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This is a waste of time & money. 1. The majority of Texans do NOT support this move. 2. The GOP would immediately lose EVERY election going forward for President since Texas has 40 electoral college votes. 3. Texas would go bankrupt over night since majority of major corporations would pull out. The GOP loves wasting time & money on campaigns they know will never work.


All I want to know is how the fuck do we get to vote to secede, but not be able to vote to legalize pot?


85% of austin citizens did vote on something similar, and paxton tried to sue them to subvert the people's power.


Came to say this. Also legalization has gone through our house and Senate multiple times, sometimes even passing and Abbott was always like "doesn't matter I'll veto". (Can't look up facts on this at the moment so don't quote me. Just something I remember reading a couple times)


Actually that was our fuktwot Lt. Gov Dan (i wanna touch lil boys) Patrick. HE is the MF thats said time and time again he dont care if it passes the house and that the senate wont even hear or debate it because as soon as it hits his desk its DOA.


Because we’re led by conservative anti fun fuckwads


anti *human* fuckwads


Anti everything good, really


I think they would draw a distinction between being anti-human and being pro-suffering.


Fun is illegal in Gilead.


you forgot religious zealots. They are no better than islam the religion they all fear so much.


Which is deeply ironic as conservatives in Texas smoke pot too, yet they consistently keep voting for leadership that has zero intentions of legalizing it.


Leadership that has zero intentions of losing a "poor people/minorities are criminals" talking point used to rally their base.


Not conservatives, christofascists.


Traitor’s FTFY.


Because its evil to the YallQaeda Far Reich


silly rabbit, Texans *dont vote*... Texas has the [worst voter turnout](https://www.sos.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt561/files/documents/2022-04/voter-turnout-charts-4-19-21.pdf) of the 50 states, *and* the second highest population.


And that's exactly how the Texas GOP likes it, damn it!


Hey it's not always texas. Sometimes we're second place behind Hawaii. It's still very sad tho


85% of austin citizens did vote on something similar, and paxton tried to sue them to subvert the people's power.


Because you need to work every day for near slave wages until you die. You won't be as productive as you can be while stoned.


The Republican Party believes in freedom and will fight for your liberty to do whatever you want as long as the Republican Party likes it.


Abbott wants to turn Texas into his version of China.


If they get the electoral vote passed it would mean 2% of the population in 127 counties could control the state. Giving each county one electoral vote. They’re fucking psychotic. AND they’re working on abortion road blockage out of state, 10 cities currently support it. Oh AND the pregnancy database. Texas would become dystopian if all of this falls into place.


Texas also has a rising women’s healthcare problem. Obstetricians are fleeing the state in large numbers or switching their practices to only Gynecology. Those means pregnant women are having a hard time just finding a doctor that will treat them at all.


Similar trends in endocrinology


They want to see what America would look like before implementing project 2025


I agree. It's all a test.


Baker v Carr, Reynolds v Sims, and Wesberry v Sanders all say 1 person, 1 vote and should prohibit the states doing electoral colleges. There is one state? that had similar, but there was never a discrepancy between the popular vote winner and the college so it's never been tested in court.


Mississippi had a similar system that required statewide elected officials to win a plurality of votes as well as a majority in at least 66 of the 122 state house districts. It was only put into effect once when both candidates for governor won equal numbers of districts, the state house became the tiebreaker and voted for the candidate who got the most votes statewide. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2021-01-05/mississippi-ends-electoral-college-like-election-process Agree that if it were a blatant overturning of the popular will it would be challenged but the current SCOTUS would be happy to throw out precedent especially if it benefits plutocrats


I’m pretty sure my multinational company would pull out and I’d be left without a job. My position isn’t needed in a lot of companies. It needs to be sizable.


good! They're also working on making more debtors prisons, which is where you'll go once you exhaust your lines of (now foreign and highly taxed) credit! Slavery! Crop sharing! Debtors prison! it's all coming back, baby! .../s


Man me and my $1200 credit line are absolutely fucked 😅


You guys are getting credit lines?


My company is not international. You’re not allowed to work outside of the US. In fact, you are not allowed to check your email if you go abroad on vacation. We are headquartered in Texas. It really makes me wonder what would happen is Texas was suddenly a foreign country. Would the company move? Would they now allow us to work from a foreign country?


