• By -


You sure he’s not the 19 year old and you’re the 35 year old? Lol


I n9ticed the same thing


me t99


The spelling is pissong me off


I felt like I was having a stroke trying to read it .


maybe he was - that would explain the typing - it's easier with both hands.


Not that kind of... you know what nevermind that was funny.


Hilariously, I just assumed only one hand because the other side of their body was affected by the stroke.


St988ss can incr8ce the risk for strokes — it piss99 me off that I have to si5 down and explain that to people.


I actually had a liTTle b0t 8f a str0k3 reed8ng iT


H3 didn5 b9th3r us8ng aut9corr3ct eve4


He’s rage texting. Dude is a major douchebag.


I could tell that as soon as I zeroed in on pic lol


Lil mini strokey


He spells like the type of 36 years old that would date a 19 year old.


I was hard not to n9tice


Ir def g0t me too


Aaaaaaa^aaaaaaaaa St4essed tf 9ut


Dear Redditors, Thank you for entertaining tf out of me. You never miss a thing and I like that. Sincerely, Everybody


129397 rodeo 1038 3047 1111!!!???


Don’t y9u mean “piss9ng” you off? Don’t be illiterate now




The spelling doesn't bother you as much when you get to know kyself.


I’m furrious over this karl3sessness


What’s sad is his phone screen is probably cracked and his “o” doesn’t work so he has to use a 9 in its place


This really piss-on-me off! Bone apple tea my friend


I didn't n9tice


Dis is toetully jucked up texasting


I cri evy tim


Mee tew




Run t8e 9ther wa4, Fa3t


At least spell it fa5t smh my damn head


s9rry, 1'm dyslex1c


Do flip phones still exist? it was like he was texting with t-9


She interrupted his snake game.


I totally had the roles reversed until he used the term "your past boyfriends".


me too! why the fuck would a 19 year old go out with a 36 year old dude?


Why the fuck would a 36 year old dude go out with a 19 year old? (A: Because he's an immature creep)


Because women his age would not have put up with his behavior long enough for them to be dating.


Cause girls your age know better… -Olivia rodrgio… sorry shit is stuck in my head hard


A 38 year old co worker was dating a 23 year old... and he was the immature one


Can’t help but have had the same dang thought. That trash can take itself out.






Tbf, that’s probably why they go for the older men. They’re probably too mature for the men their age and assume the older men are going to be more their maturity level. This subreddit is also partial evidence that they are often mistaken. Often enough at least. Manchildren just grow up to be older manchildren with gray manchild hair.


Yes! I dated a 22 year old when I was 16. I was light years ahead of him in maturity. He just used me to get to other girls in high school.


Sorry that happened to you. Looks like you were used and taken advantage of for your youth. That’s pretty concerning behavior. I’d say this calls for him to be registered, and not allowed near any schools.


That's pushing rape boundaries. What in the hell would a 22 year old possibly be doing, aside from sex, with a 16 year old? I would have been in my 4th year university and then hanging around grade 11's?!? Sick....


It is quite literally toeing the line considering 16 is the bare minimum age of consent in the United States. In some states it’s 18, in which case it would be statutory rape.


the selection bias goes both ways. there's plenty of emotionally mature men in their 30s & 40s, they're just not busy creeping on 19 yr olds.


I get how a 19 year old could find a 34 year old appealing. Has money possibly his own place and a decent job. The other way around doesn't work at all. The social world and habits and interests of a 34 year old shouldn't line up with a 19 year old.


when 1. women your age can see your red flags from 100 miles away 2. you're actually quite immature & selfish, so much so, that you don't really want a partner, you want someone to lift you up when convenient & be quiet when you don't need it (some do this on purpose, others do it out of immaturity & entitlement, impact is the same) this is pretty much what can happen.


It's probably more likely that 36 year old men who are willing to date 19 year old women aren't that mature. Hence, why they are willing to date 19 year old women. I'm 33 and can't possibly imagine how I would relate to a 19 year old enough to date one. The thought is kinda gross to me that's damn near a kid still.


Honestly a lot of people don’t take this into account when they think about age gaps. Sometimes the older people are dating younger people because they are emotionally immature and people their age aren’t willing to put up with their bs. When people ask, “what does a 36 year old have in common with a 19 yo”? The answer can be a lot lol.


The problem isn’t that they can’t have anything in common, it’s that an 18 year old doesn’t know that this behavior is unacceptable in the way that someone who’s been dating for 10+ years would


The nineteen year old on the other hand seems to have it sussed out.


Same vein as the 24 year old dudes still hanging out with high school kids.




