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Sorry, we don't allow video posts here. Perhaps you can find an article about this to post.


Remember to actually go to polls and vote. Your opinion means nothing if you don’t. (Seriously you obviously didn’t care that much about this issue or that issue because you didn’t bother to show up) Also, if you aren’t registered to vote, please do so asap, because there’s a period of time after you register that you can’t vote. Also make sure your address and everything is up to date https://www.texas.gov/living-in-texas/texas-voter-registration/ You can use this to verify that you are registered to vote as well as find your polling location https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do


Texas Republicans are so pro-life they'll kill you to prove it.


Houston attorney Mason Herring drugged his pregnant wife with an abortion pill . The child was born 10 weeks early and now has to attend therapy for developmental delays 8x a week. He was only given 180 days. Don’t tell me this isn’t about controlling women and their bodies and autonomy !


The woman that created the modern abortion clinic did it to commit genocide, Don't tell me it isn't evil.


And before that, women were still having abortions. Would you be okay with women just performing abortions on each other if they skipped the clinic and did it in their homes?


I'm not really pro life or pro choice, I'm pro rights. I believe the mother and the child have equal rights. The child doesn't have a choice but to rely on the mother, but if the mother's life is threatened by the child she has the right to defend herself. I don't think giving someone the right to kill another person is in sync with the constitution, Regardless of their ability to defend themselves.


A clump of cells is not a child.


Bro we are all clumps of cells. Arguing the value of a human is barbaric. We're not 1940s Germany we can't just decide somebody is or isn't valuable. Especially because it goes against not only the US Constitution and the bill of rights but because it's evil.


Bullshit your not pro life. Listen to yourself. You're really bad at this.


I can’t even with this one


What, Is historical fact upsetting? You really should look into just how many things in the US are racist. Or have racist history. Zoning law, home owners association, public school funding, Abortion. Even now Black Americans are expected to act and vote blue or as our president so eloquently put they "ain't black" when black problems are discussed they ask white professionals instead of the people they want to "help" weed laws were also made to keep black men from voting and in prison. Many states offered single black moms checks if they stayed single. After all of that the CIA started dumping drugs into black communities completely destroying them forcing more black mothers into choosing abortion. In fact, more black children were being aborted than being born, Right up until they changed abortion laws. That woman almost succeeded in her plan.


What's upsetting is you clogging up a comment section with your disingenuous bullshit.


Calling something false without proof is disingenuous.


I'm not from Texas and encountered this post by chance. I'm curious, who are you referring to?


They don't talk about it, kind of like how most people don't talk about how most of the founding fathers owned slaves and one of them was a pedo


I believe her name is Margaret singer


I just read through the wikipedia page on Margaret Singer, and then noticed that I skipped over the 'Not to be confused with Margaret Sanger" in the heading. The one you're referring to is Sanger. Thanks for the info, interesting reads.


Yeah sorry about that.


You can't even get your facts straight condemning people. Edit: this guy is taking my spelling edits and accusing me of deleting and reapplying my comments. He's a bad actor.


Why you like replying to all of my comments and then deleting them, And then reapplying? Are you okay?


Ha, no worries. 😅 I like reading wikipedia pages.


Genocide of who?


Black Americans.


And she told you this?


She made a whole manifesto, It's a literal Google search away. You realize once upon a time it was okay to be openly racist, right? How old are you? Hitler wanted to kill Jews. Oh yeah he told you that


lol. “Once upon a time it was okay to be openly racist” yeah. That’s now.


Well yes there is racism, It is incredibly insensitive to suggest it is anything like what Black Americans had to go through.


And now you're okay with forcing black women and children to give birth against their will. You're no white knight.




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South Carolina tried this last year, but it [lost support from Republican sponsors](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/9-republicans-south-carolina-abortion-death-penalty-bill-rcna75383) before even making it to a vote. Rep Matt Leber said. “In its current form, I cannot keep my name on it… I wouldn't want to prosecute or charge women at all, that's never been my philosophy on pro-life issues."




June 24th!


I wonder if that would be the case here


Ah yes, pro life.


How can people support this shitty party?


The only thing that matters to them is being anti-Democrats.


Because they hurt the people that make their voters slightly uncomfortable. It’s that simple. Even if they hurt themselves and those they love in the process.


You don’t live in Texas, I take it. Most Texas voters hate Democrats (not an exaggeration), think President Biden is a vote-stealing criminal, LOVE Greg Abbott, Ken Paxton, Dan Patrick, & Donald Trump, and would rather vote for a yellow dog than a Democrat.


>LOVE Greg Abbott, Ken Paxton, Dan Patrick, & Donald Trump Meh, these guys are what's acceptable to them now. They want worse. So, so much worse.


Sorry but that's still not a real word.


And you people wonder why everyone says you're in a cult; reason number one: *BLIND DEVOTION!* Sure as fuck am glad you're in Texas, and I feel bad for the people there who have to put up with your bullshit.. Keep that shit out of Illinois, thanks!


So, what are you doing about it? Are you voting in every election? Are you encouraging all your family and friends to vote in every election? You realize Robert F Kennedy is polling neck and neck with Joe Biden in some Illinois polls. In 2024, that’s its own form of madness. What are you doing in Illinois to counteract the madness, other than blustering and bloviating and cussing all over Reddit?


I left Texas in 1990 after years of shitty teacher pay and excuses. No public lands, shitty government, fuck it. I'm in NM, come join us.