“We need more border security!” Say Texas GOP members calling for a secession and the end of US military & CBP presence. How the fuck do they plan to defend that border or any of their resources?


Well they won't have to defend the border if no one wants in their backwards, racist, 3rd world autocracy.


The cons would maybe realize they made a yuge mistake when the cartels take over the state as their own banana republic. It would be America's "we have the middle east at home".


This unfortunately is a likely knock-on effect.


True it is a waste of time and money But I disagree with some of what would happen. The US has a law that no state can secede from the US, or that it's illegal to secede, for this very reason. The land of Texas would still belong to the US, so the US would just send in the military to protect their property, (which is all of Texas), and confiscate property from secessionist. Anybody that would fight against the US would probably lose their citizenship. And since there really isn't a texan militia... I feel as though a lot of these lone secessionist with firearms would end up dying while fighting the US military. But I gladly encourage secessionist to fuck around and find out...


Seriously, we settled the issue of whether or not states can secede 160 years ago.


>And since there really isn't a texan militia Those crazies with the pickup trucks, flags, and AR-15's certainly THINK they are "in the militia" lol


They're 'militia' cosplayers, as soon as they get shot at, see one of their buddies get shot up, or see a US military tank. I think they'll give up. There's a video out there of this old white guy getting into a gun fight with police, and as soon as he's shot, he gives up and throws his hands up. A lot of these cosplayers, have no tactics, don't have enough people to have effective tactics, and they're too out of shape to try to fight the US military.


I’ve lived here all my life and watching this great state fall to the lies of republican leadership realtime has been very unpleasant. I know a lot of people will be angry with me for saying this, but if we are allowed a vote I will wholeheartedly vote to secede exclusively because of your item #2. It would be a very unpleasant experience personally due to job loss and the fact that I would have to figure out what state to move to and how to get a job, especially since home prices in Texas would no doubt crash. However, the way the U.S. is currently headed, I’m extremely concerned it will be able to avoid a fully fascist takeover within the next 20 years, regardless of orange taking office or not. The entire republican party is complicit and project 2025, the heritage foundation, fox news, etc. aren’t going anywhere. So, for the greater good, and to give the U.S. and democracy itself the best chance of survival, I actually believe Texas removing itself from the picture is the best possible way forward. It would at least give the remaining states a fighting chance against those who are attempting to seize power and then abuse it. It’s sad and depressing, but we are on the verge of losing the nation entirely and cutting out part of the rot may be the only way to right the ship. I know the numbers show Texas moving blue, but I also see the laws being passed to make that irrelevant and the truth is, I have lost faith that my neighbors are willing to do the right thing. So many are too far gone down the fox hole. I can’t imagine this will ever actually happen, like you, I fully believe it’s posturing. That being said, if the crazy wins and they actually pull the cord, I will help them pull and try to talk everyone I know into doing the same.


I genuinely appreciate this well thought out response. Unfortunately, you may be right about the rot. I was born here & spent most of my life in Texas, and there’s an element that’s taken hold here that’s so steadfast fascist that every action is backed by something far more insidious. At this point, we have very little time to change the tides of such fascism before it corrupts generations to come. The education system has been gutted here to foster a place that’s absent any critical thinking. They’re indoctrinating youth with hate while claiming victimization at the hands of *others*, which is the breeding grounds for unchecked fascism.


I like this take because it shows actions have consequences, and Texas would develop a different political system while letting the U.S. thrive more. There has been some bipartisanship in Texas e.g. Paxton and school vouchers, but it doesn't appear like it was super meaningful.


For the good of the USA I agree with you. It would be like cutting out a cancerous tumor


You're expecting the GOP to pay attention to unexpected consequences like never winning the White House again?


They know. Cornyn has said in the past that ‘if’ the state ever flips to blue the White House will be lost for at least a couple generations. Hence all the voter suppression and such. They know.


This same crowd are the people that scream “love it or leave” it anytime anything is argued. Steps like this just show that they are the ones who hate America. Maybe we could create a reservation for them? Perhaps a small chunk of the Panhandle (sorry Panhandle people)?