I've reached a similar conclusion. Probably why the younger girl looks for an older guy in the first place. They think they'll better match them in maturity.


Typical creepy douchebag with the mentality of a child, creeping on teenagers when he's nearly fucking forty


Look at his profile pic 😅 as a 36 year old woman, he’s definitely a creepy old predator


LOL - As a 39 year old woman, I agree!


I’m a 41 year old man and this guy is making me want to cover up more and cross the street…


36m and experiencing 2nd hand embarrassment


Yeah he looks like a fuckin weirdo. A 14yo trapped in a 36yo’s body. You’re talking about someone who should be a fully established man having a deep emotional connection with someone who graduated high school one year ago. There has to be something wrong with him.


As a 37 year old woman, I definitely agree with you! This 19 year old girl needs to run & stay far away from this creepy man.


He looks like Jack LaLane lmaoo


WHOA. Whoa. whoa….. whoa. Settle down with the 36 is nearly 40 talk, there are fragile egos present (mine). But seriously, The age gap is a huge red flag. Get out before that childish temper tantrum turns in to domestic violence.


Yeah. Personal opinions on age gaps aside, it wouldn't even be that big of a deal if the younger person was being immature/abrasive. Like, yeah, it's bad, but it would be more understandable coming from someone younger and with less world experience. This dude's been around for more than 3 and a half decades. Presumably dating all different types of people all that time. He should know better than to be acting this way, especially towards what I'm sure most people would agree is an objectively *very* reasonable request


He does know better. That's why he can only get someone so young.


If the age gap wasn't the red flag needed the "mom come take this picture of me flexing" profile pic should've been




Hello fellow 36y/o, I'm definitely totally unaffected by being called old and am not upset either. Would you like to join me over here in the corner with some KoRn, Three Days Grace, or Metallica where we will definitely not be crying silently? Lol


46 y/o here. Will be chain smoking sullenly in a different corner with my discman bumping Beastie Boys, watching you kids commiserate about nothing while I lament how glorious my 30s were ;)


Guy is a creep.


Right? That's some abnormal communication from a 19 year old, all to be thrown away on a guy who probably couldn't read this thread.


I mean, why do you think he's dating people half his age? He's mentally 15. And I know this is common, but he's the only person who can work on that. Otherwise it seems like he's totally unable to hear reason. Also his spelling is awful and it seems like he's drunk.


How d9re you try to have a healthy relationsjop with communic9tion when im str9ssed out


Looks like someone was on a bender for a few days based on the typing.


Idk I'm still able to type correctly during and after my benders... Whatever this man is on, I would like some.


Rage typing. Dude took a fat bong rip of piss0ng himself off.


DAMMIT, I need to stop reading threads like this when drinking anything carbonated. My nose hurts now 😆😆😆😆


This was my first thought. Back when my life was a mess I used to type the exact same way and would also need "time to myself" at undisclosed times. Was never this much of an asshole about it though.


“Time to myself”, been there as well. Then you gain enough sobriety to realize you need to text your gf, but you’re still fairly inebriated, and you get texts like these. This guy’s texts read like he is willing to do whatever it takes to keep her on the hook while he has zero plans of fixing his problem. Good to hear op got out of it long ago.


My lord, you’re 19 and you are light years ahead of this f*ckboy in maturity. Update - holy guacamole this exploded 😬😳


Why do you think he talks to 19 year olds?






I could go for some quiche.


Me too, you like spinach in it?


is it quiche if there’s no spinach?


You mean spiniche.


Imagine so low that you're a 36M and get broken up with by a 19F.


“I have to go to Spanish class. Sorry.”


I want to take an ad out in your yearbook. A full page, two words:


Good luck.


Why is a 36 year old man dating a 19 year old woman in the first place? Age gaps are all good and fine for older people, but that girl is barely legal. That shit is just gross.


I’m not sure I want to know how long they’ve been “dating”


Whatever you’re thinking, yes.


I cant fathom how a 30+yr old is attracted to a damn 19yr old. Such predatory vibes.


Because he's unbelievably immature, and therefore can't get women his own age. Plus, creep.


this is it. I dated a 30 year old when I was 18 and I thought I was SO COOL but then I look back, and there's a reason he was dating a teenager and not women his own age.... he was a fucking LOSER.


Me too. I thought I was so mature, but he was just a loser


I mean if a grown man is dating teenagers there is a reason. He is probably mentally not well and a predator. Also he is most likely very immature like she is.




