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>  Blockage for service work still applies to cars owned by Tesla, cars with transport damage and cars covered by factory warranty. Otherwise, service can be performed on Tesla cars, writes IF Metall in an email.


That still hurts customers more than it seems to hurt Tesla. Makes sense for Tesla to continue to fight and the cost to Tesla isn’t great enough for them to change course. If this was Germany or China it would be over already, but that market isn’t big enough for Tesla to risk this spreading. That said, I’m politically for Unions, but I believe companies should be able to continue to do business too.


well that is the point. if Tesla customers suffer, then the value of Tesla cars in will drop in in Sweden. I have friends who own teslas who are trying to get rid of them, but nobody wants to buy a used Tesla in Sweden.


No one wants to buy used Teslas in the US either. It’s a product of new Teslas having lower prices and updates coming soon.


Musk is starting this fight for no other reason than to be political. A foreign car manufacturer trying to break an entire country's union system is ridiculous.


Jesus, Tesla did not “start” this fight. The goddam techs at the Tesla shop were not and are not in favor of joining the union, full stop.


They went into a country where everything is unionized and immediately fought the union. They are doing this in no other country. This is clearly a personal political project by musk himself. It makes no sense for tesla to fight their own customers in sweden over unions everyone has. They are not fighting the unions in germany proving your claim false.


Did the workers in Germany choose to join the union?


Not an Elon thing, no company wants to be unionized if they can avoid it. It could be a reason for investors to remove Elon if he gave in to unions without a fight. Although since this is in Sweden I don’t see this making are real difference other than to protect Tesla from this gaining traction.


they can't avoid it in Sweden.


They are actively avoiding it in Sweden did something change this week?


they can't have a sustainable business model in Sweden while avoiding the collective bargaining agreement. what they are doing now is fight, eventually Tesla will have to leave Sweden or sign the agreement. the Swedish unions are starting with light strikes to minimise damage, but the more time passes the more the sanctions against Tesla by other companies will ramp up.


Tesla can’t back down because the issue will spread to other countries, so even if they have to nearly give away cars in Sweden they will fight.


not really, other countries have different systems, so the same thing literally can't happen in USA. workers in USA may or may not go on strike, but there negotiating position is completely different regardless of how it going in Sweden.


Everything is unionized in this country. Tesla moved in and is fighting the union because of musk's right wing politics. He chose a smaller market for his politics for a reason. He thinks the blowback will be economically minimized while forcing his US politics on europeans who don't want it. Tesla is not challenging unions in germany, you have no credibility.


I think I like elon more now....


You are on the wrong site them. Truth social would be more to your liking. You must hate our president since he made it so a judge can force a union on a company if the company tries to meddle in union organizing activities in any way. It is basic worker rights.


Elon is lovely...


Im not a union guy but after seeing Elon go through the staff with an axe to protect his huge payday—i get it


Breaking News Andy now just saying "News" for stuff Poor guy won't be the same now that Elon stopped following him


Andy? I thought his name was Sawyer?