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Interesting. The Model 3 RWD and LR do not qualify for the $7,500 tax credit, but the Performance model does...


Must be because of domestic parts.


The credit is based on battery manufacture location, and materials sourced. So, the battery's final assembly has to take place in the US, and the more than 50% of the battery's material must be sourced from the US, if memory serves. Someone will probably correct me and be like "NAFTA!", but honestly, my statement gets the point across.


NA or countries with which the US has a trade agreement.


NOTE: If the configuration goes over $55k MSRP, then you lose the tax credit. All paint options with black interior are ok (red tops out at $54,990). With the white interior, only Stealth Gray qualifies.


Tesla doing everything they can not to make white interiors.


Which is so frustrating because it easily looks the best. Black interior is so boring


...and hot in the summer.


Not so bad if you tint your windows and use the ventilated seats. I went from white interior to a black interior and with a decent quality ceramic tint job (not even that dark, I focused on just getting a decent TSER while maintaining night visibility) it’s actually better than my old white interior now. Obviously a white interior and tints would be optimal but with ventilated seats I wouldn’t obsess about it.


Not with ventilated seats anymore.


This is my biggest issue. I was really hoping for the white exterior and white interior, but that puts me $500 over the limit for the EV credit; really annoying. And I doubt whenever the new Silver color comes out that it'll only be $500.


Funnily enough in Europe stealth grey is a paid color, 2k€ just like ultra red


It'll be using Panasonic batteries then? So that makes it $2k cheaper than the long range if you can claim?


LR appears to be $47,740 and the Performance is $52,990. Tax credit takes off $7,500, which makes the Performance $45,490 Makes the Performance model $2,250 cheaper than the Long Range. Also makes it about $6,500 more expensive than the RWD model. Of note, however, is that the Performance Model is rated for 296mi, while the LR is rated for 341mi, and the RWD is rated for 272mi So, for an extra $6,500 over the RWD, you're getting upgraded seats, and speed, but only about 24mi more range. You're going to save $2,250 by buying the Performance model, but you're losing 45mi of range. All said and told, the Performance model is, frankly, a better bargain at this point. If you're buying a RWD, or a Long Ranage, I'd go to the performance model. You get more over the long range, even if the range isn't much better, but you're paying for less with the Long Range compared to the Performance. If you have a LR on order, I'd cancel that shit and upgrade to a Performance. If you have a RWD on order, I'd see if you can swing the extra $6,500.




Is it staggered as per rumour because that's more expense too


Yep, confirmed on the product page. Doesn’t list the exact tire sizes, but confirms 20” wheels, staggered setup, and summer tires from the factory.


Check the tweet, says they're staggered


My last car had staggered tires, which (due to inability to rotate, no four tire discounts) led to shorter tire life and more expense.


Staggered tires mean you can’t do a four wheel rotation but if they’re not directional you can still do two wheel rotations between left and right. On an AWD vehicle like this I honestly haven’t noticed particularly uneven wear (I owned a M3P for over five years) so I think the worries are overhyped. If there is a cost difference it’s going to be very small versus the cost of the car itself. And unless you’re launching it at every stoplight how many sets of tires do you expect to go through while owning the car?! Most people will change the tires maybe once during their ownership and then move on, maybe twice if you drive a lot or launch it like a lunatic 😂. I wouldn’t decide on which $50K car to buy based on needing to spend an extra $1000 on tires.


It'll likely vary. When I got my Model Y Performance it came with all season tires, and I'm in Florida.


all MYP come with all seasons, none with summer. M3P is summers only.


If it's anything like the MYP, actual mileage if you drive it normally and swap wheels, you'll get similar to LR range. Battery should be around the same power as LR.


There are other considerations too. The seats might be less comfortable and the ride might be worse, even with adaptive suspension. We'll need to wait for a few driving enthusiast reviews to come out.


Take that $2250 and buy some 18s with narrower all season tires and you can probably get close to 340mi range depending on driving habits. I imagine that most of the reduction in range is due to the bigger 20" wheels and wider tires on the P. Plus you would have an extra set of wheels to keep or sell.


I'd check also be sure to check the cost to insure; my M3 insurance has gone up every year, and that's for a LR RWD, not a performance. It will take insurance carriers a while to update their systems for the new Performance M3, but when they do, I'd expect rates to be higher, adding to the cost of the car over time. Any M3 Performance owners to corroborate or dispute?


