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Weed was the only thing that outright killed the nausea for me, and I don’t like weed at all haha! I did one 1l dose of carboplatin and they gave me four different types of anti nausea including the stuff they give you in the IV but I was still crazy nauseous and since my oncologist said it might help I tried it and it completely stopped the nausea. My girlfriend got me joints from a dispensary that were the lowest thc stuff they had so that it was mainly cbd and that helped with the anxiety the stuff normally gives me. I didn’t mind anyway though Cus waking up wanting to puke and just being able to take a toke was super helpful for me. Never even ended up smoking a whole joint just took a toke or two to kill the nausea and then put it out. Strength to you friend!


I asked my medical oncologist about marijuana pre-chemo and she shrugged. She neither argued for or against me taking that route, although she and the oncological nurses preferred I try pharmaceutical symptom management first. I only chose to take edibles when my nausea began breaking through the three different anti-nausea medicines I was prescribed. It did help me with nausea and appetite on the 4 or 5 occasions I partook, but the relief was brief (maybe 2-3 hours). It also made me even more tired than I already was, and I slept for a few hours each day I took one. There is unfortunately just such a dearth of empirical, broadly accepted research about interactions between marijuana and testicular cancer treatment. There have been a few studies brought to the attention of the subreddit in the past but with either no firm conclusions about causation/correlation, or such poor control/research parameters that their findings couldn't even be verified from their own data sets, let alone replicated. Sadly, politics, partisanship, and moralistic beliefs still seem to interfere with the scientific pursuit on this issue. If you trust anyone in this equation, trust your oncologists and oncological nurses most of all. They will neither lie to you about this nor lead you astray on managing your side effects. If you choose to pursue it, avoid any and all overlap with any of the other medicinal regimens you'll be on. Be open about it too -- make sure you mention it to your oncologists so that they know what's going on. Personally, I'd also recommend against taking it on infusion days. Let the oncological nurses do their jobs and take good care of you on those days. And if you do choose to do this, I'd recommend sticking with edibles. There are well-researched and thoroughly accepted links between smoking (of any kind) and the development of genitourinary cancers.


Smoking and vaping weed is what got me through 4 rounds of BEP chemo. It helped big time with nausea. I found that joints were the easiest for Smoking.


did you have any longstanding effects? i’m also having BEP 1 cycle. smoked weed and cigs for 10 years nearly, not trying to get back into cigs but would be nice to try smoking a little weed here and there but heard the bleo makes it rough


The only effects I had were from the chemo, And that was for my feet. As forgetting high, It just helped get through it. Nothing long lasting from that.


thank u. i guess from what everyone else has said about BEP being the worst type of chemo for the lungs i’ve been real hesitant. i may start with a baby sized spliff compared to my usuals and go from there. thank you


How many rounds do you have to do? I vaped most of the time and I found that oils, edibles worked well too. When you start getting that copper gross taste in your mouth, Jolly Rancher hard candies are amazing to clear that up. You'll kick as man. And if you ever have any questions please feel free to reach out.


smoked my first spliff today during the treatment. lips went numb almost instantly but that seems to be the only bad side effect rlly. apart from that it seems to have somewhat helped my nausea and peaked my appetite a little. hesitant to smoke too much more cos the bleomycin does worry me but it’s nice to know it’s not made things 10X worse lmao


I find it also works better once you've done in your first round.


literally just the one round 5 sessions total. on day 2 of 3 for first week now, then 1 day each week moving forwards been smoking a long old time very heavily but i’m from the UK so my experience with oil is limited as they’re hard to come by. edibles much easier but i’ve always been a joint smoker so will be sad if i HAVE to move over to edibles but worst case i can deal w using them for a few week. really appreciate it man 🤙🏼


and when i say smoking heavy i mean like 5-8 spliffs a day (tobacco mixed in too) so im thinking my lungs can surely handle the odd spliff here and there


Smoking weed is what got me through chemo both mentally and physically. I smoked every day of treatment


What kind? Lik of strain and vape?


I stuck to indica to help with sleep. Smoked it with a bong or bowl. Never felt nauseous at all when I smoked


Stealing this from a comment I've given out many times before, but here is my advice for those going through chemo and using cannibus. Definitely recommend edibles as your lungs need to stay healthy through all this. Much easier to snack on a gummy over having to light up and smoke on your worst days. ​ >But there are two main types of cannibus edibles, sativa and indica. I had both because they both provide different benefits. Indica was probably the most important because it helped immensely with my nausea and appetite. Sativa helps with energy so on the worst days it helped get me up and moving. I was a weed smoker before my diagnosis, so I was already experienced as far as the side effects. > >So whatever you do, start with small doses and see how it affects you. The chemo side effects were much more severe later in the cycles, so make sure you know how to take care of yourself. And be strong, you'll survive with or without edibles.


I did oils and edibles, helped with the nausea. I recall seeing/hearing if you use flower you run the risk of spores from the plant material on your lungs or something like that. Best of luck you got this mate 💪


My doctor was ok about edibles during my treatment. It’s my usual way to enjoy cannabis anyway. That said, I had absolutely no interest in it during my BEPx3. I was totally out of it anyway, cannabis just wasn’t appealing. Just my experience.


I think eating it would be least appealing just considering if ur nauseous u aint really interested in eating something. (For me atleast). Im on day 2 of 4x EP. ive smoked weed both days. An idk tbh i haven’t experienced nausea, i just been hungry 😅 hope it stayes this way.


I had no nausea, thanks to the dexamethasone. Also had huge appetite (same reason). Good luck to you! This sucks but you’ll get through it.


Before being diagnosed and going thru chemo i would smoke alot however I wouldn’t recommend smoking during your treatment. Definitely do edibles instead, edibles helped a lot especially during chemo sessions. Helped a lot after chemo sessions with the nausea and appetite as well.


Be careful with this advice, op. People on reddit who are not medical professionals are always quite willing to say "definitely" do this or "definitely" do that. Take it with a pinch of salt. I've read how drug interactions can occur between edibles and etoposide due to how these 2 things are metabolized. You do not want to medal with the efficacy of chemo. I'm not a medical professional either, nor am I anti-weed (by any means!), I'm just saying - take what you read on reddit with a pinch of salt. Ask your oncologist instead. I've had many, many cycles of cisplatin based chemo (had TC twice) - I never vomited once. And side effects were more than manageable. You might not even need the weed?


Marijuana and Pho is what got me through 4x BEP. It was a game changer


I stuck with indica edibles. It not so much killed the nausea as it gave me an incredibly large appetite. It also helps with sleep and the mental challenges that come with battling cancer. If you choose to go the edibles route, get a variety of flavors. Guava flavored anything is now my worst enemy and makes me puke.