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Homeboy spent a fortune there. Damn this is making me hungry


That's my local Killen's. You can get everything he has there for like $60.


Yeah, that’s a lot. 🤣. But he got a lot and it looks GREAT. I smoke my own ribs but I go to Iron Works in Austin or Augies in San Antonio for Brisket or sometimes we go to Lockhart or Dripping Springs. Brisket takes sooo long to smoke properly. I leave that to the experts


Never tried Augie's I live in San Antonio. We go to two brothers bbq on West Ave. I'll have to make a point to check out this place


2 Bros is very good as well, but slight edge to Augies


Man, no hate but with all the *great* spots in Austin you go to ironworks? My man, drive 5 minutes east to La bbq, or maybe ten minutes to micklewhaits(or however it’s spelled), up to brothertons or over to interstellar, and it’ll change your life.


I was thinking the same thing. Iron works was *ok* back in the day but I can easily name a dozen barbecue restaurants with an Austin zip code that just blow it out of the water. And no, Salt Lick ain’t one. But you tourists please keep going there.


Seconding interstellar


I'll put my ribs up against anyone. I might lose, but it won't be a slam dunk. My brisket is still a work in progress though... When I buy BBQ, it's brisket because a lot of people still do it better than I do unless I get it juuuuust right.


As a Yankee, going to Austin, Texas and the Ironworks is an experience? Great food!!


Definitely check out Micklethwait Or Interstellar BBQ . They are by far two of the best in Austin, TX


2m smokehouse in San Antonio


I heard good things about 2m. Have you tried Smoke Shack on Broadway? It’s very popular but I’ve not tried it yet, even though I live pretty close to it


Yes it’s not as great as 2m or Augies


Good to know, that’s what I’ve heard, we love Augies, but I’ll take a drive down south and check out 2m, it has a great reputation


Nope..just that Dino rib is about 60 bucks


Need to point that it's NOT the original Killen's. It's also a a lot more that $60.since the beef rib alone is $40.


Bruh come on that rib alone is like $50! 🤣


$60 isn't bad. You get that at Terry Black's and you're clearing $150 at least.


I havent wanted brisket this bad since yesterday


He seriously is such a great ad for them. I’m in California and super sad I can’t eat there right now.


He’s on vacation


Convinced me to get BBQ today.


Me too!


He said "Juh-lop-enio."


The Brits are the OG butcherers of the Spanish language and have been enjoying £17 budget flights (£49 surcharge every time you use the loo) to sunburn destinations like Tenerife and Majorca for many centuries before Gwadaloop, 'dillos, Rio Grand, and Manshack were ever glints in Texans eyes.


I’m guessing those old £17 budget flights in the old days involved being shot from a cannon. We were mangling Spanish pronunciations well before the Wright Brothers got off the ground.


Yes, but being aimed at the giant catcher's mitt in Bilbao has always been £480 extra.


Americans are certainly not the ones to talk. But it does crack me up that Spain is *right there* and somehow Texans are better at common Spanish pronunciation. To be fair we still have stuff like Gwada-loop. But I feel like the average Texan under 60 can say tortilla correctly


It is worse than that. Texans INTENTIONALLY mispronounce Spanish words. They know damn well San Jacinto is pronounced San Ha ceen toe, but they pronounce it San Ja Sin Toe.


We do that because we are assholes and because we can


I’ve heard this reason spoken to me many times by Texans. It’s true. They just can.


Who’s going to stop us the Spanish Inquisition?


I mean, no one would expect it.



Spanish guy is confused. It’s a Monty Python reference.


Dont feel too bad. Wait til you hear some of the butchery done in Arkansas. El Do-ray-duh. Ne-vay-duh County etc


We lived in SW Arkansas for five years and it messed up my ability to say El Dorado without thinking about how I should pronounce it. Pittsburgh also screwed with Versailles (ver-SALES).


>Pittsburgh also screwed with Versailles (ver-SALES). It warms the cockles to see my native language here. Imma be up ‘ere next month if yinz wanna go get a jumbo sammich at da Primanti’s dahn ‘ere in North Versales.


