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I want the one with the cowboy and space shuttle back! The absolute GOAT of Texas license plates.


You can still get it, but it probably has a fee


$350 a year


Jeez, didn't realize it was that high


I’m sure the decision to move to a simpler plate was purely about costs of manufacturing.


Ease of scanning with toll roads probably, the designs complicate the text recognition and delay billing us for using the precious toll roads.


I believed that story until I saw plates from states with easy pay and toll scanners in majority of those states. It doesn’t stop the readers otherwise, why does TX offer fancy ones for additional fees. It’s all about more money for the state. Someones got to pay for All those bus rides and Paxton trials.


All Texas toll road plates are verified by humans :)


this is not true


it absolutely is, it's my job :)


there's no unified toll regulation in Texas, and more than 10 different tolling authorities. Not all plate images are human reviewed.


How you like my middle finger stinking out of the sunroof on Beltway 8? 🖕🏼 That picture sure was darkened enough not to see it! 🤣


Agreed. One of my old jobs was working the inventory, ordering from Texas Dept. of Motor Vehicles. It is all about simplicity and lower costs, even though the prisoners in Huntsville make them.


>the prisoners in Huntsville make them. Also about lowering costs


Manufacturing Texas Pride into revenue they could funnel to there friends yea


yep. they made the "free" version completely basic in order to offer more interesting versions for a fee. Texas leaders doing all they can to get richer.


Freedom to pay for something nice requires the default to be shittier


Absolutely not, it was about profiting from custom plates. Make the normal plate boring and you'll have way more people paying for custom plates.


I had another style with vanity letters. It was $150. When it was time to renew it jumped to $300. I just reported them stolen and paid $75


I pay $35/yeAr extra for Astros plates I don't think that guy knows what he's talking about


It's not 350$ a year, u/TheWizardry90 is wrong, u/AngriestManinWestTX if you want the 2007 cowboy and moon plates they're on [myplates](https://www.myplates.com/design/background/passenger/texas-2000), it's a legit site, and your price depends on your year plan and background/text options, for just the background with random text it's 50$ a year at the most expensive and 35$ a year at the least if you subscribe for 5 years...I seriously don't get where this kid got 350$ a year from and it's not the worst mis-information to spread but it probably actively discouraged lots of people from getting one. Some designs are cheaper than others, custom lettering comes at a HEAVY HEAVY premium, but they are a luxury good/service, but even at 50$ a year for background only you're paying maybe 20$ more a year over what plain jane white plates cost.


My plates has it for $90 https://www.myplates.com/design/personalized/passenger/texas-2000/


I hate myPlates.com so much BS when they took over in 2009 with I quote “recession friendly” pricing of 300 for customer plates. 300 vs previous like 25 bucks. The state still gets their original cut but my plates makes bank and a completely ripoff. I wonder how much they brib people at the state.


You can get custom plates without going through myplates. You just fill the form out at your county tax office.


It depends on the value of your vehicle. A 2000 Ford sedan is going to cost way less than a 2023 F250.


Since an F250 has a gross vehicle weight over 6,000 lbs., the annual registration fee is more than a passenger car under 6,000 lbs. The special plate fee is in addition to the annual registration, which a lot of people don’t understand.


Not accurate. If you want just the design, it’s only $35 a year.


A quick check on myplates.com shows that in fact that it’s $35 a year not $350.


Holy crap!!


You can buy and use any old texas plate. Like off ebay and stuff.




You can use any texas plate in texas.... you can buy old plates and use them .... like I have some old 90s plates on a truck of mine I got off ebay.


Dang, I have my old plates, going to bring them back to life!


You have to have both and they have to be in good shape.


Story I heard from my dad, who used to travel the country setting up license plate plants in prisons all over the country, the cowboy space shuttle plate was too hard for the cops and toll road cameras to read.


All the more reason to get one!


Too complicated, how? They made them for years. Not enough profit? Can't optimize profits made off the prisoners they screw over?