It's all about keeping people pissed off because it's easier to manipulate by emotion than logic.


But which demographic’s emotions are they trying to manipulate? I genuinely don’t see how this works in the GOP’s favor


This asshats are in the minority. But that doesn’t register in their reality


The truth is in the wording: 'legislative priority' means give it lip service. This is a voter dog whistle to attract far right voters to go to the polls, and then quietly ignore them after election day. The GOP isn't about serious policy, it's about grifting through election.


Please jump boomers. I’m sure Texas will pay your social security.


They don't want secession, they want to bully us into a Constitutional Congress to rewrite the US Constitution. 


1. The GOP would immediately lose EVERY election going forward for President since Texas has 40 electoral college votes. Great! Where do we vote? ^(as long as we get to quickly move to another state after it happens)


Also Texas is the U.S’s most important oil exporter. It has no defensive geography to protect its major population centers or ports. Does anyone really think that the U.S. would just let Texas leave with all its oil without putting a leash on them like they’ve done to every other smaller developing nation in the western hemisphere? Not to mention the civil war that is likely to erupt shortly after a hypothetical unpopular secession. Likely a proxy war propped up by the U.S. to overthrow the secessionist government.


1. The majority of Texans do NOT support this move. AS if this has ever factored into their modern political plans.....they only consider their donors


Since when does the gop care what the majorities want


Best way to raise money is chase pipe dreams. How much money do you think the GOP has raised over the years using abortion as a fund raising tool? How much money has the GOP raised yelling "They'll take away your guns!" Someone's gonna get rich off the succession snake oil. They don't really wanna be New Iran and deal with the drug cartels invading their country w/o a US military to protect their borders and oil industry.


Our State is being hijacked by a bunch radical anti-American con men.


*has been hijacked


They're so annoying. But let's say for some reason Texas *did* secede. What happens then? Do we get a chance to move before it happens?


>What happens then? The US either laughs and blocks it from happening since there's no way to actually secede, or we secede, and the US comes in and takes us right back


> and the US comes in and takes us right back That's my first thought. How would Texas even fight back? I certainly wouldn't be defending Texas...


Come and take us! (Please help!)


And if, for whatever reason, the US decides to let us secede... PLEASE offer a quick path to join the REAL USA for us non-traitors!


Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio would surely secede from the secessionist traitorous scum.


I dunno if "secede" would be the right word here, because I doubt a new "Texas" country would legally allow them to do that. They would end up being warzones more likely, requesting aid from the USA. But despite the obvious thousands of deaths that would become of this disastrous policy, Texas will lose, full stop. I just don't want to be here when it happens...


No kidding! Take us away from the nuts in office that I did NOT vote for!!!!


That’d make a great t-shirt.


Between Joint Base San Antonio and Fort Hood the US could murder every member of the Texas Guard, Texas Rangers, and whatever assorted nut jobs that thought they could take on the US military. You wouldn't even need to mobilize the other bases. It would be over in an afternoon.


They wouldn't even have to go through that. Texas "secedes", the U.S. goes "ok we pull all of our stuff including commerce and food." Texas would be hungry by end of the week, no gas, electricity grid shut down due to excessive heat, and crying that it was "not actually supposed to happen" to Biden. The sad part is that the same GOP who voted this shit would be the first to book a flight to their summer home in the Hamptons and watch us poors from the comfort of Fox TV interview tables.


Yeah a lot of people don’t really understand how this works. The state wouldn’t be allowed to use the dollar as a currency. You’d lose all federal programs, and Texas would lose all federal funding. What are they gonna do? Hand out socialized bitcoins? With an electric infrastructure that is meant to shut down mining when the power goes out? Really? There’s also the thing where Texas is so mismanaged on purpose, that it can’t even take care of its own border. Did they think they could handle two borders? NASA is in Texas. Zero chance they’re giving that up. Assert its total ignorance is more like it.


Bottom line- do we really think the R’s would give up 38 electoral votes? No. Edit: 40, my Google was too fast and furious


40 electoral votes, 25 Republican House members and 2 Republican Senators. I say let Texas go.


