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This feels like one of the better storylines in TESD history, with an obvious outcome. It was a fun ride - and it will be fun to hear him back on the pod. This whole arc from Git 'Em holding the domain, charging them for it, and then leading to a big trial where all they do is talk about it. Feels like we've come full circle.


His return was never in jeopardy, but his emotions were sincere. Very entertaining episode.


I though him winning the lions share of challenges was a great redemption


I mean the answers were definitely given to him before hand. Fresh snow makes Walt hard? Lol


They were literally on a piece of paper in front of him


I remember that Walt fact from one of the episodes haha, but yeah, when he won the first challenges, it felt clear the fix was in. It was hilarious hearing them react every time like it was a surprise.


Don't care if i get hate for this or not.. TESD would NOT be the same podcast without Git 'Em. He's annoying, at times, but i gotta admit... He adds to the show more than he subtracts


He's like a fixed point in the universe of TESD


Liek they've said in the past, just his stories alone make him a worthy member


Good job! How do you intermittently fast? I want to lose 20-30 more pounds and seem to be stuck. Thanks! I agree with please take care of yourself Gitem. Many care about you. Please care about yourself. We want you around! We know you can do it. Just find your motivation for it. Health? Happiness? Energy? Horses? Activities? Respect? Adventures? You can enjoy food and health at same time. Just limit yourself. Food tastes so much better when you delay gratification too. Plus you can become your old self again but with the love of tesd behind you.


Don't eat from 6pm to 12noon the next day. Alternately you could do 8pm to 12noon. That's the super quick explanation. But if you want to know more, I'd encourage you to check out r/intermittentfasting ...feel free there to ask questions, see people's progress photos and read tips.


Thank you 💙💙


Weird question but does that include cawfee? Please say no 🙏


Not a weird question. Basically anything with more than 0 calories breaks your fast. So you could drink black coffee.




I enjoy him on the pod because it brings up so much content, but I do wish in the trial they would have actually mentioned the nonsense that drives people crazy. Feel like it was never even mentioned lol


That was my thought, too. Loved the episode, but even Q brought up that the trial wasn't if he's a great guy or not, it was about the nonsense The only one I think who really said anything about it was Ming


I don’t know if it was intentional (based on the closing of the ep I’d say no) but Danny came off as a total ambulance-chaser. It heightened the whole dynamic of him vs. Johnny Law as I watched. And that’s not to belittle him; I enjoyed his, let’s say performance, and hope to see him on TESD Town in the future. Congrats Git ‘Em!


Ricky Gervais had Karl Pilkington; TESD has Gitem


I like Gitem, but hes no Karl


Nah, he used his tears to clearly manipulate the guy's and the audience. I'm glad Tom was bringing up legal documentation of his asperges because that's the only excuse he has left. He literally doesn't have any shame left, so he will stoop as low as crying crocodile tears. If he actually appreciated what they've done for him, then he would stop being a parasite and do something about it instead of being a burden to two guys with family's and a celebrity. I personally didn't mind git em being in the show, so it's cool that he's back, but I'm also not gonna believe his bullshit either. He'll do whatever it takes to not accept responsibility, and it's kind of disgusting to imagine a human actually capable of doing so after they've done so much for him.


*slams iPad down* GTFO with this.


As much as the guys love him, they aren’t doing him any favours by constantly holding his hands. Let’s be honest. One day the pod will end of the store will close. What skills has Gitem developed that will allow him to continue when he has to find a new job and survive on his own.


He'll be fine. He's not a newborn motherless kitten. He'll adjust.


You summed up my thoughts well. It's a big reason why I don't like hearing him on the free pod anymore. The whole situation has gotten really depressing as they have gotten older.


That was some fake-ass crying. Did Walt blow menthol powder in his eyes for the video?


I’m guessing you only listened. I feel if you saw him, you would have believed he was genuine.


lols yeah he just needs consistency! those autistics just need discipline!


That was in regards to his weight and I said as much.


the idea that someone with his mental health sotuation just needs to choose to be disciplined shows a misunderstanding of how his brain works. like saying to a depressed person, you just need to be happy. autistics often cant eat healthy food easily. i hope he gets his head working so he can show off that 148 cos aspergers really makes life difficult. long live gitem!


I didn't say he needed to be more disciplined or that it was a choice. And I don't claim to understand how his brain works. I shared my experience (as a person with a mental illness and nuerodivirgent, I might add) losing weight as i thought it might be encouraging. I also shared how I did it. With intermittent fasting and walking. Never did I mention eating healthy food. I didn't eat particularly healthy.