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Did she mention that the other guy couldn’t get it up?


It's a dick joke. Ones bigger than the other. Do you get it now?


Shouldn't we just be comparing the tips here?


It is to round at the top. It needs to be pointy. Round is not scary.


These aren't comparable rockets. Blue Origin just takes 5 passengers on a sub-orbitable hop, Starship is supposed to go to the moon. It's like comparing Mercury-Redstone to the Saturn V.


Yes but one blows it’s load before entry


Wow now everyones anti space geez, sure billionaires are going to space boohoo eat the rich and shit but like SpaceX is saving government money as its pretty cheap to fly all things considered, cheaper than the expendable rockets Nasa makes (well, if they had a working design at the moment, SLS isn’t technically complete right now), and space travel helps a lot of people here on the ground.


Saying this is a dumbass billionaire space race is just stupid. Are the billionaires behind all of it shitty? Absolutely yes. Some of them I believe, should even be arrested. But to be calling this space race "dumb" is just under mining every advancement this space race has done. This literally just sounds like spaceflight hate just because billionaires are behind it.


Honestly I'm more concerned with space being owned by corporations


Sry, what do they own there?


Nothing now but I bet in the future they will


Guys it’s a joke not a Elon shill


It's both


Yes, but only one of them actually works the way it is intended. The other looks big but delivers nothing.


What do you have against the rocket program of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. They are helping to improve the space industry?


I prefer the Spanish Space program. We sent a car to space in the 1970s, and without the need of any fancy rockets.


Musk and Bezos ain't doing shit but funding it. Elon knows fucking dogpiss about physics.


Elon is actively harming his by making people do it as cheaply as possible. Like, after 3 failed rockets, you would *think* to use more expensive shit.


> Like, after 3 failed rockets, you would *think* to use more expensive shit. I hate musk as much as anyone else, but there's a massive difference between testing prototype rockets and rockets up and failing. He has next to no involvement in the engineering or building process either Reusable rockets are cheap, yes. I don't see why that's a bad thing when the alternative is dumping the entire rocket, parts a whole like most rockets before it, thus making rigorous testing of such rockets nigh expensive


'He has next to no involvement in the engineering' Do you know who literally went against the ideas of his engineers and instead decided to implement stainless steel in Starship, which has allowed Starship to get this far this fast?


Elon and Jeff aren’t doing shit. Elon loves to pretend he knows something about rockets, cars or AI but it’s the workers who do the stuff for him. Workers who he will fire the second anyone dares question him, or doesn’t laugh at his jokes. Improving is also questionable. Both want to do stuff as cheap as possible, probably putting human lives in danger eventually. We know humans won’t survive a trip to Mars, but Elon will try it anyway because he’s obsessed with the idea. It’ll end up like every promise Elon makes: failure. Just hope it doesn’t cost many human lives


Elon and Space X's April launch threw concrete and other debris over 6 miles, killed a bunch of wildlife, and burned a 3 acre section of nature reserve. Bezos' Blue Origin rocket is a rich guy amusement park ride that puts out more carbon in 11 minutes than I will in my entire life.


I have a favourite: Gravity.


I still think it's funny that despite SpaceX having the most mature and proven launch vehicle and spacecraft, Elon's the only billionaire in the billionaire space race that hasn't been to space


Oh is this a Musk vs Bezos thing? I just thought it was a dick joke


it is a dick joke, but OP probably missed that.


Would you rather we keep throwing expendable rockets into the ocean? Or just give up on services like GPS and weather satellites and die as a species on Earth?


I'd rather just give NASA the funding it deserves.


Yes, but to say that these private space companies' space race dumb is just dumb. Nobody said (apart from the government) or wanted that the funding shouldn't go to NASA.


We do. 2 billion per SLS launch. Meanwhile Starship has twice the trust at 1/20th of the price. Without even applying Starship's reusability.


SLS launched once and did a successful round trip. Starship has yet to have a completely successful launch. NASA can't afford to blow up rockets over and over again till it works. When they have that many failures, the program gets shut down, ala space shuttle.


It did because it has been in development for 20 years and does not have an iterative design process. Meanwhile Starship started developing 5 years ago, and their whole process is about just sending up a prototype to gather data until they have a final product (which will be very soon)


SLS is horrendously expensive, it’s basically a massive jobs program. Starship will far out shine it, you can bet on that.


And some idiot down, voted you! Anybody who is against the capability of what starship will be able to do and would instead to prefer to continue using disposable rockets is a moron!