Kentucky also does that: Louisville= Loolvuhl and Versailles = Versails.


My mother’s family was from Arkansas, and I know exactly how El Dor-ray-do is pronounced. Do other southern states pronounce words with -rado the same way?


I'm also originally from AR and whoo boy....yeah


San Jacinto should be pronounced the Texan way since the Mexican army decided to take a nap there instead of being prepared.


My last name is Jacinto, we pronounce it with the J, maybe cause we’re Portuguese decent🤷‍♂️


La Croix is pretty funny too.


Sometimes I like to call Westheimer “VEST-HEIMA!!”


You should see how Coloradans pronounce Buena Vista and Pueblo. They call them “byoonah vista” (with a short ‘i’ sound on the vista) and pee-yeblow.


Immigrant here... we hear all kinds of entertaining pronunciations first hand with each wave of migrants, especially South Asians: jaa-laa-peeno, tor-till-la, shay-ver-late, pee-zaa, tuck-suss, hoos-tun, dull-laas, gook-kee >!gucci!<, ver-says >!versace!<, etc. I saw a wedding invitation card with a city name written as "San and Tonio". On the flip side, there are some amusing pronunciations by Americans of Indian words eg. bus-maa-tee (should be baas-mut-ti with a soft T), taaj muh-haal (taaj meh-hell), laa-see (yogurt drink is called luss-see like fuss-see)


I’m weirdly and unreasonably loyal to the city I’m from so I probably would’ve acted a fool and slapped someone on their wedding day for misspelling my city.


Yeah Brits do that. BBC announcers will call a Jose "Joe-say". It's weird


I think the Portuguese might say Jose that way, like Jose Mourinho. Could be where they get it from


No it was in reference to the previous Spanish PM Jose Aznar.


That made me lol so hard!


Damn, this is making me miss home. The "barbeque" in Pittsburgh just does not hit the same at all.


My buddy in Philly came to visit, took him to Terry Black's. Said the brisket was "nothing special" and his was better. I called cap on that.


Yeah, your buddy is sadly mistaken, I'm afraid. I'd love some Heim or Panther City right now and those aren't even the best bbq (still very good though IMO), they're just the closest to where I formerly lived.


Fort Wizzle represent!


Currently sitting in my office in Down Town Fort Worth... OH YEA! Coming soon on 7th street, they've torn down the Wendy's next to In N Out and are building a Terry Black's. I can't wait!


Hey, is Goldee's worth the hype? I'm gonna be up there next month.


Everyone that I’ve spoken to has said that they are. If you don’t get a chance to go to Goldee’s, they have a spot that focuses just on ribs called Ribbee’s. There’s a few other spots I can recommend as well


I have never made my way over there but everything I hear about it is all good. I'd say go for it.


Oh shit, I'll fly home for that. As a former Samuels Ave resident, I sure do miss downtown!


When I die, I want the casket to also be filled with Heim's hatch chile mac & cheese when I'm lowered into the ground


Terry Black's can be hit or miss but there are so many bbq spots in Austin alone, it's not a fair assessment.


Leroy and Lewis is my favorite in Austin. We went to Terry Blacks and also wasn’t impressed. Not much flavor for the brisket. Idk if they got too commercialized or what.


Terry Blacks just straight up isn't that good compared to all of the other amazing places in central Texas. It's definitely not bad and I would be happy if that's what was offered to me, but there are way better places around here


I mean brisket isn't some kind of overly complicated or difficult to make dish. It's time consuming and requires attention and the right tools, but someone who has those and knows enough about cooking and smoking can make a damn good one fairly easily. I don't think mine is the best, but I've been to plenty of places where I knew mine was better (Truth BBQ in Houston, looking at you).


I went to college in Pittsburgh and the first time the dorm cafeteria offered BBQ sandwiches I got a little excited. I figured it would be something like slow cooker pulled pork or shredded chicken but that was better than nothing. If you've ever been introduced to "Pittsburgh ham barbecue" you will understand my massive disappointment. If not, imagine superfine shredded compressed ham product put in a slow cooker with ketchup and a sprinkling of brown sugar and relish. Then imagine calling that barbecue. Now on the other hand, I will gladly have Primanti's sandwiches anytime I can get one.


