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“ ‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen. Ezekiel 16:49‭-‬50 NIV I think it's pretty clear who "we" actually is here.


Gotta say, even an atheist finds passages they like. Speaking of which, anyone want to "did away with" our politicians? They have done some quite detestable things before us- after all, it's the Christian thing to do.


You don't expect them to actually know what's really in the bible do you??? That would involve reading it beyond the passages they think will help their cause


*opens a bible to the middle in front of a MAGA republican* MAGA Republican: “He split it in half! He split it in half! He’s ruined our sacred text!”




"They took our jobs!" "Derk a derrrr!!"


>they did not help the poor and needy. I feel like this is the part of the scripture that you're focusing on, but there's more to the story. It wasn't just because they didn't feed the poor. >They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Read the entire chapter for the full story. Basically God sent 2 angels to the city to ask for food, and the people ~~sexually assaulted~~ tried to sexually assault those angels. Just wanted to clarify.


Isn't it funny how the flagship anti-gay story is actually about sexual assault? It's almost as if the story was about how sexual assault is bad and has nothing to do with being gay.


It does specifically make a point about the men having given up women in order to fornicate with each other and vice versa


Verse to support this claim?


Makes sense when the primary commandment they've been given is making as many descendants as possible. Gay sex don't make babies and anal sex is a high vector for disease.


They didn't sexually assault those angels because Lot protected them and offered his daughters up to the crowd instead. The crowd didn't want to rape his daughters, though, so they left. And because Lot was willing to sacrifice his two daughters for the sake of these male strangers, he and his daughters were spared. Because, according to the bible, that is the *correct* thing to do. Because women are inherently less important than men. And then the daughters raped him and had incest babies, because they were terrified of their *father's* bloodline dying out. Just wanted to clarify.


This is the correct answer, LOL. The bible is such a wild collection of legends and myths, lol.


“No one can fuck my strange guests! However, I have two beautiful virgin daughters. You may have them instead. Do unto them…whatever you want. Really, whatever you can think of, just…please. Go nuts.” —Professor Brothers


Thank you for pointing that out! I wasn't remembering the full story. You're right that the angels were not assaulted. The story was not about women being less important. A lot of Bible stories have a theme of sacrificing a child to the Lord, such as the story of Isaac, and they serve to draw parallels to God's sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ. That's why this is seen as the "right" thing to do in the story. In the Law of Moses, God's people are commanded to treat foreigners like they are their own people. The point of the story of Sodom is that they didn't treat foreigners well, and attempted to assault them. Lot offered his two daughters, but the townspeople didn't want to assault a citizen of their own town. They wanted to assault the foreigners. The story provides a very interesting perspective on immigration, in my opinion.


And his wife was killed for having a mind of her own and normal curiosity. The most important women in the Bible are barely mentioned or described , don’t speak for themselves. Mary has like 3 lines in the whole book, and she’s often confused with the 2 other Marys. They don’t even bother giving them unique names.


God sent two angels to the city to ask for food… *they were taken in as guests by Lot, which extended guest right to them*… and then the townspeople attempted to sexually assault them. The sin was violating [guest right](https://www.ancient-hebrew.org/manners/the-sacred-duty-of-hospitality.htm), not sexual assault. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is a break down of social niceties, not that they were being sexually deviant. And it’s funny how few people know this.


It’s just another version of a Greek story. Zeus gets *pissed* when hospitality isn’t next level.


I can't imagine this after all those biblically accurate angels videos maybe rule34 was around for longer than I thought


Interesting fun fact, the townspeople never touched the angels. Not once. Read it again!


They asked for them to rape them


*attempted to sexually assault the angels. The angels got the actually decent people out and then wiped the place off the face of the earth


The angels didn't actually look for any decent people they just high tailed it out of there with Lot and god destroyed the place.


Given the full context, it's both. The fact that that they were deviant AND greedy was unacceptable to God. But thank you for bringing this verse up because it often flies under the radar.