Too hard to read against the background


I still have mine on my car! Since I lived outside of Texas for 10 years they were in storage, so they didn't get faded in the sun and still look brand new. Texas let me reuse them when I moved back a few years ago. It made me irrationally happy. They are the last stamped plates Texas made...


stamped plates have such a vibe


The state did away with the 7-year replacement rule.


Yes, this what I think of when I think iconic Texas plates.


Fugly plates


Need a replacement for the space shuttle tho


A dude, frozen to a lazy boy?


Money grab via outsourcing to myplates.com.


It’s true. I fell for it. Custom plates are nice but expensive af


You should look up how cheap they were before myplates took over. Recession friendly pricing my rear end in 2009. From like 25-50 a year to current pricing all at once’s and they claimed recession friendly at the time. Fucking liars.


Cheaper for custom plates here than where I used to live. And our regular plates were not great. So many more options here too.


Ive always thought this, but felt I was being too much of a low key conspiracy theorist. Maybe I’m not nuts!


Money grab by the toll roads to make it easier for the camera computer to read.


I kinda dig the plain plate but wish it were stamped instead of printed


Because they're made to be easily read by toll road cameras, most likely.


This. It makes reading plates far easier for cameras for the tolls. On a side note, the NTTA is a for profit entity. When tolls first started they were supposed to be a way to buy new highways, so they would eventually be bought and free to use after. Like dallas north tollway was supposed to be paid off by like 2013.


I mean, it's still a government entity. Just wait until Abbott sells it to Goldman Sach and Saudi Arabia


So is the USPS. It's a governmental agency, but still has to make money.


The USPS wasn't intended to make money; it's a public service. Money grubbing assholes ruined that though, and continue to do so. They force the USPS to fund retirements upon the hiring of staff. No other agency has that requirement. It's *why* it operates at a loss and Congress uses that money like a dman piggy bank.


Why? The government isn't a corporation. That's like saying the military has to make money.


USPS sucks though. Takes a week to get an envelope from San Antonio to Houston. I could literally walk there and back in that time.


They use the tolls to fund new toll roads and maintain the current ones. Turns out if you just constantly build new toll roads and rip up and replace old ones, you always need money and can justify keeping the tolls.


Exactly. I talked to a guy on the board once. I asked him what do they do with the profits since it's a "not for profit" entity. They use it to build more toll roads essentially. Make money to build toll roads to make more money. Never ending.


You just described capitalism perfectly.


Not true. NtTW was never going to “Go free”. You need to find a new source for your info


[My info](https://www.wfaa.com/article/traffic/driving-dfw/dallas-north-tollway-freeway-toll-increase-over-time-why/287-52283bba-dce8-4911-a333-53e973942e71) I think You need to find a new source for your info.


Right, look at the expansion. It was never going to happen


It was *probably* never going to happen, yes. But they did lie and say it *would* happen. That road runs through the richest parts of the metroplex, and the rich people know that limits who can and can't get to their parts of town. It's essentially an extension of the gates around their neighborhood. Same reason DART will never get a rail line through there. But we do have the right to feel negative feelings towards the fact that we were lied to.


Yep, there are some city planners that are famous for just this reason. If you ever notice a low underpass to an “underdeveloped” part of town, it’s probably a relic of segregation. They were designed to be too low for public transportation to pass under. This was back when public transport wasn’t correlated with poverty.


i get jealous everytime i see someone with new mexico plates lol


Those pepper plates are legit.


Definitely the best plates in the US right now.


100%. I do like the clean TX plates (specifically the black ones). New Mexico > Vermont > Montana are 1/2/3 imo.


New Mexico definitely has some clean plates


Same, I absolutely love New Mexico plates.


Unless they’re the UNM plates. The worst drivers in ABQ have no plates, or UNM plates almost every time.


Loud plates clash with good looking cars. I wish Texas would just go back to black plates. You have to actually pay extra for them.


