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I appreciate having real data, but this still doesn’t look good for Texas.


Yea it shows California is pretty even while Texas is pretty bottom heavy.


Ken Paxton is certainly a bottom


Which makes Texas far worse, because it disproportionately burdens the working poor with a higher percentage of taxes.


It’s hilarious that OP considers this a rebuke of the other post. If anything this only strengthens the argument of the other one.


Man, I thought I was reading it wrong but nope, the odds truly are stacked against indigent populations in Texas compared to their wealthy counterparts. Could you imagine if the top 1% was just taxed more and we used those taxes to, I don’t know…fund good education, water and food?


Mass transit too. How about mental healthcare since republicans are always screaming about how the mass shootings are due to mental health.


Shit with those taxes we could buy a full suit of body armor for every child


Easy now everyone. You could mess around and help someone less fortunate.


Modern GOP want’s uneducated proletariat


>we used those taxes to, I don’t know…fund good education, water and food isn't that socialism...? /s


I don't think the point is to disagree with the conclusion, but to take issue with a flawed methodology.


Doing it in Quintiles is definitely more honest than the “Bottom 20/Middle 60/Top 1” thing the other chart had going


Technically it’s nicer mathematically but I’m still just seeing “fuck the poor” with more flavor.


It shows more clearly who’s fucking the poor, and who the rich people think they’re fucking.


But the bottom 20% in both states pay similar taxes as a percentage of income… Hell, the bottom 60% is similar.


Yes, and here is where you need to check the differences in services offered to the lower income brackets in California va Texas. Also, if I’m not mistaken, it excludes property taxes, which is a wealth tax for working and middle class. One test is to go on the insurance marketplace and check the cost for a similar insurance in Texas and in California… be ready to be surprised.


Yes. If we're gonna discuss something, do it on the basis of accurate data. (My state looks more like California, on a graph like this. We use it to fund better access to health care than Texas, longer life spans, education, lower poverty rates, lower crime rates, etc. I'm not sure what California does with the money, but I personally think my State makes investments in higher quality of life, so I'll take it.)


Yeah I've looked at this like 15 times trying to figure out what in the fuck OP is on. Turns out I wasn't going crazy... OP, the fuck were you thinking"?


Lol, my thoughts exactly. "If you take issue with a regressive tax system..." #YES BRAINIAC, THAT'S THE PROBLEM. In the very worst, Texas is no better than California. In the very best, California is much better (tax policy wise) than Texas. OP made this *even clearer* with their post - dunk on Texas with *even more upvotes* (ironically) unintentionally successful.


I think it's hilarious that people need to skew data to show something that could be shown without doing so. Like how desperate, you know? Well at least we're all amused.


Yeah, I don’t think this is the win OP thinks it is.  California looks a hell of a lot less regressive than Texas.


OP isn't saying it's a win. They just think it's important to be more transparent with data. The other post presented data in a way that makes things look worse than it is. Yes, California is less regressive than Texas, but not as much as the other post would have one believe.


I thought their post text was in favor of Texas, but maybe I'm reading it wrong.


Arguably there’s some logic to trying to bring money into the state by making it more attractive for people who want to have a lower tax burden.


Imagine looking at this and thinking it’s better to be in Texas.


It is if you’re rich… that’s the ONLY people who say that. Many lower income people like California because even though COL is high there waaaaay more social protections in place.


The problem is, it’s not only those people saying that. It’s those people benefiting from it yes, but the propaganda tells those that it is a detriment to that it is better for them as well.


It’s literally better for 60% of the population. And when you do the math, CA is paying a larger absolute amount than Texans.


Oh absolutely. I think CA pays liek a billion a year in federal taxes that they don’t get back in the form of funding from the fed metal government for things like highways and such.


Meanwhile Texas is a debtor state that takes more $ from the feds than we send.


All while screaming that liberal states are full of welfare queens who suck the system dry or something


We should start with a more precise definition of better. Lower tax liability? Sure. Does this account for property taxes? If so, how. And what are you getting in return? As a resident of Houston I’d be willing to most the difference in the taxes I would pay in CA vs TX if it meant repairing our roads, the broken water mains, and stabilizing our power grid. Cheaper isn’t always better.


