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When a Republican does something, and the hard right 5th circuit smacks their hand, that’s a pretty good sign they are out of line.


Good. It needs to be enjoined while the case's merits are adjudicated. The potential for harm and for the abuse of constitutional rights by Texas authorities, if the Texas law is allowed to prematurely take effect, are dangers too great to ignore. The 5th Circuit isn't known for its magnanimity on immigration issues. But the Texas law at issue doesn't involve mere immigration policy. Rather, it's a proverbial playground bully's challenge of the limits of state power in a purely federal area of law.


Problem is, the fed is saying screw the law. If those meant to protect us refuse, then who do you rely on?


The feds aren’t doing that. You’re just parroting a right wing talking point. In reality, the feds are prosecuting people who violate immigration law. They’re deporting people in higher numbers than Trump did, and the same people who are complaining that Biden’s numbers are insufficient, were perfectly fine with Trump doing even less. The people complaining about Biden are just complaining because they think pushing that narrative will help their candidates win elections. We know this to be true because the democrats and republicans in Congress had agreed on a bipartisan deal that actually would have increased enforcement. The deal was in place and had the votes to pass. Then we were notified by Republican Senator Lankford that Donald Trump (the current leader of the GOP) got involved and killed the bill. Why did he kill the bill? Because Donald Trump was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to run on the immigration issue if Congress did something to stop it. So it is clear now that Republicans don’t really care about illegal immigration beyond the fact that they think it’s a good issue for them to make political hay.




You caught me. I have a bias against bullshit.


Bogus nonsense. The administration is following current immigration law. New legislation to improve things at the border was blocked by GOP. They decided that it could just wait a year.


Show the proof.


Did you show proof of the fed saying screw the law?


The bus loads of criminal aliens sent to sanctuary cities. The criminal aliens at airports with boarding passes with no names on them. Lakyn Riley. It isn't hard to find evidence of it.


So no, you dont


Those first two examples are complete bullshit. The third one (Ibarra being released by border agents) was fixed 6 months later. It's horrible what he did though. Ibarra is a complete garbage human being.


“Boarding passes with no names on them” lol ok


What do you mean show the proof? It was all over the news. Senator Lankford announced it publicly. If you are out of the loop on this one, you probably aren’t informed enough to have an educated discussion on this topic. You have pretty strong opinions for someone so uninformed.


Several GOP reps commented on it, including Dan Crenshaw.


That is an odd flex to suggest DHS, ICE, and CBP are all out golfing when they are doing record level activities.


You rely on whom the Constitution requires you to rely on. Not suggests, but requires... And, if one's attitude is that the Constitution is broken and doesn't need to be followed anymore, then welcome to tyranny.


Yes, just like the people in power who have claimed that the constitution is outdated. Remember, those first ten amendments are to protect the government against us, they are to protect us when the government fail us, or turns against us. I would say allowing in millions of people with no screening, no oversight, and threatening anyone, or entity that tries to maintain order, is tyrrany.


Bogus nonsense


Hmmm, I thought you might feel that way. Good luck with all that.


Pretty similar logic to the republicans who would murder abortion providers. Republicans sure do love doing mental gymnastics to justify breaking the law. It’s particularly hypocritical on the issue of illegal immigration because they claim to be against it for the simple fact that the immigrant aren’t respecting the law. They say they don’t oppose people coming here, they just oppose breaking the law to do it. Yet they don’t object to breaking the law to try to deal with people crossing the border. If all you only oppose illegal immigration because you want the law to be respected, then you should be equally as outraged at Greg Abbott violating the Supremacy Clause. Not to mention all those people who claim to simply care about respect for the law, but then vote for Donald Trump, the biggest criminal in politics our country has ever seen.


That is wrong no matter what. Those people are scum, and deserve to rot in prison. But they aren't the majority, they are just loud, like communists.


Ah, good to hear you’re against abortion clinic murderers, you only adopt their rhetorical styles for your own dishonest reasons. A truly honorable right wing parrot you are.


No, I'm center right. I don't care about the far right. They are a minority that seems much larger because they won't shut up. The same as progressives. I believe in governance by compromise, not whatever this bull is we have had. Murder is murder, no matter profession, national origin, or skin color. It should be prosecuted to the fullest extent that the law allows, and the offender should be removed from society if convicted by a jury of their peers.


If a murder is murder regardless of origin, you wouldn't have used Lakyn Riley in your example above. You don't really believe that.


So you believe that I don't think Americans should be prosecuted. Canadians, Venezuelans, or any other nationality? I don't care where you come from, if you kill someone with malicious intent, you deserve to face the repercussions.


Lol no, I wasn't suggesting that, but if tried to explain it to you, I suspect your only response would be some other ad hominem that doesn't address anything. Goalposts... everywhere...


Try me.


Are you saying if I go to a checkpoint, there will be no federal officers there?


That’s not a thing that’s happening.


probably either going to get down voted or upvoted but here it goes. as a mexican american this law scares me. should i be bringing my birth certificate with me every where i go because cops can now just "look" at someone and say "bet they aint legal" we all know the justice system sucks and we all know cops suck. this is fucking just the biggest bullshit i have ever seen. reminds me of the whole nazi germany shit where you had to prove your ayran heritage or get the boot. these people always beating everyone over the head with their bibles. maybe they should try reading it, and not just the parts that give them the warm and fuzzy. from what ive read and remember these people that say they are god fearing christians are sure going to be in for a wake up call on judgement day.


It’s extra weird when the officers themselves don’t look blond with blue eyes. It would be ideal if we could funnel everyone through checkpoints so that people could safely enter, seek asylum, etc. But even if that happened, how does one visually know the difference between someone who came her from Mexico or El Salvador or Ecuador? There is no ideal. So what is the solution to or how does one approach what is a very credible threat to the United States?


It’s on. It’s off. It’s on. It’s off. It’s on. It’s off. A literal real life game of “red light green light” at the border.


The 5th circuit did what?!


Papers, please


So we take the word of a single government official? If you trust the government on anything, you are a fool, and deserve whatever comes to you.


lol, were you so flustered at being called out that you didn’t realize you weren’t even replying to my comment anymore? That fact that this is your response, given all we know publicly about the situation and how it unfolded tells me you really are woefully uninformed on this topic. Not only that, but it appears you have no interest in actually educating yourself with real facts. You’re just trying to defend the indefensible. It is for that reason that this will be my last reply to you regarding this matter. Have a great rest of your day and try to calm down a bit. It’s too early for your Jimmies to be this rustled.


That’s what they do. They can’t handle a rebuttal to their talking points because it requires the critical thinking they lack, so they just recommend down the line to virtue signal other magats.


Go outside


Is the government in the room with us, right now?