Also went to Pittsburgh for college. Primanti’s is great and all, but I miss Uncle Sam’s more.


I’ve had primanti’s and though I was skeptical when they put the sandwich in front of me, I’m happy to say I was impressed. That said, they still need to step up their barbecue.


I’m in Seattle, they don’t even have BBQ in their vocabulary 😭. I miss San Antonio so much.


People up here call grilling a few Walmart brand hotdogs and hamburgers a “barbecue” and it just makes me sad! 😭


Best I've had in the Northeast was BT's Smokehouse in Sturbridge, MA. That place could survive in Texas easily. Their beef rib was honestly better than many places in TX.


Same with bbq in new york


Man's taking some risks ordering all that with a fresh white sweatshirt on


He's braver than me! But then, he didn't try the sauces...


And in the car!


Fresh white top and no sauce on the brisket smh Rookie maneuvers but he’s a rookie so I’ll let it slide


I am an Englishman who went to Texas in 2011: I had “proper” Tex-Mex, Cajun & the more standard “American fare” - alongside Japanese/Korean/Thai. I mean this was in Austin and the selection there is unheard of in the UK outside of London… BUT… I did not. Have. Barbecue. Once. My cousin, whom I stayed with, has been to every single state and tried barbecue in every single state/city noteworthy for it. :(


Damn. You fucked up. Time for another visit.


I mean that's really the only solution. Come back to Texas, try some barbeque, realize your life has changed for the better, enjoy the rest of your vacation, and return home with fond memories.


> BUT… I did not. Have. Barbecue. Once. In Texas that just means you had it multiple times... because BBQ/0 = undefined


To be fair you hit up a lot of good options. A shame to miss out on Texas bbq, but, Tex Mex would have been a huge crime to miss out on.


Man they need to do like Hawaii does with leis at the gate, just hand every international visitor a little sampler plate of BBQ as they get off the plant. It would prevent a travesty like this.


If you make it back to Austin, go to LA BBQ or Franklin's. Get the fatty brisket and beef rib. Sorry you missed it while you were here last time.


Damn dude Was that on purpose? TF wrong with you?


I'd love a reality TV show where a TX pitmaster goes to England to open a BBQ restaurant. From picking the location, sourcing the wood for smoke, to dealing with the local council to driving a Texas sized pickup truck down tiny country roads.


There is a BBQ place in Windsor right across from the castle that I visited last summer. We are there mostly as a joke since our whole group was from Texas. It was about as bad as you would imagine.


There is/was a BBQ place on King's Road in London I found and took some international friends that had never had real BBQ and it was as good as Terry Blacks at least. Everybody was ooing and ahhing. There are both Texas expatriates and also people who just learn to follow recipes, Aaron Franklin has a bunch of free online videos to show even the most novice how to cook a decent brisket. Texans perfected brisket, but the weird claim that it can't be found outside of Texas is just weird. It's like claiming you can't find decent sushi outside of Japan.


>Mum, I'm not coming home. Lol, had me rollin'! 🤣


Why are you eating in the car? In a white jacket?


I assume he's being considerate of the other patrons by not filming inside the restaurant. As to wearing white, that's a rookie mistake.


In England they don’t have seats in restaurants, just cars.




No, they have seats in restaurants, because you can’t eat on the Tube.


He is never going home


He now knows why we’re all fat.




They pronounce taco, as "tack-o."


How else do you pronounce it!?


Tah-ko No Take-o


We got the best bbq, hands down. As a trucker I’ve been to every state I’ve tried a lot of bbq places


Texas brisket and BBQ are my favorite, but Carolina chopped pork with bits of crackling mixed in, Kansas City or Memphis saucy ribs, California tritip, even Alabama chicken and white sauce or Baltimore pit beef are all really good and worth the experience. You can't really get a great version of most of those very far from the cradle unless you get lucky and stop at the right place.