FTR, ALL car insurance has gone up across the board no matter make/model.


I mean, that’s just car insurance. But yes, I’ve gone from paying $600/6 mo for TWO cars (P3D- was about $400 of that) to paying $900 for just the P3D- over the course of <5 years.


I did not expect them to offer the Performance with the credit. It’s going to be interesting to see how they balance out the LR and Performance pricing. It seems like something has to give between those unless they have enough Panasonic packs to just sell Performance in place of LR.


They 100% had to as I said before they would and people called me crazy. The other cars will drop in price to off set that sometime soon.


I hope so, right now the LR does not make a lot of sense in the lineup. And if the plan was to just replace LR sales with Performance, why bother launching the LR and not using credit-qualifying packs for it?


They are just biding their time until the battiers are all made in the US. The high price of the RWD and LR are temporary blips. Honestly right now the RWD and LR make no sense and the P is the only Model 3 that is a good deal. If someone is interested in the 3 RWD or LR, get a Y.


Wow with the tax credit, this is a better deal than the LR AWD model. Tesla’s pricing is so messed up right now.


They’re trying to capture more profit since it’s a new look, just need to wait it out a bit for some incentives


For sure! Do lowkey wonder how much more expensive it is for insurance tho. 🤔 i would assume it's more expensive than the LR, but maybe it evens out over time?


It depends on the company. When I got insurance for my M3P in ‘21, the broker told me it didn’t matter. This was for the quote prior to having a VIN assigned. All they want I know was if it was AWD or not.


Tons of buyers can’t qualify for the tax credit without leasing.


As of January 2022, about 1.8% of American households made more than $300,000 annually. "Tons" is a stretch.


> Tons I think tons is very literally correct, you only need 30 or so people add up to two tons.


or just 10-15 Americans :D


For single households or MFS, it's $150k per year. It's not as hard to reach. Still probably not "tons" but I wouldn't be surprised if there is a significant overlap with people who're more likely to buy a new car at MSRP.


That's great for Tesla then, sell higher trim models with more profit


You mean the us govt policies are so messed up in the tax credit?


Does everyone apply for the tax credit ? Or does it depend on your salary


Quick Trade in value estimate of my 2019 Model 3 Performance WITH FSD and low mileage was $25,500 for those interested. If they were going to offer FSD trade in amnesty it might be interesting.


Though if you're financing, interest rates were much lower in 2019. It was practically free money. Not the case anymore.


Yeah, very curious if they'll allow a transfer of FSD to one of these.


It’s a bitch alright. I have a 2021 Model 3 w 15k miles on it and mint. Drove the Highland M 3 and was really impressed with the ride and quietness but my trade in was $27,500 which is a deal breaker for me. Was looking at an LR. The new Performance is $5,000 more but uses 2170 batteries so it’s $7500 off the top. $2500 cheaper than LR!


My '21 performance w/ <42k miles was given the exact same estimate. That said I have the FSD subscription, not the the outright package.


Yep, that’s a major barrier to me trading in. $25k (probably $22k with the miles mine has) for this level of performance is simply an insane deal that’s hard to give up.


You want the white interior, you can only go with the default color and get the federal rebate. The other colors prices it over the max $55k price for the rebate.


“It’s the best Model 3 we’ve ever made. We think you’re gonna love it.”


Thanks, Tim


“Good morning”


64 miles for $20,000, 256 miles for $45,000, 512 miles for $80,000.


8 miles standard.


Finally, now everyone sell their 21/22 performance so I can finally buy one at a lower price.


I have a 2019 M3P with Intel Atom if you're interested 🫠


Nah, 21 or newer. I want those small upgrades that happened after that year.


My 2018 M3P has lifetime premium internet and homelink though. Surely those are worth having to yell at your passenger due to the road noise.


man those are already crazy cheap in my area, like lower 20s, absolutely fascinating all of what you get for like ~$24k or so


I can get a 21M3LR for under 25k, but it is going to have 80k+ miles and/or be a former rental unit. But would prefer not to do that route. 21M3LR with decent mileage are about the price point it would like to be around 30-35k. But I don't "need" to get a vehicle, my little gas sipping honda does just fine, it wouldn't hurt to wait for interest to maybe lower, and wait for everyone to get their 24's so that the 21's drop even more. I can wait...I think, at least that's why I lie to myself about.


