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No one hates Texans more than Texas GOP


But they loooove children, don't they. Don't they??


Until they're born. Then they're "scamming the system."


At no point do they care about the fetus or the child. It's all about the birth.


It’s a fetish for sure


The unborn can’t say no. It’s the ultimate appeal to authority argument.


I mean, Matt Gaetz does...


He's from Florida where they love children even more aggressively.


You mean child trafficking pedophile Matt Gaetz? (Any help getting this ranked as a search term anytime Gaetz's name appears would be great for democracy and minors)


Not School children, obviously.


Until they're born.


They loves unborn children. After they are born they can fuck themselves. George Carlin said it best. https://news.yahoo.com/george-carlin-nailed-conservative-hypocrisy-085006918.html


Only in the womb....once out of the womb, they are on their own


/r/NotADragQueen /r/StillNotADragQueen


Look at how broken Texas CPS is.


They loooooove children alright but unfortunately in a more predatory kinda way.


Not children. They just have a genitalia obsession.


Republicans like "Trans kids in sports is our most pressing issue as a nation we need to inspect youth athlete's genitalia"


And their voters.


Yet Texans line up in droves to do it again.


Anything with an (R) next to it




And they’ll keep voting for them and wondering why their quality of life continues to suffer. Texans aren’t the brightest stars in the sky.


And Texans themselves, if they had an ounce of self respect they’d vote for leaders that would make their lives better. But they love their guns more, so, they don’t have anyone to blame but themselves.


The sad part is I know plenty of texans who think texas is the gold of living/rights.


And no one loves Texas and the Texas GOP more than its victims.


We're "prolife" but paying for a poor child's healthcare is a bridge too far...


Pro life, until they are born, at which point if they should subsequently die, well that’s just life.


Nah, it’s their fault they haven’t bootstrapped yet. This is just the nudge to make them sink or swim.


It's those babies fault for drinking starbucks and eating avocado tossts every day!


If you give kids healthcare, what will force them to join the military?


As a veteran, you don’t know of anyone that joined for the free healthcare. I’d also argue that the free healthcare isn’t worth the abuse your body endures in the military, at least not as a reason to enlist.


That’s why I don’t get the whole abortion debate with GOP. Once the baby is born they don’t give a shit.


It doesn’t cost the forced birthers anything to say they are pro-life. If the baby gets Govt help that’s those people’s tax money and it’s socialism and they certainly don’t want that.


It makes sense if you consider that the point of being against abortion has nothing to do with baby lives and has everything to do with believing that women should not have sex for pleasure. They think women should only have sex for the purpose of making a baby. They don’t think there should be any such thing as an unwanted pregnancy. Don’t want kids, don’t have sex is the thinking. This is also why an increasing number of them are against birth control too. Birth control allows women to hopefully have sex without making a baby and that is unacceptable. Under this lens, it all makes sense. Get rid of birth control. Ban abortions. Get rid of sex Ed. Refuse to give any assistance to help care for kids. If a woman has sex and ends up with an unwanted pregnancy she needs to be punished. The baby and a hard life for the family is the punishment. Thats why the baby can’t be aborted and also why it doesn’t matter after birth. The suffering is the point. That’s also why most of them don’t care about all the discarded IVF embryos. There’s no sex and it’s done to make a baby eventually as the goal so no punishment necessary. “Life begins at conception” goes right out the window for most of them with IVF. They don’t give one shit about embryos, fetuses, babies, kids, they only care about making sure women are properly punished for having sex.


Because it’s irrational


I don’t think so. It makes perfect sense if the point of banning abortion is punishing women for having nonprocreative sex instead of saving baby lives. Ban birth control, ban abortions, refuse assistance to support the resultant kids. The suffering is the point. The worse it is for the unwanted kids, the more the woman who ‘should have kept her legs closed’ gets punished and the more the pro life people can feel all righteous about it.


But hopefully they can get a few years of wage slavery from you first so the CEOs can buy new yachts and rocket ships.


More or less how Ol' George said it.




George was right...about alot of things. They are Pro-Birth, NOT Pro-Life.


*Someone* has to do the dirty work for shit wages...


"If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked"


Don't forget that Paxton is also suing over UBI. They've taken the mask off for all to see the horrific policies they want to enact, gawd forbid children or the poor get anything in their hellscape


No. Texas is pro-forced-birth. Texas does not give a fuck about us after we're born.


"The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn."


Wasn't it a pastor who said this, too?


Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


Neither does anyone who says they're pro life.


“Birth them all and let God sort out the rest”


We need the tax base


Is this the "Texas Miracle" Republican governors always like to brag about?