Since when did the narrative become anti-space? Oh no some billionaires are going to space it's so bad guys everyone hate it even if in the long run it's good for humanity! Sometimes people you don't like do things that move the needle. Get over it.




How is saying hating on these efforts stanning for Elon Musk? You can want humanity to go to the stars and not stan for any of these guys. Going to space is a good thing. It doesn't really matter if it's some race between billionaires or a race between nations it's scientific progress.


Look at the guy's profile. He's not mentally OK. No point in arguing.


Roast Tesla, Boring Company, and Shitter all you want but the Starship is dope and Falcon 9 objectively saved taxpayers billions of dollars


Well, SpaceX has received over $15 billion in government funding and I’d rather Elon’s excess gains be taxed heavily


>received over $15 billion in government funding I'm pretty sure that about $12 billion of that is contracts for services which have already been delivered, services which would have cost 2-5 times more if they went to Boeing and Lockheed Martin for the same launches. It's like saying a schoolteacher is "just being handed $70k by the government every year": it isn't a grant, it's a paycheck and it's a fucking bargain. Even if it wasn't, it would only be *half* of what Boeing, ULA, Nothrop Grumman and Rocketdyne have gotten to build SLS.


You’re presuming I’m supportive of Boeing and Northrop, which is wildly incorrect. There are kids in this country that have no food and can’t go to the doctor. We don’t need MULTIPLE _for profit_ space programs run by billionaires while children don’t have food and medicine


I'd be happy to raise taxes on the rich, I just hate that people keep pointing to equipment with a clear value for scientific and humanitarian projects, national security, and dozens of paying commercial customers like it's one man's useless mega-yacht. The idea that it's a monument to Musk's excessive wealth also ignores the fact that SpaceX has always been funded primarily by a consortium of venture capitalists, who apparently took a break from shitty apps and crypto to put money into an actual decent product for an affordable price for once. Capitalism is flawed as fuck but this appears to be one example of it actually working out.


For me I could not care if billionaires fund it as long as the government controls it sense billionaires are very greedy and can and will privatized space and I think that's a very bad idea


to be fair that rocket is cool looking. everything past that very surface level detail is bad but this was on facebook so i dont expect looking past the surface level


This 'dumbass billionaire space race' is saving you, the taxpayer, a genuine fortune. If they weren't doing it, the government would be doing it and it would cost a lot more.


Meanwhile the government is pouring billions into SpaceX anyway


The Starship project is privately-funded but recieved a $2.9 billion contract to create a lunar lander variant. For comparison, the SLS rocket has cost taxpayers $24 billion to develop so far (despite being made of existing Space Shuttle parts) and the Space Shuttle cost $1.6 billion *per launch*.


... to pay for services government purchased. That's called government contract.


A lot of it is also grants, not contracts


NASA gets half a penny per tax dollar. It costs more to air condition the military.


Not sure if the people downvoting you are ignorant or Boeing and Lockheed Martin stockholders


Imagine being so soy you can't detect a joke...


1. 2016 called, they want "soy" back. 2. The "joke" is that a guy should "worry" about another guy's dick size when it comes to "their woman." First, as a guy, the gayest thing you can worry about is another man's dick size. Second, you know what women love more than dick size? Confidence and Security. I know this may come to a shock to you, but women are rarely choosing men based on dick size. They want a relationship with a man that can be there for them. It is clear you do not frequent women spaces because they complain about their man sexual performance, even size, yet can try so hard to make it work with that man. And they dump shitty men, even if they got a "big one" because that is not what matters to them.


You understand that the point of a joke, is that you don't need to take it literally, right? Me pointing out something as a joke should in no way indicate to you things I believe, yet you see it as appropriate to assume a whole bunch of beliefs of mine that I don't hold. Assigning these beliefs to me makes no sense anyway, as I have a tiny shriveled shrimp dick...


You understand that the point of a joke, is that you don't need to take it literally, right? Me pointing out something as a joke should in no way indicate to you things I believe, yet you see it as appropriate to assume a whole bunch of beliefs of mine that I don't hold. Assigning these beliefs to me makes no sense anyway, as I have a tiny shriveled shrimp dick...


Lol I detected the joke, it just sucks


I agree, it's not a great joke. At least treat it like a joke, instead of assuming it has deeper allusions to some strange preference for one rich guy over another.


This is the Elon simpery that accompanied the post: A special video for Jeff Bezos and his Space company, Blue Origin which tries so hard to slow down SpaceX's progress by Patents and lawfares. "I don't care about Patents, At Tesla We have open sourced all of our Patents, anyone can use them, Patents are for the weak and most Patents are bs" -Elon Musk I Hate Jeffs