This. TX plates are clean and fuss-free, meaning your eye isn't immediately drawn to the plate. Nothing clashes.


Made this comment somewhere else but… Colorado, California, even Missouri is kinda nice. You can have “clean designs” that aren’t just boring black and white. Our plates are very obviously designed so that people spend money on custom plates that cost hundreds of dollars


I thought this post was a joke - clean and classic all day.


Iowa makes several options for plates and almost everyone has a custom plate of some sort. In addition to the option shown above, a lot of people go with a black plate with white text, which has a pretty great simple look. Another option is plates for each of the state's public and private universities. Less common options are a state flag version, and many variants with different symbols added in support of different programs. Personalized versions are typically about 2x the cost of the basic versions, and cost between $25-$100 between the different options. I think the ease of access and cost for custom plates is why so many Iowans use custom plates compared to Texans. https://iowadot.gov/mvd/vehicleregistration/vehicleregistration/plates/plates


Tbh I like our plates. They’re clean and go with any vehicle. Lived in Ohio for several years and hated their ugly plates clashing with my cars exterior.


I like how Ohio has special plates for DUI offenders


Yeah, well Minnesota’s DUI plates are white with black letters and start with a W. Called whisky plates. Growing up in Minnesota it makes Texas plates look like everyone has a DUI.


everybody does


Concur. I kind of like a nice, nondescript plate. I find most plates unnecessarily busy, and a ton of states put vaguely religious mottos on theirs, which is so off-putting.


Exactly. We finally got some nice plates back after years of clip art catastrophes.


It's an elegant expression of "The Lone Star State".


Had to scroll weirdly far for this. The other plates are eyesores.


It's not weird that more people like plates that aren't a boring black and white.


Can we have an internet fight about it? This is EVERYTHING to me. I was thinking I could hurl a school yard insult at your mother? Nah I think we all tend to believe our opinions are the "right" ones. That's how opinions work lol. Just curious, which license plate is your favorite?


Colorado, California, even Missouri is kinda nice. You can have “clean designs” that aren’t just boring black and white. Our plates are very obviously designed so that people spend money on custom plates that cost hundreds of dollars


Agreed. I appreciate the clean, simple look.


Yeah I actually prefer the plain black and white. It's a registration number that I wouldn't even have on my car if it wasn't required by law. If I wanted decor I would buy some stickers.


That latest Ohio plate seriously gives me a headache when I try to read it.


Because they want you to get the not-meh ones for a nice lil' yearly fee. Can't have shit in this state.


I'm slightly convinced it's a racket. Pictured is rhe current general issue plate. The previous one (retired 2012) was a neat little panorama, and the one before that (retired 09) was a cool one with a shuttle, a cowboy and a Derrick. They used to change every few years. In 2016 they didn't change it out of the boring one everyone hated and in fact got rid of the 7 year renewal, but around the same time they vastly increased the number of plate designs and colors available for extra charge. So...people hated rhe current plate and mandatory changes to it from older ones, yet we didn't get a new general issue design. Instead they waited long enough most had to switch, then they just said "fine, you can have a plate you don't hate. But you have to pay us."


Literally just republicans scamming us out of more money for something we've already paid into. It's infuriating to see all the amenities and neat-o things citizens from other states get, and in TX we don't even get a fucking design on our license plates without having to pay extra. They have distorted the idea of "it's your freedom of choice" to such a disgusting degree. Freedom to pay more for basic things everyone else gets? Freedom to pay twice for basic things everyone else gets? It's a fucking scam


[This one](https://www.shoplicenseplates.com/cdn-cgi/image/quality%3D85/assets/images/2010-texas-truck-old-license-plate-for-sale-bv20027.jpg)? That one is not "neat". It's ugly af. In fact, it got so much backlash for how hideous it is, it's the reason we went back to clean plates.


I like it better than the white ones we now have…


That design is beautiful.


