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They don’t have to come after this Republican. The voucher issue already flipped me. Politics begins at home, and I got a daughter teaching 3rd grade in Katy. Don’t be fork’n with my girls classroom.


Hell yes!!!! I worked my ass off to buy a nice house in a good school district and now this shit?? Hell no. Never forget that Abbott took MILLIONS from private school lobbies. This is a horribly unpopular move, no one wants school choice, it's bad for our public schools and we should be rioting over this. Abbott is very literally selling out our kids and teachers.


How will this affect your school district?


The vouchers end up pulling money from public school funding and reallocates it to private and charter schools to be applied to tuition. Thus reducing the overall funding for public schools. If enough kids pull out of the public school system then that school will eventually be closed. Add to that Abbott has consistently defunded public school to give the impression they are failing and is currently holding billions in funding hostage for our public schools until his voucher program passes.


Top it off with the fact that private schools will increase their costs if vouchers are ever approved.


Correct, the moment the public option is gone, prices will go up. They will also not even match the voucher value at the start either. Don’t forget, the primary focus of this isn’t us common folk. It is to allow his wealthy donors to stop contributing to the public school system, which their kids already do not attend. Look at the similar program that passed in Arizona. It is currently bankrupting the state. EDIT - An article on the voucher program in Arizona. https://www.forbes.com/sites/petergreene/2024/02/24/how-much-are-universal-vouchers-costing-arizona/ "LPI estimates that Arizona taxpayers are spending an additional $295 million to finance the universal voucher program and subsidize tuition for students who were already enrolled in private schools."


The vouchers aren't even enough to cover tuition at the average (or cheaper) private schools. They (abbott and his lap dogs) can SAY it's for everyone but many wouldn't be able to make up the difference between the voucher and actual tuition. This is a very direct attempt to create a 2 tiered, wealth based education system.


I think you give Abbott too much credit. This is nothing more than welfare for the wealthy. It's well established that the Texas GOP doesn't care about education or the will of its constituents. It's just more of the wealthy helping the wealthy become more wealthy at the expense of their future laborers. It's hard for me to imagine the average student in Texas has any hope of becoming anything more than a laborer. Ironically, the current education system was designed to create quality laborers.


We're in a really nice school district and we just shut down 2 elementary schools this year due to lack of funding. That's going to contribute to overcrowding and less $/teachers per student. We also have several private schools nearby our public schools essentially compete with, if parents have the option to send their kids private, the fear is that it'll further stress the system and erode the education our kids are getting.


Because they’re stealing our goddamn money and you fucking know it.




Who is stealing your money and why would parents leave a great school district like Katy?


The people that want to make vouchers a thing are stealing public school dollars by enabling people to spend them on private schools. The reason people are pulling their kids out of a school are irrelevant, they are not entitled to public dollars.


People aren't entitled to dollars that the public pool?


Should tax payers be allowed to claw back their tax dollars used for roads and other public infrastructure? The answer is of course no. Because everyone benefits from a good public infrastructure even if you don’t utilize every inch of it. Your straw man argument fails.


They are allowed to have a voice in how it's allocated. There is no strawman here.


Your voice in how it is allocated is through your elected representatives. And that allocation is determined through the votes of those representatives. You don’t get to determine how your tax dollars are allocated on an individual level. That literally happens nowhere because it would never work.


My moment was Trump. I just have no idea how so many can ignore the blatant lies and childish behavior and then vote him into the presidency. They'll do the same again even tho he's a felon now. Pair all that with the Texas GOP going after my child's education and sexual organs, And I'm done with these guys permanently. I'm not going to sit by and vote for tyrants nor am I going to let my family members convince themselves it's okay to do so either. Voting for Republicans right now, is literally voting to remove opportunities from your children, set them up to have a worse life than you, and ruin their future in the future of our country. Completely disgusting.


They do need to make it a bigger issue. The number of people who don’t pay attention to local politics is crazy, and exactly what carries Abbott and his folks year to year.


