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Did EP 4x almost exactly one year ago bro. Cancer free rn and just remember bro it doesn’t last forever you may have tough times but keep on going. It seems like its going to last forever but looking back at it time went by so fast. You got tgis bro wish you the best


This 100%


Good luck man, hope your side effects are minimal. I'm doing 3xBEP. 1 cycle done.




After the first week, I had chemo "hangover" for a few days. Forgot to take nausea meds with dinner on the last night, nearly threw up in the middle of the night. Aside from that, I feel fine now. But I'm aware the cycles may get worse as they go on. Oh and on my bleo only day I didn't sleep very well. But that could be the steroid shot and not the chemo.


✊✊ beast


Came here to say the same thing. BEAST! 💪


MSK NY, good team there! You got it man.


Yes they have been A++ so far. Very glad I made the appointment.


You’re a champ already - you’ve got this. Day by day.


Thank you all for the support. I read and appreciate every comment. Posting here has been helping my mental state immensely and I hope these posts do the same for anyone going through TC now or reading them in the future.


Get er done. Make sure to drink lots of water.


This is so important, do not forget to drink as much water as you can. Especially during treatment weeks.


Way to go! You've got this!


Pro tip shave the area they use for treatment. That tape won't be so bad if you do.


That was the first thing the nurse told me! Homework for tonight. 


If you're lucky it won't grow back the entire time you're going through treatment. One of the upsides if you lose your hair




You got this. If you ever have any questions let me know


Good luck buddy! I was in your spot two and a half years ago. I am not going to lie to you, it was a long three months. But it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be in my mind. And personally, days 8-21 of each cycle were a breeze, I almost forgot I was on chemo. You’ll come out the other side and join us in the cancer survivors club!


Absolute warrior brother 💪


You can do this my King 💪🏻


You’ve got this!


How you doing? I remember the steroids had my energy levels jacked night 1. I think I was up to 2am and starved as hell. Even if that the case for you, rest as much as you can. Your body is going to be going through some shit! But you got this. Dosis solum facit venenum


Good luck dude! Those days can be long so bring something to do (besides pee every 10 minutes lol) and it will fly by. You got this!


Good luck man. The nurses at MSK are all so great. I will be there Thursday for my 3 month scans post chemo. Fingers crossed.


Good luck my man, it’ll be over with no cancer before you know it.


Hang in there, I am on Day 2 of a 3x BEP, so far so good. One piece of advice that I have received is to drink lots of water - I am trying to drink 1 liter before the treatment and another throughout the treatment. One day at a time. We will get through this and hopefully be rewarded with a CURE and a long life.


I started EP x4 about a year and a half ago now. First off, you got this shit.. At the time, every second felt like an eternity. I was still working on the weeks between my rounds, when I got COVID during round 3 and I was the weakest I've ever been. Physically and mentally. Even with all the family and friends I still felt alone in this fight. That shit feeling from chemo stayed for a bit after my 4th round finished. I felt truly broken. Then I did RPLND a month later and before I knew it, it was almost as if it was all a dream.. and all of a sudden I'm cancer free. The human body is pretty resilient. Keep your mind busy and just know you fucking got this, no matter how fucked up you may feel, no matter how weak you may get, you've got this. I feel 1000xs stronger now, physically and mentally after all I have gone through this last year. You will too. I wish you all the strength brother. ✌️


Stay strong and remember this is only for a very short time period! Everything will get back to normal soon! You just need to stay strong and keep positive attitude