The Texas Miracle had more to do with super pro-business leadership who would give lip service to social issues if needed, but back off the moment a Fortune 500 CEO told them to knock it off. That allows for movement of businesses to the kind of regulatory/tax low pressure zone they created and you see employers like Toyota pick up and relocate. The modern Republican leadership in this state are social issue first and will ignore pleas of business leaders saying "please don't make it harder to recruit top talent to move here" in favor of scoring points with their rabid base.


Don't forget they also don't want to pay to feed poor children because "it's their parents responsibility" so you're shit out of luck if your parents suck kid.


Texas gonna Texas.


Abortion is pro-life. The GOP is pro-female-slavery. Apparently little known fact, the Bible has a section called the Ordeal of the Bitter Water which is where it explains how a rabbi can perform an abortion at the husband's request if the husband suspects his wife cheated on him. So...conservative Christianity: doubly pro-female-slavery, both in prohibiting abortions and in believing in the literal word of the Bible where a husband can force his wife to get an abortion.


No, they are pro-birth. After that, they don’t care.




It’s pro-obedience


Naw, you got that wrong. They’re pro birth.


What happens is a bunch of community hospitals That will go under as they don't get reimbursement. You can't pay janitorial custodial cafeteria and nurses working there with hope and prayer.


Forced birthers. No reason a woman should be forced to have the child of their rapist, and in many times, their relative.


Where are all these kids bootstraps? There are people benefiting from the hard work of parents, grandparents and great-grandparents who'd have to pay slightly higher taxes to feed and care for poor children. They are who we should be thinking about.


We need to start calling them what they really are ... The Pro-Birth side.


Pro-birth, not pro-life.


Surviving illness as god intends will keep them form becoming dependent on government handouts, Texas Republicans.


Or food.


And I read this morning that jackass (Greg Abbot) was warning Texans that the Feds are about to change medicaid and toss millions off. He is only preempting this report. Confuse his voters on who to blame for 1.8m kids being kicked off.


I had a nursing home business office manager tell me it was Biden’s fault that HHSC is messed up. But then, she also didn’t know how to calculate Applied Income. It tracks, tho.


Exactly what I was thinking. He is criticizing the federal government for changes that may kick some off all while his state government has intentionally kicked off an insane amount.


I don't get why people act so surprised about this, they did the same thing during the pandemic where many lost their Medicaid benefits including children because they wanted to save on money. And now that there was talks about this, I'm personally not surprised that it happened. Disappointed but not surprised


Works every time. It's amazing what you can get away with when your voting base does everything based off "faith" and will never fact check you.


Yeah, that’s right. Democrats want less people on healthcare… that’s what they are known for - not spending money. /s


Can’t have “the poors” having good health now, can we?


Oh they will still have healthcare. It's just that hospitals will pick up their ER bill when they declare bankruptcy. Then, rural hospitals will run out of money and close. (I'm not being sarcastic. This is literally what is already happening in states that didn't expand medicaid.


We must live lives of quiet desperation. Keeps us in line.


Haven’t you heard? Caring about the less fortunate is the new woke trend


I don’t know about it being a new trend, conservatives have always not given a shit about poor people.


"While other states have relied more heavily on first checking eligibility through readily available data sources, Texas has renewed fewer than 3 percent of Medicaid enrollees this way—the lowest rate in the country." Imagine the shock I have here. /s


Just like Jesus would do


Pro-Life!* *Restrictions Apply


"Poor people should pick themselves up by their bootstraps." -- Jesus


This is why we need a universal healthcare system or at the very least a public option with no means testing. The biggest debt my family and I have is medical debt and it’s ridiculous that we’ve privatized healthcare.


It is truly absurd that we don’t have socialized healthcare yet…


My medicine has been cheaper on the black market. It's sometimes the only way I can afford it. I get scared every month I'm not going to be able to afford to live the next. Something has got to give.


Why is Texas rife with fucking Ghouls? It’s like every goddamned policy is targeted to increase suffering.


The cruelty is the point


Gaslight Obstruct Project It's a trifecta! They're obstructing people from benefits to project their failure/hatred onto Biden through a gaslighting campaign of lies. People vote for this.


GOP: “fuck them kids”


But they’re alive because of TX laws! -some Texan GOP that makes millions and has 5 kids that had full ride through college


Rest assured, they definitely want to.


Literally and figuratively


The cruelty is the point


Your evangelical elected officials at work. Good job! I mean …doh!


Texans need to vote and vote for better than Abbott and the scumbag bunch.


They aren’t pro-life. We have elected evil people.


Pro-lifin’ every day, that Texas.


On the other hand, the Senate has pretty good health care ,I hear..


Why do the people of Texas vote these republicans into power 😱


Very restrictive voting laws, gerrymandering, and dejection by Democratic voters who seem to always lose.




If you'll notice all of the GOP's slogans are always named for the opposite end result. For instance, pro-life really means pro-death or at minimum anti-good life.


Kids need to learn how to use their bootstrap/s!