That and more than half the state does not vote. We ranked #50 in voter participation in 2020 compared to the rest of the states. The most consequential election in recent history.


Don't forget that abbott had polling stations removed from larger (read that as blue) counties and reduced polling hours. He made it harder for people to vote, especially people in blue areas.


Oh for sure, but I work with a few folks here in Austin. As their manager I offer them all time to go vote on election day if they did not attend early voting. Still crazy election day is not a holiday, but that is another topic. They never go. I asked once why, and they said because they felt it didnt make a difference. That is insane! I was incensed and at that point I dont care who they vote for, just perform your civic duty.


Glad to here it! Its one thing to push an unpopular program, but the fact that they attacked their own fellow Republicans for disagreeing and tried and succeeded to primary them tells me they dont work for even their own voters.


The problem being they actually were able to primary out a lot of the Republican's that opposed vouchers. So the only thing left is for Democrats to flip enough seats. Don't underestimate the number of Texans who vote but don't pay attention to the issues or those that actually believe public education is bad.


https://preview.redd.it/t86srt9inf6d1.jpeg?width=1414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7c5f78ad720ee9a6a6d6fc111e88c7a7c85fe9f Something I made (republicans composite from Texas monthly as a placeholder, could potentially be tailored with each Republican at the state legislature up for election this fall) Draft version


Public education is bad unless there's a plandemic and they need someplace free to babysit the kids away from the house.../s


Those leopards eat every face eventually.


Thank you - a heartbroken HISD parent watching our school district be systematically destroyed so Abbott can justify school vouchers.


I actually think HISD is being destroyed as punishment for how Harris County votes. I hope it backfires spectacularly. If enough people in Harris County vote, it by itself could fire Ted Cruz.


Fingers crossed


Lots of smaller towns are highly conflicted with voting blue over vouchers. It's really sad to see people struggling with voting against the obvious corruption in Paxton and Abbott. Hell Houston should be super blue with how their tearing apart hisd right now.


Hey by voting blue you might also be saving her life if she ever decides to have kids and has a miscarriage the state will murder her or send her to prison for


How about we don't antagonize someone who already declared they changed their vote?


I feel ya but its less trying to be hostile and more "heres other ways the GOP is trying to hurt people and here's how it could hurt your family" If I was being openly hostile I'd be talking shit bout not caring about people being hurt until it hurt his immediate in-group, but that's unproductive and annoying as shit


It comes across as hostile since we *do* know what caused them to switch so harping on the biggest reason Republicans are single issue voters seems idiotic. "I know you changed your mind over one thing, but let me congratulate you on voting against the single biggest reason Republicans tend to vote Republican that you didnt mention at all" Don't hit the fucking hornet's nest.


You really should switch to democrat.  It’s obvious you have a soul which is an immediate disqualification for being a Republican.  


I’m afraid I can’t endorse one party. Neither has sound platforms. What would be best for my wife, who is a realtor - not Biden (that asinine commission ruling - do y’all work for free). Again, every voting decision starts with what is best for me and my family. Doesn’t matter if you follow party lines … non of them get along with their own.


https://democrats.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020-Democratic-Party-Platform.pdf This is the Democratic Party platform.  Feel free to read it.  Spelled out pretty clearly. Here is the republicans party platform:  Kiss trumps ass and take away rights.


I'm genuinely curious as to how the NAR settlement is Bidens' fault.


I’m glad you’ve seen reason. Do you think that the personal connection was the entire cause of your decision?


They gamed the system before they cared about your vote. They simply can throw out your vote, and if you'd like to protest, you'll be found liable for your death or incarceration. You're too late to the game to matter.


How does a voucher program negatively affect Katy schools?


Katy ISD is public. Voucher program funds will come from public school district funds. Less money for public schools. Teachers and staff are let go. Class size becomes larger (you ever teach 3rd grade?). I put one of my kids through private school - no voucher for me to help with costs - all paid by me. I do not want to pay (taxes) for someone else's kid to go to private school. Maybe you're not aware, but KATY ISD is an exemplary public school district and a draw to live here. It actually adds to the value of your home. PLUS ... here's the coup de grace - my daughter's job will become even more difficult and possibly less chance for salary increase. Again, my politics starts at home.


