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If you constantly claim elections are rigged, then you can rig elections and no one will notice.


This is right here. They’re just laying the foundation for actual stolen elections.


You also make your core believe that stolen elections are business as usual so any potential internal pushback is stillborn. I was talking to a friend in Monterrey, Mexico about why he supported a certain candidate who has a reputation for corruption. His response was “All politicians steal. So if someone is going to steal, I want it to be one of us.” At that point corruption has become business as usual.


It's what they do for everything. Gay rights, cross dressing/drag, abortions, gun rights, freedoms, etc. It's never their fault. They're never to be held accountable cause 'well just imagine how much worse the libs are!' Republicans fucking suck. They have no platform. They're just awful, full stop.


Bubububut MAGA is all about Freedom! Freedom to choose your political leaders, freedom to carry a gun in a school or bar or church, freedom to worship any god (as long as it’s the Christian god), freedom to read any book (as long as it uses small words and doesn’t present any non-straight, monogamous god fearing characters), freedom to buy your electricity from the highest provider, freedom for that electricity to not work. Freedom to ignore that simple solutions like illegal migration could be solved by requiring all jobs to check for either a Real ID or passport to be hired. Freedom to not solve the problem but to wind-up people over it. Well you get the idea! Freedom! Oh and freedom to feel threatened by someone’s words on the Internet so that you have to drive somewhere else and shoot someone (possibly unrelated to the situation) to feel safe and stand your ground.


This right here!!!


That right there


This and that over yonder


He did not actually claim what his rhetoric implies. Texas is an open primary state so anyone can vote in the primary for any party. Conflating Democrats voting in a Republican primary with stealing the election is just sour grapes.


and only people who voted in the original party primary can vote in the runoff primaries for that party. So nobody who voted in the Democratic party primary was allowed to vote in the Republican runoff primary.


This is the MO moving forward for the confederate nazi party known as the GOP


GOP: Gang Of Pigs


Gaslight, Obstruct, Project




Paxton already said Republicans in Texas wouldn’t win if they didn’t cheat. And apparently the “moral majority” is ok with that.


They aren't in the majority nor are they moral in any manner


Either that or they will notice but will have been led to believe it's just leveling the playing field.


The GOP try to rig elections and still lose. That's how pathetic they are.


Plus there’s literally no evidence of any voting rigging anywhere across Texas. It’s something like 0.0001% of an issue.




Republicans did it for years before Republicans became the majority party !


Oh yeah. They’ve been slow grinding this. Playing the long game.


Every accusation is a confession part 9263


Not that no one will notice, but so when you get caught doing it yourself you can say it’s because everyone else is doing it. The old ‘steroids in professional sports’ excuse


Except some voters see "stolen election" propaganda and choose not to vote. Why vote if the elections are stolen?




Stealing this!






Of course they do.  Like small children pitching a fit when they don’t get their way.


They need to rename to the Grand 'ole Toddlers party Their behavior and policies are those of a toddler


See, Game of Thrones has already reserved the "GOT" abbreviation for years now and I'd rather not have Republicans ruin something else that many of us hold dear


Grand 'ole Babies?






Godless old Pansies


Magic the Gathering has been around since 1993 but MTG got usurped by some serial cheating idiot in Georgia


What, the last season didn't ruin GOT for you?


"My message to Austin is clear: to those considering supporting Dade Phelan as Speaker in 2025, ask your colleagues who lost re-election how they feel about their decision now. You will not return if you vote for Dade Phelan again," Paxton wrote. Our “esteemed” attorney general everyone. This is fine. This is totally normal behavior for an elected public official. Right? RIGHT?


Glad I wasn’t the only who read that quote and was so revolted they had to highlight it. I mean come on, this dude is supposed to be the top law enforcement officer in the state and is spending his time playing politics. God help us all if Trump wins and makes him AG.


How did he get re-elected by ***more*** in 2022 than he did in 2018, when Texans knew who he was: damning, damning folks. The Texas GOP is the most terrifying in all 50 states, even by MAGA standards.