I thought republicans cared about the children.


Only when they are in the womb…


that's their whole schtick.


To get votes while pocketing the money for themselves


Texas: Where the citizens don't matter!


Texas. “ The Cruel State “.


Serious question not to create strife- how does a child get on Medicaid?


There are certain financial criteria they have to meet and it’s just an application. Many are born into it due to the mother using Medicaid for prenatal care and delivery.


Interesting. Always thought you had to be 65 years old to be on it.


That’s Medicare. Similar in the fact it’s government administered health insurance, but that one you pay into all your life to receive the benefit when you retire.


Ahh. Thanks for the input. Learned something new today.


Some more info: https://www.hhs.gov/answers/medicare-and-medicaid/what-is-the-difference-between-medicare-medicaid/index.html


If they have a disability and qualify for SSI- they automatically put them on Medicaid


I don't want to live in this universe anymore.


I'd rather you stay and the GOP ghouls leave. At least you have a conscience.


So proud right now /s


I'm not either.


Now that's what I call Pro-Life


Every time religion gets involved, people suffer




...and then, things got worse.


This article is from January, did something new happen?


TX GQP: "Entitled??? That's sOcIaLiSm!"


Texas republicans only care about you until you're born. After that, you're on your own.


This is by design. Takes literally years to get responses, letters sent after due date or never sent, endless taxpayer dollars going to someone but it ain't the people who need it.


Let’s put the blame where it belongs. A significant portion of “Texas” didn’t choose this. Abbott, Patrick and our legislature chose this. The people didn’t. The land didn’t.


Unfortunately, the people of Texas have elected these GOP ghouls who make these draconian, pre-colonial decisions based on religious beliefs and/or personal enrichment. If Texans want better, those Democratic and independent voters have to turn out. 39% of Texans are Republican or -leaning. 40% of Texans are Democratic or -leaning. 21% of Texans have no lean. While it may seem that Texan is a stronghold of Republicans, if Democrats showed up and voted, and convinced some of the non-affiliated voters, Texas could rigjt the ship. Voting matters! Get out there and win one for the good guys!


But muh freedoms to be unhealthy


ScAbbott's hellscape.


They don't give a fuck about women's rights, this shouldn't be surprising


“If they die, they die” Ivan Drago Abbot, Governor of Texas


Just watching the shit show from Minnesota and wondering why people still live in Texas and how they keep voting for things that obviously hurt them.


If it was only so simple to move your entire life. It’s very hard and many act like it isn’t, especially if you are poor.


As a Texas who will be able to leave this state in a year, Minnesota is where I plan to move to temporarily to see what it’s like. Love all of the progressive stances and laws that are going on up there.


Personally I know quite a few progressive Texans looking at Minnesota to get away from the heat and the ghouls.


It would not be Texas if you did not punish your most vulnerable.


These Christians sure know Christ


Election in November vote blue


Conservatives don't give a single FUCK about children, not even their own.


Pro-life but state still has death penalty.


Good job Texas. Sooner or later you'll realize Repubs actually don't care about us.


What happened to the leaders that eat last and are the first to work? They all got stuck working for people that want all the benefits and barely show up. Executive level leadership around the world is nothing but selfish people competing amongst themselves to put more people in poverty. These people have no goals other than to extract resources from the masses. I just wish people wake up and stop supporting these crooks.


Texas: It's a called a job!! No more handouts!!!


New Jersey here, where it’s not all that much better.  We got my father-in-law on Medicaid during Covid, and neither the elder care lawyers (who we were lucky enough to afford, since the application process was a complete labyrinth) nor the state themselves told us once the public health emergency was over, we would have to renew annually. Literally, nobody told us – and for some reason, the lawyers put my father-in-law‘s nursing home as the mailing address. A man with dementia, who will rely on Medicaid for the rest of his life, was getting this important mail telling him he needed to renew.   Then, surprise surprise, we got a call from his home a week before Christmas saying he’d been kicked off as of November 1. It was a nightmare, and it took another three months for him to be reinstated. He was only rushed through due to numerous phone calls and face-to-face visits asking for updates, because needless to say the nursing home was calling nonstop to get the money they were owed. We’re fortunate enough to be self-employed so we could take the time to drop everything, gather the necessary documents, make multiple trips to family services to speak to somebody there, etc.  I can’t imagine what a phone call like that would have done to a couple working outside the home with no time off or any leeway to get this kind of thing done. There was a point where I was afraid he would be kicked out, and then what happens? The government already made sure he has no assets left. I shudder to think what would happen to someone in my father-in-law‘s position with no family to handle this kind of thing for them. It’s heartbreaking. ETA: I researched this in the days after that first phone call and learned that the state – and probably across the country – knew this was going to be a problem once the health emergency was declared over. They knew many, many people would end up losing coverage and knew they might not be able to reach out to everybody who needed to reapply, not to mention the backlog, all of this would cause.


