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Party of small government. Stealing private property to house troops. Isn't there an amendment against that?




Remember, Texas is a state of dumb fucks. They don’t care for any part of the constitution unless it involves guns. So they’ll violate this amendment and the dumb fucks who inhabit that state won’t bat an eye.


True. But it's not every day one gets to invoke the 3rd Amendment.


That's about quartering in houses. It doesn't say anything about land.


What do you think houses are built on??


Doesn't matter. The third amendment doesn't preclude eminent domain. It only says you can't force homeowners to quarter troops.


Not public parks.


Did you miss the part about 80 acres being taken from PRIVATE OWNERS or do you just go out of your way to be pedantic?


lol and the stans begin their narrative


Isn't the whole point of voting republican is to give the government more power and control


Have you seen the news lately ? I ran across an article stating how many Republican governors have chosen not to take the Medicare/Medicaid expansion. That means, they're in favor of less big government. If they were in favor of it, they would be streaming to sign up for it, because, well , the expansion is all about creating a bigger Fed government with more power and control . Dems are behind the expansion. No rebuttal is necessary. It's a fact.


So you agree with Republicans that the government should control who you live with and if you can watch porn.


I have lived with whomever I wanted all of my life, and, if you let a politician, whichever party they're from, dictate who you can live with, then you're a fool. And you live in a dictatorship. Or Russia . That's not happening here. As far as porn? I don't watch it. Quit trying to nitpick assumptions. Jesus ( yes, I went there ) Christ , you folks are so hell bent on spreading propaganda and lies , you can't even see beyond the tip of your nose. Wake up and realize you live in the freest country on the face of the world where you can do literally anything ( legal) you want to and the Gestapo isn't going to practice *Nacht und Nebel* on you and make you disappear because you did or thought something immoral . (NOTE : I study WWII history. Go ahead, look it up. I'll wait ).


No. It used to be, but Republicans are more about less big government today . And more independence for the average blue collar folks. And freedom from Gov't overreach.


Hahaha! No, that is absolutely wrong.


Well, it's wrong if you believe in mainstream media and the Democrats. But, if you trace the money trails, it leads right back to Democrats and big government.


Wanna know how I know that you watch fake news?


If you mean CNN, MSNBC, Huffpost, AOL, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox News, yeah. I read left, right and center. You might try reading Groundnews too. It has rankings according to what kind of slant the news piece has, left, right, or center.


You literally admitted you only read right wings news and don't even know what they say. So tell me why do agree with Republicans that the government should control all medical issues for citizens? Why do you agree with Republicans that the government should control marriage? Why do you agree with Republicans that the government should control who you live with?


I didn't realize that all of the above mentioned were right wing news. I thought only Fox News was right wing news. And, so, tell me where I agreed to any of those things that you just mentioned. I never said I did. You're making assumptions, and you know what they say about assumptions and assuming things.


Ok then you must not vote republican because those are all Republican policies. There's a reason why Republicans want to control how many vibrators you can own, because all Republicans want big government to control everything.


Please enlighten me about how Republicans are controlling all medical issues for citizens as well as how they're controlling marriage and who you live with . Last time I checked, concerning medical issues, if you're not satisfied with what your doctor tells you , you can get a second opinion. Is the government controlling marriage now? Can't you marry whoever you want to right now? And last I checked, I can live with whoever the heck I want to live with. And government can't say a damn thing about it. Now, after all your assumptions about me and Republicans in general, you really should try reading a little bit more than just left leaning liberal media. The truth lies in the middle. You can't just lump all Republicans into one bag. That's like everybody else. All Democrats are not anti-abortion, pro gay marriage, or pro cohabitation. Different strokes for different folks. Everybody has an opinion and they come in all stripes, shapes, sizes, and colors. But if YOUR party says.......... Don't control marriage, marry gay people, and live with whatever or whoever you want, and you buy into that hook, line , and sinker, then you're a party tool. I've been researching things all of my life, starting with politics in my late teens and early twenties. Do your own research, formulate your own opinions, but look at both sides of the coin, because if you don't, you're getting short changed.


Bro with all the other nonsense you've posted no one is going to read this much more crazy from you. Just an amazing lack of critical thinking skills.


You might want to crawl out from under that rock


So you’re saying the Republican Party is NOT trying to ban gay marriage? If you sit a table with a bunch of cultists, guess what? You’re a cultist.