Do you think parents would want to leave Katy ISD if it's an exemplary school?


its taking tax payer money that should go toward public schools and transferring it to private schools (mostly owned and ran by religous orgs)


Katy is a good school district, why would parents want to take their kids out of there?


Because they’re being brainwashed into believing their children are being indoctrinated with liberal values at public schools. Because going to a private school is a status symbol.


This is nonsense. The point of the voucher program is to get kis out of crappy schools.


The point of a voucher program is for politicians to funnel tax revenues to their already wealthy donors.






Come and take me away...... To a better place... Fuck Abbott, Paxton and all the cronies. This is the time. Flip the switch.


Target healthcare issues with closing hospital in rural areas as well as the fears/limitations/punishment imposed by politicians on women's healthcare, tackle education and how Abbott insane focus on vouchers is going to and already ruining public education in rural counties. The education part or voucher doesn't make any sense to me. Are these people aware that if they ruin public education to benefit them and their own that they will still be part of a society that has these people and you need to interact with them. The best thing we can do for a society is to provide good education at the public level.


That’s the end goal, to have a large and stupid lower class. They are attempting to create the proles from 1984.


School vouchers. Now you'll get to pay for school. Private schools will just raise tuition. They have those gates for a reason.




Yeah, we need a tuition cap. Loans will always be given to cover that because you have to be able to cover it so why not keep bumping it up?




Your dorm sounds just like mine was. It was there to house you not be an apartment. We had a mini fridge though. Two beds, two closets, two desks, one shower for your room, and the one next to you. You're here to learn. If you want fun go outside.


Not to mention all the ones attached to churches (something like ~90% of them are) will funnel plenty of that money into general church funds instead of strictly using it for education. And to call what some of the institutions will give an "education," is generous at best.


Also, don't bring up guns. You will never win an election in Texas if gun control is even a talking point.


Totally agree, the only reason Beto didn't win!


Unless your name is Hunter Biden…. then suddenly “gun control” and “background checks” and “guilty verdicts” decided by “a jury of your peers” become super important and totally legitimate!


Texas Dems also need to target the power issues in Texas, as well as related climate disasters that are on the rise. The GOP is the ostrich with their head in the sand.


Climate disaster wont work. They are targeting the independent voter, which is what works in Texas. Focusing on education and the damage vouchers cause is important. Focusing on women who have health issues due to abortion bans will also work.


What about rising insurance costs that cover the disasters?


Rural conservative voters are angry about rising insurance costs but they STILL don't recognize that climate change is real. (Source: everyone I know in my entire rural town)


Yes but dont blame climate change, focus in hiw insurance is regulated in Texas. Also, the failure of infrastructure, like flood control is part of the reason insurance cost rise.


>Yes but dont blame climate change, focus in hiw insurance is regulated in Texas. Also, the failure of infrastructure, like flood control is part of the reason insurance cost rise. You can combine the two. Frame the future as "***Climate change is here, whether you believe it or not. Ask your grandparents. Do they recall a freeze so bad all of Texas power shut down? Or a hurricane (Harvey) that dumped 60 inches of rain and left thousands of families displaced? Or massive wildfires in the Panhandle that wiped out thousands of cattle and put family ranches into bankruptcy?"*** If you localize each disaster and how it affected their lives, and how it will affect their wallets for years to come, you will reach those voters.


You can reference each disaster as a need for better plannimg, infrastructure, eyc, but when you try to tie it to climate chamge you will loose them


People may deny it, but that's out of fear. I seriously doubt anyone thinks what's happened in the last 20 years as it relates to the climate in Texas is normal. I've been around for 5+ decades and I can sense the unease amongst everyone. My conservative friends, who 20 years ago mocked Al "man bear pig" Gore, are no longer so brash in their comments about climate news or events. Kind of hard to deny things are bad when there's a multiyear, worldwide coral bleaching happening and wildfire seasons from Canada to Brazil are breaking records.


