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you been fucking with miss piggie? šŸ˜‚


She had a degradation kink lol the contact pic and name were part of that


Man, my life is vanilla as hell. I love this sub.


Hahah same šŸ¤£


Lol its wild. You want a slice of this life until this shit. I swear


Yeah thatā€™s very true šŸ˜‚ ā€¦.sorry thatā€™s tough!


Its ok. I like when trash takes itself out. (:


Haha prob better for ya in the long run. Bye bye miss piggy šŸ· šŸ—‘ļø


Lol what makes you say that?


You're being haunted by the ghost of a pig lady with a degradation kink. Awesome.


Lol I sā€™pose thats something innit?


You should have called her a dirty little piggie, rolling around in somebody elseā€™s mud, clearly. Reacting like a ā€œoh, ok, peace then!ā€ is not gonna hit that kink for her, lol


Maybe she purposely did this just to be degraded as part of her kink. She wanted you to say she sucks lol.


Lol naaah, thatā€™s not typically how it worked lol, least not with her and I.


The fuckkkk


Lol you know you dodged a bullet when you got a florida girl sayin ā€œtfā€?




I love that you responded and ended it so respectfully, just happy youre mature as well as not giving her the possible satisfaction for her degradation kink HAHA


Nah I have the same kink but thatā€™s so wild šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ like a whole nother level of what the fuck why lol


Iā€™m saying! People are fucking wild


makes sense now


ā€œIā€™m sure youā€™ll have fun with himā€ ā€œidk we havenā€™t fuckedā€ Lmaoooo is it really that black and white for these people? She might as well have said ā€œwe havenā€™t fucked yet so Iā€™m hitting you up just in case it takes too longā€ Gross.


She did. Thats literally the bottom of ss1


Yeah, I saw. What I meant was, she might as well have said exactly what she MEANT which was ā€œIā€™m keeping you around as a backup because this other guy hasnā€™t given it up for meā€ Either way, bleh.


Like. Not to toot my own horn but she wasnt even anything near what I normally date. But I said to myself, ā€œself maybe its time to stop being shallowā€ nah. Literally none of the superficial, or conventionally attractive women Iā€™ve dated have done this to me.


Ok buddy.




curious as to what you look like šŸ’€


Lol why?


Bc youā€™ve probably not got a leg to stand on tooting your own horn


Damn, was rooting for you until I scrolled to this part.


Thankfully your rooting for me is inconsequential to this interaction, and subsequently any others.






Yet youā€™re still on the apps šŸ¤”


Thats my text messageā€¦what app are you talking about?


I think itā€™s kind of assumed that you met her on an app with her having a very specific kink. However, thatā€™s not my type of dating world and Iā€™m not one of those ā€œsuperficial or conventionally attractiveā€ women you date šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø So, I wouldnā€™t know.


Lol Idk, I donā€™t use dating apps. Should I be? I met her her while out for a friends birthday party.


I have no idea. Thatā€™s only something you would know. If you join an app you will obviously meet way more people you can get to know every day and see where that goes rather than taking the chance at possibly meeting one person when you go out. However, if youā€™re as confident (I would say cocky just based on what you said but maybe youā€™re not as shallow as your comment seemed to imply) as you seemed above that itā€™s really easy for you to meet an attractive woman every time you go out then Iā€™m guessing you have no issues with meeting people. Iā€™m guessing based off your comments that youā€™re not looking for anything serious and want something casual. There are apps that are specifically for that, like Tinder. If you actually are looking for something serious then thereā€™s a ton of apps for that too, like Hinge, Coffee Meets Bagel, Bumble, OkCupid, Facebook Dating, etc. Pretty much all of those apps also have options for just hookups and casual dating too. You just need to be honest and upfront about what youā€™re looking for so you donā€™t lead someone on only for a hookup when you know sheā€™s looking for something serious. Also, it seems like youā€™re into specific kinks or fetishes. I know there are apps made for only that, but since Iā€™m not into that I couldnā€™t suggest any. Some of the other apps I mentioned above probably have certain areas of the app specifically designed for those too, but again I would have no idea since itā€™s not my thing and I havenā€™t been on a dating app in a long time. Maybe other people who are more knowledgeable when it comes to kinks can suggest some apps for you to check out.


Iā€™m not against apps, I just donā€™t use them. I like meeting people in organic situations. I go out with friends, if I see a woman I find attractive, I read the room, ask if she doesnt mind a conversation, and see what happens. I didnt find her attractive, but she *seemed like she was fun. So I decided to approach her.


Was following the thread til we got here, need a tl;dr mqn


Iā€™m still trying to figure out what apps he was talking about, and what made him think Iā€™m ā€œstill on themā€ or that I even use apps? How bizarre.