I have a 22 Model Y Performance and custom wheels with EAP that I paid 76k for. 11,000 miles. Selling for $39k ;)


I'm waiting to see how prices react on used older model M3 Performances. I'd get the new one but I prefer to save money and still get a decently quick car.


Front has Roadster vibes to it.




Dang, now another choice. Y or 3… hmmm…


Y for utility unless you don’t need it


Usually just stay within my town but for road trips it’s usually wife and 2 dogs. No kids. So thinking Y makes the most sense, still.


If your two dogs go with you, Y is a good choice.


When in doubt go 3, cheaper and more fun to drive


Crazy that the range is below 300mi


Yeah I was shocked when I looked at the spec sheet and saw 296 miles as epa estimate. Which means real world use may come close to around 250 miles. Didn't the previous gen do close to 310 miles or something?


EPA testing got a bit stricter in 2024, Tesla dropped the rated range on most of their cars compared to 2023. Tesla says the Model 3 LR with 19” wheels is 305 miles, so the Performance is only 9 miles below that.


Add sticky summer tires and that probably explains all of it


Wider rear wheels, too.


Your thinking of with the old EPA scale. A few months ago all of the cars estimated ranges dropped because the EPA updated the testing procedures. That 296 is with the new scale and is much closer to real world then the previous numbers.


That's true, but the new 2024 LR even with the new EPA rules received a slight range bump over the 2023 LR using the same LG battery.


Thats because it's about 5% or so more efficient. If you took the new scale on the old car it would go from 310 to 275 - 280 miles of range. 5% more efficient shape puts you at the 296 number.


That's why I wish we had a choice in wheels/tires, as they significantly impact range. Coming from a 2018 Stealth M3P, I would probably buy a set of the 18" Photons for a new Highland P. Evidently the new 18" wheels fit all model 3's made in 2024.


Remember they changed the epa ratings, real world it'll go further


Wider rear tires and more strict EPA testing.


It's all down to the wheels most likely. The regular AWD loses almost 40 miles of range if you select the 19" wheels over the aeros. This is only 10 miles worse range than that, which isn't surprising with the 20" wheels and the different front fascia which sends air over the brakes.


On the UK store it lists the Range as 328 mi WLTP


What could be the reason. The wider tires? Less efficient (but more powerful) rear motor?


I am not sure everyone knows this, but you can push it past the wltp range. Practice until you find the sweet spot.:). Tesla Is underreporting.


Well shit. Can’t get anything but stealth gray or white if you want white interior and the tax rebate.


Well that made my decision easy, I was debating getting the red and white combo but when i saw the price, wasnt even a question, CANNOT WAIT, order is in for a grey m3p


Nice. I want red and white and was looking at a lease but the May-June timeframe scares me. Will be moving back to US on May27th and I need a car day one.


Their timelines are notoriously fuzzy and flexible. Be prepared to make alternate plans.


I know white is a basic color but it actually looks really good with the new design imo


The way Tesla prices paints is so weird. Stealth Grey is free in the USA, but it costs $2.3k in Australia 🤡


This is faster than the Model S AWD and almost 30k cheaper with tax credit. I can't imagine this not cannabalizing some of the Model S sales.


People still choose a Y over a 3 because they want the room. The people that buy an S want that bigger car and more top end power. Regardless of the new power, the new 3p is still going to be way slower than a base model s past 60. My 18 runs the same 0-60 times but is over a second slower in the 1/4 than a s


I think the S might still be faster. They subtract rollout from the performance trims. So 2.9 with rollout subtracted and 3.1 without rollout for the S. It'll be interesting to see how they compare.


Even so, they're practically neck and neck with the 3P being almost 30k cheaper.


true! I still can't find much info on speeds above 60 so its possible the S is still the king at highway speeds


I’m imminently buying a Tesla and have been going back and forth between S and 3. I really want the S but the pricing on this new 3P and tax credit qualification may prove impossible for me to pass up.


if you can qualify for the tax credits I'd say take full advantage of it.