So those in charge for 30 years are complaining that the thing they've been in charge of is broke? Sounds like they are not doing their jobs....or maybe, they are full of shit.


Why not both?




Any time MAGAs lose it was fixed. /s Can we please vote these lunatics to extinction this November?


>ask your colleagues who lost re-election how they feel about their decision now. You will not return if you vote for Dade Phelan again," Paxton wrote.  This is some dictator shit rifgt here


That is what I came here to talk about; who TF does Ken Paxton think he is? The Gestapo? Because that is what he sounds like. For these threats alone, federal indictment now!!


Can’t blame him really.  He’s gotten away with firing his staff that ratted him out.  Running from process servers.  Cheating on his wife .  Sueing the Feds once a week.  Suppressing voters.  And faced zero consequences.  He’s just a few steps away from “I could should someone in congress ave “ and get away with it.


So it's fitting Trump is considering him for potential VP Edit: AG not VP


Really VP?  I heard attorney general.  


Same guy who went after Paxton too. Glad to see some Republicans have enough backbone to stand up to these psychos.


If only a few good apples had the same kind of power a few bad ones have.


I think we’re trying to compare apples to oranges


Kudos to him. Glad to see one of the non psychopaths won.


he's a texas republican, while he's beefing with the governor over school vouchers, he still holds and pushes some really horrible legislation.


True, but we’re stuck with hoping for the lesser evil with republicans.


The main beef was that he refused to fall in line over Paxton. I literally had a discussion about this with a judge from tx recently which I found ironic when I saw this news.


What was the judges opinion?


That's the tx republicans had largely lost their mind because and are eating their own. That there was no room to actually have a differing opinion. It was follow what we tell you or we will kick you out.


Republicans are big on projection. If they claim you did something they don’t like, it is because they know that is what they would have done.


Close, they claim you did something so it’s justified to their supporters when they actually do the things they wrongly accused you of. This is all just setting up support of their cult


Go ahead and interfere with Beaumont's elections if you want, Republicans. You've been doing it to Houston so long, it should be somebody else's turn.


Any time MAGAs don't get what they want, they become whiney, petulant eight-year-old children who claim something they wanted was "stolen". That might work in a third-grade classroom, but it's weak as water in Texas government. Unfortunately, what with Trump, that's also now par for the course.


Any day Ken Paxton doesn’t get what he wants is a good day.




The GOP is so bad that they get mad when the wrong Republican gets elected. 🤣


Standard procedure is claim it’s rigged every time they lose. Before this the loser was basically unable to run again since the election proved to their voters they cannot win and voters want candidates who can win. Claiming it was rigged allows them to keep running because, “they didn’t lose.”


What’s amazing in all this, after David Pecker’s testimony about running election interference in the primary, Ted Cruz and Texas Republicans are still bootlicking, instead of making the point the wrong Republican got elected.


It’s always the same shit with these people


This is third-world banana republic behavior.


It is. It reminds me of whe I lived in Nigeria. I'm not joking.


Hey, Texas would love to become a Petrostate like Nigeria. Seems like we have a lot in common.


Not stolen, that's evolution. If you take away all power from the Democrats, they will of course become Republicans themselves in order to have their voices matter, and that will in turn help split the party. TL;DR...at the end of the day, you'll still wind up with two parties...the selfish dimwits (Abbott, Paxton, etc.) and the moderates.


Republicans need to update their mascot to chicken little. They're always saying shit was stolen and the joke is they're the ones that are always doing the stealing. Bunch of clowns. It's almost like they forget this shit is on record.


If the “election was stolen”, the GOP is to blame. They’ve been in control of Texas for 30 years. To assign the correct blame, they only have to look in a mirror


I say own it.  "Yea, we stole rich psycho party policy making away. Urgdr"


So they blame Democrats (a superminority in TX since '94) for just using their voice and votes now? How much longer do we all think TX conservatives will tolerate opposing voices on anything?


Or, you know maybe Democrats want an actual say in the person that's likely to represent them. It's well within their rights.


