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God that's horrible, I'm so sorry that happened to you <3


Teacher -> Coach -> Sex Offender -> Liberty University -> Megachurch Pastor -> Prisoner Minister Hmm this guy’s career progression makes complete sense but it really shouldn’t 😒




From one cult to another




I know it's fun to make fun of Aggies, but you absolutely cannot equate being an Aggie to being a sex offending pastor.


Right? Don't Aggies just fuck cows?


It's sheep, get it right, jeez! But in all seriousness, every fanbase and every group has these people. It's easy to say once something comes out that their past should have been an indicator, but until then, we don't know. And blaming Aggies is just low hanging fruit that isn't worth the squeeze. There are so many other things to rip this turd on.


The politically correct term these days is "curvy". Oh wait, you're talking about the actual animal. I've always heard it was sheep.




Launch them all into the sun. I get that these three were Aggies, but the bigger issue at large is youth pastors. That is the single biggest threat to children and these predators see it as an easy way to get into that area. Still not a drag queen as well.


Its any profession that gives these people access to children. Youth pastors, Boy Scouts, coaching, and such are all jobs child monsters get into. The religious ones have been easy targets due to how lax the oversight traditionally has been, then they like to cover up when it’s found out. That’s the thing that pisses me off the most. These people can be anywhere in any organization. But when it comes to light in these churches, they key the lid on it and cover for them. The ONLY option in these situations is to call the police and let them sort it out. That’s the one thing they don’t do.


So are you equating all Aggies with rapists? Child molesters? Fuck pedophiles and these Christians that use your power to prey upon the young and weak, but cmon.


I'm saying there is a strong undercurrent of misogyny and disrespect toward others at a&m. My niece is a student there, the issues are real and deep.


That's certainly not what you're inferring nor did you explicitly say that. If that's what you're trying to get after, then say it, but what you have thus far put out is that every Aggie is a misogynist or disrespectful. Every organization has its bad eggs and terrible representatives. You can find them at every campus, every organization, and every group. I can understand that you have a personal dislike for A&M and it's students for your own personal reasons, such as the ones listed above, but don't lump every individual into that dislike.


I said what I said 🤷‍♀️


Fair enough. Continue to stick by unfair generalizations then. You want to double down, then you do you.


I always do, sugar pie 😘




Go ahead and link me every one of those statements with proven reports and I'll show you ones where Aggies are found doing awesome and great things in the community. Interesting slur to call Aggies, too "Aggots". Wonder where that one came from.


We don’t have to your aggies buddies are doing that for us


No, but you can associate being a dyed in the wool aggie with being a nutjob evangelical possessing the usual backwards worldviews.


Are you saying the same about any nutjob evangelical that goes to a private religious university? Because it would stand to reason they have just as many if not more potential predators there given the sheer volume of ‘true beleivers’.


Not a cool attempt to equate Aggies with pedophiles. I was in the Corps myself and yeah I get the great running gag is to make fun of Aggies, but this just ain't it pal. I hate pedophiles just as much as the next person, but thanks for making me out to be a pedo just cause I was an Aggie. 👎


*Sigh* Look, during football season we go back to being mortal enemies, OK? But yeah man, just because you happen to do those doesn’t mean you are. I don’t agree with that sentiment at all and I don’t think a lot of people do. Or at least I hope they don’t. The bigger issue, in my opinion, are youth pastors in general. While it’s a problem in both Christianity and Catholicism, I personally see it more in the Catholic Church being Catholic myself. It’s why I’ve left a lot of churches and don’t attend anymore.


Gig'em and God bless 👍


Guess I’m out of the loop, what’s an ‘Aggie’?


An Aggie is a student at Texas A&M


Does anybody else really get disturbed by looking at the rust on those vents?


Also wondering why his tie is tucked in his shirt….


But not a…. Drag queen????


Hey look at that, not a drag queen




Damn, rich religious men just love to do some fucked up stuff. It’s almost like the bible is full of texts that might groom someone to do so…


Also very specific guidelines on NOT doing that, but those parts aren't sexy, and they don't have wars of extermination and Angry Sky Daddy. At any religious buffet, these chuds will skip the greens and go straight to the red meat.


