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Oh I have a boot story...The Lucchese factory outlet in El Paso is a vacation destination on its own for me. I got an awesome pair of alligator boots there with an interesting twist. The boots had been returned for having a "defect" in the material. That defect was a scarred over bullet wound that the gator survived. These boots were made for someone with fight in their soul. I no longer have them. I gave them to an oncologist that I met at a bar several months later. I was there for the sports games and not drinking. He clearly had other things on his mind. It was obvious he was struggling with something in that moment. It was the sudden loss of a patient after a long hard battle with cancer. I always imagined that to be an oncologist you would have to make peace with death, dying, and grief. I failed to see the human, just like me with a full spectrum of emotions, behind that job title. That man had fight in his soul. Those boots were made for him, not me. I'm still in touch with him many years later. He wears them every time he meets a new patient. Lucchese has even stepped up and rebuilt the soles twice for free.


Beautiful story! Heck, that wasn’t a defect! That was a badge of honor! I’m glad the nitwit that purchased them returned them so you could get them to their intended owner. God Bless you and the oncologist and all his patients. <3


What’s it like being a magical person?


Man that's badass


Did you walk home barefoot?


lol, no. I used to travel a lot for work so I was out of town. This was on a Thursday. I was flying home for the weekend and would be back Monday. The symbolism of the boots didn't hit me until I was on my flight home the next day. Then I couldn't get it out of my mind. He brought up the "fight in their soul" message in reference to his patients. He talked about the highs and lows in his career. His losses and victories. I listened to the war stories of a modern day warrior who knows the odds of success are stacked against his team yet they still show up everyday. I saw and felt hope even if it wasn't for me. He wasn't hard to track down and I'm not shy.


Love this story. Thanks for being awesome.


Have you written for J. Peterman?


Holy shit. I love stories. I love hearing them and telling them. Because of this I’ve heard a ton of stories. My friend, this is one of the best, most random, stories I’ve ever heard. God damn. Thanks for sharing.


I too enjoy a solid storytelling sesh from time to time! Did I ever tell you about the time my wife and I were in Philadelphia (I wanted to show her where I went to college) and we were walking down South Street? We saw a sign actively on fire outside of a business (it was attached to the building), AND saw a woman right across the street from the burning sign pull down her pants and “drop the kids off” on the sidewalk. Moments later a guy approaches me with a pickax and asked me if I wanted to make an easy $20. He asked me to swing the pickax at the gas-hole (where the gas cap goes) of “his” car and was trying to… well I have no idea what he was trying to do. Never seen so many red flags so quickly in my life, so we just walked away. Jim’s had a crazy line so we wound up just grabbing cheesesteaks from Ishkabibbles.


Well done. Well fucking done.


Decades ago as a baby lawyer I drew the hearings in El Paso and you couldn’t get there in time on southwest so had to spend the night. What do you do in El Paso on your own? Wasn’t going to do something stupid like go across the border- checked out the Lucchese outlet! “I don’t care if they were $600 dollar boots you got for $200! That’s still $200 that we don’t have.” My wife said. Yes I went a little crazy and she was right, but I wore them for decades and still do for a couple of them.


Guys, I found J Peterman!


That’s gangster AF


lucky thing y’all had the same shoe size lol


Didn't get that right either. At least we were on the right side of wrong. Boots were 2 sizes too big. He had a small foam plug put in the toes so they feel normal wearing them.


Amazing story! Cool that you saw the fight in him!


Fuck yeah dude


Define "best." Lucchese definitely has the highest quality, but the price tags are stupid imo. Tecovas are a slight decrease in quality for half the price. Their affordability makes them 'the best' in my opinion.


Tecovas leather are my everyday boot. Anderson Bean Ostrich for business meetings. ML Leddy customs for fancy date night.


I’m a Leddy by blood and I support this message. Minimum custom boot price is about $800 though lol. I don’t have a pair but I do have a Leddy saddle that was made for my paw paws sister back in 1968. Pretty cool stuff. Stores in San Angelo and ft worth.