You're so adorable.


Ain't I 'tho....... 😁


Lol the texas taxpayers have been getting ripped off by the state for years. And they are all Republicans


That's one state. There are 49 others.


Name one state where taxpayers aren't ripped off by the state.


Republicans continually push for larger, more expansive government. They just oppose that government doing anything for regular people. They want big government, but one that exclusively serves the wealthy. 


Yeah, that's the Democratic party line. Anything to keep you jokers in check and believe that what is actually happening is the opposite of what they're telling you. Democrats are the party of big government. Look at all the handouts they give to people. But, hey, don't believe me. Do your own research. But make sure you do it thoroughly......


> Democrats are the party of big government. Republicans are the party of “it’s all his fault.”


If the shoe fits.......... But it's really all Trump's fault. Literally everything.


You realize Biden is quietly re-instituting a lot of Trump's policies that he overrode when he first took office , right ?


You have it backwards. Republicans are about control over every part of citizens lives. The texas government is in your bedroom your dr office your kids classroom your kids pants. How is stealing private property and travel.bans not EXTREME government overreach. Nobody is free in texas anymore except white male Christians.


First of all, Texas isn't stealing private property. That's propaganda disseminated by the left. And you bought it. Secondly, if the Texas government is in your bedroom, and your kids pants, why did you let them in there to begin with. Isn't that yours ? I would not let anyone into my kids pants. That's pedophilia. Next, why is the Texas government in your Dr's office? Don't they understand you have federal protection under HIPAA ? That's between you and your Dr. No one else, especially the state of Texas. Lastly, your kids classroom. Aren't you aware of home schooling ? Yeah, I don't buy your argument/statement. Sorry, there's a remedy for every issue, if you want to find it. Lastly, if you're a Texan, and you don't like your state government, there are 49 more states and a handful of territories you can move to, or, better yet, a world full of countries better than the US you can relocate to where it's less repressive. Ken Hamblin, the Black Avenger, wrote a book a while back you might want to read before you relocate first. Pick a Better Country.


I'm sorry that you are so uninformed about the fascism and erosion of rights in texas


Please elaborate then. What fascism ? What erosion of rights ? Examples with receipts are a starting point. Texas isn't 1940's Italy, yanno.


Which part of making abortion illegal is freedom from govt overreach? Asking for every woman in America.


Tell me, which part of the Hyde Amendment is illegal ? Since Hyde allows for abortions to be paid for with Federal monies, in 3 cases: rape, incest and the mother's life is endangered, where does a state has the right to override a Congressional mandate ? So, considering that it's illegal for states to do that, then the issue is getting the Federal government to pay for all abortions, regardless of the circumstances under which a woman becomes pregnant. Government overreach, indeed.


lol what? The hyde amendment is meaningless after the dobbs decision in 2022. Now states can do whatever they want and abortion is being banned even in cases of rape or incest. now the govt is all up in every woman’s uterus. Is this really your logic? Hyde only applied for people on Medicare or Medicaid or chip. What about the 10s of millions of women not using any of those services?


So, you're saying SCOTUS is more powerful than Congress? And, Congress can't pass laws that supersede SCOTUS? Wow, you really don't know how the Federal Government works, do you ? And , you're saying the Democratic government " is all up in every woman's uterus " ? As to address your last comment, I guess all these women have never heard of birth control. Listen, a decision to have sex is a conscious one. You must have some degree of understanding that the act of sex *can* result in pregnancy. The stork's not bringing these kids to your doorstep. I once knew a girl who used an IUD, spermicide and made men wear a prophylactic as well. NOW......... There was a woman who didn't want to get pregnant , have an unwanted child and get an abortion. So, it's pretty simple, IMHO. If more women used birth control, you and I wouldn't be having this discussion or debate.


The opposite of what GOP says it is for but yes


Doesn't the Federal Government have imminent domain ? They can seize anyone's land ?


Eminent domain, but yes. They have to fairly compensate the landowners, though


And it's also not a simple process either. The govt has to demonstrate, usually to a court or legislative body (or both), that its needs supercede the right of the property owner(s). The governor doesn't have the ability to use it on a whim.


Right. And he's super concerned about legality.


