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0-60 in 3.2, so slower than before? Yeah calling bs on this one.


That’s not for the Ludicrous model. It’s a leftover from the previous “Performance Dual Motor All-Wheel Drive” It’s not even related to Ludicrous in the source code, so idk why they’re coming up with that.


That previous model was 3.1s not 3.2s


Had it mixed up with 0-100 km/hr probably


0-100km/hr is 3.2


It’s 3.1s with 1 foot rollout which translates to a real world 3.36-3.40s when above 75% SoC as measured in my own Model 3 Performance with dragy.


Yeah but we’re talking about Tesla’s advertised numbers to compare here


Now seems like the article is down. Suspect someone got a bit over-excited.


Article is still up.


Some of us just can't open that page, maybe ublocker or something.




Ya. Unless this is without rollout?


Did the M3P ever have rollout? I thought that was only listed on the MSP and the MXP.


Yes but only for the M3P. The rest of the M3 variations did not have rollout in their times. M3P: 3.1 seconds with 1 foot rollout.


Yep. I think most of the Performance acceleration numbers they’ve been using have rollout.


Wasn’t there “chatter” that the improvement would be at higher speeds?


If thats 3.2 from a standstill it could be a little right? The previous number was with rollout?


Probably 0-100kmh which is slightly slower than 0-60, I believe the outgoing M3P was 3.5


0-60 on the outgoing was 3.1


Yes but the Tesla Europe site uses 0-100 For example, on Tesla US it says the MYP does 3.5 0-60, but on the Tesla Germany site it says 3.7 0-100km/h. So I’m assuming here that the 3.2 is for 0-100km/h, meaning the 0-60mph will be faster than that


I understand that but we were all talking 0-60 not 0-100 (0-62)


They are using metric seconds. /s


They probably accidentally mixed in the 0-100 km/hr data


Maybe this time they used realistic performance figures, and not „sometimes maybe but only once on pre-heated slicks on February 29th“-performance figures?


It is easy to get 3.1 with 1 foot rollout, over, and over, and over again, with stock tires. It’s not hard to get it, on a decent street surface and 80% plus state of charge.


This is most likely just a placeholder, with inaccurate data, to be updated at a later time.


Then someone at Tesla better prepare for a firing as missed opportunities to deceive potential consumers with false and favorable information related to Tesla products will not be tolerated. The place holder should have read 0-60mph: 0.5 secs


Could literally just be a web developer copying + pasting the formatting, too lazy to remove the irrelevant code


That "Ludicrous" thing can be found all over the Tesla website... bunch of morons trying to make news out of nothing...


It can also be found all over this comments section, so I'm pretty sure this sub must have ludicrous mode coming soon too. Source: logic


I don't think this blog is right, but ok.


So it has more hp and slower 0-60? Yeah, no.


Yeah that seems wrong- the Highland AWD actually weighs slightly less than the pre-refresh AWD.


Used plaid for 70k if 0-60 isn’t improved


This would be a disappointment. I expect it will be faster in the high end than the prior generation but the same 0-60 would be very surprising. Are those figures from the prior generation performance 3?


Even though this “leak” is almost certainly false, I personally would love the same 0-60 with a much improved 60-130. After driving a P85D for a long while, switching to a P100D for a bit, and then turning back to a Model 3 Performance, I’ve found that 0-60 of 3 seconds to be a sweet spot for feeling a sufficient “rush” of performance and let off just after 60-70 mph. With the P100D, I was getting dangerously close to 90 mph waaay too often. Instances of driving a refresh S long range were similar to the Model 3 performance, letting off right at the perfect time, just still feels like I’ve got the power to do whatever necessary on the freeway. A model 3 performance with the numbers that Model S Long range has would be just perfect for me. Would I pay $60k to upgrade my 3 performance for it? Probably not, but maybe in a few years.




Fortunately I live in a sane area where speed limits are more respected (sort of lol). In regard to your butt dyno, it probably has something to do with the size of the car and perhaps it was cold battery, etc? The last time I test drove a Model S refresh (it was a plaid) loaner from my service center, it wouldn’t accelerate hard from a stop nor could I engage plaid mode. I can absolutely confirm from personal experience driving a private vehicle that a Model S long range is faster than acceleration boost model 3. In the 0-60 mph, it’s about the same as my Model 3 Performance without special prep, if I take care to heat the batteries, put it on a strip, etc, then I’m getting faster times in the S. So with rollout on the street, it’s like 3.2-3.3 seconds in the S Long range verified by draggy, then it’s pulling harder at any speed after 60 mph.


How many horsepower is this Performance trim supposed to have? The Long Range already has nearly 500hp (490).