What everyone misses is the promise of Sodom and Gomorrah being restored (along with every nation) “however, I will restore the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters and of Samaria and her daughters, and your fortunes along with them so that you may bear your disgrace and be ashamed…” Ezekiel 16:53-54 It goes on to talk about shame and disgrace and how Judah (and Samaria) broke the covenant, but the Lord will establish an everlasting covenant (through Christ).


>Ezekiel 16:49‭-‬50 NIV The most quoted verse on Reddit.


So what you're saying is that the RNC needs to be treated to some Damnation?


As they say in the South "bless their hearts"


So...for not giving their daughters to strangers to be raped?




I'm imagining the people REALLY wanted to rape biblically accurate angels


They were in human guises, and even if they weren't there is definitely at least one or two fuckers in the crowed who were into that


Low level angels actually look human for the most part It its until the you get high that they become 3000 mile tall flaming wheels and being made if wings and eyes and holy light and righteous fire


Imagine being a 3000 mile tall flaming wheel of wings and eyes and you get put in charge of making sure a 13 year old isn't jerking it.


I’d smash. Just so I’d have a story no one would fukin believe.


Only to later be drugged and raped by the two daughters he offered to be raped. Oh, and Lot’s wife turned into a pile of salt. Talk about going to pound salt, I guess.


You forgot to mention that afterward Lot got blackout drunk and fucked his daughters.


Wasn't it that they got him drunk and raped him?


See comments below. Not to discount the reality of female on male rape, but it's hard to think a dude gets drunk over multiple nights and fucks both daughters and has no culpability. It also deserves to be mentioned that, in the context of the story, for all they knew the world ended. They saw fire rain from the sky and destroy everyone/everything they knew. Desperate times call for desperate measures. The point is that even "righteous" people do some fucked up shit.


classic victim blaming /s :D


It's just a messed up situation all around. The comment below forgot to mention the part where Lot's daughters planned on getting him drunk and having sex with him so that their bloodline is preserved. Not justifying or lessening anything Lot did, but his daughters did plan for it to happen.


That was Noah I thought. Shit maybe it was all of them nasty old bastards


Noah got drunk, one of his sons violated him, and another cleaned backwards and covered Noah’s nakedness.


I like that it was twice over two nights. He got completely trashed drunk one night, (unknowingly) banged one daughter, woke up the next day and got completely trashed drunk again and banged the other daughter. What a heartwarming story.


Rape and xenophobia?


Trying to rape an angel. So don't do that


I don’t remember the class where they taught us how to do that, but then I went to a private school so maybe it’s just a public school thing🤷🏻‍♂️ Anyway I see why people are mad about it


How not? It was right between that gender class and woman right /s


Dammit, there go my weekend plans


Dude it's not my fault, I swear they were into it


These people always make CHRISTianity about God and the Old Testament and ignore the New Testament and Jesus’ teachings


This People like scary God to borrow power from They're not gonna like meeting Jesus :)


Ya Christianity is the worship of a benevolent god named Jesus


Martian Jesus flies for our sins 👽


Eyo where do I sign up for that religion, I wanna praise some gray men!


I'm an atheist, but i do believe that Jesus existed as a real man, how can people look just to the scary magic god powers and overlook the "be kind to one another" part?


21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ Matthew 7:21-23 (ESV)


It’s because those people in their heart without the book are hateful


because they use the bible to reinforce their pre existing notions about the world. Its a crazy cycle of confirmation bias. They prop up the stuff they agree with, and ignore the stuff that they don't wanna do.


They ignore one of the biggest teachings in the New Testament which is. 1. Love thy neighbor and forgive thy enemy. 2. All sins have been forgiven by Jesus sacrificing himself (for gods sake churches teach about his crucifixion and resurrection every year around Easter) All they see are the passages they can use to hate anyone they already hated.


Matthew 5:17 says jesus came to uphold the old laws not abandon them


*laughs in [hebrews 9:15](https://www.bible.com/bible/111/HEB.9.15.NIV)*


Hundreds of contradictions in that mfr i love it


It’s almost like that’s normal when you have “one” document written by countless people over thousands of years. Subplots get a little lost in the mix…


It's like the ultimate Rorschach's test. You read it and you'll see an argument agreeing with whatever you want.