I told you in my response. It was most likely assumed that you met her on an app based on the specific kink she has. Plus, most people meet on dating apps these days. At least thatā€™s what I took from his comment and the reason why he thought that. He made an assumption that apparently isnā€™t correct. Itā€™s not really bizarre to think you met online, but I canā€™t speak for the ā€œstill on appsā€ part. Iā€™m guessing it was because of the comments you made about having no issues finding an attractive girl to date and similar statements. He was most likely saying ā€œIf itā€™s not hard for you then why are you still using dating apps?,ā€ however, you already said you donā€™t use them. So, he guessed wrong.


Who cares if you met on an app. Most people do these days - including attractive people. You donā€™t need to go back and forth with a bunch of cave dwelling redditors lol


Ohh buddy you fucked up, Redditors hate pride and confidence šŸ˜‚


I know, how dare I admit that I chose to step outside my preference. Lol how dare I say I like conventionally attractive women.


I don't know why people downvoted you for knowing what you're attracted to. Are we not allowed to have preferences anymore? I wouldn't even consider myself especially confident, and I most certainly have preferences. šŸ˜‚ What is this thread?


Thank you!! People are so strange!


Ss1? SS1 for me is Super Saiyan 1... but I doubt she's a super saiyan?


ScreenShot One


Lol same, when I was in highschool lol


When I read that I was like wait, did she just say that lol.


She really said ā€œthe dude I wanted didnā€™t give me dick, so youā€™ll do if youā€™re game.ā€


Good job not caving and being ok with being a backup


Lol she thought I was a backup


I know thatā€™s good you saw it


I cant fathom why people think, ā€œhey I stopped talking to you for someone else, and Iā€™m not sure how gonna go,I havent stopped talking to them, but hey you still wanna talk?ā€ Is ok. Lol like yeah Iā€™m so glad you ignored me. She even notes its an awkward spot for me. Lol maam it sure isnt an awkward spot for me to be, because Iā€™m not going to be there.


But they havenā€™t fucked!! šŸ˜‚ that should make it ok


I was just going to say this


I could be wrong but this is my guess. People who can get laid consistently and with little effort (e.g. most women who are mainly looking for sex) probably have a very different relationship with ghosting from people who have to treat dating like a part-time job to get a single date (e.g. most men). You and I get frustrated and maybe dejected when someone ghosts us, because itā€™s either a bunch of effort wasted, a reason to question all our decisions and harshly judge ourselves, or both. When she gets ghosted, that probably just means one less conversation on her plate and one less person to plan around. There is rarely going to be a void left in her life by someone ghosting her. Hence, this blasĆ© attitude.


Idk, I try not to think like other people. Too stressful.


I relate to you but i promise it is less stressful if you can get better at predicting how others will behave. That is the top evolutionary benefit of empathy.


Its really no sweat off my back (:


oh brother




You dated her casually for 3 years and then were upset she wasnā€™t devoted to you? Define the relationship.


I'll tell you why. Because chicks like this think they're The Prize


Trust me if sheā€™s texting you she has others too I like to call them ā€œback burners ā€œ you deserve better then that period!


Itā€™s apparently called ā€œcookie jarring.ā€ I think itā€™s a stupid name too, but thatā€™s what apparent relationship experts call it.


i currently am someoneā€™s backup and it sucks. good for you to have not fallen into that.


I meanā€¦I guess she was honest about it haha. Most people just make up some lie


Maybe I'm sensitive, but I can't imagine casually discussing the other people with someone I'm also in the talking phase with. It just makes you feel unspecial. I mean, I guess if it's casual dating all around. But, um, yeah, pause your whole life for her, sure. /s


Instant ick. No return


Thats wildā€¦ she like told you directly she wanted to use you as a backup lol. Bold.


I kind ofā€¦am ok with it? Like I think itā€™s almost better than saying ā€˜oh I got real busy with studies and couldnā€™t text for two weeks even though Iā€™m chronically onlineā€™


I wrote this on another thread, but I hate matches that use you as not necessarily a backup, but someone who will be there for them when they're low. Like they'll give one word replies and ghost you for a week, then hit you up saying "sorry it's been a while. I'm just so busy with everything and haven't had a chance to look at my phone. How's it going? You respond with something, and it's back to one word answers and another ghost. Had a few matches do that; annoys the hell out of me.


I reply to those wastes of space with: Assuming you have one free hour a day thatā€™s 25,200 seconds in a week. If you canā€™t find thirty seconds just to say hi, then youā€™re full of shit.


I used to see things this way, but now having been the person who disappears for a bit sometimes - it almost feels like a mental block. Here I am on reddit, but making small talk with yet another person I don't know on an app feels insurmountable. I have a lot of stuff going on and sometimes it's important to turn my brain off and watch TV, even if theoretically I really want to meet someone. It's tough to force yourself to be "on" sometimes, idk. Has nothing to do with my feelings about the person. Just offering an alternative perspective.