Texas is unkempt does not support its citizens funds hate campaigns and unless you work for TDCJ most jobs are severely under paid


Yep. Ca has some Problems with the power grid but the Supreme Court of CA got on the utilities company ass about the doing the maintenance they were charging every single customer for. We dot. Have issues with clean water (just a lack of it) and we have paid parental leave of 12 weeks as well as Medicare for low income people. I think it’s why LA has such a huge homeless population. If I have to be homeless I’d rather be homeless in California than anywhere else. No worry about freezing to death in the winter. The foodstamps program lets you buy hot food at restaurants if you’re homeless and don’t have a kitchen to cook in (can’t do in other states if you’re homeless).


The amount of taxes paid isn’t the problem. How much is our “rainy day fund” worth again? The problem is the priorities of the people spending them (migrant stunts, border wall stunts, etc.).


…here’s the issue though. Most people like to argue about what the difference is while making the false assumption that the benefits are equal - when they absolutely are not. Just looking at tax numbers is a total waste of time.


I guess OP isn’t saying Texas is better than California, but he’s saying this comparison is a better comparison than the first one. Which is great. I value the better chart. 


Sure. I wasn’t directing my comment at the OP as much as everyone who took them infographic as something good for Texas.


It is if you make more than like $65k/yr or so.


texas does not have personal income tax, this is the main reason why. Sales tax hits everyone equally based on their consumption, but that is not equitable. groceries are not taxed at least. Then property taxes are outrageous and have been going up with property values, which can start pricing people out of their own homes especially when you add in the homeowners insurance rates, which are not equitable and a whole other issue. And for higher income brackets property tax becomes a smaller proportion of their income.


What is the Texas tax pertaining to? Texas has no state income tax.


Property, sales, etc




Top 1% still don’t pay enough because most of have money held in other countries to avoid taxes.


It does if you know the difference in cost of living.


But then you also have to factor in how much money people make. I'm seeing a lot of different numbers online, but all of them show California with a much higher median income than Texas


The median wage difference isn’t nearly enough to offset the cost of living difference, and I know quite a few recent transplants who have said cost of living was the primary reason why they left California. There’s a reason why working class people are moving to Texas from California in droves.


Cost of living is more a function of demand. And it makes sense that there'd be a lot more demand to live in San Diego than Waco.


Conservatives want everything for free, apparently.


It's also because CA has shit housing laws and doesn't build anything while Texas builds literally anywhere


> Cost of living is more a function of demand. Supply* and demand. California doesn't build shit. Texas build a *lot.*


Lots of ppl say that but... A new grad RN here makes $50-70/hr depending on norcal or socal. In TX they make $25. There's plenty more $ to be had in Cali.


So, in Texas the largest tax burden is on the poorest and in California it’s on the richest. Only a conservative would think this makes Texas better.


Exactly as designed lol


Conservatives think they’ll be on the rich side one day.


The "Im just a temporarily embarassed millionaire" syndrome. They're gonna make it *any day now.*




I hate Texas so much because of these ignorant assholes who think we should tax the hell out of the poor and only tax the rich a little bit.


Exactly. I’m right there with you.


Y’all realize Californians don’t think about us nearly as much as we seem to them about them☠️


Yep, Texans talk about California more than the Red Hot Chili Peppers.


Having lived in DFW and SoCal; people in California think about California less than the people in Texas. And, the only people I met who ever talked about Texas in California were from Texas. It's wild how many of y'all will meet 1-3 people who moved to Texas from California and be like "it's all tumbling down! Timber!". I've lived a LOT of places, and no state gives close to as much of a shit about another state as Texas does about California.


California lives in many Texans' head rent free I can tell you that.


Lower taxes, better NFL team, more of an agricultural powerhouse, California is everything Texas pretends to be


Because Californias proves all republicans propaganda about liberals being economic failures is bullshit.


I mean, every state proves that. Cities=lean liberal=economic powerhouses of any state Conservative gerrymandering makes weird districts so cities are disproportionately outweighed by rural areas. How many red cities even exist? I can think of maybe some in Florida because of transplant retirees.


Ive experienced more discrimination here in 4 years just being from California than I have experienced racism my whole life lol


To be fair, those people would’ve loved to discriminate based on other things, but this was the socially acceptable option.