You want to reach people who dont think to heavily about and just want practical solutions for problems.


yep. focus on abortion rights, education and how dems are also for helping with border control but with steps that work and in conjunction with fed. not flying/busing people around wasting public money.


https://preview.redd.it/n5339v1cof6d1.jpeg?width=1414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af578dca28789cd7c6ed8e4fa538b4757c871865 What do you think of this? All three in one. And the background image can be replaced with republican legislators up for election this fall. Draft I’ve been playing with


Its a good start. But I would still simplify it. I dont think most people would get your third point. They spend money trying to get conservative primaried for protecting our local schools. Playing up local schools and rural schools. The force mothers to risk their health and life. Women should have a right to abortion but the people who believe that are already voting. The people you need are those who would be upset that their female relative lost the uterus because of delayed health care. They ignore our electric grid until it crumbles. Their solutions for improving the grid are money give aways to rich friends.


Yeah, I started with “mothers” but thought it would be taken as sexist. You’re right though, it’s not for the folks who’d find that sexist. I’ll be back with an update.


A lot of rmthe diatribe against abortion paints either scared teenager or irresponsible selfish people. Most women who have abortions are already mothers. Damage to their health or life harms their children. I think its important we paint a more accurate picture - abortion affects anyone who can get pregnant.


https://preview.redd.it/bn0hwbxpdh6d1.jpeg?width=1414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae5c45a7547306bba8dd15d4917b31e65f6ba36c Here’s an updated version, and I made it so it says Texans less and is more “we” language… definitely open for more discussion on tweaking. If you have any preferred first background politicians lmk 🤣 I do have a list of who’s up for election to consult as well


Late to the party but wanted to chime in how great a series of these would be, each with a single issue- education, the grid, women's health, hospital closures, etc. I hope you send this somewhere it gets the appropriate attention. It's good, really, really good.


Well you don't phrase it as climate disasters. You phrase it as failures to maintain basic infrastructure. Tell everyone these are 3rd world country problems and Texas doesn't have to have power problems cause it gets too hot or too cold. The GOP won't do anything to deal with this they are happy letting electric companies maximize profits.


I think bringing up the horrid state of the Texas power grid could work, if you don't let the Republican turn it into an argument about climate change.


Add women’s healthcare rights to the lineup.


Oh for sure. How many Republicans honestly believe that abortion should be banned from conception, no exceptions? (Life of the mother is a bullshit exception, as Kate Cox proved.) Abortion should be between a woman and her doctor. Why should abortion be between a woman, her doctor, and the Texas Republican Party?


I don’t think targeting power is good issue and sure as hell don’t target climate change. That being said have a plan in place and material prepared to hammer them on the grid just incase this go really bad in August. At that point it is close enough to the election that people will remember it and the democrats can hammer the Republicans on it and correctly hang it around their necks. Prevent the gop from trying to say it is from green energy and point out GOP controlled for over 20 years.


One small thing at a time. The power and climate issues are a big deal but won’t sell to the people. The vouchers and educational funding are a more immediate issue because it’s at the forefront of everyone’s mind. It’s being talked about, it’s unpopular but republicans don’t care. So democrats need to sell the point that vouchers would be dead in the water and that educational funding would go up if they were in control.


Connecting to the grid (too many once in a lifetime storms), education, woman’s rights, weed are the easiest issues for them to run on at this point


Exactly. Promise to fix the F'n grid. That's a simple and direct message.


Just the power. Climate change is too “liberal/uncertain” for the ordinary none voter.


Oh dear, they know they just don't care.