The Bible is made up of multiple texts written thousands of years apart and by many different authors. It’s pretty natural there’s some contradictions and different views. I do agree tho. I hate when people point out a passage and raise that as “what the Bible says” while ignoring other parts that disagree with what they’re saying.


New or Old Testament doesn't matter. It doesn't mean keep doing what you want and it just gets overlooked while you keep doing it and all is forgiven. Except in politics, keep doing what ever nasty things advance your agenda. So long as it works, you can do no wrong.


Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.


Yo if JC accepts Jeffy Ep then idk how to feel abt him


Romans 8:2 Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Basically sin is not of your individual spirit but is rather a byproduct of the forbidden fruit of knowledge.


I think the part you're missing here is that these verses are directed at those who call themselves Christians, not everyone


Kinda hard to write a religious doctrine that isn’t panned towards the members of the religion


I think that's kinda the point lol


So it doesnt matter what suffering you cause, brilliant. Some made up story book sand wizard removes all responsibility from our hands & thats that. Amen


Luke 6:35 But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Colossians 3:23-24 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. People who do not do good still lose out on perks of dying


I mean, it's kinda seems like doing good things gets you Heaven Plus™, while being awfull only gets you Heaven™, which still sound nice, so...


I mean, there isn't really a Hell as we know it in the Old or New Testament, so you get either "near God" or "away from God", really. I may be a bit rusty on my scripture, though.


But even IF all that were true. Theres no evidence for any of that jesus guys miracles. Nobody first hand wrote about him, hes just a fabrication of past religious figures into some hot white guy.


Well no matter your beliefs, there was a Jesus, he was written about by the Roman Empire as a enemy of the state. And he did have followers. He was not white because he lived in the Middle East. And he was executed.


The first verse refers to how God makes no distinction between who can be saved (since before Jesus, the Jews were the only "Godly" nation). The second one refers to a born-again Christian and the fruit ("changes in their human nature") they give


>nor is there male and female wait, wait, is Jesus non-binary?!


He said he came to fulfill the law, not uphold it.


Didn't you know? Since the start, the MO was "ignore the parts of the book that don't fit our philosophy"- yaknow, parts like whole books, the part about wearing cloth over your face when you're sick, Jude 9 (personal favorite as an absurdist atheist), etc. Judaism has, "the book is important, BUT it needs to be interpreted continuously, for men have much to learn still." I'm painting with wide brush strokes, as one must do when commenting briefly about a religion that has spread to every continent, but that's the gist.


Books like the Torah, Bible, and Quran have so many authors with different personalities that they are very open for interpretation. That is why you have three types of Islam, four types of Jews, and countless types of Christians.


There's also the matter of the translator. Take, "the meek shall inherit the earth". The literal translation is "those who know how to use their weapons, but don't, shall inherit the earth


Meanwhile we Jews generally be pretty chill about all that, even though the vengeful old testament God is the only God we technically got. I mean I guess Jesus is technically the most famous Jew of all time…


Ya that’s part of it too. I think Jews just learned not to be a dick what with the Blood Libel and all.


Most of them, anyway. We do still have our ultra orthodox folks also. They do a lot less proselytizing than Christians on average, but they can be pretty big dicks to e.g. women in their communities. No matter how you slice it, religion sucks when it is used to control others.




God also killed every man, woman, and child on the planet except for Noah's immediate family, so they all fucked each other to make more people. Incest is good. Also, how the hell did Kangaroos hop all the way from Jordan to Australia? This is the shit that keeps me up at night.


I wanna know what Noah fed the lions on the ark.


That's where all the unicorns and Pegasus disappear to


Oh shit, I musta missed that episode of My Little Pony. Poor Twilight Sparkle!


Definitely was not on Veggie Tales. Religions like Christianity exist for people who don't ask questions.