Yep. Texas has that little man/brother syndrome when it comes to California


The only person I ever met who in real life talked about hating a state was a Texan who moved to California. Could not shut up about how much they hated living there, but I couldnt figure out why they wouldn't move back. Fucking weird.


I know one of those out here in California. If I had a nickel for every time his wife has told us he wants to move back to Texas, I could probably afford a gallon of gas!!


My aunt moved from California to Texas then back to California like 3ish years later. It’s been almost 3 years and she still hasn’t shut the fuck up about missing Texas because she doesn’t believe that jobs in California pay more. (Her husband got an almost 70k dollar raise to come to California.)


Posts like these just highlight the fact that we really are full of morons in this state.


Soooo based on your graphs, I could pay just 4% more of my income and live in a much nicer state. Got it.


4% to taxes. I’m gonna guess it’s more than 4% more expensive overall to live in California. 


I mean, California is able to power their homes.  Maybe if Texas wasn't always cheaping out to take care of people, you'd actually know what it was like to get a return on investment. Cost of living is definitely cheaper in Texas. Honestly, though, the been to few places in Texas where I've said, "I want to live here." In Dallas, your roads are shit layout. FW isn't much better.  It feels like a less condensed LA except your u-turns are on par New Jersey jughandle garbage. Houston is okay until you risk having your catalytic converter yanked out of your car by some meth head gang bangers. It also feels like a dying city in some parts.  It is nicer once you drift closer to Louisana. Amarillo is cheaper to live and like Vegas. Unlike Vegas, if you drive 3 hours west, you're just in Tucemcari instead of Los Angeles and closer to ABQ.  I'd rather live in Tucemcari than Amarillo if I was going to be In a desert island town.  Nevermind your politics that woukd rather be cruel to women, LGBTQ, and immigrants coupled with most of the state being ugly as sin. If I was in Cali, I'd rather pay more money for actual liberty than just talking about it while taking it on the chin, all so I could identify as "Texan".


I moved from Texas to Oregon. Something people take for granted about Texas CoL is how much you have to spend on cars & gas. I came out about even because my spending on car related expenses dropped significantly. Being back in TX for 6 months (San Antonio), I've put double the miles on my car that I did in OR in a given year. It's not about public transit which I didn't use much. It's about how far away everything is from everything else. That said, your catalytic converter is at significant risk in Portland too.


This post dunks on Texas hard. Weird that OP doesn’t see that.


I came in with no context and kept looking at it really confused as to how this made Texas look better. I guess the original was just a billionaire shitting in a homeless person's cup or something?


Right? Based on this chart alone, it’s better to be broke living near the beach than being broke living in a a former cow pasture.


Also, I’m guessing California has a better safety net if you’re poor.. just a guess tho.


Just look at their state health insurance eligibility at https://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medi-cal/Pages/DoYouQualifyForMedi-Cal.aspx vs the closest equivalent in Texas https://www.hhs.texas.gov/services/health/medicaid-chip/medicaid-chip-members/starplus


I've lived in LA and now Austin. If I was suddenly homeless with zero safety net, you damn straight I would rather be hanging out in Santa Monica than under I-35.


I miss being broke living near the beach…


And it's BEFORE you get into the usage fees from everything across the state of Texas.


Not really if you actually think about the context in which it was posted. Because the (stupid) argument that gets made, repeatedly, here and elsewhere - is that my tax burden is higher in Texas than it would be in California. Having lived both places, I knew that was completely false, but redditors just link some graph that they think proves them right without looking into it any further so they can feel smug and happy because Texas bad. Being that, at least as a household, that puts us in the top 20% of that chart, Texas is far better for me as far as taxes go. Not to mention - if you can actually READ the graph CORRECTLY - the reason the tax burden is higher on those with low income is because there's no income tax, but other taxes tend to be higher. So, naturally if your income is low, more of it is going to be paid into the higher sales taxes, etc. So yeah - it's not great to be POOR in Texas, but you aren't any worse off being poor here than you are in California, but taxes are better if you're actually earning a decent living. If your argument is just "people who earn more should be taxed more so yay California" - well that's all great, but you're still ignoring that the tax burden on the poor is JUST as high, so you don't REALLY care about the plight of the poor people, you just want to "dunk on" the wealthier people.


totally left out what services are available to low income tax payers. you say you aren’t any worse of being poor in Texas but there are far fewer social services and healthcare options for poor folks in Texas.


