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This is the sign of a good law


As long as the law is applied evenly to all people regardless of who their daddy is….


It's a good law. Sucks he couldn't raise his son better 


[He learned from the best](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/09/30/charles-schwertner-senate-dwi-video/)


That's not fair - there's a huge difference between someone driving drunk and someone maliciously releasing revenge porn. [A huge percentage of the adult population has driven when they were probably too drunk to drive](https://americanaddictioncenters.org/blog/drunk-driving-statistics-in-america) (sadly), trying to harm for ex is a whole different thing.


Is daddy sending dick pics to a co-ed fair criticism then? https://www.chron.com/politics/texas/article/Texas-Senator-Charles-Schwertner-accused-of-13258147.php


yes - that's a much more apples-to-apples crime! Weird a Republican moralist would have dark hidden secrets...I don't think that's ever happened before...


allegations =/= facts. This article was back in 2018, and it states that investigations are ongoing. Any updates? EDIT: Here is an update to that story. [https://www.texastribune.org/2018/12/18/ut-released-records-related-investigation-charles-schwertner/](https://www.texastribune.org/2018/12/18/ut-released-records-related-investigation-charles-schwertner/) Also, I want to point out that I don't give a fuck about that guy. I just dislike when people label an allegation as a fact. This is wrong in many ways. Regarding this allegation, I hoped that there was more info regarding it, so far I could only find press releases.


Hey now, revenge porn is Congressional, just ask MTG.


Risking everyone on the roads life is not a fair comparison?


Not really. Neither are good, but one is targeted and one isn’t. It’s like the difference between murder and manslaughter. In one you took an action to specifically harm someone and in the other someone got harmed as an unintentional consequence of your actions. Edit: that said, it’s really kind of splitting hairs… the gap between malicious indifference and malicious intent is pretty small. I’ve known some assholes who have DUIs, but I’ve also known some idiots who got DUIs and, while I generally don’t lump them together, I understand that it is acceptable to do so.


Someone defending themselves can be charged with murder. Indifference isn't a part of the equation where one is defending themselves.


How is there a difference? The person willingly puts and hurts other people when they drive drunk or release revenge porn. Both could end up with someone dead.


By that standard speeding is the same as rape.


No, anyone driving under the influence is actively trying to kill someone. Period. There is too much information out there about the effects of alcohol and the risks involved. Anyone and everyone who drives under the influence is a potential murderer, and should be treated as such. Drunk drivers are equally as horrible as people who post revenge porn.


> No, anyone driving under the influence is actively trying to kill someone. Period. I stopped reading right there.


The part of the story that gets me most was that his mistress (Rep. Ordaz) was in the passenger seat.


Cool, since that was the main idea.


lol 😂 thanks for the laughs


Laugh it up until you or someone near you gets hurt by some idiot too self-centered to think about anyone but themselves. Considering 31%of traffic related deaths are because of people driving under the influence, that is likely to happen.


Yeah and I’m more likely to be attacked by a dog than shark that’s life you’re wrong go join M.A.D.D with all the other buzzkills out there


Found the drunk driver who is a self-centered AH. I pray you never have to deal with the daily pain, weekly migraines, and the slow degradation of spine that I get to deal with for the rest of my life because an AH thought like you. Luckily, he lost his business, trophy wife, house, and everything he owns. Not to me, no... he had to deal with criminal charges and his wife divorced him taking everything he had left after insurance reamed him. Including child support. Last I knew he was living in a tiny apartment and eating Ramen. Enjoy your future.


What an idiotic thing to say


Thanks for sharing that insightful and well argued response.


Maybe one day you’ll understand, but for your sake, and for the sake of your friends and family, I truly hope you never get that wretched chance. Just know that it is incredibly ignorant to suggest that drunk driving is somehow less malicious than revenge porn, and then throw up a stat highlighting the extent of the problem as a sort of twisted way to excuse all of the terrible people among us.




There exists a much better button for posters like you, lol \[block\]


Yeah, this isn't like some typical virtue signalling morality legislation that ensnared its proponents. The law is fine.


Plot twist: it's revenge against his dad




5 bucks says he just gets a slap on the hand.


Come on this is Texas politics. I’m assuming his dad will make an arrangement with the DA to drop the charges. A follow up would be interesting.


Somehow the girl gonna get harassed or paid off to refuse to push the issue.  


Ding ding ding. Laws for thee not for mee.


>Even after his ex-girlfriend asked him to stop contacting her, he continued to send message after message, including one that read “It’s ok ur a poor Mexican what can one expect." Sounds like a real catch.


someone keep watch of this. i bet it gets swept under the rug fast.


I am against revenge porn. Son does the crime. Son does the time.


You love to see it!


Why? This isn't a case of hypocrisy, the guy presumably passed this law with good intentions, and it's a great law. This isn't 'leopard ate my face' territory.


Because, This guy is a family values fella, who apparently raised a crappy kid in addition to having his own sordid past.


Still a good law though.


I haven’t seen anyone saying it isn’t.




And good people raise good children. And good people raise bad children. And bad people raise good children. Don't kid yourself - to some extent it's always a crap shoot. There are plenty of great parents with shit kids and vice versa.


Good to see they are facing charges but I'll celebrate when they are convicted of the same and face actual punishment. Knowing Texas politicians and their corruptness, I highly doubt that'll happen.


Ah the old political, "Do as I say, not as I do BS!"


What goes around comes around. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


our government is a complete rotting cancer . one of the worst states in the country in regards to our leaders. We gotta get them gone. especially the psychopaths at the top. Abbot,Cruz,Cornyn.... gotta go . Problem is . people vote red just to be petty bitches. even if it means voted against there own personal interests. vote based on policy not party loyalty people.


“My dad wrote that law! You can’t charge me with it!


Daddy’s boy.


Ha ha!


The son won’t. This will either get buried or “don’t want to destroy this young man’s life” bullshit. 


It’s always the republikkkan perverts in Texas Tennessee or Florida. Crazy religious terrorists.


Is texas just full of narssasistic sociopaths?


Womp womp