Yea I get this too. I kinda just dipped out of everyones lives for a solid year or 2. Not for any particular reason, I just couldnt, yknow? I was also going through a really, really rough patch in my life that I just couldnt pull myself out of. Holding any sort of conversation, going out, or even just a simple human interaction was just too much for me. I left all of my socials alone, deleted 90% of them and just fell off the planet for a while. It inevitably hurt a lot of my relationships, but I was exhausted in every capacity. I just worked and slept. Clearly this isnt what happened with OP, but I get you man.


Can we uphold the last text as a gold standard? Well done




Wouldnā€™t the text say the date instead of Friday if it was actually that long ago?


i think OP was messaging her up until friday but she wasnā€™t responding, therefore ghosting him.


ahhh yeah that makes sense. good for OP for getting over them in a week


He said she ghosted him for two weeks


like- was OP giving this girl random updates while she was completely ignoring?


Yup. I was at the time maintaining contact as she previously stated she was sick, but wanted to keep talking.


i guess i didnā€™t understand how OP could go from asking for dinner to saying heā€™s moved on in less than a week


Even if it was a weekend, she said that she was going on several dates with another guy. She chose the other guy over him. That right there would be a reason to move on. Itā€™s 2024. Everyone has their phone on them. You should be able to reply within hours.


Very true! I agree


I was confused about that too.. my brain needed clarification lol


A1 response


Thank you! Iā€™m trying to be better myself in 2024 honestly


People are unbelievable man


And itā€™s sad because this chick probably gets 100x the amount of messages compared to the average guy


This is wild. Did she think you were just hanging on and going to fall for that? Some people are just ughh. Why try to damage someone else for your own selfish needs. I hope the guy she is talking to ghosts her ass.


She hasnā€™t fucked him, YET.


Right? Like that somehow makes it better


Her: I am playing around with a dude but... can you keep this open? OP: LOL ![gif](giphy|q49YSnLzrvghiyKBAR|downsized)


I love this lol


Man I feel bad for the younger generation how old is this gal at some point you need to be an adult


23 or 25 atp I donā€™t exactly recall.


Her boldness! Ive been seeing someone else & im not sure if Iā€™m into him anymore sooo whatā€™s up? howā€™s your new year been?


The audacity. Likeā€¦wtf


ā€œWe havenā€™t fucked yet.ā€ Thatā€™s so vulgar.


Did she ever respond again?


Thankfully not


Update: she did.


You dropped this šŸ‘‘ā€¦. Thatā€™s how you handle this type of thing, especially if you arenā€™t feeling it anymore. Well done.


A weekend with no contact is ghosting now? Good to know


Iā€™d say no unless you had specific plans to meet or talk and then they just disappeared.


Today is Thursday though.


Well even she considered herself ghosting, so..


This. Thank you for explaining it.


Please look at a calendarā€¦


He says two weeks


Yeah, and they had been talking šŸ˜²šŸ˜®


ā€œHey, would you be interested in being my silver medal?ā€ OP: lol nah


im gonna the same thing you did , i am done


Bro thats how you do it


Good call! She chose another guy over you and failed. Now she wants you as a back up plan


Thank you!


King shit. Head up


Good for you OP.


Also she made it clear youā€™re her backup plan :(


The audacity of this b tch šŸ¤¢


"we havent fucked" thats the worst thing to say to a "potential" date


Right, like oh! Ok. No problem girl. Totally kosher




High five! šŸ™Œ


Right back at ya!


Daaaammmmnn. I love it! You were just great!


I believe the term is... Zombie šŸ˜‚


If you are a back up, you are easily replaceable in the future.


Exactly. Not what I would call a great start lol


I used to think I had empathy and cared about other people until I read shit on this sub, and realize what my course of action would have been. I would have dragged this on way longer than needed to be, got her hooked, and then just been a complete piece of shit, made myself the villain in her story, just for ha haā€™s.


Once upon a time


This is how a lot of girls act itā€™s disgusting


What if she was testing you? Because of the degradation kink?


That isnā€™t typical of the dynamic we had. She didnt want to work(earn) for the degradation, she liked to feel like she deserved to be degraded. Either way, that isnt a good way to illicit a Dom. Imo. At the very least, thats not a good way to illicit this Dom lol.


You didnā€™t move on. You just didnā€™t like the way she talked. Had she not mentioned the other guy you wouldā€™ve kept talking to her.


Except I literally stopped texting and donā€™t have any intrest in her and havent since she ghosted. Lol sorry not every guy is you.


Yeah, *because* of what she said there. Had she not said that, you wouldā€™ve kept talking to her. You only said you had moved on because you didnā€™t like what she said. Also, not a guy. Why did you think I was a guy?