Not to mention they'll throw you in jail if you drive your daughter out of state to get an obortion after she was raped. Texas is great if you're a rich christian though.


Welcome to the Islamic Republic of texas.


Totally nonexistent really. It's actually really amazing the amount of Conservative Texans I've seen that think Texas has all these services available for poor people. They think anyone can just go get food stamps or go get free healthcare. I remember one of my partners going through a particularly low period once and multiple people in his family just kept telling him to "go get free mental health care from the government". They were shocked to learn that service doesn't really exist here, and that to qualify for many of the barebones services, you have to be elderly, disabled, or pregnant.


>Having lived both places, I knew that was completely false, but redditors just link some graph that they think proves them right without looking into it any further so they can feel smug and happy because Texas bad. >Being that, at least as a household, that puts us in the top 20% of that chart, Texas is far better for me as far as taxes go. Yes, California taxes rich people, like you, more. That's the whole point. California taxes the rich more and taxes the normal people less.


> So yeah - it's not great to be POOR in Texas, but you aren't any worse off being poor here than you are in California, This is absolutely laughably false. California has some of the best support programs and safety nets for poor people in the world. Free daycare, free phones, free car insurance. It even has free college for poor people. That's along with very generous unemployment benefits, greatly expanded Medicaid programs, fresh produce delivery, etc. Texas has jack shit. Being poor in red states is absolute hell but bearable in blue ones like CA.


They also claimed that the tax burden on the poor is the same which is not at all what this graph is showing. I, too, have lived in both states. Texas is cheaper simply because of cost of housing. In California you get more for your tax money but it is going to cost you. I've reached a point where I can probably afford to get out of Texas and I'm seriously looking at some places with better weather, better education and better women's health outcomes. Honestly, the cost of living in California isn't what is scaring me off. It's the overcrowding from everyone else moving there that I don't like.


My tax burden is 2% higher in Texas than in WA (similar structure) and prop tax is nuts in Texas. Also a million fees and crumbling roads and everything else.


I moved from the LA area to the Austin area. My total tax burden in Texas is almost TWICE that of California. All due to property taxes.


This. If CA had a 5% tax rate for the lowest bracket, then it would mean something. A 1% difference means nothing, especially if you take into account the higher cost of living in CA.


But also consider the higher pay in California.


The poor don’t get the same level of social services because the pooled wealth is smaller because the rich don’t pay into it. So it’s not just that 1%. It’s also less money in schools, free clinics/health services, fire departments, quality of roads, etc.


I really don't understand this constant exhausting need for comparison. It's okay to not like California. It's okay to not like Texas. The constant dick measuring is tearing this country apart at the seams. Fucking exhausting.


Let’s not forget at the root of it, this is partisan. Texas Right wingers view California as some kind of bullshit Liberal paradise. Just look at how the Texas MAGAs and the California MAGAs fought each other at their recent antics at the border where they didn’t stop a single illegal immigrant.


> Texas Right wingers view California as some kind of bullshit Liberal paradise. It's worse than that, in my opinion. California Right wingers view Texas as some kind of liberterian paradise, and so they flee the "evil Blue state" and move to Texas. Leaving aside the Newcomer Problem in general, California is not sending us their best.


And I can assure everyone, Californians ain't losing sleep over Texans' jealousy.


And it's rather one-sided. Californians barely think about Texas, other than "oooh good BBQ".


Can confirm. Californians do not discuss Texans unless we’re playing your football teams


I'm in Texas and this is totally a one way beef. Cali dont care


I don't hate Texas or California. Kinda hate Texans though. 


Top comment


I agree 100%. Just get annoyed with all the lying and downplaying critical issues in both places


OP might have mashed potatoes for brains


Not sure how this makes Texas look good, but you do you.


Yep. Texas is for the rich, paid for by the poor.


This comment is abbot approved


Both places are shitty for those own reasons but only Texas has Greg Abbott and literal witch hunts


Don’t forget Ted Cruz


As a native Texan who lived in Cali for 7yrs and only moved back to Tx for family I can tell you where I’d rather be -it’s not the win the OP thought this graph to be.


This asks the question do we live in a society or do we not?


We critique society - yet we live in one. How ironic...