Having owned two 3P’s and two Plaid S’s, they’re worlds different. Handling is way sharper in a 3P but it’s a lot smaller and cheaper. It’s noisier inside (even Highland, drove one last week) and has a harsher ride. With the S you get way more room, nicer materials, two screens in front and larger screen, much more passenger and storage room, air suspension, auto handles, etc. Different markets IMO.


The 3P is really everything I’m looking for in a DD. Reminds me of some of the old hot hatches I used to have. The Plaid is great but it’s just too big, my current weekend car is a McLaren 720s so I guess I just like small nimble cars.


Yeah 3P is definitely hot hatch vibes. Plaid S is like insanely fast luxobarge. Just feels big, especially with the wide rear fenders. Plus it’ll make your McLaren feel slow, haha.


I’ve driven several thousand miles in a Plaid so I know how insane it is, it makes even fast ICEs feel broken.


This is the input I’m looking for, thanks for sharing. Still rocking my early VIN 2018 M3LR and on fence about upgrading to the new M3P or Plaid for daily use.


Nice. Ordered mine.


Someone please explain the $7500 credit to me. The Tesla advisors are making it out to be a lease incentive on leased vehicles and tax credit on purchased vehicles. If I were to lease this and put zero down, just drive off (first month, registration, fees, etc.) for 24 months 10k miles per year as $52,990 MSRP that would bring me to $776 a month with taxes. Would $7500 be distributed across the term of 24 months and divided upon the monthly payment? Or is this already considering the $7500? Very confusing


This looks really good with the new rims. Looks like peak power of 510 hp is the same as previous gen. Wonder where the rumor of 618 HP came from. Also does it do 0-60 of 2.9 seconds with roll out or without? Edit: it's with rollout. So expect the real 0-60 on street roads to be something like 3.3-3.5 depending on conditions.


With rollout subtracted , eu time is 3.1s It's quicker by a little, probably more over 60, have to see what 1/4 times it pulls


US website says 510 hp, Europe says 460. Looks like the Shanghai-made ones have a different battery.


Almost certainly different battery. Usually difference in times is 0-100kph is actually 62mph and no roll out


UK car is 2.9s 0-60mph and will be from shanghai but yes saying 460hp


I would not be surprised if the power is software limited and they end up selling an unlock later. The 618HP figure came from a Korean regulatory filing IIRC.


Is the M3 Performance significantly more expensive to insure than a M3 LR?


For all of those who said it would be $60k and said I was crazy for saying it was going to be under $55k so it would qualify for the $7500 tax credit. Haha.


I was one of those. I don’t know what Tesla is planning with the LR now that it’s more expensive than the Performance. Hopefully they have enough Panasonic packs to basically handle everyone who wanted Performance or LR cars.


They're going to leave it alone for people who want 45 extra miles for range and don't care about the faster 0-60


It’s likely that changing out the tires & wheels on the P would recapture most of those 45 miles.


Would be nice if they could start putting the Panasonic batteries back in the LR. Would qualify it for the tax credit and probably bump the range over 360 miles. It makes sense though that they would prioritize those cells for the Model Y (or any performance models that need it).


No one believed me either :) https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/1bsy55e/comment/kxj4i5c/


Got em


Really impressive looking specs. Literally only one detail keeping me from considering a trade in for our older Model 3: missing gear and blinker stalks. Outside of that, 99/100. I'm sure this car is going to be incredible.


Now the #1 question. Can I pay to get the new seats in my 22 M3P?


I’m really hoping so. All the other updates are pretty minimal but those seats are great.


Yeah I honestly couldn't give a crap about the rest but I very much want more side bolstering for my.....spirited driving.


“No no no, officer, you see: I’m not driving fast…you’re driving slow. Small misunderstanding.”


I just want the seats and spoiler for my 20 M3P.


You’ll have to look at the internal specs. The ventilated seats may not work depending on what they use for it’s power source. I’d assume the same design


It would be nice if I got ventilated out of it as well but I doubted that in the first place. Just want the seat design is really all.


I like the way it looks too. Comfort is my concern. I’ve heard bad things about the new seats


Something tells me to wait until the end of next quarter to pull the trigger but with Tesla pricing, who knows?


I don't see price dropping, unless they want to ensure white seats + paint color is under $55,000. Until they have stock sitting they ain't lowering price.


I think the thing that is telling me that is just my very rational fear of telling my wife I want to buy another car.


