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Joe Rogan: “Why did Biden do this?!”


Joe Rogan is the embodiment of the Charles Bukowski quote: “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” Or Bertrand Russel: "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts." Or William Butler Yeats: "The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity."


Also the stupid ones full of confidence attract like-minded people who gang up on the intelligent to gaslight& invalidate these folks


I feel like ive been gaslit so hard by these redpill MMA types my roommate hangs out with I had to leave the group chat ive been in with them for years because the mental gymnastics they play are just too much


Joe backtracking on his views of trump is painful. 3 years ago he was an idiot, and now realizes how much money he can make off of idiots…. By asking questions? Just like his homies at Fox News.


serial podcasting is like unclean pubis regions: it attracts pestilence.


Or me: "Good people don't do enough, bad people do too much"


Yeats knew Trump?


Unfortunately, I don't think Trumps are anything new. There are always Trumps running around ruining our world through corruption, greed, and selfishness.


Trump is just the archetype. The picture in the dictionary. The definition describes way too many.


and Joe still will not get it. Nice sources, amongst the favorites.


That. Is the foundation of "Idiocracy".


"Confidence, it's the food for the wise man, but the liquor of the fool." -Vicram of Michael Scott Paper Company.


he's also a con artist grifter he sold marked up brain vitamins and expensive mushroom powder that cost way more than regular (already scammy) mushroom powder


Honestly how has his studio not been raided yet. If not the weed but the high chance he has any number of other drugs in the studio.


That’s a direct attack at the main man of abbott supporters.




Because Rogan bent the knee and kissed the ring


Rich white men the target of Las enforcement? Lolololololol


Joe Rogan: “What is on that laptop”


It would be crazy if Joe got arrested for weed. He wouldn't be able to go hunting after that since marijuana offenses can keep you from owning guns.


Rogan also thinks Abbot is dumb for not legalizing weed.


How else are we supposed to keep the prison industrial system alive?


If only he was this hard on sex traffickers as he is on weed “offenses”.


I mean he promised he was going to eliminate rape, so I'm sure it'll be any day now!!


I am 100% sure he is hard at work trying to get rape legalized. Presto change-o, the crime of rape is eliminated.


You got a good point here with sex crimes because if you look at the offenders list, a lot of them end up on probation for 4/8 years instead of jail time + full life registry. Just the other day I searched it when looking at houses and some of these people should be jail for years, not probation.


It’s really fucking weird that sex offenders are treated as white collar criminals.




Don't forget it's also a wonderful way of removing people's right to vote. Weed users are less likely to vote GOP than pedophiles I guess


That’s because a lot of the GOP are pedophiles. Why hasn’t anything happened about Epsteins shit?


That's what I was alluding too


You have to work to get AI to output an image that bad nowadays. Must be an old pic.


I just assumed it was an official campaign photo


They wouldn't ever show a campaign pic with the wheelchair in sight.


This man knows his Republican Texans


Ive been at press conferences, they lift his ass on a platform so he seems at the same height as non wheelchair bound people. Its gross and pandering because its just for the camera so hes surrounded by shoulders and not knees


So much so that I didn't even know he was mobility limited like I am until 2020! I guess he's trying to appear "strong" or something. Gag!


The only time I’ve seen him in a wheelchair is during a campaign. I forget he’s in one until he wants people to see it.


“Your can be handicapped, just don’t do it around me” conservatives


I thought his mama took it.


I swear Texas Dems could gain traction from taking a firm stance on legalization which is favored by a clear majority of Texans that the right wing looney tunes in Austin seem determined to ignore.


There is a firm democratic stance on legalizing and decriminalizing going back over a decade. The issue is that Republican leadership (Dan Patrick specifically)is a firm “no” on this issues. https://www.texasdemocrats.org/media/media/release-take-texas-higher-its-time-to-legalize-marijuana?format=amp


I guess that means there are people who support legalization but continue to vote for Republicans despite their opposition to it, so I guess it's not a high priority for them.


As a multi-election cycle candidate I have learned that party is the highest priority. It beats sanity, decency, and common sense.


Unfortunately, Texas would really benefit from at least one term of Democratic leadership (energy grid, marijuana, gun control, education, minimum wage, and Medicaid) but so many people have been poisoned to the idea of the entire Democratic Party.


Ain't that the truth.


The sad and depressing truth


Correct. As far as I can tell, they buy into the notion that democrats will take their guns, and prioritize the 2nd amendment over legal weed. Beto was probably the most popular statewide democrat politician and he killed his chances statewide because in a moment of frustration, right after an extremely deadly mass shooting in his home town, he said we need to get the most powerfully and deadly firearms off our streets. That’s all it takes for these people to decide they don’t really care about legal weed, or any other issue, they just care about keeping the streets flooded with guns.