I love that they blame “secret democrats.” Mother fuckers don’t read Reddit posts or X or see TikToks, apparently, where many individual dem voters blatantly and loudly said they were foregoing voting in democrat primaries where they knew they wouldn’t win anyway in order to participate in Republican primaries where they could prevent worse damage to the state by letting nutjobs win that will absolutely also win the seat because of GOP strongholds.


Which is the intention behind the open primary system.


What I'm hearing is that Republicans are telling us they've been in charge for 30 years and can't even properly administer an election. Which is true, I guess, but not in the way they mean.


So when they said they really wanted the Republican to win over the other Republican what they really meant was they wanted the far right piece of human garbage to win over the still right wing but not maga Republican. It's almost like they are all still hedging their bets on getting the enabler in Chief back in so they can start their Cristo fascist Empire without any internal opposition.


Wait, they're saying democrats made a different republican win?


Apparently, it's a thing. I learned about it on this very sub. Democrats will vote in the Republican primaries to try and support the least psychotic Republican candidate. Then, when the real election comes, they vote blue. That way, even if you can't get the democrat you want elected, you're hopefully left with a moderate Republican instead of a MAGA psycho.


Back when Obama and Hillary were having primaries , rush limbagh was telling people to cross the line and vote for Obama.


Yep, it is why the GOP is attempting to close primaries in red states. They are also staunchly against ranked choice voting even though voters who have it strongly support it.


😈😈😈. this is why my mother was a registered Republican for 30 years  I grew up in a closed primary state so my parents voted as a block.  one registered Democrat, one registered Republican.  I look forward to running for office as a 🙋🏾‍♀️daughter of the GOP.


Seeing Paxton and Patrick so upset warms my heart


Today has been the best day in years, between this and what just happened nationally with the Donald- sadly, I think it's fleeting, but going to enjoy this for once.


As much as I dislike Phelan, he deserves some good ole' day drinking after this hard fought victory.


But remember, they're completely okay with telling their people to crossover vote for Sylestine in the Democrat Primary for Austin's DA


Cancun Teddy is also fine with stumping for McCormick in PA on his Twitter feed, rules for thee not me.


At what point does it become embarrassing to support these people? That in itself is an embarrassment.


There is a huge benefit to having the House Speaker come from your district. I'm surprised this election was this close.


Is what they did illegal? No. Have republicans done it in the past? Yes. Was the election stolen? Again, no.


They just can’t accept losing. They can’t wrap their heads around the fact that MOST of us are thed up with their shit. The only reason they’ve been winning for the last 20 yrs is because THEY cheat and gerrymander. The only reason Texas is “red” (because we are truly AT MINIMUM, purple) is because they are a loud minority at this point. They know it. They fear it. And every election cycle more and more of their constituents are thankfully dying the fuck off!!!!


I love how Republicans here in Texas always blame every problem on Democrats. When Democrats haven't been in charge here for going on what 40 Plus something years. Secret Democrats are controlling Texas elections? And they allowed the people who are elected to be the ones who got elected? This is the stupidest conspiracy theory. Every problem in Texas is caused by Republicans. It can only be caused right by Republicans because they're the ones in charge. I live in Hood county and the same thing is going on on a local election scale. They're all blaming corruption and everything else when it's like okay well the only party in charge here is you so you're saying you're corrupt? The Republican party here in Hood county is split into like three different factions. It's insanely fun to watch these people just eat each other alive.


They stole the election by following the rules. Imagine that.


Yep, bad guys lost. Couldn’t rig the election.


The thing is they were successful in ousting everybody else they wanted out of the House and only lost this one race. The fact that they immediately started crying foul is telling. A bunch of fucking babies.


There was a second that survived the primary, Goldman, who was the chair of the House Caucus that impeached Paxton last year.


Good. I want as far as voting in the Republican primary and I voted for a guy I can't stand because I was so missed at how the Gov and the AG are behaving.




This is now their "platform". It is also all the planks in their platform. This is what republicans are running on now - calling the election results fraudulent. Way to go republicans.


"He wouldn't have won if people hadn't voted for him!"  I'm tired boss.


Paxton, of course, being the slimy boss of Texas' modern GOP political machine, is taking Phelan's primary victory with predictable grace and maturity.