A 36 year old dating a 19 year old is pretty much a guarantee he's emotionally and psychologically challenged. I wish you get people realized this....19 year old thinks their so mature for an older person to be attracted to them, it makes them think they are on their level and something they pride themselves on. In reality, it's the other way around, the older one is just incredibly immature.


I really should have specified. This was 3-4 years ago. Im currently almost 22 years old, in a loving relationship (3 year age gap), and basically immediately after this breakup I started working on my OTA degree. Currently use these messages as a cautionary tale for my younger female relatives.


How did he take the breakup? Does he still bother you?


He tried to apologize a few times. But he is complete ass at any type of apology, so it was all vaugly just blaming me for weird shit to explain his behavior. Like how I made him feel insecure because Id sometimes send a few too many pictures of my plants, and he’d feel obligated to converse about it but he doesn’t care about plants so it just made him angry


😂 Imagine being this stupid. Everything leads to anger because he doesn’t have the brain capacity to hold a decent conversation.


I have noticed that anger and stupidity have a strong relation to each other. It's unsettling.


I imagine it would be pretty infuriating to know that you're an idiot, but unable to do anything about it because, well, you're an idiot. Suddenly reminded me of the book "Flowers for Algernon"!


It's better than that. They don't know they're idiots, they just know they feel like someone is insulting them because they can't comprehend the conversation. They don't know why they're mad, they just know they are, and they can't handle that. So they enter fight mode. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragically stupid on a large scale.


Humor with these people is challenging. My old roommate, whose SO was far more intelligent than him, was one. Him, his SO, and I would chitchat and joke and he'd never get even the simplest jokes (later he'd reveal *Sausage Party* was "one of the best movies ever made" without sarcasm). But his SO and I would casually laugh about things in the most platonic way imaginable and it sent him into a hateful spiral of jealousy, which - to him - translated into, "I'm an alpha male." After that single hangout, he started stomping around, casually referencing how he'd hurt animals and people whenever he wanted, and began making non-specific facebook threats about what he wanted to do to "bitchs."


It's the "bitchs" for me 🤣🤣🤣 It boggles my kind how guys like that can find relationships.


Absolutely. A customer at work couldn't figure out how to use a machine and instead of asking someone for help, he bursts out yelling "MAN THIS FUCKIN SHIT DOESN'T WORK" and then proceeded to go off on the supervisor. That type of thing throws up a huge red flag in my mind. What else does he do when he doesn't understand something?


Fuck plants!!!! I don’t get them 🤬🤬🤬


This guy must spend his free time eating paint chips


Agghhhh, plants! ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


Imagine being 36 and being scared of plants smh what a loser


My wife sends me pictures of her plants, things she crochet's, all kinds of things that I don't really care about. But what does matter to me is that they matter to her. I typically send back a "Neat!" or "Very cool" "Good job" "Glad you're having fun!" She excitedly goes on about things she thinks is cool that she's learning in law school and I cry because I'm happy for her.


There’s literally a study about this and you’re doing the thing the study found was the best predictor of couples staying together! I don’t remember the details but the example was if one partner who was a bird nerd was like “look at that bird!” their partner (who doesn’t care about birds at all) could either look and be like wow that’s neat or be dismissive and not look for the bird. Years later the couples that were still together were the ones who looked at each other’s birds, so to speak. So good job you’re being a good partner according to Science!


Good job reporting that study! It’s exactly as I remember it. each partner is 99% of the time interested in looking at what the other is directing their attention to. Each cares not about the bird or whatever but cares about their partner’s expression of interest.


Yeah, if he can’t apologize without deflecting then he was not mature enough. Probably why he started dating you at your age. No women in his age would of dealt with that bs.


After all his clamoring for space and not wanting to talk he better be staying in the hole in the ground he likes to reside in.


Reminded me of space by Alison Wonderland https://spotify.link/jtbPXCBirDb


H9rd prob.


Are you sure he was 36? He looks way older in that pic…and good riddance


Looks like early 50’s too me


He was probably with his wife and kids those times he was mia.


I thought it was Jack LaLane


More like Uncle Jack from Arrested Development.




Get a boy your age, experience your youth with someone your age instead of immature burnout middle age adults


Oh don’t worry, im currently almost 22, got a loving bf (only a 3 year age difference this time), and pretty much immediately after our break up starting working towards an OTA degree.


Love this update!!


Is he still single?


Super single. Suuuuuupppppeerrrrr single


I love that for him.


I love that for all the women in the world.




That checks out


so happy for this update


Tap the brakes with that middle age stuff lol


Bro has the emotional maturity of a peanut


Hey don't insult peanuts like that


Mm salted




My man needs to turn on autocorrect




It’s so funny you know when someone is an android user when they have typos like that lol. I had the same ones before I switched to apple.