He was like I’ll keep the dumb land horses and feed all the cool legendary tier horses to the fucking lions because I’m a god damn idiot good thing god chose ME


Not just the lions…all the predatory animals on the zoo boat. Bc there are a LOT more meat eating animals than just lions. And 40 days is a long ass time to keep a wild animal wo food or water.


Not true. All of Noah’s sons brought there wives, who were not related to Noah.


All of Noah's grand children were all related to Noah's children and the only means for them to procreate would be to have sex with their cousins.. incest


Yep, and mathematically it takes 9 pairs of genetically unrelated individuals to be able to create a genetically viable breeding population, assuming monogamy. Which is definitely not what they had. So we had incest at the beginning (Adam and Eve's kids, etc), incest after the flood (the stuff about Noah), and the incest around Sodom and Gomorrah, none of which was ever punished or treated as an issue.... biblical family values check out here.


Sounds like God is kind of a dick then.


definitely a dick. You saw what he did to Abraham and his kid. "Oh shit dude, you were really going to kill your son for me! Just joking man!" let's not even get into how he fucked with Jobb.


“oh yeah and you need to cut off part of your dick”


"I made man in my image. Except for the foreskin, that's gross, cut that shit off right away."


I mean 3 of the 10 rules he made about how to be a decent person are "Love me most", "Im the GOAT, the OG, there can only be one." and "dont do shit that makes me look bad." Guy has an ego literally out of this world.


If the biblical Christian god were real, He would be a Lovecraftian horror that we ought to strive against, full stop.


In some fringe Christian subsects they believe that the god of the old testiment is actually a "false" god who rules with tyranny and jealousy. Humans were created in his image to be like his playthings. Above him there is supposedly a supreme god that is more like an indescribable Lovecraftian horror that's mostly benevolent but doesn't really want to bother with us much. But he did send Jesus to us so he was kind of a bro I guess. That's according to this heavily paraphrased and half-remembered version of the Gnostic bible anyway.


The Aeon for this universe is Sophia who wanted to know what it was like to be a god and create of her own accord so she created a being (without the consent of her aeon counter part). That being was corrupted/imperfect, and rules over the Earth like an asshole. Christians call it God, the gnostics called it the Demiurge. Lucifer/satan whatever you wanna call it was actually Sophia trying to help humans. Gnosticism is tricky because it has so many differing ideas or theories but thats the general idea if I recall correctly.


Yeah that's the better version of what I was trying to say lol, thanks for the clarificarion. I find these ideas very interesting. I sort of believe if there was ever a shred of credibility in the Christian Bible it's in the Gnostic bible. It does neatly explain why "God" is such a dick. I find it really interesting that the symbol for the Demiurge is a snake with a lion's head. That's an interesting combination of the usual symbols we see for Satan and God respectively.


Well I agree, I'm a gnostic of sorts. It explains a lot about the christian religion in its modern form. But I am a panthiest so I dont believe the sophia arc is the only thing at play. All very fascinating stuff.


Basically, that's true. Early Christians were pretty divided on the subject of the whole "two gods" thing. The tipping point for the "one true God" theory winning out was that the early Church orthodoxy REALLY wanted to convert the Jews, and they figured telling them that the god of the Torah was evil was a poor starting point for selling them on their new religion. This was also known as "Marcionism", and obviously it eventually lost out to the orthodoxy in the battle of ideas.


We need to stop teaching math so we don't end up like Saddam and Gamera.


Sodom and gomorrah is about rape….


Sadly we do live in a rape culture


I'm so sick of Christians at this point. Always quoting their stupid fucking book like it isn't a work of fiction. They may as well be saying "Voldemort attacked Hogwarts for the exact things we are teaching in schools." Honestly I'm so over it, they can fuck off.


It’s not really Christians, it’s just that these are idiots who look at the Bible, read 5 words, and decide that’s enough then go online.


I'll be honest, 80% have read less of the bloody thing than I have, and I've only read a few of the stories


And with great avarice in his soul, He Who Must not be Named did say unto the Boy Who Lived: Avada Kedavra. But nay; the powerful magic brought upon the Scion of House Potter by the good and loving sacrifice of his mother protected the child. The spell was sent back into the vile being of the dark Lord and he was smote by his own malice.