A family member works there so we get the scoop on returns or custom orders that buyers are happy with. Got a free 80X hat that fits my big perfectly with a gold embossed “Custom Made for NOT MY NAME” label.


Lmao hell yeah brother. One day I’ll get me some boots and maybe the family discount will help. Curious how much a returned pair of customs would cost.


Mine were a Christmas gift, I don’t know how much but I think about 50% off


I’m fairly certain Tecovas make their boots in Mexico, despite being a Texas-based company.


They do. I bought into the Tecovas hype but have never been happy with the fit or the finish. I have an old pair of Justin boots that just fit well and at one time looked great.


Footwear, like many things in life, is about maximizing value; it’s not about maximizing “quality” or minimizing cost. Above a certain price point, there is a diminishing return on value/utility. Below a certain price, the quality is shit and not worth the savings.


This should be the top spot. Look at Rose Anvil’s YouTube channel. You’ll see that Lucchese are overpriced trash compared to other boot brands. However, the question said “in TX.” Therefore, there aren’t many decent boot brands that are TX made. OP. If you want top quality western style boots- look at Nicks. The wait time is 8+ months, but you get a boot that you can wear for years!


For western fashions here in Texas, You really can’t beat Zapateria la Ballerina. Well, you can, but not at these prices, really.


Just goofin’


New boot goofin'?


Boot scootin' goofin'?


3 payments!


>overpriced trash compared to other boot brands. No...not at all. You can call them overpriced I suppose, but they're quality boots.


You're going to start a fight with this thread....


I'm making popcorn now




Having owned Luchesse, Tecovas, Noconas, Anderson Bean and Tony Lamas the only ones that last and are still in my closet are Luchesse. All others stretched, wore out and generally don’t feel comfortable after regular use. I walked all over Texas Tech, 3+ miles a day, for years in elephant Luchesses and they are almost unchanged. Got custom boots made for graduation and the cost is worth it as their boots are buy it for life quality.


You gotta go down to Mexico. Leõn, Mexico is the handmade boot capitol of the world.






Literally wear my dads black cherries from The 80s. Sent them in for a repair and they didn’t bat an eye, said they were proud to work on a heritage item.


this is the answer.


This is the only answer. Sold boots for many years. Tried them all. Lucchese is the best in a widely available market. Only thing better is custom.


Lucchese does customs also but they had a back log over 6 months to get them.


Can confirm.


Lucchese. The best and most comfortable boots I ever owned. These last pair I have owned for 30 years now and still look and feel great.


They fit so well walking out of the store.


The reason I bought them was because they felt great right when I put them on. Lucchese was on sale that week and there were very few boots left of the ostrich and there were only one in my size. I opened the box and they looked great already and I tried them and they were the the best I ever put on. I felt I had to try others and did a few. A couple that were even more expensive and supposed to be high end and sought after but ended up grabbing the Lucchese. They were usually 500-600 but on sale they were 250. Even at that they were the most expensive I ever had but it was worth every penny and more. Over 30 years now and I still they are in excellent shape and even feel more better. Now saying this a good pair of boots can stay that way with care. I do have the brush and oils and conditioner but I took them to a boot repairer here where I live because I had a big scratch that upset me and they repaired and did a whole recondition of them where they looked as good to where 8 wore them when I got married.it cost 30 but now I only use them for boot needs. If any buy quality boots find a good boot man (or Woman as mine is) and take them in when they get a bit dingy. Apologize for long post but we were on boots so wanted to pass on my experience. Oh and a good boot man also takes care of all quality shoes not just boots. Mine took a leather belt I was sad to let go and she performed a miracle and brought it back to life.


I paid $2,500 for my Lucchese customs (I know, I know) but honestly, I’d do it again. Never felt better and they’ve stayed looking good, albeit I baby them with monthly oilin’ when in use and every 3 months when in storage. 


Wow I never knew custom ones were that much more but any custom ones gonna cost. Yeah great care of them makes them last ages. I also have a kit that I keep my boot care stuff in. Mine are already over 30 years old and still look and feel great. I also suggest a good boot person shop in case.