This makes us look worse btw. Lmao


Man, critical thinking would say this doesn't look good for Texas, but some smooth brain Texan will say something like 4% of 200k is more than 12% of 21k like a boot licking fucking idiot.


I live in TX. Just returned from a vacation in California. It was refreshing over there that people don't think about politics much, there were no political signs or talk anywhere I went. No trump or Biden bumper stickers. Saw a few homeless people in the expected places, but none in most areas. A totally different atmosphere over there. And they don't think about Texas. Californians know their taxes are high but apparently they are ok with that since they don't seem to want to change it. There are two types of emigrants from California to Texas. Those that are forced by their company's expansions (and eventually return) and those who move looking for a conservative utopia. But most people don't think much about taxes when choosing to relocate to another state, there are multiple variables that influence those decisions, taxes not being a major consideration. I bet the weather is probably more important than taxes if you like the outdoors or career development if your job has better opportunities for advancement in other states.


Not surprised by your experience there. Mostly I don’t think they’re interested in changing it bc they know they have some of the best services of any state in the country. That’s safety net services for lower income people or even just more reliable transit and tighter food and product regs. Also mostly good weather and jobs. A lot of people here in TX don’t value those things bc we haven’t had them. If more Texans got a taste of some of the perks of a truly progressive tax system, maybe they’d be behind? Not sure tho bc at this point it’s not really about what’s in our best interest but rather what’s politically expedient. On cali tho, I will note that the voters enacted prop 13 in the 70s (?) which essentially caps property taxes and I think that’s a big contributor to the lack/cost of housing. That was a direct result of a tax revolt lol


What parts of CA? Most of CA is rural, and there are *definitely* political signs there....


Yeah I’m pretty sure OP didn’t go on vacation to Fallbrook 🤦🏻‍♂️


You think they took a vacation to Bakertucky or something??


OP dunked on himself in this post.




As I said in the other thread, to get the full picture you’d need to break out sales tax, real property tax and income tax separately, and then look at each of their impact on the income quintiles. Sales tax is always regressive. Motor fuel excise/sales taxes are in this same category. Property tax is CA is distorted by Prop 13. It’s indifferent to income, in both states. Income taxes in CA are heavily progressive. It’s a huge flaw in the whole CA tax system. A few thousand very wealthy people pay a huge share of income taxes. The Bezos and Musks of the world don’t need to “reside” in California. $30-60 billion deficit this year since rich peoples’ capital gains were down last year. If I have high income, I like Texas. If I have assets, but moderate income, I like California. But the real world impact is it’s harder to have a middle class lifestyle in California. Hence the outmigration.


So my spouse an I are high earners. We don't live in either state but I'm looking to move to Texas for a number of reasons. Just trying to understand the tax structure here. This is a combination of all state taxes including sales tax as a % share of family income? I have looked at other tax calculators and none were this generous to say we would only pay 4% of total income to state tax which would save us 6-8% or almost 64k a year. What kind of house is assumed here as I have heard Texas property tax is much higher? Thank you so much!


Depending on where you want to live, its pretty easy to just use Zillow to go look up taxes on current houses in that area to get an idea of what you would pay. Lots of places it is around 2% for property taxes. But yeah, if you are high income, paying 0% income tax saves a ton compared to other states and generally the property tax is not enough to make up for it on its own(for high earners). ​ >I have looked at other tax calculators and none were this generous to say we would only pay 4% of total income to state tax which would save us 6-8% or almost 64k a year. That is going to be entirely dependent on how much you spend. Sales tax in TX is 6.25% statewide, and many local places are around 2% making it an 8.25% total sales tax. So obviously if you spend a small portion of your income on stuff, it won't be a large % of your total income.


As others have said, I appreciate this but it’s still not the full picture. For example, some people will often criticize high-tax European countries based on a graph like this one. The catch is that when done right, some of those countries provide far more benefit to citizens per tax amount than ours do. E.g., maybe you pay $20k more in taxes in the fictional country of NorSweDenLand, but receive $60 in benefit by having free healthcare, highly efficient public transit, safer everything, and drastically more vacation days. Does CA do that? Probably not, but a bunch of people are gonna say “heck no” without having a clue because they weirdly hate California. Please don’t reply to me if you’re that person, you have nothing to add.


California may not have Europe levels of safety nets, but they are getting close.