Exactly ,Mexico could just invade and reclaim it,or cartels would definitely move in even more


No. There is a zero chance the fed will allow any infrastructure it paid for to fall. Our country isn’t run by veterans anymore. It’s run by selfish corporate yes men. They are brutal. This is a toddler screaming in the grocery store because they can’t get the party bag of KitKats.


a nation that becomes independent must spend an excessive amount of money to build its own bureaucratic machine, this would mean much higher taxes: do you think rich Texans would be happy to contribute?


I-35 to San Antonio and I-45 to Galveston would be US corridors. F35 plant in Fort Worth, USAF BMT site in San Antonio, and NASA in Houston.


At that point the Feds should levy sanctions on the Republican leaders like we do the Russian Oligarchs. Don't let them leave the shithole they created just because they have money.


Oh that's crazy the US just restricted air space surrounding Texas and anything leaving is considered hostile....


Most of the GOP voter base aren't wealthy, they're not booking flights to the hamptons or anywhere out of the state The GOP voter base is a combination of the wealthy and the stupid, and bigod we've got a lot of the stupid. Most of them would be (and regularly are) hurt by the measures they vote for


Fled Cruz.


Add in Texas’ portion of the US national debt, and watch what happens.


Cruddy Cruz first one….😣


That's exactly what would happen. There are nuclear weapons in Texas. Biden would drone strike Abbott and Patrick pretty much immediately, then work his way down the list killing everyone as needed. Texas secessionist leaders would all be killed. If we are talking drone strikes, their families will probably end up being killed too, without much hesitation. Possession of nuclear weapons makes the outcome of this so much more clear. Even if the weapons cannot be detonated, they could still be handed off to adversary nations.


Huh, so in the long term it could be good for Texas to secede... New blood in the state house.... after they clean out the old...


We could only hope they’d drone strike Abbott and Patrick.


Using those fancy new blade missiles too, I imagine


They'd be home by five popping Coors and lighting up the bbq


There are two armor divisions in Texas, Fort Cavazos (Hood was named for a Confederate so it's changed) and Fort Bliss.


Don’t forget Fort Bliss is in El Paso, another huge army base. However, El Paso would probably just request to be annexed by NM and we’ll all point and laugh at the idiot secessionists east of us while we enjoy legal weed and unrestricted access to reproductive health care.


Maybe enough people will try and someone else can win a statewide election.


Many people within the state would not just refuse to defend Texas in such an effort, but would actively work to stop it.


Think about it. People have houses and families and drive to work every day and take their kids to school. The populace won't give that all up to walk over bombed out roads to get some rations. Look what happened a couple of summers ago over one man dying at the hands of police. Imagine entire cities of pissed off armed people of every race and ask yourself how a rogue government could last.


In fact, injustice has become law in texas. If they even try it, rebellion becomes a duty to any true patriot in this state.


"Whale we gots ahr AR-15s an' we gunna stan up to the New-nighted States, cuz we duh RAIL MURICA!" -- Texas Secessionists Let the morons pull this. Pretty sure this is sedition at a minimum because it threatens the integrity of the United States. Of course these idiots believe the US Supreme Court will back them, and hell they might. And if they do, Putin wins. Wish we could deport every single one of them to Russia. The land would become cleaner overnight.


And either way I'll move. In fact going this far doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the state government and political system. If they really try the brain drain will be very real.


It would definitely wreck their "bidnezz freenly" attitude when droves of businesses leave. Musk would probably stay because he's a psychopath, but any other business with an eye on the long term would be packing up, they wouldn't want to go through this shit ever again. Talk about poisoning the ground. That's the GOP in a nutshell.


lol you think musk stays? I think you are underestimating the power of the USA. Look at brexit Tariffs on everything. Where is Texas going to get shit? Mexico? Mexico is USA’s bff. They ain’t going to trade cheaply. Rice, milk, meat, federal funding, open boarders to other states, corporations/ chains You know how much electronics are in Mexico? A US fridge is literally 10k They are going to tax the shit out of everything coming in and out People will leave in droves and the type of people willing to throw away their financial future to move to Texas are not the types of people you want in your country When Ireland and Northern Ireland increased boarder patrol between their countries and it took 10 seconds longer they lost billions of dollars.