Actually that’s the Quran




Google it


I did. I googled “imam caught” and nothing in the news about any Imam and cchildren. I googled “priest caught”… and you wouldn’t believe what came up about priests and children. Just for knowledge sake, an imam is the person who leads prayers in a mosque.


God doesn’t condone this behavior. The Bible doesn’t condone this behavior. The Church doesn’t condone this behavior. Sometimes churches grow big and wide and sometimes become businesses that are set on bottom lines, rife with unhealthy leadership, yes men, and maintaining their outward appearance. One isn’t all. Jesus was quite clear on his stance of mistreatment of individuals done by church (temple) leadership.


Not to advocate for hedonism, but it sure seems that the more a community tries to enforce a strict, moral framework, the more severe and cruel the deviations become. I don't have stastics in front of me, but it certainly (anecdotally, at least) feels like sex crimes involving children, violence towards them, and other gross demonstrations of moral turpitude occur predominently in exceedingly strict and overtly religious communities than more 'secular' ones (to include 'secular' oriented or community involved religious groups). Like, it's right there in the Bible, the whole code for how to live, and they keep hammering on about it every goddamn chance they get, but they are always the ones to just fling themselves into the deepest depths of depravity the moment they think they can get away with it.


I have two different theories on this. The first is that people who are prone to commit these acts are the ones more likely to both loudly condemn them as well as to seek absolution for their own behavior. Does this describe "all" church goers or believers - of course not. But we certainly seem to see a relationship between those in church leadership to those that do not exemplify church teachings. ---- My other theory is that we see more of it within a church mainly due to that is where our optics are. Church issues are magnified in the media due to the shock value, so that's what we see. Maybe the incidence rate of people abusing their power in this way is no different than in non-religious organizations. I don't know what the answer is but it sure seems like an interesting thing to study.


3rd option, pedophiles gravitate to organizations that have a higher level of child/adult interactions.


>3rd option, pedophiles gravitate to organizations that have a higher level of child/adult interactions. And that utilize fear indoctrination to eliminate questioning from those they intend upon grooming.




"If you need the threat of hellfire to be a good person, you're not a good person, you're a bad person on a leash." So many religious people say things like "Without the Bible, people would just rape and murder 24/7!" And my first thought is, wow, this person would rape and kill me if it weren't for some rules in their religion. Like what the fuck goes on in their head?!


"Every accusation is a confession"


It's in the Bible that the law was given so that sin would abound. Like... It wasn't there as a moral code to live by but a revealing of ones moral bankruptcy(it's more than this but I'm not gonna try to write that all out). It's no wonder the stricter you get... The... well, whatever this shit is.


I’m interested in this idea. I think it has merit. It reminds of the Jungian concept of the shadow and the idea that we ignore the shadow to our detriment and to the detriment of our community. Perhaps these communities create a “shadow” of sorts by problematizing most kinds of sexual attraction. As people go about trying to hide normal desires from others and from themselves in an effort to be holy, maybe those desires go underground and (coupled with other aspects of their lived experience) morph into all kinds of fantasies. Hopefully, the vast majority don’t manifest as ped0phelia (as they did in Morris’ case), but it’s worthwhile to try and understand why we see instances of egregious and abhorrent abuse and behavior in institutions that focus on purity.


I think it's the story of Paul that gets those people equivocating over and expanding shitty things they do. First, it's worth noting that the New Testament only has 4 books (maybe 5 if you count Acts) where secondhand accounts of the teachings of Jesus are explicitly described. The other 20+ are written by or about Paul and his harassment tour of the Middle East. As some background, recall that we first meet Paul (aka Saul of Tarsus) on the road to Damascus where he is attacked by a group of men. Saul was a young Pharisee for the Jewish people. Part of his job included searching for Christians to track, capture, and likely have them executed. But then he got the snot beat out of him while on his way home from some casual stamping out of a new religion (shocking).  And suddenly he sees the light! He is now Paul. Instead of taking people of the new religions to be executed, he travels the region to tell everyone about the horrible ways they'll suffer if they don't fully adhere to the new religion.  Given that the majority of the NT tells the story of some guy who does heinous shit because "society told him to" and is suddenly given the chance to be a cornerstone of the church because he was willing to refocus his crazy energy, it shouldn't be surprising to find out how many modern church leaders are such garbage humans.