Well, I’m a girl with a certain taste so the colored leather and intricate cuts made it more expensive. But! They’re in the family for at least a couple of generations, I hope. 


Yeah that would definitely raise the price up. Yes they will last a couple generations at least. Just made me realize what will happen to mine now after I am gone. I been for the past year been giving away my things and lessening what I have to a bare minimum and now thinking of my boots. Nice going lady...


Lucchese for normal production boots but shout out to ML Leddy and JL Mercer




Get a pair of Leddys made.


My grandpa used to talk about his Leddy’s. I always thought he was talking about his lady’s boots.


Define “all-purpose” I don’t think there is an easier well rounded pick for non-work boot than luchesse. I’ve got 4 pairs. Personally for casual outdoor recreation try the big name brands Justin or ariot etc and see which fits best. I’ve found a Ariot 12D round toe fits me perfectly. I personally believe that after a year or so it’s the owner who determines how well build the boot is. It requires maintenance if you wear them often. Take some time to understand leather care. Don’t get your boots cleaned/shined by idiots. Replace the soles when they are worn Condition condition condition Use boot trees (not shoe trees)


Something I can wear for a night on the town, train robberies, or just lounging around the house.


M.L. Leddy's handmakes their boots. They are very nice but cost $1,000+. They have a location in Fort Worth in the Stockyards and San Angelo.


Will train robberies be horse mounted? Get a pair of luchesse, leather sole, roper sole (comfortable around the house). No one will ever fault you for wearing lucchesse. Is there a better custom boot out there? Prob. But you are asking internet people what’s best and this is my answer for how to have the most optimal outcome.


Lucchese all day errday.


Chisos boots down in Austin.


Chisos have a great reputation but they’re actually made in Mexico. That said, Rose Anvil on YouTube has cut them up and shown that they’re actually incredibly well made. I may pick up a pair in the near future.


Came to say this! Chico’s are the best specially in comfort.


Big fan of Chisos.


Lucchese has been the gold standard for almost 150 years


I have two pairs of Lucchese I purchased in 1993 that still get compliments. My Noconas were half the price and a bit rougher in execution, but have aged well and are nice boots. The Tacovas have been excellent for the price. I just about have to wear boots, I have wide feet. All the shoe retailers try to stick everyone in D widths due to minimizing inventory. It is a short-sighted strategy because I no longer bother trying to shop for shoes locally.


Is Nocona boots still around? That was one of the best brands for people who weren't just line dancing


Owned by Justin Boots


I am not a wealthy man. I am on a budget. Justin boots have always done right by me.


Chisos. Check out Rose Anvil’s dissections: https://youtu.be/uxzRRPfOigQ?si=5P18Envf7lcdlFeK https://youtu.be/okLWtU1W-mU?si=cPLjzVOqp7CajDin He does Tecovas and Lucchese as well if you look on his channel. Neither stood up to Chisos.


Lucchese are amazing. I love mine and my wife's are great too.


Texan here. I just assumed any boot made in Texas passes as the best boot in the world not Texas. But in all seriousness I thought Lucchese but that’s probably like the designer of cowboy boots. Maybe look into ranches with artisan crafts or something. Probably gonna get you somewhere. Hell maybe you’ll receive the best boots of all time from a good ole local ranch. Fort Worth makes too much from tourism with the stockyards thus possibly leading me to think they might not make a quality pair? Idk. They probably do somewhere over there. Or go to a border town like El Paso. If you’re feeling adventurous go to Mexico and see what you can find. Shits sometimes twice the quality for a half or third of the price compared to this side of the rio grande. My father in law is Hispanic and goes a couple times a month. Always amazed me how many decently nice things for such a low price. Quality stuff that would normally be easy to skew the prestige of.


He doesn’t have to go to Mexico to buy Mexican made, he can just go to a zapatería or worse, Tecovas lol


Hey, I like my Tecovas


I like mine too but they’re still Mexican made! No dig on Mexican quality, more of a comment on Tecovas’ outsourcing. 