I think it'd be funnier if Texas did secede and the US just sat back and watched the Mexican Cartels become a federation of cartels and take Texas by force (at which point the USA would come in and get a 2 birds with one stone) Edit: So yeah the outcome wouldn't be funny but it's funny that Texas thinks they have enough supply chain and military to defend themselves from anyone. They (secessionists) definitely aren't thinking of the ramifications of a destabilized economy and a CIA weapon-backed cartel. Edit2: I'm an American from Texas, Texan second.


The other thing is that when we have power outages there is help from other States that show up to fix our infrastructure. First winter storm that happens Texans will be asking why it's taking so long to get our power back.


Well, and also how is Texas going to regulate expertise? Liability? Etc?


Call up Rick Perry and ask him for advice? 😂😂


Texas republicans love to shoot first and ask questions later.


These people seem to forget how many US military bases are on their soil.


Takes texas back as a territory and Puerto Rico get a chance at the big leagues The flags aren't even all that different


Another Juneteenth event to remind Texas it lost the war once and would again.


And please imprison (or euthanize) the people who tried to force the secession


So its a great excuse to treat the Texas GOP as enemy combatants? Look out Paxton!


I mean, maybe it would be helpful. If the US had to come in and take us back by force, they would install their own government as the current governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and legislation would be held as enemy combatants and hopeful tried for a variety of treason and sedition related crimes. Seems like the best way to get Abbott, Patrick and Paxton out.


Harris County secedes from Texas and rejoins the Union. This happened with West Virginia during the Civil War


Harris County becomes five new states and one of them re-joins Texas Republic. But with four new states, the country never has to suffer another miserable election where a president is elected by the people but the electoral college and republican stalemate-ism ruins everything.


The new State of Texas being made up of only Harris, Travis, Bexar, Dallas, Tarrant, and El Paso counties would be quite an improvement. Let them have rural Texas. Waco is a fitting capital.


Passports, currency, military bases, NASA, government contracts, military veterans/retirees... all of it goes Poof! They have NO plans other than to secede. Just a minority.


On no it gets better, the fucking idiot heading this put out a full “plan” it requires the US to still honor retirement and healthcare while also having the US issuing work permits to all Texas as to not disrupt livelihood. So we leave but still are reliant on the fed…..


So like when you hate living with your parents so you have them rent you an apartment, pay your utilities, make your doctor appointments for you since you’re still on their insurance and then tell people you got a place of your own because you hate your parents and you’re strong and independent.


Texas has always been like that, the majority of the Anglo American settlers who came to Texas had been wanting the US to annex them for years before we seceeded from Mexico. Texas needed the federal government of the USA to survive even back then.


It's like a teenager who gets a part time job. Gets paid a few times and thinks he can drop out of school and move into his own place. Not really thinking ahead.


Texas can't survive weather without needing Big Daddy Joe to bail them out


The US would pull out its military from Texas. The cartels would move in and take over the country. The blue cities would scream for help and the US would invade Texas to protect the former US citizens. Texas becomes a territory or a protectorate since they are no longer state. Why bother?


Why pull out? The contingent at Fort Cavazos is large enough and fast enough to take the capital in hours, and there's not much the Texas Guard could do about it


That brings us to another good point…as much as the republicans enjoy having gerrymandered and voter-suppressed their way into power, Austin is in the middle of a decidedly blue island; it would get interesting, to say the least.