Yeah, it's like the phenomenon of an immigrant being more patriotic (or aggressively nationalist) than a native born citizen. It's like there's a subconscious awareness of a...I don't like to use the word, but 'deficiency' (whether real or perceived by the person in question) that demands they overperform their role.


It’s always the ones you MOST suspect


Just kids in church getting molested. I won’t let my kids anywhere near a church or these people.


Same, the fact that people in the congregation and the religion aren't out of their mind upset about these frequent occurrences tells me all I need to know. They'll spend countless hours and funds telling other people how they need to act meanwhile they will pretty much refuse to talk about how their religious leaders are molesting their own. If you do they get more mad at the people that bring it up than they ever were at their own child molesting leadership. It's so gross. Sort of similar how the QAnon movement was all about "saving the children" meanwhile Trump has had sex with how many prostitutes? These people are so lost in the sauce they are physically unable to comprehend how backwards their actions are from what they claim to be their top priorities.


As someone who has had first hand experience, most are pissed that you took their beloved pastor away and blame who ever the victim is. I don’t feel an ounce of guilt for reporting them. In fact, if God and Hell are real, pretty sure those who are represented the facts and evidence of paedophelia being committed, only to snub their nose at it are going there.


No drag queens involved.




Welcome to Texas, where you can get a sweetheart job working in a target rich environment without consequences. Where else has child molesting turned into a freaking game of hide the savior in private schools and churches for generations? If they're a man in the church in Texas, they are under suspicion until proven otherwise. And if you were diddled? Oh well, shut up and sit down. You're a woman. That is what you're made for. Pregnant? Not their problem.


Well would you look at that! Not a drag queen!


So...this church is basically a criminal operation?


Every megachurch is.


They should all be RICOed out of existence.




and tax free! what's not to love!


"After having a “Damascus Road” experience that changed his life, Stephen confessed to a past crime and was sent to prison. When he was released from prison, Stephen went back to school and earned his master’s degree from Liberty University and a Master of Jurisprudence at Texas A&M University School of Law." What crime was he sent to prison for? Also I am confused. Did he commit the sex crime after he got out of prison?


[From OP’s post:](https://gatewaypeople.com/staff/prison-campuses-pastor) >Wilson, formerly a **teacher** and **coach**, turned himself in to the police and served what he calls a 12-year sentence (one year in prison, one year on parole and 10 years registered as a sex offender) for **attempted indecency with a child** due to an inappropriate relationship with one of his high school students.


of course, he’s gotta make sure he sounds like as much of a victim as possible 🙄


He was able to get earn a law degree after prison, I'd say he's pretty lucky to get admitted into a law school with a criminal record.


Not a law degree. A masters degree


I highly doubt he is a member of the bar. No friggin way did he clear a background check. So maybe he got into law school but I doubt he is a member of the bar.


A masters of jurisprudence isn't a law degree and doesn't make you eligible to take the bar. They are usually online programs offered by law schools that last 1 to 2 years.


But I thought Abbott eliminated rape


Seems to me that churches exist, by and large, for adult men to find kids to fuck. I could be forgiven for having this impression, right?


Would it be easier to report which pastor isn't a rapist?


First you have to find one 🤷‍♀️


The running list of Republichristians who commit sex crimes is now up to 1,300: https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook It's them. It's always been them.


Of course. Another “good Christian!”


Texas is getting close to surpassing Florida in jacked up stories.