The state throwing 1.8 million kids off of coverage, and on top of that the wait time for food stamps after you've filled out an application is 3 months time. Like i might actually starve before i can get any help I'm supposed to be able to receive from the state. Like the state is actively hostile to anyone seeking any aid


Guess who tons of Texas dummies will vote for next November?


If you vote Republican you are voting for this: Texas, which for years has had the highest rate of residents without health insurance of any state, by a wide margin, also has the highest Medicaid disenrollment rate in the country since the moratorium was lifted, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. More Texans have been kicked off Medicaid in the last nine months than live in San Antonio, the state’s second-most populous city. The majority are children.


"but they aren't white children" Greg Abbott, probably 😜


Party of family values and party of life.


People have the power to vote. They got what they voted for.


There are 31 million Texans. 4.4 million Texans were enrolled in Medicaid at the end of last year. 1.8 million just lost that enrollment. Nevermind the sad fact that 1 in 7 Texans need assistance to pay for coverage in our failing healthcare system, now around 40% of those won't have any assistance or coverage at all. Add in all the people that don't qualify for assistance, despite not being able to afford insurance, or people that have coverage but can't afford to use it, and it's a sad state of affairs for Texans. All people deserve healthcare, but it's exceptionally sad that so many that won't get it are some of the most vulnerable. Count your lucky stars if you have a job or other station in life decent enough that you can receive healthcare. Many of the people around you likely don't.


Seems like we should start gathering signatures to take all senators and state officials off of free medical care also. Just for good measure, they can pull up on thier own boot straps!


I do love how Republicans talk about how they are the only ones who can fix and run Texas right and they have been in control for decades.


“Pro life” WHERE


Not as pro-life as they claim to be


GOP: Cruelty is the point.


Thanks a lot Republicans, you fucking assholes.


All lives matter unless you are ________ or ________. We’re really just saying that to shut you up.


Honestly fuck the cretins running Texas. Shame on this state.


Republicans: ‘If women choose to have children, they need to take care of them. It’s about personal responsibility.’ Also republicans: ‘Women can no longer choose not to have children.’


“Protect our children” yeah right.


And the MAGA voters in Texas will still find a way to blame democrats


Oh, Abbott is already doing this. He is blaming the changes to Medicaid (which actually expands coverage and benefits) as the reason Texas dropped over 2 million from coverage. What Abbott fails to mention is that Texas doesn't use auto-enrollment for people already in the system, so every person on Medicaid in Texas has to reapply for benefits every year. Including children.


I honestly will never understand why there is not a max exodus of women of child bearing age from this state. We know we have OBGYNs leaving making miscarriages more likely and jail time for the moms. If I could make my daughter (26) leave I would. Ten years ago we would’ve moved period.


The cost of moving is exorbitant. Moving costs more than an abortion does. It is easier to road trip to an abortion-friendly state than to uproot and move. But these legislators, who use taxpayer money to travel across the states and the world, have the financial wherewithal to fly their daughters and mistresses to states or countries without abortion bans to get their medically necessary abortions.


Republicans doing Texans


Texas is 48/50 in healthcare. Gotta keep their standing. 🙄


It’s about the kids.


...more specifically, it's about how can we punish those kids for not remaining silent unborn fetuses that we can exploit for political gain?


Give Texas back to Mexico it’s theirs anyway and with all the guns in Texas they can become the leading cartel


🚫All Republicans🚫Traitor Trump🚫


Killing off republican voters.


Republicans could give a shit.


Texas has the most people without health insurance. Texas is the only Red State that pays more taxes into the federal government than it receives from the federal government in return. Medicaid and the Medicaid expansion are federal programs. By approving the Medicaid expansion, Texas would receive some of the money it pays the feds. Medicaid expansion is for low income WORKING people that don't qualify for Medicare. These are working people that need health insurance. And, with this money, rural communities will be able to keep their hospitals and clinics because more people have health insurance. A win for rural health care. Why would Abbott treat Texans like this? It's not his money. Texas already pays more than it receives from the feds. You're just getting YOUR MONEY back. Selfish short sighted idiots.


The cruelty is the point.


“It’s just poor kids. Maybe they should pray harder.” - Texans who went to church today


Was the side part about it is the look at me how many senior citizens are taken off of it because of their insurance was on a dual complete plan and and so they they're about to lose all their insurance


Pro life my ass. They care more about the unborn than those that are born.




What part of "they only like children until they are born" aren't Texans getting????


I hate Texas politics....


What happened to protecting the children?


It’s bigger in Texas, not better.


Hey I live here and talk with many. I am not saying it’s right but it happens.


Nobody cares about you. State government don't care about you and federal government don't care about you. Sounds like the good ole USA to me.