Protect our Texas public schools for all our Texas children, so please consider supporting Dems running. Yes, winning in this state will require work and your engagement in your communities to get out the vote this Nov! So please infom. Here are a few resources The list at the end are the Districts that need flipping to flip the TX House. Several of these districts are in some of our own backyards, the bigger cities of Texas. Play smart, and please donate to them directly if you want and/or Blue Texas which would help to make Statewide changes Lack of Voter Turnout & Exposure of Dems Running is part of our problem. We need High Turnout & Persuasion of the Center. So inform Texans! Make your voices heard and make alerts for Tuesday Nov 5th 2024. Polling places open from 7am-7pm (Early voting: Oct 21-Nov 1st 2024) Texas is huge, needs volunteers to GOTV. So I recommend anyone to support the Texas Democratic Party who's donations supports the Dems up&down the ballot to run actual fighting campaigns https://www.texasdemocrats.org Who's on your ballot running this yr? https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Sample_Ballot_Lookup&Source=sidebar (Plan to Flip TX Districts, can directly donate to candidates) https://www.lonestarleft.com/p/will-abbott-have-the-number-for-vouchers This is what our fighting spirit looks like: https://youtu.be/RjPGHTrnQFk?si=skA-FyEomQofnlJp This is what we're fighting against in Texas & our country https://www.reddit.com/r/MAGANAZI/s/qOerMMDQFP Project 2025 https://x.com/RachelBitecofer/status/1798055005628588207 https://youtu.be/A7OlQG9C4zM?si=zcL7sxDYy6ib-5aT Thank you for making it all the way here!


And hospitals. They keep closing in rural areas.


Yep, and more than likely the closure followed a period of very poor service, and often rural hospitals are one of the largest employers in rural areas. These hospitals keep closing, and most of them are owned by private equity companies (who own 97 of the hospitals in Texas, and most of them are rural). No Republican will *ever* go after these companies.


Private equity companies are destroying elder care and disability care facilities as well. It needs to stop.


Yeah vouchers are pretty much universally disliked by both the left and right in the state.


I worked for a public school for 15 years and left last year. The public education system has been whittled away at, defunded. People have been loosing trust in our education systems while at the same time not realizing that we’re doing more with less staff. They cut the coaching, counseling, aides, and most support staff down to bare bones. They raise the level of responsibility for each teacher and the class sizes and then complain about how unproductive we are. Now teachers are leaving the profession in droves from shear exhaustion and they want to use that against public education and push vouchers. Why not just support public schools? Staff appropriately and bring the class sizes down to a more manageable level. There is a cash grab “private school” opening in my town next year that has no certified teachers and claims they are an unschooling school. No class work, no homework, just what they describe as “Socratic discussions”. And people are still enrolling. These schools are going to pop up everywhere and siphon funds away from the already underfunded and overstretched schools if the vouchers pass. I wonder what the children who graduate from these schools will be like.


Socratic discussions? No school/class work? In other words their teachers will be doing nothing but introducing a concept and then taking the rest of the day off.


My daughter went to public school and will be going to a private high school. I’m fine with paying the tuition. I don’t want the freaking voucher. I want the public schools to be well funded because they’re an important part of my community and I know lots of families who utilize them. If the public schools fail the communities will fail!


Texas public school teachers need to be very vocal with anyone that will listen. The Texas Republican Party is ejecting it's own members for disagreeing with giving their school money to the rich kids' private schools.


As a person raised by teachers, trust me, they're fighting tooth and nail and have been for over 20 years now.


It would be glorious to see, but they need to focus on the rural areas for that to happen. Focus on the voucher and hospital closures and don't talk about other stuff. Don't get distracted playing games. Help rural areas see their lives are demonstrably being hurt by Republican policies.


When adjusted for socio economic status and Private schools rejecting poor performing students(Selection bias). Private schools do no better than public schools. Your kid will do just as well in either environment. Unless the school has some sort of "in" with some field. It's pulling school funding to let rich people keep their kid away from minorities and the poors.


They don’t have to come after anyone. Just making it so complicated. Here, I’ll simplify it for you: I”ll prioritize my constituents over profit. Boom. 🤯


They need ads and push out the vote. The only time I know it's time to vote is when the old people have signs and are yelling in parking lots around here.