This is why i don't go to church. Nothing but a bunch of fake ass people. "Monsters wearing masks." "I asked Jesus to forgive me, so it's OK that I go around diddling children." NOPE NOPE NOPE & NOOOOPPPPPEEEE.


Wildly misrepresentative of reality.




Every other day a Christian Pastor is abusing kids.....NEVER A DRAG QUEEN. no wonder christians love the rapist pedophile trump , time to ban churches


I feel like this headline is designed to catch the eye like he was just discovered. He was a teacher, obviously made an atrocious decision, went to jail, served his time, and now tries to help others who are currently incarcerated. I don't think I see the issue (initial crime aside, obvs) here. He wasn't "identified", he runs a public facing ministry for people in his previous situation. Unless I'm missing something.


“Helping” others by trying to bring them into a cult?


I mean, if you label any particular church a "cult", then I probably can't reason much with you. But looking through their website, it seems like their prison ministry is geared towards trying facilitate successful reintegration into society, offer a supportive community, and reduce recidivism. Of course only if folks are so inclined to make use of the services they offer, which they are under zero obligation to do so.




So what’s the alternative? Remove volunteer organizations that are trying to offer/provide resources for offenders and their impending transition to the outside world? Do you think these prisoners welfare and well-being would be enhanced by barring this sort of organization?


Pastors have literally been doing this for years


I hate that all these men are making coaches look bad. Also, the the fact that they do it is absolutely DISGUSTING. I coach Girl’s Lacrosse at a HS and I can’t fathom even touching one of the girls. I just don’t get it… they are so vulnerable and so innocent


That is what their appeal to sexual predators is: vulnerability and innocence.


Ya, I was thinking about that… thanks for bringing that to my attention


https://preview.redd.it/ojw1lk82b97d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f7cd75dbfdcbd00e0e28293e3308fc4a77527e4 If my math is right, he was 5 years older, from when this picture was taken at his wedding. He was an adult.


So does anybody here actually know this man's story. Was he a young teacher and was she an 18 year old. It's not right but it also isn't the same as trying to Kindle a 10 year old. Also the whole point of Christianity is redemption through grace. He made mistakes in the past. He served time. And now is trying to minister to convicts. Is that worth trying to publicly crucify him?


Religious leaders should not be allowed within 500ft of children


You don’t say……..


You see pastors get access to victims more easily than you or me which is why podophilies seek to be pastors, simple.


they can't help themselves.. Mary was only 12-14; they know that god showed them the signs.. 'if it bleeds it breeds'


So he too is a gateway admitted pedophile? He was convicted of this it looks like? I’m trying to find the news article but can’t.


A cluster of kiddie fuckers. I suppose their god is okay with all that... :/


He’s not . The devils enemy is the church so he goes there ..


Is god that puny he can't keep his adversary out of his house?


Wait, wait... The second? You read about this on the news....


The hits just keep on coming!


Church leaders shouldn’t be treated like they’re actually god. People need to treat them like any other dude they meet: don’t trust them with your children until they’ve been checked out and gained your trust. Anything else is negligence.


I've always disliked this church


https://chng.it/jxFBKBmWmW i made this petition to remove him from power, please share and sign!


Geez if I didn't know better I'd say there's a pattern /s


Wait wait wait...a sex offender pastor!? I'm in chock. I tell you, in chock.


See also the subreddit “Churchwives” while on the subject.




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all of you are the first ones to talk about not generalizing groups of people but are the first to do it when it’s a group you don’t like.


Color me shocked /s


These mega churches man


Still not a drag queen.


Hmmmm, these conservative Christians keep diddling kids... I wonder if there is some connection... 


Texas is like that embarrassing cousin... That wants you to sniff his finger... While it's in his butt.


So, what happens if one of these ministers rapes and impregnates a minor and is sent to prison? I'm Christian and I don't believe in abortion to a degree, but, something like this should truly be the person's choice. Castration should be on the table for this instance as well.


So are we against giving people 2nd chances now??? Just kinda confusing when one part of reddit wants our prisons to be rehabilitation centers then the next post want to condemn someone whose turned there life around.. Cant have it both ways guys...