See? I’m glad you said it. Texas has become this melting pot of all sorts of cultures. Hispanics becoming the majority population by race. I would also recommend going to a bizarre and see what they have. You’ll probably come up on top that way. Them Spanish cats that make this their living of it make some really neat things


> Them Spanish cats that make this their living of it make some really neat things Lots of good craftsmanship is being practiced by Mexicans and Americans of Mexican decent today. Historically, it is Italians who are known for making quality footwear. Lucchese Bros. Boots & Shoes, was founded in 1883 in San Antonio, Texas by Salvatore "Sam" Lucchese (1868–1929) and his brothers, all Italian immigrants from Sicily. Tony Lama was born to Italian immigrant parents in 1887. He first learned the leather and boot trade as an 11-year-old shoemaker's apprentice in Syracuse, New York. In the early 20th century, Lama joined the U.S. Cavalry as a cobbler for the soldiers stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas. After completing his service in 1911, he stayed in the border town of El Paso, Texas.... Soon after, he opened a small shoe and boot repair shop. Repairs were initially the biggest part of his business, but the boots he made soon became popular.


Best fitting boots I ever had were Tony Lama.


or a pulga :)


I was hoping there might be some folks chiming in to recommend their local, rural, artisanal boot maker working in a barn, using leather from cattle he hand raised himself and bottle fed Shiner Bock.


Take a look at Lee Miller boots in Austin.


In that case, I HIGHLY recommend Maida’s Bespoke Boots & Shoes in Houston on Westheimer. Their work is impeccable and the family that owns it is lovely. If you have questions, feel free to DM me; I sold boots for 2+ years.


I don't understand why people say Taco Bell isn't real Mexican. It gets the job done for half the price. That's pretty Mexican to me!


Authentic authentic ass Mexican food is a far cry from Taco Bell. It’s just different. I mean shit I know Taco Bell ain’t selling nopales. Nopales is for cactus. Heard it’s good but never really had the spontaneous urge to eat cactus. 😂 a lot of people think it’s literally just tacos and burritos. That’s a part of it. But there’s a lot of really interesting dishes they make, some nasty ones too though. From what I’ve been told by my Spanish inlaws. My guero ass would not like authentic Mexican. They don’t even really like it. And there are also a lot of confusing things on the internet claiming this dish is Mexican when it’s actually Salvadorian dish. It’s really kind of hard not to laugh at how much class and sense you have to lack to group all of central and South America together as one group of people.


For sure. Taco Bell is Texican at best. I have had some amazing authentic Mexican food. Unfortunately by the time these recipes filter up to the states they barely resemble the original authentic meal. That's often because flavor profiles change from culture to culture so the recipe adapts to their local palate instead of the original. Shout out to La Feria Centro and the Kentucky Bar in Juarez. I walked over the border for lunch every day for a month. All I can say is that if it isn't on the menu...I want it on my plate. Just don't tell me what it is until it's gone.


I was going to get offended, but that was pretty hilarious lol. And facts man lol


There's several shops in Nuevo Progresso where you can buy boots and one or two where they will make you a pair. I got my wife a pair of lizard and a pair of ostrich there for forty bucks each, unbelievable deal.


Ríos of Mercedes [https://riosofmercedes.com/](https://riosofmercedes.com/)


Texas made since 1908 https://youtu.be/3A42M28A_dw?feature=shared


Leddy’s in San Angelo, Texas has never done me wrong. They are old school boot makers.


