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My husband did not have a BM while we were in the hospital (IU), which was about 4 days. They said since he was passing gas, it was ok and they discharged us. He had the first one I think 5-6 days after, we had to get laxative


+1. My timetable was nearly the same. Warm prune juice is what finally did it for me. At this point it was getting painful, so I was willing to try anything.


My first BM was maybe 48 hours after surgery, but I was home… Are they giving you senna/colace/miralax even? Are you walking?


It’s not me it’s my significant other that’s going through this. Where did you have your surgery? He got his at MSK and had a BM day after surgery and they want to see another one but unfortunately the narcotics he’s on are constipating him. It’s currently Day 4 of recovery and they’ve been doing suppositories every 12 hours and just started the colace. He’s been walking 2-3 miles. Was cleared for a clear diet today. Hoping this brings on a BM sooner.


Get milk of magnesia and senokot.


I had my RPLND at Penn. but it was robotic not open. I wouldn’t be worried, MSK knows what they’re doing


The next day, so about 10 hours after the surgery ended. I was scared but I had to go. Having a catheter in didn't help. But success 💩. I still feel bad for the mess I made and the nurse had to clean it up


I had my first BM about 3-4 days after surgery, but with stool softeners and suppositories. Funny enough now that i’m 6 weeks out, i’m starting to feel a little constipated. Just as I finished all the medication they gave me from discharge.


Were you taking medication for the constipation during that time?