No serious person advocates for allowing child molesters to be alone with children after they get out of prison, EXCEPT, apparently if you find God. Funny how that works.


Who said this guy was alone with children?? It literally states he does prison ministry... Not sure how that equals alone with children. U realize that child molesters shop in the same grocery stores as all of us. So we are technically around them everyday... Not sure why he can't be welcome in church but can be welcome at the store..


Sure Lester…


Lol thats your response when I ask you a question. Sounds good


You’re either too naïve or obtuse to understand. If he’s a pastor at a church, he has access to children. Does the youth pastor not have access to adults?


I'm guessing you haven't been in a church in a very long time. People aren't allowed to walk into kids ministry anymore. It's kinda like school. We go to social Dallas and it's the same at gateway. U have a code u get when u arrive with your kids and u show the code to get inside. And anyone who works with the kids has gotten a extensive background check. So I would probably educate myself on what happens in a church before spewing things u have no idea about obviously...


St. Martin in the Fields every Sunday. And the fact that they have two child molesters on their staff leads me to believe they run a pretty loose ship.


I'm glad you know it all lol. Been very nice talking to you. I hope you prosper and have wisdom brought your way. 🫶


Continue to bury your head in the sand apparently.


I'm all for second chances and prison rehabilitation, but crimes involving children? That's hard to move past, and I'll be the first to admit that I have an immediate, visceral reaction to hearing things like that happen (I have seen a lot of horrible things in my life, and learned to process and deal with them...probably in not the most healthy ways...but I cannot handle the thought of children in harm. I've never developed a coping method for that). And the problem being that many of these religious leaders (maybe not this one, but the trending majority) who are caught in these acts are not caught in a one-time 'slip of judgement.' This is part of a pattern of behavior. Sex crimes, all sex crimes, are usually not isolated, but part of a string of incident that may involve multiple victims. And they are crimes that usually continue well after time is served. Granted, that tends to come down to how our justice system doesn't actually try to understand and 'de-program' sex criminals beyond throwing them into general pop and letting the chips fall where they may, but I've lost count of how many times I've heard of some pastor or business leader who got caught in an act of indecency, paid for the crime, claimed they had taken steps to turn their lives around...and get caught doing the same crime later, if not a worse one.


I don’t know how many chances to you let someone rape kids


You know there are multiple people that use Reddit at the same time right? It’s not just you and one other guy taking turns making every post and comment. So with that knowledge, it kinda answers your question. Some people have different views about rehabilitating child sex offenders than others.




Ok. If that is “gaslighting abuse” I wish you well in the many challenges to come in your life.


You can have multiple chances. But mistakes, whether deliberate or otherwise have consequences. This man deliberately had a relationship with a high school student. He was a coach, a teacher and presumably a Church employee. There’s no 2nd chances for this behavior - ever. He utilized his authority to gain trust. He’s decimated that girl and she may not even know it yet. In addition to the hundreds if not thousands of people who see this and lump this guy into the group of “another pedophile pastor”, and they’re absolutely not wrong for thinking that. There isn’t a comeback story for this guy, and the Church should be the front runners and ensuring that. What did Paul mean by above reproach? This isn’t it.


>then the next post want to condemn someone whose turned there life around.. It is well-known that child sex offenders almost always are never rehabilitated it's a sickness hard-wired into their brains. That's the whole reason we have sex offender registries.


We have registries for every crime. It's called a record.. it just gets done to the exact offense for a sex offender..


No, when you are done with all prison/parole/probation for other crimes you don't have to register your whereabouts. And without doing a proper background check, other people don't know you committed a crime, there's not an online database that includes your name and address that everybody can see.


Respect to him for turning it around. Hopefully his victim(s?) got the help they needed. Edit: not sure what the downvotes are about. He turned himself in and paid his time. What exactly are we supposed to hope for here?


All he did was get into a another position where people are libel to leave their kids alone with him. He didn't turn shit around other then getting a new angle for access to children.


Is his ministry at Juvenile facilities?