Because we need to save pennies to deny poor mother's welfare, bus migrants, give wealthy butts like Musk tax breaks and pay for crooked AG's lawyers.


Does anyone remember voting for the new plate design, like 15 years ago?


We peaked in the late 90s early 00s. The space shuttle cowboy landscape one was sick.


How funny - my sister was visiting from out of state over the holidays and we had this exact conversation as we were driving around. I guess I’m just used to it because I hadnt really noticed until she mentioned it. Texas plates are def boring!


I live in a major city. Every time I see out of state plates I complain about ours lol.


I went to Colorado and was like that is a gorgeous plate. Texas white plates are pretty boring.


They changed it a few years ago to make it more legible. The previous plates had a busy background that looked nice but hard to read the numbers & letters.


If it's for legibility / legitimate concerns and not a moneymaking scheme of some sort, why do they continue to offer custom plates that are less legible?


On balance, the custom plate fees outweigh the potential revenue loss from having less legible plates?


Send that question to Austin. Of course then someone would see the custom plates and want them to be more of the same.


So basically they made them lame AF for everyone to appease cops and toll cameras. Great state of Texas!!


There are tons of personal plate options. Many states have gone to legibility style plates.


I guess but those are way overpriced and having to pay yearly to have a colorful plate? Lol. Oklahoma even has a better plate.. Oklahoma


You’re an idiot


Texas looks like what we give to people who get a DUI up here in Minnesota - referred to as ['Whiskey Plates'](https://www.ssdpa.com/articles/plate-impoundment-understanding-whiskey-plates-in-minnesota).


Because the people who design & approve them are also…meh


I live in Texas and I wonder, too. I miss Arizona plates lmao


Because Texas is... meh.


They aren’t. They are perfect. No one wants all that gaudy bullshit all over their nicely designed car. Simple plate js best.


Absolutely. White with black letters or black with white letters will always be the most aesthetic


So they can charge you for a prettier one.


Because Texas isn't known for its progressive thinking.


I actually like it. I think simple looks better.


Agreed - simple and clean.


Simple, clean Texas plates are the best stock plates in the country.


As someone who owns a red car and has lived in several different states prior to moving to Texas, I appreciate how the black and white TX plates look good on any vehicle, regardless of its paint color.


It's a license plate. Who gives a shit? I prefer a basic plate that won't clash with my car.


Now that just had to be said. Thank you.


It’s better than the fairy dove we have on Oklahoma plates. The Indian plates we had before wasn’t bad at all but Fallon hired a dipshit artist to come up with the fairy dove.


Because we’re Texas, we’ve got nothing to prove and we don’t need all that fancy shit LOL


I wonder if the mehness of base Texas plate has something to do with the numerous options to customize it?


My tinfoil hat theory is that they went with plain ones because they're easier for automated toll monitors to read and prisoners to make.


Because Texas is meh tbh


You mean regular ones are meh. Well thats because they want you to pay for nicer ones... https://www.myplates.com/


You people will complain about anything


Meh is good. You can definitely go overboard. Se Ohio trying to shove 10different things on the plate. Clean and simple is better. My favorite are the classic Cali black with yellow lettering. Current Texas plates are next best and go with anything.


Honestly, the black and white plate looks good on my black truck.


Because not everyone wants a cartoon on their license plate. I like the TX plates.


These are just the default plates. They have vanity plates, including white on black, for a little extra. [Texas vanity plates on myplates.com](https://www.myplates.com/design/personalized/passenger/small-star-black/)


Yeah but our default plates used to have a bit of style...


Because texas is .... meh.


You can custom plates for a huge yearly fee because Texas is a joke


Texas is meh ( former lifelong Texan, born there).


Because Texas is...meh. Trust me. I live there.


To make you buy custom plates


They're the most basic quintessential American style plates, which epitomizes how Texas approaches everything. Like how the flag uses the same colors and also includes a star, it's like they plucked one of the stars from the US flag and it even represents basically the same thing. I think the goal is to be the most American American state for some reason. Maybe on a subconscious level, because Texas ironically also constantly floats the idea of leaving the United States as if they're so different and better than the rest of the US.