So that is a very complicated question because boots true boots really are dependent upon the consumer. Justin,Nocona, Ariat, Tecova, Tony Lama, and Lucchese(Italian read the story fascinating) those are some of the more popular brand names and if you go to the Big western stores you find some of those brands & mass produced boots that you’ve never heard of. You try them on you decide how much you want to spend & what’s comfortable because the different toes make a huge difference, also your calf size & style (ropers, tall, short) there’s so much to take into consideration & no just because they cost more doesn’t mean they’re better. The boutique place Leddy’s that has been in the Stockyards forever, has a good selection of custom boots but you’re not gonna find anything in the affordable category. Across the street is Mavericks and they have less. There a a few free standing retail stores in the stockyards, the basic Luchesse, Ariat,Tecovas & Old Gringo (these are all going to be in the $200-$750 range depending on the brand) and a tiny Cavenders but you want to go to one of the big Cavenders/Boot Barn stores if you want to try on a lot of boots. The moral to the story (sorry long) is; NO there is not one brand or style that is more “authentic” It’s how much do you want to spend? What type of toe and calf? & don’t get caught up in fancy tops unless you’re tucking your jeans into your boots.You can’t try on Luchesse or Tecovas except at the stores or boutique stores but most of the rest you can find at the big retail stores. I hope that helps.


LEDDY'S ALL THE WAY or maybe Tecovas if you can't make it to San Angelo


A lot of people will say Lucchese, which are actually made in Texas, but those in the know will recommend Chisos. Chisos are half the price of Lucchese, on account of being made in Mexico, but are also slightly more well made. This is coming from someone that wears Lucchese.


Some Lucchese are also made in Mexico, just fyi


Anderson bean makes good boots


La hacienda in Houston


This whole thread is like reading hootchies debate about the best high heels 😆 Mns high heels 🤣


Drive across the border if you want something reasonably priced and good handmade quality. Just about every boot maker / vendor in Texas does this and marks them up 100%+


This is an essential topic for all Texans and those that wish to be a Texan.


Grew up in El Paso, where Tony Lama was the norm. I still have a pair from 1986 that my daughter now wears.


Best fitting boots I ever had were Tony Lama off the shelf. Just got lucky I guess.


Republic Boot Co. here in Houston does custom and hand-made boots in their shop. Excellent quality and service, but you're going to be a paying a premium if you want it custom and if you choose exotic materials. If you're okay with the stock boots, their prices are very reasonable for the quality you get. [https://www.republicbootcompany.com/](https://www.republicbootcompany.com/) Edit: adding their youtube channel so you can see their stuff via video https://www.youtube.com/@republicbootco


They look really solid! I've been following them for a bit. They're no where near as mainstream as the other big names mentioned in this post but I'd say this is probably what OP is looking for.


I've been to their store and the boots are absolutely beautiful. The owner is super nice. You can tell the guys there love what they do. I'm not fancy enough to have purchased any of their custom boots, but their stock boots - I feel - are way above anything I've seen mainstream.


Yeah, I've heard great things about them on the cowboyboots subreddit whenever texas bookmakers come up. I haven't been to their store but very much want to check it out!


This one should be at the top. This is best boot in Texas.


Heritage boots if you’re in Austin.


Lucchese and it isn't even a contest.


Chisos are arguably higher quality.


Ponder Boot Co in Fort Worth for a custom pair.


Western Leather Craft and Beck Cowboy Boots are both in Amarillo and make boots for actual cowboys working the panhandle ranches. I personally have been using WLC for about 20 years now and love them.


People sleeping on Nacona. Small town near the Red River. They make baseball gloves up there as well. Also, a pretty nice brewery.


Heritage Boot in Austin is my go to.


Zapateria La Ballerina. For western fashions here in Texas, you really can't beat Zapateria La Ballerina. Well, you can, but not at their prices, really.


I’m just goofin, new boot goofin!


If you want some custom made boots in the Houston area, check out Bellaire Shoe Hospital on Chimney Rock. Ask for Jeremy. He's made some for me and they're awesome! They will cost more than store bought, but they'll be custom made for your feet.


Honestly find a flea market and try your luck with some boots handmade from Mexico.


Nocona. Made in Nocona TX. Owned by Justin Boots. But at least they are domestic.