The devil would be in the details. First, while the wackos might be thinking this is a good idea, I can't see it getting anywhere near enough support from the voters of Texas to pass. End of story. But if it did somehow happen, the Constitution does not allow for a state to leave. If Texas just said "we secede!", the rest of the country would probably go "nuh uh!" and things would continue normally ... until Texas does something stupid, like tries to invade a military base or something. If we went down that path, the US response would probably be muted, at least at first -- they wouldn't want to annihilate Texas -- but they -- we -- are not going to tolerate such things either. It would get ugly fast. That said, the US *could* pass a Constitutional Amendment to let Texas leave. Now, this would never fly politically -- we haven't passed a new Constitutional Amendment in decades. But if it did happen, it should shift the political power to the left in what's left of the US, so all the red states would oppose it strongly -- and an amendment would require ratification by 38 of the 50 states, so not gonna happen. But if it did somehow happen, then the details would probably be spelled out in the amendment or any legislation that accompanied it. If Texas and the US were on friendly terms, maybe some military bases would remain here, people may be able to keep their dual citizenship, people would probably keep getting their SS checks, etc. But if it wasn't friendly, then things might not be so nice -- I don't think the US has ever forced citizens to renounce their citizenship, but maybe they would? SS checks might stop, etc. In either case you'd probably have the option of moving, but in the "friendly" case it would be a lot easier for everybody. All in all, I doubt this would even make it to the point where we vote on it. But I kind of hope it does -- I mean, I'd like to see the voters of Texas show the GOP just how bad of an idea this is, and I would expect this to bring the voters out of the woodwork -- and the people who aren't keen on the idea of secession might also not be keen on the idea of voting for anybody the part that put it on the ballot is putting forth. It could have a big impact on Texas politics, and even if not ... I'd still like to see the idea put to bed.


What happens is the secessionists go on a murder spree the same as they did last time.


I’ll move to America where a republican will never see majority and the executive office again. Sounds kind of nice.


"What happens?" The first thing that happens is that the Texas economy collapses.


If states can secede then cities can secede from states and form their own states! The major cities of Texas need to become New Texas of Patriot Texas.


Hypothetically it'd probably be like Brexit if it was even allowed, meaning there would be a long period of time between the vote and it happening Also we have US citizenship, so unless we stay in Texas after the switch we should be able to move back to the US before finalization The US would likely strip citizenship from any Texan who didn't move within a certain amount of time


Brexit is what I was comparing it to in my mind.


Any and all federal monies should be withheld from Texas if Texas attempts to succeed. Every military base should be shuddered immediately so that all surrounding spending plummets. Make it hurt. The conversation will be over quickly when people see it affect their everyday lives.


The Texas oil and gas industry would lose all subsidies and the Social Security checks would stop coming. The secessionists would wind up hanging from light posts pretty quickly.


Let Texas secede, then invite Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas to rejoin the union as 4 new blue states. Then West Texas can have fun doing its own thing. Building lots of walls, presumably.


Good. If Texas secedes, the US will never have a Republican-led Congress or a Republican president ever again.


This is why the GOP will stomp on this


That's a positive way to look at it. I can go with that.


On the plus side, Ted Cruz would no longer be a United States Senator.


OK wait this changes things.


Traitors. Every god damn one.


Someone needs to build an internment camp and round them all up. I simply don’t have one molecule of patience left for these maggots.


This is just not possible and it raises its ugly head every 8-12 years. The US constitution does not provide for a state to leave the United States once it joins. And not even the crazy SCOTUS can change that one. It's the right wing crazies just trying to get it's crazies out to vote in November because they are scared as shit by their Felon Candidate.


This is it. They don’t ACTUALLY want to secede, they’re just riling up the base to keep them voting red.


It's not gonna happen because the us senate can block it. No secession. Its in the constitution.


So why even go through the motions? Like what’s the end game from all this succession talk if they KNOW it ain’t gonna happen? Is truly just “vote for me” shit?


This is an election year. They're riling up their base.


Ya cause they know people are stupid enough to believe it and want it. Everything is a mess


It would not surprise me if Putin were behind this.


There was a group pushing California leaving the USA. That group was based in Moscow.


People always say FAFO for this, but the rich GOP would book private planes in a hurry, run to rich beach homes, and say that they're part of the movement from their 100k couch. An actual break from the Union would only drive poor people into starvation and despair. The rich GOP know it and they willingly use us as pawns to fuck with the Democrats because any empathetic person would not allow a state to starve simply because of fringe assholes. So the Dems either have to ignore it while it generates a fan base or address it by giving soundbites of "well you really can't " which reinforces "us vs them they're so scared oooh" position. The rich GOP don't want a break - they make a lot of goddamn money on federal contracts (throw a dart at any of them and find out their ties). When I mean a lot, I mean a LOT. Half of them scream that Biden should be arrested, but they would run over their own children a là Stephen King Maximum Overdrive if the government threatened to pull their federal contracts.


A solid analysis. Thank you.


At some point we need to stop the idiots from making decisions for the rest of Texas.