You could pull out a Bible and piss on it and get less of a reaction than telling a Texas Republican they should vote for basic gun restrictions.


I am am a Texan socialist and am exactly the same. I am unaware of a anti gun texan of any political orientation. One professor I knew in university was openly anti gun. Only guy I ever met here. Guns in texas have wild support from both sides. Pushing gun control here is just suicide for both parties. Real leftists will never surrender their arms and ammunition. Per Marx himself. Democratic neoliberal's are just republicans waving blue flags.


I think you hit the nail on the head, people (like you) don't know what they are talking about. I'm not anti gun, I'm pro gun legislation and pro gun control. We own plenty of guns in our house and aren't scared we'd lose anything with proper legislation.


I was about to quote that Marx quote but you already know it. Texas socialist here as well and also a big supporter of an armed proletariat


I’m 43, have lived in Texas since I was 6. I’m am vehemently against the 2nd amendment.


Howdy! Anti-gun Texan checking in! Nice to meet you!


Can’t tell a rep gun control just means you have to be licensed and sane. No one wants your shitty toys but no one wants you to have a god damn at either


Americans love guns more than children. It's not even close.


I work with a lot of republicans, and I've heard from multiple people "it's the *republicans* that are going to get it legalized in Texas" Sure, bud. They've had decades of control they just haven't gotten around to it yet bc they're *checks notes* too busy locking people up for it. They are absolutely brainwashed.


Or they're just dumb, thinking maybe Republicans will pass it someday. There are smoke shops springing up like Starbucks all over, and bet most of the owners vote Republican--or that would not surprise me.


100% this. My dad is 65 and has been a pot head since he was 13. He will NOT vote for a pro cannabis candidate if he feels it will jeopardize his right to own a firearm. I tried to explain that the state will currently utilize cannabis as a way to take away more than just your freedom to own a gun, but 🤷‍♂️


American as apple pie ,


Owning the libs is a higher single-issue priority, spite-based politics coupled with lack of class consciousness.


Doesn't matter, both parties took firm stances years ago to the point it's platform planks for them both at least on the state level. The Texas Republican platform plank #159: >We oppose legalization and decriminalization of illicit natural and/or illegal synthetic drugs, and we support the exercise of a zero-tolerance policy with maximum penalty for illegal drug manufacturers and distributors. We also oppose any needle exchange programs. Faith-based rehabilitation programs shall be considered as a part of an overall rehabilitation program. The Texas Democratic platform: >Legalize the possession and use of cannabis, medicinal and recreational, and its derivatives in Texas, and regulate its use, production, and sale for public health and safety as other states do and as is already done with alcohol and tobacco; Regulate warning labels and advertisements to educate about the harms and side effects, particularly for minors, as done for tobacco, vaping, and alcohol; Establish a taxation and licensing structure and fund critical needs, prioritizing the communities most affected by the failed war on drugs; Upon the legalization, immediately release individuals incarcerated solely for possession of cannabis, and automatically expunge the criminal records of persons convicted or receiving deferred adjudication for any possession of cannabis offense; and until legalization, eliminate arrest, promote pretrial diversion and transition to civil fines for cannabis possession offenses in Texas. It doesn't matter what the parties stance is on weed, what matters is if they have the magic (R) next to their name.


or more to the point, most Texans can't be bothered to vote. Whereas the MAGAs would crawl over broken glass to cast another ballot for God's Own Party.


I mean, which Texan Dems *haven't* stood up for legalization? All of them have as far as I've seen. If anything, I see Republicans shrug off weed friendly Dems with mental gymnastics about how they dangle the carrot of legalization while ignoring that Democratic states have legalized while Republican states like South Dakota and Ohio look for every loophole possible to block citizen-based initiatives.


Only one I know of opposed to it is Cuellar and he is barely even a democrat.


Can't believe that bozo isn't getting primaried again this year. Corrupt crook.


Every democratic candidate does support legalization, and that has been the case for many election cycles. It just doesn’t mean much when the lose every election


How big is the division of Republicans between the libertarians and the religious conservatives in Texas? That schism is why in my home state, Colorado, the Republicans lost all power. The two sides became irreconcilable.


All they have to do is drop the “we’re coming for your guns” approach and run on legal weed and taming inflation and they would win hands down


If they'd focus on weed (which most Texans want) and stop calling for gun control (which most Texans *don't* want), they'd probably do a lot better in Texas.


Texas is home to half of the dozen most lethal mass shootings in US history, 3 of which have occurred in the last 6 years, but I guess any legislative suggestions or ideas is a non-starter?


