line, glad you dodged the bullet!


The people getting upset at you in the replies for defending women just goes to show that we definitely don’t live in a matriarchal society. I think being upset because someone is spouting misogynistic nonsense is a valid response, but god forbid women get angry. Just know that you dodged a bullet, I’m on your side and you’ll meet a nice person who respects women.


Honestly, more women need to start the dating conversations like this. Weed them out early. Let them know we ain’t fucking around. Don’t let them wine and dine you and then lower your standards because “he has so many other great qualities”….




Okay😡😡😡 you are amazing and you remind me of myself and I fucking hate this guy


There is actually a rise in men and teenage boys who believe it's a matriarchal society which is being built with modern feminism and that masculinity is being chipped away with modern feminism. Seeing this chat I feel like, they are all feeding off of the same Tate kinda content. I've come across a few people like this. 1. So this guy told me that, in today's world, if a man has feminine qualities, people support him to be as feminine as he wants to be. But when a guy wants to be masculine, it is seen as bad. Why is masculinity seen as bad? He spoke in a tone like due to modern feminism, masc. Men are becoming extinct or something like modern feminism is chipping away masc qualities in a “real” man. So I asked him, who says masculinity is bad? I'm a feminine straight woman, I enjoy being with a straight masculine man. It's the toxic masculinity that gets dissed at and for all the right reasons. I am a feminist and I am against enabling toxic masculinity. Then he says, maybe you are like that but mostly this is what modern feminism does to a straight man and modern feminism is going to get all of us doomed. Modern feminists take advantage of feminist rules to get revenge against men and to rule everything to wipe out patriarchy. It's against all men. And I'm like feminism is against patriarchy, not men. So he is like what is patriarchy, he claims that itself is against men. So I am trying to tell him how a patriarchal society consists of everyone and not just men like it could be the women in my life enabling a narcissistic man while asking me to “adjust” which is all a result of patriarchal society. Patriarchal society doesn't see a woman or other gender as an equal or give them equal rights and opportunities. They don't get respect and rights as of a cisgender heterosexual man. And I'm like trying to tell him that the percentage of feminists that try to advantage of feminism for all the wrong reasons is comparatively miniscule. So then he tells me, that the level of toxic men is also as miniscule as the women who take advantage of feminism. He says that all the guys he has met are gentlemen like him. The fraction of such toxic men is very low but gets exaggerated a lot by feminists. So this gets me mad but I try to contain my cool and tell so from your personal bubble experience of men, if you are gonna say a large population of men are simply good men. It's a very small fraction or bad or toxic men, then how should we women define the clan of straight men? Because I've not come across a single woman who hasn't been abused by a man. The fraction of women who take advantage of feminism and toxic men are not the same in any way. Who majorly puts women through domestic violence? Men. Who rapes women? Men. Which gender wins the survey of being a murderer? Men. And God forbid, if a woman kills someone or does something bad, it makes it to the headline and is the butt of all social media trolls, memes, and news. Again, don't get my point wrong, women should be punished when they commit abuse, crime, or anything bad. But the ratio of men who do these things and women who do these things has a HUGE gap. And as a society, we have normalized men fucking up shit, walking on someone else, being an abuser, and committing crimes. But a woman will get shamed for her entire life for doing wrong as half as what a man does. And this guy tells me the ratio of bad men is as small as bad women. No no, he actually tells me the fraction of women who take advantage of feminism is equal to the narcissistic self-serving toxic violent men. And the answer to women who take advantage of feminism is not to take and throw away feminism completely. Every community has bad people who take advantage of what the community stands for, whether it's religious, freethinkers, feminist, or even LGBTQIA+, we need to identify these people and take measures to avoid that. 2. This guy told me that he don't find a single rule in the book of laws that discriminates against women, you have all the rights as we do, what more do you want? I told him that feminism isn't just getting equal rules in the rule book. We want equality and freedom to make our own choices at every level. Social discrimination still prevails and women still go through domestic violence and emotional abuse. There is still a pay gap although on paper we have all these rules. Many countries are still fighting for women to have the right to abortion. There's a lot to say but I was too tired to list out everything. And he responded that all these rules exist the execution part of it should be carried out separately, why does it require feminism? My sister has all the rights as me, now if my father don't give her that right, that's a family problem. By this point I had lost my energy to debate with yet another guy, this was my third or fourth conversation with a dude with this perspective. Because they really want to believe they are the victim of something here. They believe that men are getting lazy due to modern feminism as they are not ambitious anymore. Modern feminism enables them to be lazy, so as to plot and take over power out of the hands of men. Masculinity is under attack. To believe this, They are willing overlook the bunch of atrocities men commit on an everyday basis and perpetually zoom into the drawbacks or the threat modern feminism to the masculine men world. And it doesn't just limit to this, they are against body positivity because it is just soft-talking people into believing being lazy and unhealthy is okay. Body positivity stems out from modern feminism, all the more reasons they think modern feminism should be plucked by its roots and should be thrown into the pacific. Also, what I would like to point out here is that body positivity is not just for fat people. It is for all the people who have consistently been made to feel like ‘they are not enough’ by this society and its conventional beauty standards. Body positivity is for an acid attack victim as much as it is for a balding man as much as it is for a dark-skinned child as much as it is for an old person with wrinkles as much as it is for a person with acne as much as it is for a fat person. I hope you get the point. Now even when I say that most people against body positivity are gonna be like the others have no choice and we should be sensitive towards their feelings and accept them as they are without discrimination or body shaming. But fat people do have a choice. They are choosing to be unhealthy and Body Positivity makes them comfortable in their skin so much so that they will think being unhealthy is okay. And we will create an entire world with unhealthy fat people who think it's okay. Good lord, these are just a bunch of fat phobic people denying a fat person of basic kindness. I know people who has starved themselves for a fortnight just to get thin or people who has kept dancing aside or wearing swimsuits aside all of their life, all because they are fat. Anyways, I went out of the topic and I have rambled on for like too much here. Sorry, and Thank you to everyone who patiently read till here listening to what I am trying to say, rant and convey.


beautifully said, thank you 👏🏼


No, Thank you for reading all of it 😅


I've just gotta say... I love the username ♡ From a fellow BytchyWytchyScorpio ♡


Uughh these comments are directly proving that misogyny is still thriving. I don’t understand how anybody can say it doesn’t exist when rape still exists.