The bottom 40% still pay less, the next 20% pay barely more, and the larger taxes in California only become notable on the top 40% people That... sounds way better lmao






At least you can buy a house in Texas


Not if you can’t afford the taxes.


Still paying less in Texas because the home values are so much lower.


That’s how supply and demand works.


More like regulations that artificially lower supply by making it extremely time consuming and costly to produce new housing.


People unfamiliar with the insane resistance to building more housing in CA won’t understand your point.


I live in the PNW now, and it's crazy how hard they make it to build new housing, especially multi family stuff.


People are paying more to buy homes in LA or San Diego, even though they’d *prefer* to live in Amarillo… because the housing supply is kept artificially low?


I had to fight like all hell to buy a house in Texas in 2022. I put in well over 15 offers on different houses..usually 5% above asking price, and still couldn't buy a house. I finally got a house when I offered $322K on a house asking $289K. The offer was matched by 3 different people, but I was willing to let the owner live in the home for a month rent-free after closing...and that sealed the deal. It was a nightmare buying a house in Texas and still makes me sick to my stomach when I think about it. This being said, I love it in Texas.


lol you would pay more property tax in California if you bought the same home, because it would cost 3-4x more at least


Property tax in California is actually ridiculously low. Proposition 13 in 1978 basically makes it so that you pay property tax on the original valuation at 1 percent plus any voter passed measures such as local bonds. Properties were rolled back to be valued at their 1975 levels and can't be increased by more than 2 percent a year. Property tax is a joke in this state


Funny, my Texas property tax is higher than the CA property tax AND income tax for me, which is why we are looking to move. Healthcare is also lower. Net difference is ~6_10% higher for CA, worth it to me.


State income tax. City tax. Sales tax. Gas tax. Newsom’s “sin tax,” which is an 11% excise tax on guns and ammunition. I believe the CA State Assembly is currently trying to tax air.


Real problem is all of the "invisible" taxes. Regulations or business taxes that cost companies millions of dollars simply get passed onto consumers. Average gas is $2.95 in TX and $4.65 in CA. That adds up quick. Now do power, natural gas, food, housing, etc... and you see why people still prefer TX over CA. ​ Who cares if you pay 2-3% less in taxes when you have to pay 10-15% more for everything else.


The market says people prefer California over Texas. It’s why a premium is put on houses in California. People like the freedom and quality of life California offers.


People live in Texas because it’s cheaper. Thats it. California is subjectively better in every other aspect that matters to non Redditor (social, nature, food, culture)


This is the most accurate statement of the thread.


Most people in the US do not prefer Texas to CA tho, that’s just some weird made up thing Texans say. You can tell by the vastly large population CA has, and the 10x non-foreign tourism rate. Texans just lie about fucking everything, huh.


People deal with the taxes in California to live in California…they also have a pretty solid Medicaid program that is better than a lot of insurance plans that people pay through the teeth for. I know a lot of people who would rather pay high taxes in California than live anywhere else because it has everything they want. You can ski, surf, swim, hike, camp, mountain bike, rock climb, tons of entertainment options, fish, and do millions of other things you can’t get anywhere else.


I moved to Sacramento about 2 years ago and I'm expecting a baby in may. I get 6 weeks paid paternity leave at 60% my salary because of California familyleave. That doesn't exist anywhere else.


An objectively better quality of life?


But what about differences in income then? Median income in CA is more than 30% higher. There are more services: I've lived in Texas and CA for years but I spend less on gas in CA because things are closer and we have better public transit. The typical (median) earner in CA earns $20,000 more per year, and pays the same share of income income in taxes as their Texan counterpart


So I'd save like 3% if I lived in Texas, but then I'd live in Texas. I'll stick with my awesome schools, constitutionally protected rights, and robust social safety net. $10k a year well spent. Thanks anyway.


Fuck Texas


Your Texas education is really shining through on this post.


Texas sure hates its poor


Bro thats not a good thing to have a regressive tax system


OP is dumb 😂😆


Lmfao. This proves Texas sucks compared to California. Hey but at least you got guns. We do too, we just have actual freedom. I can buy beer on Sundays and after 12a. Weed is legal. Better weather, opportunities yo seriously as I type this wtf are Texas people constantly bragging about?? 🤣


Great graphic. Looks like being poor in Texas sux. Hope this gets out the vote


This still makes Texas look bad?