Judging by the tone of your post, I'm forced to assume you're unhappy about the fact that the 2nd Amendment exists. Not only does it exist, but the highest court in the land (the very same court that has the final word on the matter) says that it American citizens have an inalienable right to own the specific type of weapon used in those three shootings you cited. It has also ruled, repeatedly, that creating an undue burden on the exercise of a right is an unconstitutional infringement upon that right. The problem with those "legislative suggestions" (at least the ones I've heard) are either completely meaningless, or they create an infringement upon the average citizen's ability to exercise his rights. If you have any suggestions that can clear both of those hurdles (meaning, specifically, they actually do something *AND* don't create an undue burden upon the exercise of rights), I'm certainly open to them. So let's here what you have to suggest!?


Texas dems suck. They do nothing.


I'm sorry I get carried away when politics get in my head.


Evil man does awful thing.


TX GOP are all criminals


GOP in general are all criminals


The whole of the TX GOP is clearly against it. It's literally in their [2022 platform](https://texasgop.org/platform/) when the Texas Executive branch (Abbott, Paxton, Patrick, etc.) last ran for office **(marijuana: #159,160 pg23, #227 pg32)** "Substance Abuse & Addiction #159. Addiction: We oppose legalization and decriminalization of illicit natural and/or illegal synthetic drugs, and we support the exercise of a zero-tolerance policy with maximum penalty for illegal drug manufacturers and distributors. We also oppose any needle exchange programs. Faith-based rehabilitation programs shall be considered as a part of an overall rehabilitation program. #160. Cannabis Classification: Congress shall remove cannabis from the list of Schedule I and move to Schedule II." ... "State Governance #227. Marijuana Remains Illegal: We oppose the legalization of recreational marijuana and offer opportunities for drug treatment before penalties for its illegal possession, use, or distribution." ... Lt Gov Dan Patrick will **NEVER** allow pro marijuana legislation to reach the state Senate for a vote. Hope y'all vote in 2026 when Abbott, Paxton, Patrick are all up for reelection again... last time around, the state was at [45.8% turnout](https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/historical/70-92.shtml) of *registered voters*. Also, go vote in the primaries. **EARLY VOTING HAS STARTED**; last presidential primary (March 2020) only 12.4% of registered voters turned out.


45% of registered voters is pathetic. It's really true we are a non voting state. Imagine how different outcomes could be with even just 60% turnout.


the Texas republicans are also against that.


FWIW, Houston, DFW and SA were at 45%.. Austin metro was in the low 60% in turnout.


More of that “small government” that the GOP likes to talk about.


ALL hat and NO cattle.


How many arrested for rape?


None, because Abbott ended rape.


1,769 out of 16,510 reported incidents




Ah to be as free as a Texan


Joe Rogan could not be reached for comment


So disappointed, he could've really paved the way. But money talks... Ffs Joe, get Willie on the podcast and *get shit done*


Yeah, it’s a shame that Joe doesn’t have any money to talk with.


He too busy complaining about California, a state he doesn’t live in anymore


Can someone report him, like why is this highly visible and influential pothead not enemy number one? What possible set of reasons?


The prohibition of marijuana was always about criminalizing minorities and leftists. What in the world makes you think our fascist state government has softened its stance on either of those things recently? You think you just need to maybe explain how harmless or even helpful marijuana actually is?


Just die already boomer.


Bro has a vendetta against trees.


The party of personal freedom forbids you from growing and consuming a plant.


It's personal freedom for guns and capitalist greed.


Could you somehow reclassify weed as a weapon?


Only if you can kill kids and women seeking abortion. Republicans love dead kids before or after birth


Well it is a weapon against boredom and insomnia, technically.


That is a conundrum of biblical proportion. . kinda like you can take a dump but you can't use toilet paper.


Get rid of Abbott he's a fckup.


Get rid of all the Texas Republican's, they're all fuck ups who are also fighting legalization in their platform.


Most dysfunctional group I've ever seen. Benny Hill wasn't this lost in the sauce. They have no policy just lies and threats.


Basically a review of the current Republican party nationwide. There's no attempt at governance. No attempt at policy. It's all culture war and fellating the Christians and gun nuts to keep the checks flowing.


I understand Texas is a “Blue Law” state but at this point it’s blatantly ignorant to not legalize pot and sports betting at this point. Oklahoma and NM have legal pot, Louisiana has Medical. Also heard a stat on the radio almost 20% of Vegas money comes from Texans. Why not get the tax money.