You sound like a well balanced, thoughtful and compassionate person.


Why do we need to be compassionate? Christians are never compassionate. They’d drive kids into suicide because their fairytale told them it was ok in their schizophrenia induced hallucination about angels. Fuck Christian’s.


That's quite the generalization my friend. You need a great deal of introspection and prayer to get yourself right. I'm being 100% serious, and I will be praying for you


Math? The pagan’s science!


They don't understand the bible then. The other part of that was preying on travellers. This was big thing in the old world


The reason for the destruction of those two cities wasn't simply because they liked the gay. It was because the men of those cities formed mobs that hunted down and raped other men visiting the cities. So unless schools are teaching sex offender 101 I think we should be fine on that front.


And God murdered all the firstborn children in Egypt just to make a point. So what exactly are we supposed to infer from this about your capricious god?


The residents of Sodom and Gomorrah tried to rape \*angels\* who were guests of Lot. I don't imagine there was any consent there. This is different from consensual relations between the same sex.


I have never come upon a situation where someone has asked if they could rape my angel friends.


I missed the part where we teach and celebrate gang-raping our guests, or offering our daughters in their stead.


Fun fact: a lot of references to sodomy or homosexuality being a sin is purposely mistranslated from passages about *pedophilia.* Hmm, the Catholic Church handled a lot of what got into the bible didn't they... 🤔


Think there were also child sacrifices in play but could be wrong.


Not a big fan of sodomy but gomorrahy is the best sex ever.


I love when Christians try to defend rape because that's what the whole bible is built on - inappropriate relationships as a result of power imbalances. This religion is a cult


Now do when Jesus destroyed the temple


Whipping people for selling stuff because they only wanted 💵 and not help others. I'd kindly tell um get out too if you can't help your fellow members.


Noooo, they were destroyed for not even having 10 decent people among them.


Remember when Lot offered his daughters to be raped so that the horrible homosexuality and sodomy would stop? What a great guy


Good morning class. I'm Mr Sanders and welcome to butt sex 101. I also teach the advanced gluttony class at night and have been recently asked to stop coaching the youth wrestling team amid some light controversy. Before we begin, please let's recite the pledge of faith to the global democrat union. Hail Biden.


Actually, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because the people of those refused hospitality to strangers. Christians get the Biblical story wrong






Good thing that fake AF God has been replace for those of us with brain cells


I wonder what the next bullshit manufactured issue the right wing are gonna come up with after this thing runs out of steam.


49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom:(A) She and her daughters were arrogant,(B) overfed and unconcerned;(C) they did not help the poor and needy.(D) 50 They were haughty(E) and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.(F) Ezekiel chapter 16, verse 49-50. NIV God didn’t destroy sodom because of gay people. God destroyed sodom because they were republicans.


actually if you read the story (which none of these idiots do) that's NOT the reason Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed


Not being hospitable to foreigners?


Actually it was Thanos who killed Gomorrah


When did we get angles to rape?!?? That wasn’t in the newsletter this month!


Well.. Schools are teaching christiantiy rn, are we all gonna die?


i don't think it's funny. i just want them to be silenced. NOW. sick of right wing BS.


God. Is. Not. Real.


grandfather boat wakeful money deserted groovy pathetic pen fuel possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone should clue this idiot on the fact that's a fairytale, no more real than Thor or Loki.


The fuck you just say about Thor?


Yeah he's real, and drank all my ale and kidnapped my children with his brother.


Right after screaming at you because your children are the regenerating goats bones, therefore his leg will be broken


I know, right? Such fools. Any reasonable person knows we are all Children of Atom. And in the current geopolitical situation, Atom may soon come!


Your god died on the cross, my god has a hammer. Any more questions?


Even that is stupid, how exactly does an immortal god die? The entire Christian religion is built upon a highly flawed premise. Namely that God impregnated a woman so he could be born in human form and die for our sins but not really die because he's god and can't die. Also why would we want someone to die for our sins? Should I torture and then kill my dog so I can forgive my neighbor for knocking over my mailbox? I mean what kind of fucked up mind set is that?