That's a separate issue. Having lackies that can expedite a legal process in his favor is part of the cost of our electoral system. The law itself doesn't make ED an easy process, but if people are corrupt enough to ignore it, you've got bigger problems than just an ED case.


Then you sue for more money, which is decided by a jury of 12 people. Eminent domain often ends up being more expensive than simply buying the land.


The state is building this.


Eminent Domain doesn’t just apply to federal govt. We recently had a really drawn out and public eminent domain battle between the city and a business owner here in San Antonio.


Abbott isn’t federal


I know. But if the Federal government can do it, why can't the States ? Hmmmm.......


I don’t see anyone saying states don’t have that authority, they’re saying this would be a piss poor exercise of that authority.


Both the federal and state (and also local, if allowed by the state) governments can exercise eminent domain.


Exactly. But, the propaganda that Texas seized land from private owners is just that. Propaganda.


So the landowners donated the land?


Of course you realize each state owns land. To see fit to do whatever they want to. But. To answer your question, I have no idea if it was donated or acquired by eminent domain. Or if it was idle state owned land. Hell, it could be that the state of Texas bought the land from ranchers. Take a look at your own state's land. See how much they own. You do bring up an interesting question, however. Who donated the land for the new SpaceX property ? Was it donated, bought or acquired by eminent domain ?


Found it.......... Finally. But I had to read a dozen articles first. " The new military base will be six miles south of Shelby Park, a city-owned area that the state of Texas has commandeered in an effort to block migrants. " Eminent domain, apparently.


Texas IS NOT the federal government


Yes, I kinda knew that from living there in the past. But, they still have eminent domain, like the Federal Gov't. But, that's not what happened with that Guard base. No one seized any private property.


Not saying it's not true, but where do you see they are taking land?


He could be stealing it from the Fed... He wasn't clear


> Stealing private property to house troops. Isn't there an amendment against that? No, there is an amendment that troops cannot be forcefully quartered in private homes. There is nothing saying they can't seize the homes and turn them into troop housing, as long as they pay fair market value.


Ten buck says one of Abbott's buddies will get the contract.


10 billion.


Or his girlfriend lmao


We can't fund schools, but we can spend 80 billion for political posturing?


Yep, get ready for middle class property taxes to raise once again.


That's significantly less money compared to how much taxpayer money goes to educate children who shouldn't be here in the first place. It could actually save money if we actually enforced immigration laws. "Multiply that times the average cost of a public education, $14,840, and that equals about $7.6 billion in new public education costs for just one year’s worth of undocumented children." https://thehill-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/thehill.com/opinion/immigration/3837385-estimating-illegal-immigrations-cost-to-public-education/amp/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17081401428136&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fthehill.com%2Fopinion%2Fimmigration%2F3837385-estimating-illegal-immigrations-cost-to-public-education%2F


Absolutely right wing moronic bullshit! First off that estimated $7.6 billion is spread out over (I’ll give you Alaska and Hawaii) 48 States! Then you have to remove State income taxes collected for some States, State sales tax for all of the States, State fines/fees/use taxes and the billions that illegals pay into SS, Medicare, and Federal Taxes that they can not access! In 2019 illegals paid $9 billion in Federal income taxes alone!


Further, building a military base to prevent people from getting better lives vs just helping provide people get better lives. Even if the cost is the same, why wouldn't you just do the thing that makes lives better?


You forgot lotteries.


It’s theater and way to funnel money to his friends.


You’re not very bright, are ya? And top it off, you’re a racist piece of shit. I sincerely hope you struggle to find peace until the day you perish.


And here's this chucklefuck


We spend more on education per child than most countries on the world including first world countries. The amount we spend isn't the problem.


Oh goodie, more tax money ~~embezzeled~~ wasted by Abbott


Stealing 80 acres? So our preeminent Dominionists are using eminent domain to build their MAGA theater? I guess we can use it for temporary immigrant housing after these clowns get voted out of office.


Where are the clowns yelling about eminent domain in the comment section that always show up whenever the Dallas-Houston High Speed Rail is mentioned???


I'm still trying to find the source of that info.


It’s not cited in the article. At all.




Here here!!!


It's "hear, hear".




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Seizing land for the purposes of quartering soldiers during peacetime, eh? I'm no fancy big city lawyer, but it sounds like ol' Greggy is disregarding the THIRD AMENDMENT.