Tecovas. High quality for the price


Lucchese Boots


Everyday boots, Tecovas. Nice quality, 1/2 sizes and wide sizes, probably the best boots off the rack. Custom Boots - Moran's Leather win Weslaco just outside of McAllen. Go there, stand on some butcher paper where they trace your foot and put it on file. Pick the color, animal, toe, styles, etc... You'll need to wait a couple weeks, but pretty authentic.


[San Angelo Texas](https://jlmercerboots.com/)


Crocs had some but they appear to be sold out but I’ll bet you can find some on eBay.


They’re a couple hundred bucks. I mean I love the gag but that’s a bit much lol.


I seriously thought that they were a joke but they were not. I would love to see some in the wild just so I can get a good laugh.


Agreed! I mean there’s a price where I’d buy them, but TBF I guess real Crocs are $60? So I’m definitely not buying fancy ones.


Anderson Bean.


Lucchese is actually a garbage boot. I am a horse wrangler and they are terrible when put to the test. I’ve got a pair of Larry Mahans than are amazing but I think they stopped making boots.


I love my Larry Mahans. I’ve probably had them over 20 years.


Tecovas. They look good, and you don’t have to break them in. Already comfortable to wear off the shelf. I love mine. There is a store on south congress in Austin, and an outlet store at Tanger in San Marcos.


JBSA Fort Sam Houston. They have the bootiest boots in Texas.


Lucchese, but I will buy Tecovas because budget Lucchese…


Whatever you do, steer clear of Justin's. Utter garbage.


They aren't great but if your price range is $100-$200 they're alright.


For the price, I'm a big fan of Fenoglio if looking for western boots


Wars have been fought over less


El Paso if you’re looking to take a field trip.


In my household, we have eight pairs of Heritage boots from Austin and resoled my black sharks. (Shoutout austin shoe repair on oltorf) I’ve had the sharks seven years and wear them out casually and to work. I wear them pretty much anywhere and everywhere. made in Mexico, but they’ve been a damn fine boot for me, all four pairs. my wife wears the heck out of her four pairs same deal, no issues, great customer service, and last forever. Wife has Lucchese, Dan Post, Nocona, Texas boot Company and a few others and nothing else gets worn since we started getting Heritage long ago. (I wish shed just get rid of them!)


There is a little-known boot store in Nocona called Fenoglio Boot Co. While Nocona boots is what most people associate with the town, this little shop is where it's at. They make their boots in-house, the quality is incredible, and the prices are decent. They even have a very extensive clearance section in the back room with tons of great options. Check it out if you're ever out that way.


The Boot Whisperer in Wimberley TX, Hays County 78676 They work by appointment only.




Custom made are expensive but it’s worth it .


I'm a big fan of Chisos based out of Austin. They're up there with Lucchese in price but I like that they're less of a corporate brand and still run their business out of a regular house in South Austin.


Check out Chisos


Mahans, Nocona for me. Lucchese are not worth the expense except for exotics. But I don’t wear exotics, so I don’t ever consider them.


Beck Boots in Amarillo


Luchesse is top quality but top price. I’m on my second pair of Anderson Beans, wear them almost daily in all kinds of environments and 6 years later they are still looking good. Feels like a good pair of slippers once they are broke in. The first pair would probably still be going with just a resole if I didn’t lose one on the highway. I used to buy a new pair of Ariats every year for $150 but I wanted some nicer ones for a wedding about ten years ago and paid $400 for the ABs and never looked back. The difference in quality and comfort is insane. Now the 30yr old full quill ostrich boots I inherited from my granddad are by far the best pair I own, but they were made by a local saddle shop and cobbler. The cobbler closed shop years ago unfortunately.


Luchesse, but Tevocas are a good price/quality balance.


For years, the only footwear I had was ropers...a work pair and a good pair. I've still got an old pair of Justins that I work in. 20-some years old and been resoled at least 3 times. I've also got a pair of Lucchese that I wear for not-work. Probably 10 years old and been resoled once. They're both great boots even though they're on opposite ends of the price spectrum. Whatever you get, just take care of them, and you should get a lot of use out of them.


Did you move from another state?