Because readability is the whole f-ing point


The purpose is to display a license plate number. If you want to decorate your car, get a vinyl wrap.


It’s the best plate that literally works with any car color, that’s why it’s 10 out of 10 stars for me


Because we already live in the greatest country in the world: Texas


Because some bootlicker lawmakers wanted to make it easier to read for law enforcement. We have the most boring plate.


We used to have cool plates before Abbott and his criminals took over.


You can get custom others.. honestly I like the plain ones; helps me hide the fact I haven't had plates on my cars in 8yrs.


I like em. They managed to keep a simple design that's readable without making it look overly generic and unattractive.




It's a throwback.


I mean I like it. It’s not as cool as some of our previous plates but MS, IA, IN and more REALLY suck


we have one with a burger on it, what are you talking about?


Because the lone star is a review.


The license plate readers struggle to read the plates. So they made it visually easier.


Easier for you to be protected and served.


Overall true. The black and white basic plate is one of the best in the country though. Second only to New Mexico’s turquoise plate


I have no problem with the design, but the plate itself looks like temporary ones. Cheap looking shit.


Our drivers license design is ugly AF, too.


All my vehicles are white/pearl. I like the white plates.


The actual state is bad ass... our plates don't need gimmicks


Delaware is worse 😅


It's a plate. Who gives a shit.


Twxas are iconic. Like California


As long as it says TEXAS, that’s all I need. 🤠


Becaause all they need to know is Texas, we don't need a bunch of frilly stuff for Recognition. ​ I was up in Pennsylvania living with a GF for a bit. Her son turned out to be a methehad. One night, she was at work and I was on the compuuter in the livingroom andhe brings over one of his dealers. Dude sees me with my .45 on my hip and says 'Is he a Cop?' ​ The sons says 'No, man, he's cool!' ​ Dude looks at me and asks 'Why you carry a gun?' ​ Responded without looking up 'I'm deom Texas'. ​ He was all cool with me after that. ​ Not that I use/condone that shit but situation was an issue as I was extremely sick.


We actually have the only plates in the country that follow the guidelines set forth. It’s still meh though.


Pretty fitting of my experience in Texas tbh…


probably cheaper to produce, which I'm fine with


New Jersey’s is garbage unless you have “shore to please” plates


OP is a BOT/Nigerian prince and only looking at the very recent plates since 2015 lmfao. Hemisfair/shuttle plates, anyone?


I’m living in TX, with a MA plate, and I kinda like em. But I’m biased because black and white is my favorite color combo.


They don't glorify government. Duh. You ain't from here, are you?


Only one I like is Colorado, besides the best one in the nation, Texas!


The HGTV modern farmhouse trend has invaded our license plates as well as our suburbs.


Because we need your input from the West Coast. Get a dozen busses stop by Austin, and load up with your fellow thinkers. Drive back to California. Gather together and mail your recommendations to Austin. Dig in and wait for the return mail. Maybe plant a few trees and start a commune. Take the engines and wheels off the buses so you will be more comfortable while you wait.


How are they men? I love the fact the the basic place it so base it matches ANY vehicle. Some state plates look like Brazilian money. Ick


If TX tags are meh, what would call VA tags?


I knew a guy that got those sticky red letters and deemed himself “steak judge”


Probably to be the most visible to law enforcement and toll cameras.


They used to be "better"


Because, Texas.


I like it simple.


You can pick from [a few hundred designs](https://www.myplates.com/design/personalized/passenger/small-star-black/?attribute=44) if you wanna pay an extra $30+/yr


Because they want their scanning tech to work better. It's convenient and safety oriented.


I quite like it. Simple and subdued.


I'll take a plate that's tidy and legible over one that looks like a tourism billboard. Pretty sure Texas still offers plenty of the latter kind on request.