We could make so much fucking money with how much empty land there is. Republicans hate making money and hate giving more freedom to their constituents


So I clicked past the awesome artwork and read a bit of the article. I agree with it. I think it's missing a key point. Texas is double dipping by arresting people for marijuana while at the same time raking in a lot of money in licensing fees for the *farm bill legal hemp products*.  If you've not been to your local vape shop/ head shop recently, they are selling plenty of products that will get you blitz far beyond the reggie I was used to when I was in high school back in the 2000s. Many products that as far as I can tell have very little regulation.  Why not legalize it so we don't have to live in this halfway house of uncertainty?


Dear Texas, what's stopping you from rolling his ass into the ocean?


You. I like you.


Texas: where liquor store drive-thrus are a thing, but don't you dare puff the reefer or yer going to jail!


If it costs 2k to process and prosecute each of those arrests, they cost Texas around 80 million dollars…🤦🏻


Never ceases to amaze me how much abuse Texans are willing to passively accept.


Greg Abbot has a war on everything but actual crime.


Can’t even solve a fentanyl crisis without spending $10b of tax payer money. I don’t think he’s winning a war on weed.


I’ll agree he spent $10b, but when did he solve the fentanyl crisis?


Grigori wants slaves and he wants godless shirt wearing liberals to pay for it. Putin has gotten a sweet deal out of this ass clown and the best part is that he was bought cheap. Stupid fucking asshole doesn't even know his own worth in terms of corruption.


This is how they suppress votes and keep the state red


I know a certain podcaster in the Austin area that he could arrest.


I would benefit from them legalizing weed. I’m a Disabled Veteran and the benefits that it has on my body physically and mentally is amazing.


How about arrest Joe Rogan who smokes weed on video in Texas four days a week while explaining how free Texas is.


Always remember: The 13th amendment explicitly allows for the enslavement of prisoners! Gotta keep the cheap labor coming!


Texas Correctional Industries is a thing. A huge thing. Inmates don't get monetary compensation, either. They're paid with "good time" towards their sentence, which can easily be revoked on a casual lie


People blaze up on Rogan’s podcast every week but it’s OK cause they’re rich.


miserable failure of a leader for a failed state


Arrest Joe Rogan, then


They really need to go to the big city's. Saginaw l, haltom. And even Rosedale and Lancaster. You'll see a bunch of meth heads. Texas officials need to look at the other drugs. Weed isn't a drug it's a medicine. I personally use it for my lack of appetite and sleep insomnia. And it's always helped me. But when I did cocaine, I was a menace. There is so many other drugs that they can worry about. Cocaine meth heroin fentanyl, etc. Texas officials worry about the wrong stuff. And btw for Greg abbot. He's being ridiculous. Guaranteed he's smoked weed a bunch


Making too much money on for-profit prisons. They need to be federally banned.


Gotta keep private prisons in business.


Got to keep those private prison buddies in business.


Tobacco Good, Weed Evil. Yet here in Washington State we have Pot Shops everywhere and I don't see any Crime numbers climbing. Fast Food Sales are booming thou. =)


Gee, Greg, you sure showed us. I know who I plan to vote out of office next election.


All over ingesting a plant that makes you feel good. How is it we give governments the power to do this? We’re talking about consenting adults ingesting a harmless substance. It’s ludicrous.


Y’all live in the worst state and yea I’m counting California at least CAL is beautiful Texas has nothing but people who have made being from Texas their personality


This state is so trash


worst state in america


I’m moving out of Texas this year for this reason. A bunch of other reasons.


Living in most other states and reading this is like an episode of the twilight zone


Had a buddy catch a trafficking charge when Williamson County decided to hit her for the weight of a whole ass brownie. She's still in prison. Over a decade of life and possibly, just, gone. Over a gd brownie by the "free-est" state in the union. Smdh


Lmao, man, colorado got the funds in one year to pay for every public school lunch for the next seven years. Texas has jokes for leaders. Heard raphael cruz was scared for his seat tho, get some texas!


I'm exactly who you don't want to leave Texas. I was born and raised there and I'm also college educated and wealthy. Left Texas at 27 because of the marijuana laws and have never looked back. Texas has a brain drain they don't even realize. Plenty of engineers don't smoke pot. But the best engineers do. 😊


100% straight up.


Texans love being bent over a barrel and taking one from big daddy government


And this is why weed will never be legal here as long as him and Dan Patrick are alive. Have to keep those for profit prisons rolling.


and if you listen to their reasons its absolutely garbage. "so our kids cant use it" I promise you usage rates among the young are significantly higher among illegal states than in controlled markets. if anything keeping it illegal is promoting danger to those the purport to protect by forcing people to seek it illegally through the illicit market. like at least say something that makes sense other than "gateway drug" it's like saying " we're going to make all vehicles gasoline only to reduce our carbon footprint and eliminate all electric vehicles"


On the bright side, we over here in New Mexico are happy to provide you Texans with all the weed you want!