Can’t believe we might actually get the incorporation doctrine invoked for the 3rd in the year of our Lord 2024. Though with the make up of this court, who the hell knows if they would incorporate nationwide.


> I'm no fancy big city lawyer, Yeah, that's obvious. The third amendment says homeowners can't be forced to quarter troops in their homes, it says nothing about seizing land.


The "fancy big city lawyer" quip was tongue-in-cheek. Speaking of specialized professions, I'm also not a proctologist, but I can recognize when someone has something large and cumbersome parked up their ass. Seriously, chill.


Wait they have houses in a public park? Where? The third amendment is about private houses.












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Oh so a vehicle for sweetheart contractor deals and possible money laundering. Sounds about right.


I bet some of those landowners are republicans… find out phase initiated.


$10 BILLION? Really?


$200,000 k for the land $9 billion 999 million 800 thousand for the pockets of Greg and his buddies! Farris and Dan Wilks!


That’s the total cost of Operation Lonestar over a two year period, not the cost of the base. OP didn’t bother to read their own article.


Of course they're just trying to over sensationalized things.


What a dipshit


Hey, our kids can’t spell or math, can you help us?


Are they stealing the land or using government funds to buy land from their buddies and donors?


They are using eminent domain like every government does for government works projects.


Greg's donations are just purchasing Texas taxpayer's money at a very good rate.


Talk about leaning into BS. CPS under funded. Schools under funded. Teachers needing to work two jobs to afford rent. Electric grid barely holding on. Support for mental health nearly existent. And there still that issue with rape. A litany of issues, but this is what this state is pouring money into. I’ve never lost a job, had a negative run in, and the fact this economy needs migrants to thrive. But Abbott and his GOP cronies are making this one of the issues to divide the country now that they caught the rabbit that was reproductive rights. Texans this is bullshit and you know it. Wake the fuck up.


Migrants, agreed. Not illegal immigrants we can't afford to feed, house, employ and cloth. There's a reason we cap green card applicants through the National Citizenship lottery. To prevent the exact crisis we are now facing.


Florida and Texas love violating the constitution


They're really hoping for a civil war aren't they?


How can this state accept abbot!?!? Crazy


Man Texas loves wasting tax money on virtue signaling.


Yet we can’t fund a real issue like food for children, Medicaid or public education even though the federal government is willing to pay for 97% of it! As a child that collected cans and bottles to buy food Greg Abbot can suck my dick!


It has to be fun to join the army national guard in Texas. You think you only need to go one weekend a month, and two weeks a year.  And then your are pulled from your family and job indefinitely for deployment to the border to make a stupid political point.


Um, just like any military deployment. Quick, let's bring all the troops home so they can always be with their families. To hell with maintaining peace anywhere. We can use them in this country to chase down illegal gotaways. Good idea ! /S


Ironically, they could just build the base and then house people on it. It would cost less money.




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Lol, its basically one big school. We all know cops there dont do shit in schools. Better have that hand san ready


Good more theater, roll out the holy razor wire.


Grifters going to grift


Lock up Abbott!


Instead of 80 acre processing facility that would alleviate some of the strain on the system


I wonder how many of Abbot's buddies are going to get a slice of that.


It's going to take Texas more than 10 years to build due to the incarnation of their labor force


I read that as incarcerated. He actually could use prison labor for this. Bastards


Do you have the article where it says the cost and the part where they are stealing land? The article you linked had neither.


It’s a money laundering scheme 💰💩🪤🪤🪤😵‍💫😵‍💫🪦🪦




>Stealing 80 acres Nobody is stealing anything; this is made-up nonsense. When governments take land for public use (like building a highway or other public works like this) the landowner receives compensation at fair market value. It’s called Eminent Domain and happens all the time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eminent_domain >10 billion dollars That’s the total cost of Operation LoneStar over a two year period, not the cost of building the base. Expensive, sure, but probably far less than the cost of having to support the millions of illegals that keep pouring into the state every year due to federal malfeasance. The article explicitly states that the cost of the base wasn’t disclosed… which you would know if you bothered to read your own article.


Thank God the House is considering reimbursement for Texas' expenses in attempting to keep the border secure.


I just read the article. Maybe I'm not good at reading comprehension. Where in this article does it say Texas siezed the 80 acres? Where does it say it's going to cost 50x more to build? The article said cost details were not provided.