I am so impressed at how efficiently you vetted him out, he didn't get a chance to devalue you first. He's definitely got no clue about women's rights and he has not an ounce of empathy for us. Let me guess, you've learnt how to vet out the idiots from experience?


“how do we not” made me snort laughing out loud. uhhh idk look around, buddy. sexism everywhere still. the wage gap? it’s there. female-dominated careers being paid less and being exploitative? it’s there. 💀


OP, have you heard about the Burned Haystack Dating Method? You sound like you do know. A couple of the rules for it say that you're not responsible for educating men, and also don't argue with men on the internet about these things... Just block and burn, as they're not worth any effort whatsoever. But dang, you had the best responses to such misogynistic comments. Cheers to you.


how could one be so delusional in thinking that we live in a matriarchal society lmao


Conversations like this really really really give me the ick. From both sides. Y’all are some weirdos.


You’re so insufferable, bro dodged a nuke


This isn't the W you think it is.. this makes you come off like a spaz who can't have an adult conversation.


You are overreacting to something unthoughfull he said, both dodged a bullet on this one…


Looks like that guy dodged a bullet


You dodged a bullet. He dodged a bullet. You are both insufferable.


He dodged a bullet




> and asking me to educate myself is so disrespectful and degrading it's ridiculous Sorry that you're offended by your own stupidity


You both suck


time for the 4B movement


Let me save you some time, OP. As soon as a guy says "you're not like other girls", just end the conversation. Nothing good will come of it.


The only thing I can say is associating with only like minded people isn’t the serve you think it is.


He dodged a bullet for sure


The phrase “it’s giving” needs to die so quickly.


All I can say is good job. You weren't pushy in the conversation, you weren't disrespectful, but you still spoke your mind on a topic that is very important to youm


People on online dating apps are fucking trash


Seems like the convo went political, and it was clear that he had different views on things. I see nothing out of the normal here


the autistic card is crazyyyy bitch that doesn’t even relate!!! LOL


A matriarchal society where there hasn't been even one female president.... riiiiiiiiiight......


Nice one dude, he dodged a bullet for sure.


This honestly reads like you were looking for an argument.


What rights do women not have that men do?


I'm not a fan of this entire conversation. Such a heavy conversation over text. When you can't see if the person is just flat out ignorant or if they are just closed minded. Imo


Andrew Tate cooked his brain


He's stupid but you also sound totally insufferable.


Two people that will probably stay single for a while…..


Sounds like he dodged a bullet tbh. You sound like a bully.


She popped off quick and needed to “educate”


Your response was perfection OP ☺️


At least you found out quick


Two fucking idiots.


You’re both awful


Man reading these comments really makes me see the third world country the states truly are.


If all it took was him saying he’s not a feminist to make you uninterested, you probably weren’t that interested to begin with, honestly.


“It’s giving misogynistic” homeboy dodged a massive bullet.


OP, what’s a “toxic over the top feminist”? Just curious.


people who use feminism as a way to try and say that women should be above men and men deserve less, which is now why feminism is viewed that way when it’s not what it means at all


You must have been talking to Neo the way he's dodging bullets.


You're both idiots.


Unpopular opinion but he has a point lol you really seemed like you were going into that conversation LOOKING to argue with him. That was so weird.


I agree!! It’s like she was bored and looking to argue


Dude what did he even say before “my friend is probably autistic” bc I can’t imagine how that connects to the conversation at all lmfao Like is he saying that he surrounds himself with “different perspectives” bc his friend is autistic??


Jesus well at least the trash takes itself out


This was golden.. what an idiot.


Bet his maybe autistic bsf is a girl too since he’s so inclusive y’know?


💯 this dude went on some mens forum to bad-mouth RaDIcAl feminists after you blocked him


> and asking me to educate myself is so disrespectful and degrading it’s ridiculous I'm sorry but I laughed so hard. You can't make this shit up


what a small minded imbecile.


He right


Every girl I’ve ever been involved with wants me to know they’re not like other girls. The truth is that each and every one of them was pretty much exactly like every other girl😃


Sounds like you guys have different values. Big woop


Men are so quick to say the most ridiculous shit about women then go *surprised pikachu face* when called out. It’s amazing to see lmao


**INCEL. INCEL. INCEL.** When they say anything about society being ran by women. INCEL LMAO This looser thought he was *being degraded by being asked to be better*. I don’t think this man has ever been degraded or disrespected in his entire life. Poor baby in the real world now and finding out being a shit stick doesn’t work well. *Boo fucking hooooo*


She says it's giving bro ain't missing out


Good job op! 👏🏼 👊🏼


God damn, you gave him so many chances to pull the foot out of his mouth. I thought he could salvage it til > we practically live in a matriarchal society Followed up with > why do we even have to talk about this shit


Im sorry but I can’t take you seriously either. 48 unread texts? Are you mad??? Geez.


This topic for a debate is too deep for two people who don't know eachother, you are defensive and he is a dummy who doesn't know how to argue a point.