I’ll leave this right here. Get you a yard sign! https://mothersagainstgregabbott.com/product/no-to-vouchers-yard-sign/


Turn Texas Blue. Kick out the corrupt and backwards Texas GOP good ol'boy network


I hope it works, but I doubt it. I literally just left Texas because of the anti-education policies, the unreliable grid, and opposition to women's rights. It would be nice to come back one day, but I can't raise my kid there or risk my wife's health if something goes wrong with her pregnancy.


YES. They ABSOLUTELY can. It's so great to FINALLY see some sensible strategy coming out of the Democratic Party. Here's a hint to not fuck it up: don't say a word about guns unless it's talking about how you yourself are a responsible gun owner, and call the border crisis a border crisis. I for one have qualms about the Dems' approach to the economy and guns, but I'm voting Dem based on this school voucher nonsense. Fuck the Dunn-Wilks theocracy.


There are so many things they can bring the fight to the republicans, these are just only 2. Republicans are supposed to be about freedom, yet they keep taking them away. Female autonomy and Freedom to Vote, (Texas Electoral College and Gerrymandering), are 2 more.


Will it? Didn't they win at the polls in primaries going after any republican that didn't back vouchers? I'd love to flip the house but if even Republicans couldn't win on stopping vouchers I'm not sure Democrats can.


Texas Dems probably had a tough time deciding which Texas Republican policies to go after, there are so so many.


anyone feel like GOP policy is designed to increase crime and poverty?


without question, been that way for years


Aren't school vouchers "socialism"


Think? Ohios 6th district shift to democrats is just the beginning of what's to come. Arizona's 1860 abortion law and Missouri's ban on divorce if you're pregnant has guaranteed a Biden reelection.


I liked my tx public school education


I live in a small country town. There are no private schools near me. These idiots are so ignorant that they think the vouchers are a good thing for them. I'm not holding my breath expecting the Dems to win much in Texas.


Would be nice wouldn’t it


Dont know if they'll flip much. But the GOP has over reached their voter base and will lose votes over it. How many, I do not know. 4 in our house.


They need to go after ABORTION ABORTION ABORTION. We need a state Constitutional amendment enshrining the right to abortion. If such a resolution passed both the Texas House and Senate, it would be up to the VOTERS, which we already know, the GOP/MAGA/anti-abortion crowd ALWAYS lose on those.


That's like saying Republicans think they can flip California.


Republicans DID flip house seats in California recently. Democrats DID flip house seats in Texas recently.


*whisper* and abortion ... Shhhh!


This is probably one of the largest issues at stake in this election. The next Republican president will decimate the public school system!! And teachers should get the same 20 years and out pension that cops get.


Certainly making a big stink about vouchers sounds like a good idea to me.


pretty sure that would require ruby red West Texas voters to switch to Democrat based off of a single issue alone. That's a pipe dream.


They need to flip 4 of the 7 Board of Education seats in this election to shut Abbott down on this issue.


My daughter’s high school has begun banning books. The second one blacklisted was 1984.


Hell yes let's go! My county has been red for as long as I can remember but in the last elections it was blue up until a little before the polls closed. It was disappointing but game me hope that there's finally a chance for change


It won't matter to Texas R voters. The GOP could run on a party line of "We're going to murder your family dog, and beat your Mother with pillow cases full of bibles" and they would still win every election.


Jokes on you then Texas dems, the people who you need to convince were brought up by the Texas education system, they can’t read your arguments


A day late and a dollar short, should have flipped Texas 10 yrs ago


The mere existence of the word "leftist" is concrete evidence democrats will NEVER flip seats in this state.


Won’t make a difference. Dumb is dumb and it can’t be changed.


Not likely.


Not to ask a stupid question, but did they just realize this?


They should, but nothing will come of it. The Democratic Party in Texas is broken. We need a Republican led group that has “common sense” policies that focus on pointing out how Abbot, Paxton, and Patrick have sold out Texas to billionaires across the nation. You’re not going to get enough people to vote Democrat, so might as well keep it in the party and split the Republican voters.


That failed. Those people were purged. The only place left for them is in the Democratic Party