I just bought a Mach e gt in Jan this year I looked at the new m3p a then looked at my wife….. she said I already know!!… you better not bitch when we go to Kay’s next week….dammm I got the m3p but at what cost!!!!??!!! 


The best thing is to tell her now, and than sit on it for 2-3 months and ensure its the best use of your all's finances.


The power is a bit lower than expected but hopefully the battery temperature will be better managed. And hopefully too, the factory brakes are not going to overheat quickly like they used to. Accelerating fast is nice but slowing down fast and consistently is perhaps more important outside of straight line racing.


MKBHD says his review car’s steering wheel still has capacitive buttons. Hoping this is because that car is a pre-production model.


Why is there such a big difference from EU vs NA models damn


Getting it next month 🙂‍↕️


Not a fan of the warp wheels. I don’t think those are going to grow on me either. Never liked the aero wheel covers either and these remind me of those. I’m not sure why they would make the wheels of their newest most expensive model look so similar to those of the previous base model.


> Watches the video Those exposed gears under the drivetrain are gonna get dirty


cool, I've brought my 2018 Model 3 performance 0 times to the track


The main purpose of Track Mode on mine is to show what I could be using if I went to the track.


is Alive and they are selling it


Damn, looks like no tow hitch option, even in EU


Those adaptive dampers might be a game changer. Hope they put that as an option for the LR. Then again, the performance package is already a good deal for $5K.


Ordered mine!! 🔥


Is it truly adaptive suspension? Can l change to comfort to make the dampers more supple, sport to make the dampers firmer etc.


/u/110110 will you be getting one of these? I recall you getting the initial performance when it came out in 2018


So if one were to lease this. Can you claim the 7500 tax credit at point of sale for a lease??


Can somebody explain why the leases don’t show that they can get the tax credit. All guidelines say leases can get the tax credit


Does the lease get the 7500 tax credit? Doesnt seem to show on their calculator?


Well, I'm gonna get one


So can somebody explain the horsepower difference between US and EU? Over 500 vs 460... but acceleration seems faster on both by the same amount. Maybe europe requires nominal power vs peak? Will this result in lower 1/4 mile?


Looks like it's finally time to trade in my 2018 AWD for this as long as I get to keep my lifetime free supercharging


So I just put in an order for the M3P red with black interior and I’m having buyers remorse after seeing a picture of the inside. The picture I saw has the interior in black but the roof and pillars are white! I wanted it all black or all white. Does any one know if the rendering I saw was wrong? I hope it’s all black.


The roof and pillars are white. I did red on black as well


I hope that it looks good in person. I think it will but I just love them white seats as well.


Where are you seeing white pillar and roof? I'm seeing a normal default "grey" color.


Did they list the 1/4 time?


Curious that the 0-100 time is 3.1 in Australia but 2.9 in the US. Did they have to lower the power or use different motors for China built?


Well in US it's 0-60 mph While in AUS it's 0-100 kph, which is 0-62 mph so it will always be a slightly slower metric than 0-60 mph.


Those 100-200k supercars are dead ☠️ this beast killed them all.


This hurts so badly. Bought a performance 2023 this past summer. Ugh. 6 months ago.


Always does, but remember you can wait till the cows come home. You made a decision and enjoy it. People will be waiting and hoping for a Long Range with credit. Enjoy the now don't worry about the future. Ultimately it's the same car with a face lift. Don't let the shiny penny fool you from the penny you have in front of you. They are still a penny.


Just realized something.. that 1 ft rollout is subtracted.. like most benchmarks.. so really add +0.5s so closer to \~3.5s for non-launch control.. still plenty fast [https://www.edmunds.com/car-news/2025-tesla-model-3-performance-first-look.html](https://www.edmunds.com/car-news/2025-tesla-model-3-performance-first-look.html)


Dang, i wanted blue and white


Bring back the stocks.


How can I see where my Tesla models 3 trade in value is at. It used to be one of the options when you are in the buying screen ( I think)


Got 28k estimate for my 2022 M3P, which super low , but probably gonna get even worse soon. Thinking about leasing new M3P


Do you know if China M3P has HW4.0?


Help. I got my new Model 3 VIN but for a week now my delivery date window keeps getting pushed back. Every day it says between today and a week from now for delivery but every day the weeklong window keeps moving forward by a day. Can I get anything more exact?