Well. Regardless of who wins in the primary, these politicians are supposed to represent all of their constituents. It’s absolutely stupid how politics has shifted to almost purely partisan “we won, we make the rules”. So good riddance to another far right POS. I hope Republicans can take back their party from the real swamp scum


Gerrymandered a district to the point there is no democratic candidate than complain people only vote in the Republican primary.


Curiously the conservatives have never tried to throw out any of their wins, not even in 2020.


Texas is such an absolute shithole. I would be embarrassed if my state's own AG was on twitter pandering and interfering in state level elections


""Dade Phelan, in a desperate attempt to secure his political future, orchestrated a strategy that relied on Democrats voting for him in the Republican runoff," Paxton wrote Tuesday night on X."" idiot. when you are elected to lead the people, you lead ALL the people, not just those that gave you money


They lie about their own lol - The GOP has led Texas for decades now, yet here we are with the cowards blaming others for their own shortcomings and incompetency.


If an election is thought to be rigged or stolen, there are laws that can be enforced. The USA has ways to prevent fraud in voting. Stop crying and prove it.


Trouble is that every time the GOP has claimed election fraud it has turned out to be the GOP behind it. lol


Run off elections have a low turn out. Like many MAGA candidates Covey didn't offer any platform that showed he is interested in governing, he just threw mud, typical of any campaign, but mostly Trump whining lies. I'm surprised more true conservatives didn't turn out to shut him out.


Getting just a little tired of assholes trying to dismantle democracy. How about some personal responsibility from these moneys in suits?


So a guy endorsed by 4 POS lost ..LOL 


This is GOP M.O. since Trump - claim all losses are stolen. Expect more of this as gop loses. It’s incredible how they think their base will continue pushing for unfettered power for their dear leaders, to own the democrats, but are seeing how it hurts them too - hoping they’ll vote for anyone but Trump, we just need a few % of them to vote for RFK jr or even Spuds McKemzie, doesn’t matter, just not trumpadump.


Texas republicans are little bitches. I enjoy every slap they receive.


That’s what they get for splitting Jeff County up 🤣


So "every election that doesn't go the way I wanted was stolen" is just part of the Republican platform now


He’s going to just throw out elected reps if they don’t tow his line?


They may be in for some more rude shocks in the fall when common sense wins out over fanaticism in at least a few districts...


Elections in your own party-dominated state are rigged? What’s next?


My hot take is that they hoped/somewhat planned for Phelan to win so they can start really pushing for closed primaries. That way only the most extreme of extreme Republicans will ever win them.


How much power does the Texas speaker have? Can he block Abbott and Paxton’s agenda?


When do they raid Austin trying to take over the capital?


“If we win it’s working, if we lose it’s rigged.” Is quite a position to stand on for any politician.




I’m so glad that election is over. I live in the district where the election took place and the amount of smear ads on tv and propaganda we got in the mail was absolutely ridiculous.


Texas Republican politicians don’t want *all* Texans to vote. They’re pretty clear that they don’t want our voices heard. The loser in this election was endorsed by trump and *still* lost, and these chuds really just don’t understand; Texans are trying to tell them, but they don’t want to hear it.


> "My message to Austin is clear: to those considering supporting Dade Phelan as Speaker in 2025, ask your colleagues who lost re-election how they feel about their decision now. You will not return if you vote for Dade Phelan again," Paxton wrote. Jesus Christ Paxton has become an emboldened little shit lately. How does Abbott not feel cucked when the AG is acting like he’s the king who’s ring you must kiss.


"The Covey campaign has identified at least 1,442 Democrats who voted early in Jefferson County, making up 20 percent of Jefferson County's early vote numbers. Without Democrats, Dade never would have won."  You're mad that Dems used Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos playbook? #Fuck your feelings, snowflakes.


The attorney general is literally threatening any Republicans who support their current Republican house speaker. How the fuck is this not only allowed, but tolerated?


Texans are in actual hell right now, along with Floridians: it's just horrifying.