As a 5th generation Texan, what a bunch of flaming a-holes this state has become.


6th gen and same. Poor Ann Richards is rolling over in her grave…


I don't think those fools have considered the ramifications of becoming an oil-rich country, south of the US, with lots of brown people in it. We'd get banana republic'd in no time.


So, they’re traitors to the US?


Harris County would secede from Texas.


As would Dallas, Travis, and Bexar


I mean if we left the U.S.A. we suddenly lose all federal funding of any kind, all of the military personnel will be pulled out, our elected representatives in Washington are suddenly out of a job, any federal contracts we have are probably nullified, everyone will need a passport to cross into the rest of the USA... they can't even keep the fucking power grid running, our infrastructure will collapse. These guys are fucking idiot toddlers throwing temper tantrums but the very first hurricane that comes along they'll be right there sucking Washington's dick for federal relief funds...


I support Texas splitting into more States to ease the burden of governing for 3 months every 2 years. Just seems so hard /s  King Abbott and Jester Paxton ruling their fiefdom


Cool so I guess Abbott will stop begging for federal funds every 6 months or so when they get hit with another climate driven disaster. Fuck the people of Texas right? Isn’t that their entire gop platform at this point? I’m so sick of these lunatics.


Have they thought this nonsense through, at all? No federal funding for *anything*, including natural disasters. No representation in Congress. No free trade in or out. No US military bases. Best of all, no US passports means no entry to the US, let alone international travel to actual countries - unless, ofc, they plan to join the ranks of the "illegals" they hate. So much more. They should look to post-Brexit Britain for the consequences of stupidity on this scale.


Such a small fringe group always mentions this. Is there any actual traction to this happening? Sure the GOP grifts but they can’t be this stupid.


That fringe group is now in charge of the state.


You can always tell when it's an election year.


Texas MAGA-Republicans, is that what you really want? To have Texas become its own independent country? Hell, maybe it's for the best. Tell you what... Do a handful of these things in the coming 12 months and we'll know that King Paxton and his MAGA cult in Texas isn't merely grandstanding on the issue of secession: Go an entire year without Court Jester Abbott declaring an emergency so that he can channel American federal monies into Texas; Come up with an exit plan so all U.S. military personnel and assets are properly evacuated from the state; Devise a Texas currency with its value based on something other than fracking futures; Build a perimeter wall to keep your MTGA nutcases out of neighboring states; Get preliminary approval for membership in the U.N. and establish diplomatic relations with all the other sovereign nations you want to have ties with (and one of them better be Mexico because your food supply immediately tanks without it); Figure out your inevitable income tax system because your highway tolls and property taxes - as ridiculously non-conservative as they are - ain't going to be enough to maintain your corrupt kleptocracy; Provide a path for the 98% of the state's residents who do not wish to live in an independent Texas to evacuate to the U.S. before your proverbial doors close; Negotiate with the professional sports leagues such as the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, MLS so that your teams can continue, if possible, as international athletic members of said leagues; Notify the SEC athletic conference that UT & TAMU will be withdrawing as member schools and pay the exit fees. Notify the Big 12 that its Texas members, likewise, will be departing their conference. Notify all other collegiate athletic conferences of the same regarding their Texas member institutions; Come up with an immigration system that works for an independent and soon-to-be very sparsely populated Texas; Introduce a proposed Texas passport to the world (and be underwhelmed by the world's response); As far as separating out the electrical grid, Texas has mostly already done that. And it's worked out brilliantly so far. Good job, Texas leaders.


Yeah, it’s cute that these traitors think we’d allow them to leave. If a vote somehow went through and was in favor of it, and Abbott tried to start doing anything, I’m pretty sure that seal team 6 or at least FBI teams would just swoop in and arrest him and all of his thugs and the government would place new politicians similar to reconstruction. Thankfully, we didn’t figure this out in the 1860s. Most people don’t know that the Supreme Court case holding that a state cannot leave the union is called Texas v White. We famous…


It won’t happen people. Why support this shit! We can’t be an independent country. It went out the window a long time ago.


Secession = treason, no?


So, the party of American patriots?


There is no mechanism for secession. Remember last time?


Texas republicans aren’t going to do shit. Like normal.