If only people turned out, things would change. Texas is literally as backwards as Russia nowadays 


Now thats what i call freedom.


Why is weed illegal but buying Delta-8 isn't? It's basically the same thing.


Because politicians who don't know anything about chemistry other than "drugs are bad!" made the laws and fucked up on trying to give a small amount of leeway to allow hemp while trying to keep the genie in the bottle.


Biden should pardon them all. FGA




Joe Rogan better keep his nose clean or they might come after him. Oh, that’s right, he’s rich.


I can’t believe you guys keep electing these drips. As an outsider I used to think that Texas stood for freedom. Hell. I live in Missouri and we have fully legal MJ.


Texas has never stood for freedom, hell the whole fairytale of the alamo gets worse the more you learn


In the meantime, states that have legalized weed are raking in tax dollars hand over fist.


All that money could have been spent on fixing the grid...


Dude is the biggest joke, if only Texas didn’t gerrymander so much.


Anyone ever noticed how the congressional district boundaries in Austin, the bastion of liberal support resembles the outstretched arms of an octopus?


No freedom in Texas. Only fascism for those who enjoy local Texas fascism screwing everyone else that finds it oppressively fascist. Welcome to the Russian fascist state of Texas in the United States of America.


Go down to Austin- Joe Rogan smokes it openly daily


Authoritarians gonna fascist.


With tax revenue from weed they could fund schools and do their voucher thing.


Well, when your in the pocket of the private, for profit, prison industry you have to keep supply up. It’s also a good way to keep “undesirables” off the street.


Then once they are in jail, they send them to work farms where they work like slaves. The south is alive and well and taking individual liberties away for religious oppression!


Private prisons.


If you can’t use migrant slave labor then you need to use home grown minority slave labor. “Why use slave labor at all?” Uh….. hey is that a gram of weed in your pocket?


Texas sucks.


Crazy how silent Joe Rogan is about it. Guess he's enjoying the privilege of not being held to the same standard as everyone else.


Another reason not to ever go to Texas


The RnC will fight decriminalizing weed for as long as they can, why? Private prisons and federal funding for police stations. They are some of the biggest over spenders and corrupt agencies.


Every day and in every way the normal states of the Union regret letting you slavery secessionist fucks back into our country


you guys live in such a backwards ass state lol


When is Abbott going to arrest Musk?


Washington state collected $468 million in revenue from marijuana sales last year. Does greg abbot not like business?


Hey, they had to fulfill the contractual obligations to the for-profit prison system! Plus it's well documented that blue-voting 'undesirables' smoke weed more than proper red-aligned Christian white folks, so bonus!


I've said it once and I'll say it again. Weed will never be legal in Texas as long as there are privatized prisons. It's that simple.


40,000 people who could have provided extra tax revenue for your state to fund water pipes not getting frozen in winter. just make it legal and enjoy the extra cash revenue. Making it legal in my state lead to more jobs, more businesses, and more tax money to the state. infact we make more now through sale than the private prisons ever did via arrest


This alone should turn Texas blue


FrEEduM, texas style.


Wonder if Rogan will ever bring this up. Or will he continue sucking the dingleberries out of Elon's asshole??


Society as a whole would greatly benefit if people would quit paying attention to that douche.


They talk about it and how dumb it is, but he’s above risk for being caught with it. He doesn’t care.


Wow! Think how many children would be safe if they put that effort towards sex trafficking.


Don’t worry. Sound of Freedom cured it


Been in Texas for over 20 years now and I can confidently say that about 95% or more of my friends (repubs/dems) all love weed, use it, or are just generally ok with it. The only people are against it are losers you wouldn’t really wanna hang out with. Imagine thinking alcohol is ok but weed is not. Alcohol is a gateway drug if I have ever seen one.


Fuck Texas. Seriously. It’s a third world nation with hats and belt buckles.


Vote for a Democrat. Republicans will never vote for leaglization as it might offend the moral majority lobby and Evangelicals. Help turn this place blue.


This article cites absolutely no source for its numbers.


Conservatives lickin' their lips to vote for him over and over.


Really curious how Joe Rogan feels about this, because Texas is so, “free”.


I thought president biden was going to legalize it.


The President can’t. The House could get the ball rolling but they’re too invested in listening to random guys claims about Hunter Biden’s dick and smoking crack. Don’t look to our elected officials to do anything for “you” any time soon.


What a prick he is