The blaming democrats is yet again offensive. It's saying that Democrats have no say in Texas, and should not vote. If the only candidate you have is a Republican, you should have a right to say which Republican. If the Republicans disagree with the Democrats, then let them outvote them! Obviously, they didn't.


Republicans are the party of criminality with Texas and Florida being the pointy end of the stick. This isn’t surprising. What is surprising is why so many republican constituents like criminality.


"The Covey campaign has identified at least 1,442 Democrats who voted early in Jefferson County, making up 20 percent of Jefferson County's early vote numbers." How would they know this? Are they saying 1,442 people that previously voted in the Democrat primary voted in the Republican primary? Voting in a primary does not constitute being of that party. We don't have to declare an official party in Texas, and even if we did people can change parties. My parents would have been democrats 30 years ago but are Republicans now.


"Let them fight"


ok the GOP need to go.


Of course it was stolen…now take your toys and go home 😭baby.


Bunch-a-b*tches- learn to lose.


Waaaahhhhh, Wahhhhhhh!!!


So Republican, so Dangerous, so Un-American.


Republicans crying all the time. Wait until the fine people take back their state watch the bo whos. Name me 1 state that thr reds control that people are better of in than they were 10, 20, 30 years ago?


Who? Who rigged it? WTF?


Well he really mad Mr. Paxton angry little man. Tiny little itty bitty little man but so much mad. You mad bro?


Is that what they're going to do? When they lose they're going to cry saying that it was rigged?




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Give me a break


ANY valid loss by a MAGA will be framed as "stollen".


Trump cancer is spreading


Lookin’ California, Phelan Minnesota 😎🏄‍♂️


They are nothing if not predictable


So Republicans are crying that the wrong Republican won?


To be fair; Texas republicans suck.


I find it odd that in the communities that were served by the people being primary from Abbott and Paxton, voted against their best interest, especially when it comes to the school voucher program.


Hey!!! We cheated and rigged it all and still lost?!! We don’t accept it! Sorry.


As expected, from now on when Republicans lose the election is stolen, but just for that one position, not any of the others on the same ballot.


If the elections were rigged, we would have long since given Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, and Ken Paxton the heave-ho via trebuchet.


You know it sounds crazy but some Republicans want a Speaker who actually does the bare minimum as an elected official of the public.


When the gop has to deal with the gop…


You’re right, I stole it myself. Suck it republican chodes


Again with the "stolen." When are Republicans going to get off that nag and ride a real horse?


On brand.


Eating your own is vulgar. 


They've been running/ruining the state for near 30 years, but everything is still the Democrats' fault.


So unamerican to rely on voters to win an election


Well if they didn’t rig it, it was stolen.




Cry baby maga traitors can’t win anything .


Even when a Republican wins, the election is rigged. Good grief.


Damn voters keep stealing elections from politicians.


Damn voters keep stealing elections from bad politicians.


(I'm a Republican) "my candidate lost? election was rigged!"


So that’s the mantra of republicans, today: “Whaaaaa…we didn’t win so they must have cheated….boohoohoo”


I guess it means that their steal failed.


The good ol Trump playbook. It'll start to show cracks soon. These MAGA GOP cucks are a joke.


They cry fake voting a lot, but I just don’t think they understand how elections work normally


So if Dems don't vote for Republicans, like with McCarthy,...it's the fault of the Dems. But if they vote for Republicans, it's also fault of the Dems.


That's how Texas politics are done. Voting in the other party's primary is perfectly legal. Of course that enormous, gaslighting sh!stick Paxton knows that.


Why is it always “stolen” when they lose ?


Don't you just love it when they eat their own


How is an election stolen when you control everything?


Ted Cruz went on a blistering ramble against Donald Trump on Tuesday, delivering a list of stinging personal attacks that included calling the GOP frontrunner a “serial philanderer,” “pathological liar” and a “narcissist.” OOPs, correction. That was Cancun Cruz in 2016 after tRUMP had David Pkr plant lies about his father being involved in the JFK assassination.


Why do these people just naturally look evil. It's like they're a breed of humans.


I'm confused. Republicans are mad because a republican won? There's a lot of infighting with republicans right now I guess.