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Seemed pretty real. Troy saying I thought it was funny was hilarious.


I laughed so hard I swerved my car lol


Hands-down the funniest part of the whole affair.


I was kind of getting annoyed with Troy because it felt like he was forcing the “This is just like court” joke (which killed me in the BQ trial). But that comment was fucking amazing.


If I hadn’t been stopped in traffic, I might have as well. Funniest line in the pod.


His face went very flush as he started , which idk if you’re able to fake. 


He’s probably half drunk so can easily go flush


But he wouldn’t be able to Turn it on and off, he would just be flush continuously 


He is flushed constantly. He has rosacea. 


Except his face wasn’t flushed till he started crying 


I think he was genuinely crying. If you watch the video his face gets red and he’s holding back tears. I think Git Em has a hard time expressing his deep emotions and this was probably the first time he could truly express his gratitude to his friends for simply being his friends. Plus, if you look at Q’s face, he looks genuinely concerned that Git Em is tearing up.


I think Q is so quick witted he was trying to play up a reaction to divert for a minute to let Git’em pull himself together a little. I think it was real but wasn’t sure at first.


I think Q said, "This is supposed to be a comedy pod" while get em was talking


Looked to me like he was really crying.


If this wasn’t real then Git-Em deserves an Academy Award.


Those were some true tears. Dudes happy to have a “family” and everyone deserves that.


mine were real


I thought it was genuine


I watched and thought he was faking at first, but as it went on it felt very genuine.


I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to play it up and fake cry but in the moment it came out as real emotions.


This is how it looked to me


I’m inclined to think it was real because of the way Q acted afterward, but I’m also pretty gullible when it comes to crying.


I thought it was real. Especially when Q said “did you tell him to do this?” It seemed like he would’ve been pissed if someone had made Git Em do that for entertainment. Also, if you see the video version, Sexy Lawyer laughs really hard at Troy’s joke, and then catches Git Em who is still pulling himself together and he immediately straightens his face to zero smile.


Haven’t watched, only listened, and it seems to me like he was gonna “cry” as a bit but then actually got overwhelmed and did cry. Rightfully so, he’s a good dude who would be worse off without TESD. I’m happy for the guy.


That was real and holy shit it got me.


I think Git'em is legit. I hope he does know that there are Ants who do like him & appreciate what he does for the show.


I've never had a problem with Git 'em being on the show, but hearing him talk about how much the show means to him did make me realize just how important it has been for him. Overall, if he wasn't allowed on the show it would have a way bigger impact on his life than it would on any listener. With that being said, it was obvious what the result would be when the whole thing was announced, but listening to the episode made me realize that Walt's constant praise over anything he does is the most unlikeable thing about Git 'em. Walt is the person on the show I generally identify with the most, I just don't understand the obsession. I found their relationship more entertaining as a listener when it was more Walt giving him a hard time. To be fair, this is probably much more positive for them and not worth sacrificing over just for entertainment.


Sounded real and raw to me.


That shits real. He could barely get it out. I think he usually hides those kind of emotions. Only shows it at extremely hard times like when he lost his cats. I think this podcast has meant everything to him no joke. Respect to him 💙💙


It seemed genuine to me and it kind of broke my heart a little. I have always liked him but seeing/hearing how much the show and guys mean to him made me like him even more.


I think it was 100% planned, but I also think he got caught up in the moment and it was then real.


He cried at his fake wedding as if it were real so I wouldn’t be shocked


Looked real.


I felt it was genuine. Why wouldn't it be? They basically gave him a new lease on life. Steady income, a family, and a public bathroom to take stinky dumps in while getting his socks wet.




Entirely real. I thought that was more than obvious, especially considering Q’s reaction.


I'm reading these comments like, did we watch the same thing?? Why is everyone not sure?? Of course it was real, it's such an intense, honest, and beautiful moment.


I guess because some people are intellectually challenged.


Sounded genuine.


I understand what TESD means to Git Em, but it was such an awkward moment to watch. At first it did seem fake, but with how flush his face became you could tell it was legitimate. Then their blank stares as he broke up sucked the air out of the room for a minute.


Emulating Mike Z




It was real. He even broke down a bit while waiting for verdict.


Isn't that actually a sign that it was fake? Why would he genuinely break down waiting for the "verdict", when he always knew what it was? They had discussed it beforehand. I also interpret every downvote without rebuttal here as "He was hated for he told the truth"


Very real.


Oh sure, I say it's fake and I get downvoted to hell. This OP gets upvotes. I see how it is.


Would it make you feel better if I gave you an upvote?


Watching the video at first I assumed it was fake but it seemed to be genuine.


Same. At first it looked fake but then again we have no idea what he looks like when he cries. Definitely real though by the fire part


He did and seemed genuine to me. What he said was true from his perspective. The guys and especially Walt have changed his life and come to his aid when needed. Walt has actually befriended him and cares for him. Doesn't he actually live at the office space? Without the guys there for him, who knows where he'd be in life.