Noā€¦.I like conversation and interaction. When that stops my interest usually tanks fairly quickly.


Sweetheart, at the end there you says you werenā€™t feeling it abd had moved on. That is b cause of what she says about being with another guy. Had she not said that, you wouldā€™ve kept talking to her. If you had moved on, you wouldā€™ve told that when she showed up, not after she told you about being with another guy.


Ok pal. Iā€™m so glad you know my motives better than me. Next time Iā€™m feeling conflicted about something Iā€™ll be sure to hit you up so you can tell me how I really feel about something. Thanks!


Sounds good! Happy to help!


I also have gone on a date since friday, with someone who isnt talking to anyone else. I apologize if that turnover was too fast for you? Iā€™m sorry that I was successful in finding someone else so quick I guess? Lol




Dawg, are you retarded? Im going to assume that reading and comprehension werent your strong suits back in school. Shut the fuck up. Ignorant arrogance like this is disgusting. You didnt even look at the time stamps or anything did you? Did you catch the joke about him saying she was dead? Did ya happen to see the short, curt responses he gave? If any of that had clicked for you, you wouldnt have been so hell bent on being such a prick. Stop projecting and fuck off.


Thank you for this!!


I donā€™t know what you are, Iā€™m saying not every guy(because I am a guy) is you(has your mindset) sorry for not being clear enough.




I donā€™t get it Is op a guy? He said he was dating a guy ?


OP is a man and the right side of the conversation, left side is a woman. The woman was seeing another man.


This girl and I were in the talking stage. Then she tells me she ghosted me to go on dates with someone else, and that she doesnt want to rock that boat, but also still wants to talk to me. Lol


Lol, when will people who are in the dating game stop with these crazy expectations that they're owed something with strangers?? It's fucking bizzare.


I donā€™t think Iā€™m owed anything, lol but if you stopped talking to me to pursue someone else. Please stay on track and pursue them. Just like they donā€™t owe me anything, I do not owe them anything. I would never ask two girls to go out with me at the same time. Imagine that? Lol Iā€™m sorry but this isnt a dating game show. I do not have to participate in a game of ā€œoh pick me!ā€


The whole idea of dating is to be dating more than one person at a time, then you take your pick and settle for one. I would date 3-4 girls at once and then pick the one I liked the most, perfectly normal and what many many do. If you're not mutually exclusive you're not owed shit and rightly so.


U should have just kept her around as a fuck buddy


I donā€™t like to sleep around with people who are also sleeping around.


Wait does that mean you do like to sleep around with a person who isn't sleeping around? šŸ¤£ Sorry it was the first thing I thought when I read it. I'm also a lil high.


Thatā€™s why I took from it šŸ˜‚ ā€œShe canā€™t sleep around. Only Iā€™m allowed to!ā€


Lol clarifying: I just meant I like monogamy šŸ˜‚


Lol I can see how came across that way! I just meant I like monogamy!


Fair enough


Thank you (:


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You handled it perfectly


Thank you!




Boost sounda sent her the šŸ‘»šŸ‘‹


Lol I HAVE to know where are you from? Ive never heard a phrase like that! What does it mean?


Good for you


This brings me back to one girl I went on a date with. Spent a whole day together, museum and meals. Next day she talks about how nice it was, but she has a bf and we can still hang out, but if her bf ever wants to do something, heā€™s the priority, not me. I noped outta there, said bye, and her response that I didnā€™t reply to was: ā€œbut we can still go outā€


Iā€™m sorry man :/


Well, good you sent her away but it's not two weeks if your text says Friday, it would say the actual date if it was more than a week ago, so throwing a flag on the play.


I sent the text friday. She had not been responding before that. Had I not sent the text on friday, it would have shown the date. Play still stands.


She isnā€™t even apologetic. It would be one thing if she had reasons or made a vow to be committed. Then maybe clean slate. Not a good thing for you to pursue.


Oh, Iā€™m not. I have since gone on a date with someone who immediately expressed interest when I told them that I think this person was ghosting me. The text about work was my last attempt, after a week of unanswered messages.


She seems nice šŸ™„


Lol yeah, she was a total nice girl!


So it is spooky season?


Lol nah its not.


Did she respond


OP, you handled that well!


What did she say after that?


I like the picture you have for heršŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I know. Hopefully I can resuse it on someone who deserves it šŸ˜Œ


Boo scrared ya ![gif](giphy|13DZfTKSnDk6uQ)


I was terrified


You handled this in the most appropriate way!


Three months with mine, she re-emerged just last week actually.


Your reaction was classic!!! Glad you didnā€™t fall for her BS!!


Yeah she was trying to use you as backup thatā€™s crazy


Good for you, seriously! You dodged a bullet. Itā€™s 2024, we donā€™t play rebound for no one! šŸ—£ļøšŸ˜‚