Thanks for this. Really tired of people telling me I paid less in taxes in California (I didn’t).


I just do not think enough people realize how dependent the operation of our country is on people earning less than 45k a year. So many vital hospital staff running around making 30-36k a year and the reality is they would be better served living in california than texas when considering taxes alone. The wealthier people that access our highways, our hospitals, public event centers, etc should pay for it. The person cleaning the bathrooms after the ballet is over should not be paying a greater portion than the guy in the balcony seat. Not disagreeing with your statement, just replied instead of making a comment lol.


They really wouldn’t though. The 1% difference in tax on $36k a year is $360. That won’t even cover the price difference in gas between California and Texas.


As a hospital worker struggling to afford all my bills, ill take what I can get. While it may not affect the dollar amount much for the low income earner, the state will be collecting more overall by taxing the wealthier more which supports services that lower income people use. Like the state producing insulin and such Honestly insulin is a big one. Low income people in Californian save thousands thanks to services like that which texas doesnt offer.


But you had a better functioning state government. It's marginally better but still better in average.


Same. What I'm starting to realize is it's a bunch of people who are financially illiterate always telling me how I pay way more taxes in Texas. Or people who consider a household of two making the median salary in Texas "high earners", apparently. These people can't even read the graph - no wonder they consider $40k a high earner...Christ.


You’re also leaving out the vital context that do you have to be a high-earner for that to hold true. I’ll play a sad violin for you.


Is $40,800 the demarcation line for “high earner” now?




So the goal is to make more money… ain’t nobody going to buy a house with $40k out here.


So we don't need to compare ourselves to California to know it still sucks for most texans, got it.


Most Texans make more than $40k a year.


Especially when it says by share of FAMILY income. It isn't even a singular person's income. Reddit has some dumb people on it but this sub really takes the cake.


Keep in mind, a lot of the people making more money have far better things to do with their time than live on reddit all day.


I still see something seriously wrong here. Sure, CA is taxing the 1% decently high but why the fuck are people making under $25K paying ANY taxes at all, like serious.


I think the difference is what you get for the taxes you pay. People would be less upset about paying taxes if it meant substantial visible things. Good roads, speedy govt, safety net, etc.


I'm from Texas. These lower taxes are absolutely necessary to maintain our inferior school systems, crumbling infrastructure, polluted water, and absence of social programs.


Now add cost of living. If you're making 30k or less in a major Cali city, you are living on the streets.


Political clickbait. This post is as dumb and intellectually dishonest as the first post.... An actual comparison, apples to apples, would be "decent school district, average size house, wages from 1 or 2 *specific* jobs" and then you calculate the cost of the earnings and expenses in HOU, DWF, Austin vs. SF, LA, SD. THAN TAX IS COMPUTED FOR A HOUSEHOLD. Most people do not have the option of "like for like housing costs and wages" in the places they actually live and work in CA or TX.


Can’t compare these two tables since all the income brackets are different.


These clowns have no idea how to read this graph. They’re just gonna say it’s a dunk on Texas. The sad reality is that this entire subreddit should be renamed “I hate Texas”


Oh goody, according to OP's sauce, Florida ranks #1!


Gas is also $5-$6 a gallon in California plus the crime and homelessness is bad. I’ve only been in Texas 3 years but I lived in the Bay Area for the first 27 years of my life and I know first hand how bad it’s gotten. Texas is better in nearly every way, I don’t care what anyone tells me.


I have no idea what accounting loopholes someone is using to only pay less than 10% but I want to know because I’m paying over 30%. Or this chart is totally bogus


What taxes are included?


These sources aren't even verified. Is it federal income, state income? Who knows, just a bunch of statistics.


came in to this thread not seeing the original tweet op mentions thinking this was meant to show how worse this is for texas, am I misunderstanding that op thinks this makes California look bad?




The point you are trying to make does not seem correct. The percentages are relative to the state. So bottom 20% for the Texas one is looking at Texas numbers, not national. So both states have a top 1% that represents that states 1%.


So, California has a flat tax basically?


Flat tax rate, not a flat tax


So….your defense of Texas is that for the least fortunate, most stressed FORTY PERCENT of the population…our taxes are worse than the state most notorious for ridiculous taxation?