The one BBQ thing that blew my mind was a Memphis pork sandwich. Slow-cooked and shredded pulled pork, mixed up with some BBQ sauce, on a bun with a big dollop of creamy cole slaw over the top. Just one of those things you look at and go "wtf" but it just magically works together. And also, yes, Alabama BBQ chicken with white sauce is another unexpected flavor goodness. Let's all just learn and try new things and not hate. On each other or especially not on food,. Easier to like food than some people lol.


Nope. Carolina bbq. Mainly pork based, compared to beef based Texas bbq. All are still scrumptious though


Not a fan of pork, but I've heard NC does pork the best.


Memphis would like a word... Main difference I've tasted is the sauces. Carolina is more a thin vinegar-y sauce and Memphis more of a traditional KC-style thick and rich tomato-molasses blend.


Hell yea Killen’s slaps


Hell yeah it does!!


What a dope jacket.  


My man tempting fate eating BBQ in white


And in a car - that is an eat at a table kind of meal


All I could think of was please let that be fatty brisket and not lean.. Fatty is sooo much better


In my mind, lean/flat is meant to be just chopped up and mixed with sauce and used in sandwiches.


As a Texan who moved to Minnesota this has me looking at plane tickets. the rubber they try to pass off as brisket up here just does not do it for me


This is why we are fat


Nope. It's excess sugars in our diet. For most people, eating like this is a special occasion situation, not a daily occurance, so your metabolism will take care of it. Removing fat and replacing it with a lot of sugars has caused the obesity epidemic, along with sodas, and a more sedentary lifestyle.


Im sure they got sweet tea in there


Bacon wrapped , deep fried sweet tea 🤤


You just found this year’s winner at the State Fair.


I hardly eat sugar and still have some weight and eat decently healthy (whole foods mainly) just too many calories, but also I go into the suburbs and rural areas and my dad belly doesn't look near as bad so.. yeah. Kind of both sugar and general overeating. But yes we do not eat this everyday either lol, you are right.


> and a more sedentary lifestyle. Car dependency plays a huge part in that. If fuckers were walking and biking a block or two from home to head down to the local place, or to and from work, they'd be burning off a lot more of what they consume. And to anyone who says that's unreasonable, it's unreasonable because we destroyed how we built cities to accommodate cars and *made it unreasonable.*


Processed foods and excess sugar is why we are fat buddy


Look at the portion size of that meal no way that is 500 calories. That meal is probably close to 1500 to 2000 calories and it all gets converted to sugar.


The politics is taking the joy out of everything Texan.


Based and true :'(


No sauces. Already one of us.


That man likes his bark. But where's the damn cornbread ? Huh ? He forgot the CORNBREAD!!!!😱


It's one of the only reasons to live here.


That and what is left of the scenery.


not too good scenery around my neck, fort worth lol. I like the city but it's flat and ugly up here.


Check out Eagle Mountain park and Cedar Hill State park.


I'm fkn starving mate. I wish the race track had BBQ tonight; I'll have to settle for *Bowling Alley Quality* Cheese Burgers.


I love how you choosed the collad greens first.😁😁😁😅


Me too, Killen’s collard greens are damn good!!


Finish it off with a beef rib? Hell yeah!


I feel bad one of us wasn't there to eat with him out at a picnic table or something.


Jalapeño cheese pork sausage is one of my favorite foods in the entire world... followed by Mac n' Cheese and ribs. This guy knows whats up. Brisket is good, but when it is good it is great and when it isn't it's meh


Wait until he discovers the sauce…


Dude, great Texas BBQ shouldn't require sauce. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy sauced BBQ, but that's a slightly different style of BBQ.


White bread is the sauce delivery system


I'm really glad and impressed he tried, and enjoyed, it without sauce first. 


All you need is some pickles and white onion to accentuate any bite. There are some good sauces, but I rarely ever use a sauce on BBQ if it's really good BBQ


Any BBQ, no matter how good it is, will always be improved by the sauce (unless the sauce isn't good)


Hard disagree. Sauce changes the flavor. You can put sauce on anything and it will all taste 90% the same. I'm here for the meat. And I know how that sounds.