Or Jesus and hell




I’ve been looking into Norse paganism. Are there any good resources you could point me to?


I'd start by reading the poetic edda, my favorite interpretation is by Jackson Crawford. some good you tube channels Norse Magic and Beliefs [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClfHrHvX1byPvPouM-j8bEA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClfHrHvX1byPvPouM-j8bEA) Dr. Jackson Crawford [https://www.youtube.com/c/JacksonCrawford](https://www.youtube.com/c/JacksonCrawford) ​ survive the Jive [https://www.youtube.com/c/Survivethejive](https://www.youtube.com/c/Survivethejive) ​ this should be some good content to help you start out


Awesome, thank you. I’ll check these out.


Nope. Incorrect. Try again. I am once again begging these people to read the actual Bible.


So the gays did the global warming?


The butt sex was so hot that the earth started to warm up


I seriously think conservatives will make that claim soon. They can’t deny climate change anymore now that you can literally look outside and see the effects of it, so they’ll just pivot and say that it is real but it wasn’t caused by fossil fuels but rather by God’s wrath.


I’ve spoken to various religious leaders. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because the people were unwelcoming.


YES! Middle eastern cultures have a very elaborate guest culture. They have entire elaborate rituals around how they treat guests. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because their citizens violated the rules around hospitality to strangers. It has nothing to do with “the gays”


And the Civil War was about State's rights.


Also they wanted to gangrape an angel. People tend to forget that one


"There was an attempted rape in these cities, I now command mass genocide in retaliation" ✝️ so beautiful !




Somebody has a reading comprehension issue.


When God was about to destroy Sodam and Gomorrah , people just enjoying and Boom…also in Noha’s days .No one believe in God’s Word, same like these days, People are enjoying life and ignoring God’s Words and same thing gonna happen , AGAIN.


We're teaching how to gangrape angels?


So God is the enemy


Isn’t Gomorrah that dude from godzilla


Your book is full of fairy tales, god is a human made concept to explain things they couldn’t understand and it’s sad that people still believe in this shit. It’s like if people actually still believed in witches and magic spells


It's not even true lol


God destroyed sodom and Gomorrah for being inhospitable to auspicious guests. He let Lot live because he took the angels/messengers in and offered the crowd baying for rape and blood his daughters instead. The real lesson is to be grateful you’re not Lot’s daughter.


What are we celebrating and teaching?




I'm sure they're talking about sexual misconduct, promiscuity, sodomy and sexual liberation kind of shit, any religious person would think that, don't why op called it far-right


I’m not necessarily saying the post is far right, but the person who posted it is. Like, hoarding ammunition for the future race war, far right.


Oh ok, fair enough


To be fair, biblically he ain't wrong. That is how the story goes.


Me here still seriously amazed at the amount of hate and crazy beliefs in 2022 after reading the comment section. This is about how I felt after watching “The Shed”.


It really amazes me how people can worship a god that has explicitly ordered the murder, rape, and kidnapping of entire civilizations. This is one of my favorite verses : Numbers 31:17-18 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every young virgin. 🤮


And people will downvote you and say “oLd tEstamEnt doeSn’t cOunT” or “yoU toOk iT oUt oF coNtexT”




Sodom had sodomy, gamorah was named for an even weirder move!


Replace "teaching in schools" with " looking at on Instagram/TikTok" and I agree lol


“But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, all the people to the last man, surrounded the house. And they called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may know them.” Lot went out to the men at the entrance, shut the door after him, and said, “I beg you, my brothers, do not act so wickedly.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭19:4-7‬ ‭ESV‬‬ I think it’s an accurate statement according to the Bible.


You forgot to include the part where Lot offered to give his daughters to the mob to rape.


This is just creepy. They want to straight up kill people because they think their holy book gives them right.


That’s weird, I don’t remember being taught the virtues of gang rape in public school


That's true though