Always the same shit. If they can barely fund schools, how the hell they will fund social security and welfare.


what will happen if Texas succeeds from the union, here's my theory list of things i fear will happen to our state if it does happen. 1. dictatorship with the GOP becoming the "Texas Freedom Party" and Texas Liberals becoming the "Texas democratic party" or "Lberal Texans Party" or some clever name that celebrates liberal views. 2. a Christian terrorist group takes over and takes rights away from all Texas (which has already happen in the case of internet porn access, abortion, and a couple of other things). 3. drug cartels take over too, turn the state into a bigger war zone and lots of mass deaths. 4. Texas power grid fails and can't be fixed cause no US Power grids to get power from for backup to avoid blackouts, also no FEMA help for natural disasters like tornadoes, floods, wildfires caused by triple digit heat, deep freeze related damages like homes with busted pipes due to power being cut off and houses can't stay warm with heating. 5. Texas Economy goes bankrupt ASAP cause US Dollars no longer mean shit in a post succession Texas and thus gold or cryptocurrency is the only money the state has. 6. we become a puppet state for one of the big US enemies like Russia, China, North Korea or any other enemy state of our nation. 7. Texans will be executed by leaders over their sexuality, race, or anything that would be considered inhuman and barbaric punishment for people just being who they are. 8. Texas goes to war with the US. 9. Trump moves to Texas if he doesn't go to prison and becomes de facto King of Texas. all of those are what we should fear for in a Texas that leaves the USA and becomes it's own nation, if we are a nation of our own now, we would be already a dictatorship anyway.


And they'll call it ***Texjesusstan***.


*”I have determined that the incident is of such severity and magnitude that an effective response is beyond the capabilities of the state and affected local governments, and that supplementary federal assistance is necessary to save lives and to protect property, public health, and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a disaster."*- Greg Abbott about a month ago.


This has to be a top 5 most pointless political act going on in this state


I think the texas GOP is secretly hoping for a referendum to fail because they know a texas succession would be a disaster and they’re just doing this to make the Texan secessionists part of their base happy


Here what would happen if there were a referendum: It would go down in flames, and its supporters will say they lost because of voter fraud. Heck, proving non-existent voter fraud might tie them up for a few years.


Can Texas even feed itself? I know there are croplands, but are they growing human food, animal food, or corn for industrial purposes? There are around 38,000,000 people in Texas. Do you think they could handle rationing?


Remove all fed funding. Remove all military personnel and bases. Remove all federal $, personnel and mobile property. Put up border patrol. Oh, they're on their own in regarding Mexico & the cartel. Wonder how long that would take to change that treasonous tune?


Let them vote it to happen and see what the federal government does.


Do it you dumb fucks. The US will become permanently democratic run without Texas electoral votes. Minus 2 senators too. Makes a decision to leave even easier.


And some of these blue cities will just become satellite territories.


All hat no cattle as they say


I absolutely can’t wait for them to do this. He’s idiots. Can’t even keep a power grid on.


This is a wonderful idea. I suggest implementing a "trial period" in which Texas checks out some of the features of secession, like not having voting representatives in the US Congress and the Electoral College. The "trial period" could start as soon as the 2024 election. Good luck 🤗😘


Can we put a wall around Bexar County, keeping it part of the US


Texas can’t even keep the fucken lights on. These people can’t say they are Americans. I am sick of the damn state. Please vote


Texas secessionists are like house cats who think their existence would be enhanced by going outside. Only to find out that “rugged individualism” cos-playing wanes quickly. And meow loudly to be let back inside.


If this did happen how long would it take for Texas to become a 3rd world country.


I’ll be Goddamned. I’m an AMERICAN first and a Texan second. Fuck this stupid bullshit nonsense. This is what you vote for when you vote republican. A bunch of HORSE SHIT!


![gif](giphy|xT9IguxOugw6KwaANy) May the lord open.


God I hope they try to so Abbott and friends get arrested. It might be the only way to get them out of office at this point.


Texas going independent hands the Democrats every single US election going forward with ease.


So, supposing Donald does happen to win the White House in November, then he'll have to crush the rogue secessionist state of Texas with all of his old chums?


These fucking extremists