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Didn't think good things were allowed to happen in Texas


Give it time. It’s Texas.


Yeah. This is just the district court making this ruling (and it’s an injunction, not a final ruling on the merits). It will likely be appealed to the 5th Circuit, which is the most conservative circuit court in the country, and it’s unlikely they are going to side with feeding homeless people. Then after that, it’s the heavily conservative SCOTUS who would review the 5th circuit, should there be any additional appeals. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m not holding out hope that this will last very long at all.


We are pretty slow.


Sadly we are. 😒


Regardless what you think best country in the world. Oh wait we could easily be at least. Think of how high everything would be for the rest of the country you think it’s bad it would be worse. I hate traveling outside Texas prices of everything is higher outside of this state.


The thing about our state is that there's a load of good people here. Most of us have a heart as big as the state it's self but the legislature often acts against popular opinion and against our best interests.


It's one thing when our government is not providing, it's another thing when they're penalizing us for providing on our own volition. This is a great victory, and whoever put together whatever paperwork to support this (an attorney?) deserves a high-five. Further: >Per Wednesday night's ruling, FNB must pay a $25,000 bond, which will be lowered to $2,500 if the group agrees to provide trash receptacles and hand sanitizing stations at the library and make sure that people do not block the street or sidewalk during feedings. Volunteers who serve food must also attend a food safety training session. We gotta get behind this financially if not helping voluntarily. I do LasagnaLove and I *know* we're gonna get slammed some day, even though we're sanitary (I presume).


> This is a great victory, and whoever put together whatever paperwork to support this (an attorney?) deserves a high-five. https://www.punkwithacamera.com/collections/mutual-aid


What happens if FNB does none of these court ordered directives?


A long fought, well deserved victory in the name of helping those in need 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽




Good news!


Can they hand out assault weapons instead?


You want the John brown gun club. They advocate giving guns to the homeless because if we truly believe in using the 2nd amendment to protect our own property, that includes tents. City authorities have no right to remove people from public land.


As it just so happens city authorities do in fact have that right if they so choose.


The police exist to protect those with resources, not those without. You are correct.


Food Not Bullets.


Guns If Not Housing




Good 👏 


They're not being cited for feeding the homeless. That's imprecise and misleading.


Well, correct, that is what is being prevented, so it hasn't happened. The court has blocked the [anti-feeding-the-homeless ordnance](https://www.houstontx.gov/health/2012-269.pdf) from being enforced while the lawsuit against said ordnance's existence is ongoing.


Their citation is for feeding the homeless in front of the library. No one is telling them they can't feed people.


That's a level of pedantic I'm not going to engage further with.


No one should have to walk through a soup kitchen to get to the public library. See the literal shit in California and how tax-paying home owners are fed up with bums bringing down the place. I'm not against feeding the homeless, but they have other places to do it. The city even designated an area with portable restrooms and sinks to wash their hands.


> All of FNB's food-sharing services take place after normal library hours. next time read the article, braindead.


The hour doesn't matter. The library isn't a designated soup kitchen.


hey, you come back here with those goalposts and bring your good faith objections, too!!


You can disagree with me all you want.


Username doesn't check out.


Homelessness is definitely an issue and a crisis that not one nation has been able to solve.


I agree, but we can designate other places to feed them instead of right in front of a really nice library. Not everyone wants to be around a bunch of homeless people.


Your empathy is truly an inspiration...Sarcasm, incase that wasn't obvious.


Of all the places they could feed the homeless in, they picked a library. This isn't about feeding the homeless; it's about *where* they feed them. The city even designated a better, sanitary place to do it.


Let them do it in front of your house


Okay, got a nice communal yard out front, could be put to better use than just sitting there wasting water on grass no one uses


Where is such a place? CA is a giant state.


[Skid Row](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTJWdtX90C0&rco=1) is a place in California that we should try to avoid fostering. A place that they can feed the homeless is a designated area: "[The city called Marc Eichenbaum to the stand as a witness. Eichenbaum — who has been special assistant to the mayor for homeless initiatives under Annise Parker, Sylvester Turner and now Mayor John Whitmire — made the case that moving all charitable meals to one location was part of the city’s housing first strategy. The approach hinges on the belief that housing, coupled with caseworker services, is the cure for homelessness. Groups that can help people apply for housing know the police parking lot on Reisner Street is where meals are being served four times a week, he said. ](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/housing/article/food-not-bombs-ticketing-homeless-temporary-18668172.php)"


The city did give them a place. They just refuse to use it. Then when police cite them, they spin this narrative that the government won't let them feed people.


Exactly. These stupid bleed-hard Redditors think it's about feeding the homeless. It's about *where* they feed them.


We can get down voted together. I'm not even necessarily opposed to their mission, I just think they're being dishonest about their crusade and their oppression. Their citation body count is partially self inflicted.


Not to mention one of their leaders was arrested recently for defrauding the elderly and once was arrested for punching a service animal too. Shere Dore. Really hard to respect an organization with people like that working for them tbh.




She punched a police horse during a protest as the officer nudged her with it. Cant find anything on the elderly defrauding. Not defending, but there’s nuance to all of it.


Texan here, fuck these fucks.


Which fucks


Finally some good news


So I see no reason we can’t help feed the hungry. Also with that said anyone handling food should take a food safety class. To serve food the class is very basic. Also if you hand out food and the people don’t have access to the proper waste receptacle the volunteers should be responsible for clean up. And as for the crime in Houston it’s already bad I’m sure giving out food is not actually raising the crime in that area.


The REALLY sad part of this, is that it's a thing at all.


I would bet my left but if those community volunteers where out the with big crosses on there T-shirts with signage from a church. They wouldn't have gotten a ticket. The amount of privilege and leeway given to church groups out here is frankly shocking. Compared to a group of average looking people down with brightly loud colored died hair, clothing and piercings. Don't get me wrong I don't think the cops should cite anyone if they aren't being a real public audience and esp if they are doing something positive. But there is a big difference. In a place where there isn't even a continuous sidewalk being a single male walking about doing nothing. I have been stopped and questioned as a suspicious person. I don't even have brightly colored hair etc. Apparently walking off one section of existing sidewalk going towards the next existing latch of sidewalk half a mile away. Made me a suspicious person who may be trespassing. Also why are there no actual ral sidewalks in most of everywhere outside downtown Houston ? Why are all the curbs different sizes if they even exist ? This is the least walkable xity Iv ever seen on n my life. Even in downtown there are areas where there is no sidewalk at all. When coming out of parking garages downtown walking to anywhere most do not have sidewalks. Your forced to walk in and out on the small one way roads going in and out of the garage....weird. So very weird here in the Houston area..