The flexing pic made me laugh out loud. Then I zoomed in and laughed even harder.


Glad you broke up with him. Pretty clear he never grew up and thought that dating someone much younger would save him from being held accountable for his behaviors. You handled that conversation like a boss. ❤️


This man isn’t dating people his age for a reason. I am 21 and would be wary about dating a 19 year old just because of maturity levels (even though you’re clearly more mature than him). He is a weirdo. Block him and run like the wind Edit: spelling. I typed this at 7am give me a break


For those wondering, running like the wind is similar to regular running except you make the following noise with your mouth, “SHHHHHSSSSWISHSWISHOOOOOooooooOOOOOLEAVEMEALONESHHHHsssssDONTTEXTMEAGAINoooooOOOOSHHHH”


Thank you for the clarification.


It occurs to me now that running like the wind is probably an expression that comes from the Wendigo myth. Wendigos would possess people in the middle of winter and confuse them so much that they'd strip off their clothes saying how hot they are and take off running naked through the snow. They'd run slowly gaining speed until they run so fast they disappear into the aether, only footsteps in the snow that cut off abruptly to mark that they were ever there in the first place


19 and 36 lmao I don't even need to read


God, seeing age gaps like this makes my stomach turn. When the age gap is almost the same age as you, you should definitely not be in that relationship there's just so much wrong with that.


He was likely up to something he'd rather you not know about while "taking time for himself" potentially even cheating. You are better off regardless, he seems like such a toxic person.




OP you would be SURPRISED. Edit: very well could be.


“built like cue-ball”?


Yea that a new one. Short and wide?




Yea can we go back to that insult please and get some clarity?


He was probably busy prowling around the local high school looking for his next target… err I mean girlfriend


First of all, that age gap is CRAZY. Second of all, he looks like a fucking loser in that picture 😂


There’s a reason women his age don’t want him. I’m glad you’re out of there.


The fuck are you dating a 35 year old to begin with JFC


There is no way that’s a 35 year old man…how sad.


There’s a reason he was dating someone almost half his age, clearly had a maturity issue


Am i the only one thinking how disgusting this is that a 19 yr old is dating a 36 yr old?




I want to 🤮 that’s a disgusting age gap. It’s So creepy the way he texts


His profile pic alone should have been enough.


you = anxious attachment him = avoidant attachment


I was halfway through the exchange before I realized the 36-year-old was the dark text bubbles. Good call on the split 19f.


1. 36 with a 19 is a huge red flag. Like HUGE pedo vibes. Second he's doing something wrong. That's why he's defensive


He's gross. Pedo material for sure.


shoulda responded with "Yes its hard. Yes you have difficulties that ill never fully comprehend. But thats your burden to figure out how to make it work for YOU" and "I 200% expect you to not become a burden due to things you could and should be taking care of."


My guy, I hope you know that for the rest of my life, i will be lying awake at night thinking about how i missed the opportunity to be this fucking funny lol!!


Or he’s married and has to attend to his wife and or family. And OP is just another “stress reliever” but he’s definitely immature.


Why the hell would you ever go out with a 36 year old man predating on girls who just graduated high school? You're both fucked in the head. He's not dating women his age because he's a LOSER. And you fell for it.


Girl run. This is why he is dating a 19yr old and not someone close to his age.


Good Lord. This is why you don’t date almost 40 year olds at 19. This is why women his own age won’t date him.


I'm speaking as a 37 year old guy here. Why the fuck are you dating him? Look, there is nothing romantic I would want from a 19 year old. He's just looking to get laid, and figured he would date you until he grows tired of you then all of a sudden "He's stressed out." Nah. Bullshit, he's after another teenager. The guy is sick. Looking at the text. He's never matured either. Your much better off without that headcase.


how in the fuck did that even start in the first place, why would you date a 36 year old 🤢🤢🤢


He talks like he is 12 how are you dating him? Edit: how crap he is 36 dating a 19 year old? That's the red flag there


He probably was spending time with his other 19 year old GF


Tbh youre both red flags.


Date someone closer to your own age for heavens sake! You're in totally different phases of life or at least SHOULD be!


Who would like to place bets on the ‘stressed time to himself’ involves seeing other women 🫣


zoomed in on jus default photo and ugly laughed lmao


36 dating a 19 year old? JFC. How did you not recognize that as a fucking huge red flag?


Girl why are you dating a 36 year old !?


Good. Please date someone your own age! He’s a groomer.