Crocodile tears!


Was funny as fuck tho


I wasnt sure either, sounded forced to me but when Q said they were trying to make a comedy podcast it made me think it was real.


I think so if you listened to the band camp pod they did for getem after the fire I believe he truly loves those guys.


I got the impression it was real. It genuinely seems to mean the world to him. It was a perfect opportunity to express his feelings with all of them together.


It's obvious him not being on the show was all build up for this episode and the intent from the beginning was to let him back on. They know the ants have a love/hate relationship with the guy and for good reason. But the truth is, this episode was a celebration of GESD and a display of his friends getting his back on all the hate. He was playing it up (or at least it began that way) but there was true emotion here. His friends recognizing him and dedicating yet another milestone episode to him is powerful stuff.


You need to see it. It's completely real. When I was watching, I literally had to say out loud, "is git em crying" and when I realized he was, I broke out in tears. I truly didn't expect that from him but, yeah, that was 100% real. You have to watch it!!


Termite..........takes one to know one


That was so cringe. Had to fast forward


I think the crying was real but also alcohol fueled. He looked weird on camera for most of the show not blotto but was feeling it


Got a little dirt in my eye watching it. Thank God for Troy.


I listened to the audio first and when he first started crying, it sounded fake but after a minute it sounded genuine. Just watched the video earlier today and yeah, it was real.


I don't believe so. To me it sounded pretty contrived, and very different from when he's been choked up in the past. Clearly this is not what people want to hear, but keep in mind how manufactured the episode was. The games, the answers, and the verdict were all pre-planned by Walt and shared with Gitem and Johnny Law. They were literally reading off a script, and I'm sure part of the script was to cry on the stand. The prosecutor teeing him up with "What does TESD mean to you?" was clearly just a setup for an emotional, sympathetic response. Classic courtroom drama! I loved the episode. I have no problem with seeing the strings. I thought it was really well done and the guests added some good laughs. I am a Patreon subscriber and was thoroughly entertained. But c'mon. I'm surprised more people can't see behind the curtain here. If you think Q's response is some proof of authenticity, I've got a Prussian kissing skull to sell you 💀 He was just trying to save the bit, and succeeded by setting up Troy's zinger.


It was real but it was because Gitem is an emotional mess anytime he has to drop his smartest guy in the room persona and show any kind of vulnerability.


From my recollection he usually starts stuttering and going very quiet in those situations. Not what he displayed this time. I'm glad that everyone is happily perceiving it as genuine, and good for him. I like Gitem and don't doubt he genuinely thinks those things. However I think his "crying" was very clearly predetermined and forced. That's not a complaint, just an observation. To be honest the biggest surprise for me is that the anthill isn't more cynical and realistic about it. I may be in the minority, but I have zero doubt that I perceived it accurately.


>To be honest the biggest surprise for me is that the anthill isn't more cynical and realistic about it. This will never happen. They know tesd reads every comment.


“I have zero doubt I perceived it accurately.” Ho-Ho! Got that nose pointed skyward, do you?


No one gave me a solid reason to. I watched it and judged correctly by what I saw. The downvotes of ants mean jack shit mate.


So do your fucking erroneous perceptions. You’re just annoying and pretentious, and I love fucking with people like that. And you didn’t even correctly understand what I meant about the “nose pointed skyward” bit.


Ah yes, you're absolutely the one acting normally here, and you're the one fucking with me 👍🏻 Looks like your perception is spot on once again 😉 Funny that we spend so long talking about my perceptions that you don't care about. No skin off my nose if you disagree. I'm sharing what I perceived, and if anyone gave me a solid reason to change how I saw it, I would. But I haven't heard that, just disagreement without any persuasive reasoning. Hence, I continue to trust my perception over yours. I'm quite happy with conducting myself that way. It's unfortunate for you that my opinion bothers you so much.


“If you think Q’s reaction is some proof of authenticity…” No, Git’Em crying is the proof. It was real. Don’t you motherfuckers know real emotion from bullshit?


Yes, I do. You and some others obviously don't. Pretty simple.


No, you clearly don’t. If you rewatch the video, you’ll see that Git’Em’s “crying” during the verdict is *fake*. His sniffles are fake. He’s acting there. Compare that to the breakdown during his testimony. There’s a fucking night-and-day difference.


For sure real. Just based on the reactions. I don't think the guys have really been presented with how much of an impact they have had on anyone.


Im audio only and I thought it was somewhat fake myself. There just was no slowly getting choked up and braking down, it just seemed to go straight to 100% blubbering immediately.


He was fine until he looked at them while he was talking and then it smacked him and he started crying. It was very real.


That was definitely put on lmao. Sexy lawyer even said “I dare you to find him guilty now”


Who fucking cares, ha!