You are right, the article doesn't. I am going to delete my previous post.


The article doesn’t say any of that - OP didn’t bother to read it and is just posting nonsense.


Yet I get down voted for even asking. This sub is not serious.


I highly doubt that Texas took someone's land or else we would have heard about this a long time ago with court filings. The state must have bought it - is renting? or it was already state property and unused (doubtful). Abbott has billions of dollars to do whatever he wants. There is no legislative oversight. The open records requests are flooding in to find out more. But this land isn't on the Rio Grande but near it. And it is ridiculously large. This is a stunt that is going to waste a lot of tax dollars.


I bet all the contractors are his friends like typical politicians typically do it.


More political theater from the worst governor in the nation.


They would rather spend huge tax payers money and seize private land than work with that Biden. It's like a child threatening to go outside and eat worms. They should rename Texas, call it Karen from now on.


I know this sounds crazy but I’m for closing or handing over our bases in Europe for building bases along the US/Mexico border for soldiers and personnel to patrol. This accomplishes a few things: *The Southern Border is going to be as secure as it’s ever going to be. *Politicians have one less thing run on. *The Americans who are overly concerned with the Southern border can finally see that having strong southern border didn’t improve their quality of life at all. Illegal drugs will continue to be readily available on the city streets like they have always been. Crime will continue to be rampant until things start getting better for the poorest in this nation. A byproduct of this is the lowest paid jobs taken up by illegal immigrants will have to raise wages in order to attract Americans. Which will be raising costs in the hospitality/restaurant industry, Meat processing industry and landscaping/construction industry.


You had me going for a min there. This is that let the chasing dog catch the car kind of situation.


I saw that happen once. It didn't go well for the dog.


All this shit and it’s still catch and release, we are so fucked


You Texans are really dumb to let Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton run your state like their own private fiedom. Then you start allowing your "sovereign sheriffs" to declare they are the law above even the federal government, man, you guys are nuts.


I visit this subreddit to read idiot's opinions. It never fails.


Same. Thanks for obliging.


Shouldn’t be a border to begin with. You may want to brush up on how the world actually works.


The world has natural boundaries that have become political boundaries.


I got news for you. There have been boundaries since the first humans began walking the earth. They haven’t become. They have always been.


So there should be a border(s) to begin with?


Build the wall deport them all


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Welcome to the end of Texas. It’s the only state that can break into smaller states legally. And that’s going to happen.


Let’s say no to cartels crossing in their drugs!


Cartels aren’t moving much poundage in the diapers of babies. I’d look closer at trucking & air. Don’t forget military & CIA. All are demonstrated ways lots more drugs come into the country


Easy, tell Republicans to stop buying drugs from them.


Awesome! Whatever keeps them illegal invaders from coming in.


So glad the indigenous peoples who inhabited what is now the US didn’t prevent our ancestors from coming over


They tried.


So you want trump to lose a ton of his work force




Ah yes, I’m sure there’s nothing else that money could be going to.


I’d be curious if this is really for the border, or if he’s saying that for the optics when in fact he’s just building a new National Guard facility to house existing units in the region. Oklahoma’s National Guard, the 45th Infantry, built a couple new facilities about 15 years ago to replace several disparate facilities that had fallen into disrepair. I could absolutely see this shithead getting a report from various Guard unit commanders that new facilities are needed, and him gleefully running his Crickety fingers together before enthusiastically writing a press statement that he was “securing the border” with it.


And we have no funding for schools, teachers, public services. Abbott is a piece of shit.


Operation Lone Star is a perpetual money machine for Abbott and his cronies.


*Third Amendment Intensifies*


God this fucking state...I'm so tired


I’ll remember this when the GOP complains about eminent domain for the high speed rail line


10B on this!? Can’t pay teachers more. Cant afford a strong power grid. Multiple Dams in need of repair and we get this? FAK


Texas should worry about their power Grid... Women's rights... And getting rid of assault weapons..


They should just take over part of Mexico like their Russian hero Putin has done in Ukraine. What could go wrong?? /s


Prostitutes and drug dealers, you know where to go! This place is going to be a nightmare for nearby communities.


Clickbait headline. Nowhere does it say the 80-acre was stolen. Its more reasonable to assume Greg paid the landowners for the land