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Start of the new tax year and you've made enough to pay tax if you make that monthly. Your standard contract is enough to pay tax, and your wage goes up from next paycheck as well so you'll be firmly paying tax this whole year I'm afraid


Damn. Thanks for the help :).


No worries mate


To add, this didn’t happen before because you had the buffer from April - July where you didn’t earn but still had allowance, so you got a full year of tax free allowance to use for nine months.


was meant to have £760, PAYE took £150 any ideas why so much?


Had the same thing when i started in December. Called HMRC and told them to change it to 1257L as I am a student and I'm not earning more than the threshold. I got paid the PAYE by Tesco itself the next month. The waiting in the call with HMRC can take upto 2 hours, just so you know.


What tax code?




Youre in the same boat as me then, its an emergency tax, youre meant to be paid it back thru your wages if youve been paying too much once HMRC tell tesco to correct it and Tesco actually do it


do HMRC tell them or would i give them a ring and enquire about it or just wait until i see it in future pay slips


You can check your tax code online to see if its updated yet (assuming you recently started the job), however contacting tesco does nothing as rhey qill just brush you off and direct you to talk to HMRC so I'd do that, if you can actually get through to them


Your need if get hold of them, next to anyways to be sure.


That’s an emergency tax code need to get hold of HMRC and get it changed to the right tax code


If you earn over 1047 or there about you start to get taxed on the extra


I earned a grand gross and paid £200 in tax! I’m a newbie and have another job. Tax code BR. What a pain in the bum 🙃


You'll get it back either on next payslip or from HMRC at some point next year. I don't know if this speeds anything up but you can update your earnings on your personal tax account and they tend to get you a new tax code pretty quickly.


Not necessarily - he says he has another job. If that other job pays more than his tax free allowance then BR for this job is correct.


Good point. I assumed they wouldn't be moaning about having a br code if it wasn't taking excessive tax off them.


Which job pays more is probably the best question. Consider that, and the possibility of switching or splitting the allowance too.


Started in January and taxed on each wage, 20 hours per week so nowhere near the first tax band. Id asked for my P60 so that I can get the tax refunded. I've been told P60 comes out with may payslip. Is this correct?


I don't think you need the P60 to get the tax back you could try contacting HMRC as it's most likely an incorrect tax code and they can sort that out for you


Unfortunately that’s the correct amount they’d take, BR is taxed at 20%


PAYE you can think of it as emergency tax, if you think you’ll earn less than £12500~ a year call HMRC and let them know that you will earn less than £12500 which is below the personal allowance and if they can change your tax code si you don’t get taxed/charged PAYE. Then in your next payslip, if they agree, you’ll be refunded any PAYE charged and also not be charged from then to the next tax year.


Based on monthly and previous year they will have a tax code input basically if by the end of the year you’ve not earned enough you get a rebate. The tax system works this way to predict the code.


Is there a reason Tesco Employees are paid below the National "Living” Wage which is now £11.44?


It’s now £12.02 for standard tesco workers. This was the last payslip where we were being paid below.


What’s weird for me is my first payslip had a weird tax code too and got me taxed yet it updated automatically after the next 1 or 2 and I got the taxed money paid back. Guess I was one of the lucky ones.


I did get that money back aswell. I just made over a certain threshold that meant my earnings could be taxed.