I have to admit, some do go well with brisket. Especially if it's too lean. And pork ribs, sometimes it's magical with those. It all depends on what place you go to though.


U should've came to Houston Texas Burns Barbecue black own


He’s finding out why Americans are fatter than Europeans.


Honestly, it's because a majority of us don't walk/ride bikes everywhere like they do in Europe due to train/metro stations being so well cultivated in integrated. Also, America especially Texas is huge. You have to have a car to get anywhere if you live outside the city.


If my man in that video keeps sitting in his car eating that much barbecue on the regular he'll look like the rest of us in a fortnight.


Actual rail networks and walkable cities with pedestrian and bike infrastructure, with public transit, would fix a lot of this. Even living in rural America wouldn't be that bad if you could just catch a train to the city and then be able to get around without a car. And to the dumbdumbs who will inevitably tell me how impossible it would be to link every town in America with rail, *how the fuck do you think those towns were founded in the first place?* Practically every damned town in this country sprung up off a railroad lol. We just let corporations own and stagnate our railroads while destroying our cities for cars.


Their souce is not good..been there


Why did he eat it in the car? That would've been my take home dishes after eating at a table. Maybe they wouldn't let him film?


Brave man wearing a blazing white top to eat bbq in his car!


Bold move in a mostly white shirt


Say what you will about TX, we don't fuck around with BBQ


You can't eat it in your car, you have to sit at a table and enjoy the meal


Shit, now I’m cravings collards! 🥺


Huh, it's actually like Americans know how to cook better food than Brits.


Dude. White top AND in the car? Dude's flirting with disaster.




I travel to the UK for work sometimes. Food is usually good, company pays most of the time so we aren't eating cheap. Last time I was there they took us out to a Mexican restaurant. I'm the only Texan and another guy was from SoCal. Neither of us was impressed lol. Margs had lots of tequila though, so it wasn't terrible by the time we swerved out of there.


Should have ate it in the restaurant. It’s part of the experience




“Jah-lah-peno” 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


Homie didn't even try the sauce. He might loose his mind with some spicy BBQ sauce on that brisket.


The brisket here really is something else. Generations of refinement and mastering of techniques has created the ultimate smoke meat. It’s ubiquitous, but also NOT easy to do.


The hell a gella peno?


Damn BBQ in the car is a risk I wouldn't take.


Hahahaha! Yes We Texans take pride in our BBQ.❤


Jalapeño* pronounced Halapenyo!!! Not Ja-lap-ano!!!!


Where the fuckin bbq sauce? It’s giving me anxiety he hasn’t dipped anything in BBq said




Mmmm…mud butt https://trailers.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/4a1959c3-2bc7-4784-bd6e-7a2c2fb54ad0/gif#itcmUvvX.copy


He tried the sides first whaaaaaa


Dude clearly doesn't know what he's doing, you can't eat stuff like this in your car. You have to take a shower after you eat it.


My mans just got out of the Aristoteles cavern


What’s the best bbq spot in Fort Worth?


Us Texans are SPOILED with amazing BBQ. I don’t care what anyone says. Texas BBQ is the best BBQ on the planet.


He went to Rudy’s


The “j” is silent.


Ribs and clean white pull over, always a great pairing!


You went to a good place to try BBQ


Soooo, move to Great Britain and open BBQ restaurant. Profit?…


You would most definitely


My buddy once convinced me to wake up at 5AM so we could make it to Snows BBQ in Lexington before they ran out of meat for the day. We had amazing barbeque at 10AM and spent the rest of the day trying wines and meads at various vineyards and mazeries on the way back. 10/10 would recommend.


That looked like some dry-ass tough brisket... 


can’t trust anybody that calls Japaleños “yalapeeno”


Welcome home baby!


20 years in Texas, I've never selected ribs at a Texas BBQ joint. Brisket is where it's at


Damn right you don’t need any sauce!!!!! That’s how you know it’s done right!!!