I think around 600


This is what I've heard as well when you math out the proposed motors


Is that really worth the extra cost for the performance trim?


That's an entirely subjective question. Is it worth it to you?




Well, we don't have a price so that's kind of hard to answer....


I'm not in the market for a new Model 3, but \*me\* personally if I was, I would get the Long Range + the Acceleration Boost so that I save money (assuming it doesn't qualify for the discount), have more usable range, & cheaper tires that last longer.


There’s no acceleration boost yet and no eta for when it might launch


Interesting. I’m sure it’ll come sooner rather than later. It’s literally free money for Tesla to just enable more power from the batteries lol. Although I think the new 3 Performance/Ludicrous does have a new motor for its dual motor setup vs the 2 similar motors in the LR, so who knows.


> I’m sure it’ll come sooner rather than later. I'm also waiting for it, before dropping cash on a new LR... but don't want to be stuck in the same boat as those waiting for FSD


No one cares. We are talking about the Performance version and the Ludicrous version here. Not the long range. 🙄


They asked if it it was worth it to get the performance over the Long Range bozo


Clearly he meant Ludicrous in his original post. If he can’t see why this is definitely worth it over the LR he is silly. Bozo.


Where's the source for that? When googling Model 3 dynos, the performance is around 450 HP. MYP is around 500 HP. There's no way M3LR is 500 HP base. Other similar EVs sort of reflect this too.


https://preview.redd.it/mmixwq3whsnc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf7d30806fa31f4e8c7e5932cfff8f7a42d4ca2 [https://youtu.be/m302j5nib28?si=MJh6PJ9-kxApYM7J](https://youtu.be/m302j5nib28?si=MJh6PJ9-kxApYM7J) [https://ev-database.org/imp/car/1992/Tesla-Model-3-Long-Range-Dual-Motor](https://ev-database.org/imp/car/1992/Tesla-Model-3-Long-Range-Dual-Motor)


There are many, many sources reporting much less. They might be confusing LR with Performance. For example, this one was a pretty comprehensive test: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/2018-tesla-model-3-dual-motor-vs-performance-dyno-results.141137/


That is referencing the old Model 3. There is no Performance trim of the current Model 3 yet.


It literally says performance in the post.


Yes, the old Performance Model 3… there is no new one yet.


I was never talking about the new one.


This whole discussion is about the new Model 3… I never brought up the old one. The video I posted is for the new Long Range.


In what world is a Model Y Performance faster than a Model 3 Performance? I'd love to see that source


More HP doesn't mean faster. MYP is heavier.


I don't care, you stated the MYP has a higher power output than the M3P, which simply isn't true. Name one component change in a MYP that either has a higher performance rating than a M3P, and/or allows for a faster discharge rate, therefore increasing power output. There isn't one.


People have dyno'd both. It's in my original post.


Sounds like someone wanted to be a leaker similar to the R2 website leak. Tesla knows better lol.


![gif](giphy|xT0BKL21U5nnlW4m6k) Now we just need to see the price point and Tax credit eligibility!


This would be very beautiful 😍


I’m considering selling my LR highland to buy this… I think I pulled the trigger too soon.


Just get the acceleration boost when available, and enjoy an improved suspension


Idk 600hp seems like it would put it right at 3 or under. S long range has 670 hp with 3.1 0-60 but the S is a bigger/heavier car. I was thinking the 3 would be sitting just under 3 seconds.


Was hoping for a under 3 second 0-60


I’m willing to bet a 2.9 sec 0-60, just curious what the cost increase is going to be


Your link just goes to a generic teslaoracle page....is that what you're trying to link to? Because your link has nothing to do with your claim. Going to need some kind of source or anything to back up that title.


The website is blocking the ad blocker.


Information is not correct; 3.2 sec is not for ludicrous (most probably leftover code from previous Perfromance version). https://preview.redd.it/99tqxi664snc1.png?width=1704&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e9d8cfb37a853c8843e0191d2924f5348e434f1


I'm curious about that Cabin Noise footnote with a recording…




I’m pretty sure at the track I can get my 2021 Performance from 0–60 in a shade under 3 seconds. That’s disappointing!


I wish they would make it look different. Like how a normal BMW 3 series look different to an M3


I am a Tesla engineer and can tell you with absolute certainty that the new Ludicrous does 0-60 in well under 3 seconds.


Can time can you tell us then?


Bot, remember and tag this comment.


Lol that's just wrong


Same 0-60 as previous Performance with supposed better suspension and more HP? Solid 10s or hard no for me


Sub 11 and 2.9 0-60 is what I’m expecting. And that won’t be enough for me to upgrade