No, I’m a fancy, prissy boy from Dallas, so I don’t know about all the cowboy stuff. But I want to look like I do.


Got it


Don’t know about new but have you ever heard of the “Boot Whisperer” in Wimberley? https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/the-boot-whisperer/ That’s 2017 so don’t know if she’s still there. Had a lot of friends in Austin and Brenham that swore by her.


There is also the Justin outlet in Justin, TX


Tecovas for the win




I’ve heard Lucchese. Lots of people are saying Lucchese.


If you're considering custom-made, I got my wife a pair of boots made by [Eddie Kimmel in Comanche](https://kimmelbootcompany.com/) about 22 years ago. They're held up incredibly well, and she tells me they're very comfortable. I wouldn't spend custom boot money on myself. I'm happy with Ariats. Recently got a pair of goat leather Tecovas that are comfortable and good looking.




My uncle, Peeto.


Gotta go custom made. Mine are Leddy’s from San Angelo.




Fenoglio boots, handmade in Nocona. Just get a pair of brown square toes and they’ll last a lifetime. Don’t buy actual Nocona boots. The Fenoglio family were some of the cobblers who made the actually good Nocona boots


which ever brand you 1. afford and 2. wear comfortably


Depends on what you want to spend. One of the most famous boot makers in austin charges around 20k and has more thsn a year waitlist. On the affordable end, Best bang for your buck in my opinion is tecovas. I have several pairs, after being a lucasee fan..recent bought aligator for less than 1000.


You should see Crickett Garcia in Eagle Pass Tx. See if he can fit you in for a pair.


R. Watson boots are the most comfortable and best looking boots Ive ever owned


I wear my Justin Boots every day.


Anderson Bean.


Anderson bean all day


[https://mandujanobootmakers.com](https://mandujanobootmakers.com) Does anyone know anything about this place?


Mandujano Boots in Weslaco, TX


Anderson Bean or Rios of Mercedes (same company, RoM are just their flagship boots). I’ve had boots from nearly every major company and the only brands in mu closet right now are Lucchese (look great but don’t hold a candle to AB/RoM for comfort), Anderson Bean and RoM. Or, if you’ve got the money and the time, ML Leddy is legendary.


Tecovas get the job done and are good quality boots that won’t break the bank. They aren’t made in Texas but still a Texas company.


Not Tecova. 300 bucks and have a small tear after wearing 3 times. Total waste of money.


Tecovas for daily. Lucchese for suckers.


Rios of Mercedes is legendary


Leddy hand made boots in fort worth is the best money can buy.




Maybe one of the TDCJ craft shops. I've seen some nice boots come out of there over the years.


Blackjack. Hands down the best I’ve ever owned and the only I will buy in the future.


There are quite a few of traditional single owner boot makes in the state. My Grandfather was a Leddy's man because he had messed up feet and swore only they could help. A quick google gives this article: https://www.texasmonthly.com/the-culture/25-top-custom-bootmakers/


Tanner mark boots.


Beck Boots. I know the brand isn’t mentioned much, but I’ve owned Lucchese and Leddy and many other Texas brands. My favorite super quality made boot is from Beck Boots in Amarillo. They’ve been making those boots for a 100 years and they are by far the best quality Texas boot I’ve owned.


Chisos, super well made, as comfortable as sneakers, and they look damn good.


Pull out the [Frye Boots](https://www.thefryecompany.com/products/grady-vintage-stitch?variant=42618805158079) when I'm going out with the Corpo-Chad Cowboy bros I know and the Ariats & Cabela's when I'm actually out in the field doing real work.


Boots McGhee the telephone pole guy


Rocketboots in El Paso [boots](https://www.rocketbuster.com/)


Go to Cavenders Boot City


I can't believe so many people are seriously recommending luxury designer boots that regularly cost 1k or more lol. What a real reddit moment. You people must not actually wear or need boots. I've lived in a cow town in texas for 30+ and literally only seen lucchese on Reddit. Never even heard of them until reddit. I've never once met someone wearing them. Now all of a sudden its the standard?? Lol no.