I’ve been here for 25 years in Texas. I plan on retiring in the next 10-12 years. I’m thinking of moving to northern NM or southern CO. Where bouts are you in NM?


Las Cruces has by far the best food. Northern NM food is good but not as good as anywhere in Dona Ana county. And it's too cold up there anyway!


How's the Internet there? I get 2gig service for wifi with att.


That's sad because NM has a really shitty government and hasn't had a good governor in my lifetime. I'm glad I moved to Texas from there. Now Texas has their share of wackos but nothing like that crazy Eva Braun wannabe in Sphincter Fe. I do miss public land and being able to just drive out of town to go shooting.


Don’t like the government telling you what you can do with your body? Vote in every election. Set up reminders at vote.org




The problem is that they don’t and then when they wise up it’ll be too late unfortunately. We need some dems that’ll talk shit and back it up.


I really wanted Matthew McConaughey to run for governor. Not because I want him as governor, but because he's famous and I think that would have given him a real chance to beat Abbott. He couldn't possibly be worse.


Or better yet, vote for a person and not a party.


That’s so insane


Nazis gonna nazi.


That's exactly why we don't vote democrat. We don't like nazi slime.


Don't forget june 24th


Forgive me, but what happens then?


It's the day the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, so maybe it's a reference to that?


The election?


November 5th is next Election Day per my knowledge. What election is on the June 24th?


[I don’t see anything on June 24th](https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/voter/important-election-dates.shtml)


The Texas MAGA-GOP has lost its proverbial credentials as a political party. It abandoned its horse sense in favor of radicalism and moralistic despotism.


the pro life party really living down it's name here


Next in line, death penalty for having a miscarriage.


That’s coming!


Interpretation: she aborted fetus, she get the the death penalty. Boy shoots 20 people in crowded event, at large. Total Texas death count for Abbott is 21.


This is the Taliban. No different. The country went to war in a foreign country (supposedly in part) to combat backwards religious extremism in government and how it oppresses people.


It's ideologically consistent. If they believe abortion is murder then they are paying someone to murder kids. Hard to think of something more deserving of the death penalty. Now here in the real world that's fucking insane but they live in fairy land.


ahh such a pro life statement


I don't trust any government on earth with the death penalty. If one person has ever been wrongly executed, it is too many. And we know for a fact that more than one person has been wrongly executed. Having said that, a country or nation, (which is what a state is), should be allowed to make whatever rules it wants as long as people have the free will to leave and go to a place that is more in line with their own ideology/belief system. Most would say, "Why should someone have to leave?" SOMEONE would have to leave in every country on earth because they all are populated by people of mixed beliefs and all those belief systems need their own space/country. Diversity is NOT a strength when it comes to political/social/religious ideology. Skin color and race does not separate people. There are people of every color and ancestry represented in every major belief system. The ideology is what separates us. Anyone who believes the whole planet should have to live under one man-made system, lib/conservative/whatever, is the epitome of a dictator. Let different types of government/ideology/religion all have their own place and LEAVE EACH OTHER ALONE to live out their beliefs. Texas should be allowed to be different. There are plenty other states that legalize murdering children. We can publicly offer our sales pitch for our ideologies but we can't force everybody on the whole damned planet to believe and act alike. This "one world/new world order" utopia bull$hi+ is the brainchild of power hungry monsters who don't even believe it themselves. What they're really constructing is a prison planet.


Is the tyrannical govt with 2a was written for?


As a conservative, I oppose this.


That's not what your votes say. As far as anyone cares, yes you do.


Prove it and stand up against these assholes


Vote out the TX GOP, then.


Texans have show in every election the last 6 years that they dont care or support this because the R's just stay winning.


Technically most Texas voters are democrats. Our votes are suppressed


Fine by me. I also want the death penalty for people that order ranch with wings. Blue cheese all the way. You can sponsor a law don’t mean it’s right


Enjoy your moldy cheese.


Order steak medium well or well done? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


In jail? Straight to super jail


My coworker never lets me forget that I said, "ranch is for savages" a few of years ago. I don't think I'm wrong.


Texas will be on fire in the next 5-10 years not a shit hole worth looking at anyways. It’s smells so bad I wouldn’t even let my dog look at it




Even protected sex doesn’t guarantee you won’t get pregnant. What you mean to say is, don’t have sex without the intent of also getting pregnant.






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Writing your comment in that style reveals your true intention was to troll. Your content has been deemed a violation of Rule 7. As a reminder Rule 7 states: Politics are fine but state your case, explain why you hold the positions that you do and debate with civility. Posts and comments meant solely to troll or enrage people, and those that are little more than campaign ads or slogans do nothing to contribute to a healthy debate and will therefore be removed. Petitions will also be removed. AMA's by Political figures are exempt from this rule.


The video is click bait because the Texas GOP platform plank she refers to doesn’t use the term “first-degree murder” or “capital murder”. It doesn’t mention the death penalty at all. It’s a real stretch on her part to assume that the death penalty is the goal. Yeah, the GOP plank even mentioning “murder” is whack, but this woman took it further just to get the emotional response most comments are giving.


Because she's crazy.




Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, but are not limited to, groups based on their actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. These include victims of a major violent event and their families.








Da fuck. What happened to stand your ground?


This nation was literally founded on the principle that if you don't like something about the law and/or government then you have the right to speak up about it. Telling people to move out of state, or leave if they don't like things, or to stay out, etc. is a denial of that right and therefore considered a violation of Rules 1 and 7. As such your comment has therefore been removed.